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Family Guy - Quagmire Tears Up Lois's Carpet (0:50)

Sagemind says...

One track mind - like most of us men...
Hey, it's build in! Without this built in drive which have, to see everything as sexual, why else would we still want to be around women and their moods'n stuff.

It's basic biology! Why does the male preying mantis risk getting his head eaten off and so on...

No offense to the women, we are attracted to them because of our strong urge to mate, so, we see everything sexually!

Quagmire is the ICON for males everywhere!

Black Widow Sex

Sagemind says...

Preying Mantis...??
Did you not hear the narrator?
How would you live to have to leave your "do-dad" behind after having sex ONE TIME!!!!
Never a chance to practice up and get good at it for the big event!

Hmmm,,, would the women collect these and hang them up as trophies???

Black Widow Sex

Christians pray to Wall St. Bronze Bull statue for Economy

Dolphins Blowing & Manipulating Bubble Rings in the Water!

Half-Naked Hot Girl in Underwear does a Handstand

Half-Naked Hot Girl in Underwear does a Handstand

Come on, e'rybody! Let's see your pets! (Pets Talk Post)

Come on, e'rybody! Let's see your pets! (Pets Talk Post)

Fedquip says...

We have a couple cats and a Saltwater tank that features titus ---->

we've also hatch praying mantis' - we didnt do too well our first try, we only have 1 left

Come on, e'rybody! Let's see your pets! (Pets Talk Post)

ant says...

I have none. I used to have weird pets: Hermit crabs, crayfish, fish, ants, praying mantis, silk worms -> moths, tadpole -> frog, etc.

The Great VideoSift Coming -Out Thread (Happy Talk Post)

Fedquip says...

My Name is Jeff, I'm a 26 year old Canadian who works in Social Media, I like to think I get paid for my contributions, but rather I earn my paycheck by helping with the maintenance of Social Networks.

In my short life I've lived in Peterborough On, London On, Banff Alb, I am currently living in Victoria BC and plan on moving again soon.

When I find spare time I like to watch documentaries and blog randomness. For recreation I like to play hockey and go camping. I currently live with my girlfriend, 2 cats, 2 praying manti, 2 clown fish, 1 boxer shrimp, 1 manderinfish, 1 cleaner shrimp, 5 hermit crabs and a star fish.

Fashion Show Runway Falls -- Ouch!

Ryjkyj says...

Boo! No serious injuries at all in this one! I want to see some Kleenex eating mantis decapitate herself on some mirrored prop or something, not these wussy falls.

Stingray, are you just picking up the pointlessness of the fashion industry now? The only people that buy this stuff are people that you don't want to see wearing it in public. Believe me.

Siftography: Fedquip (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

*doubleplusquality, for the fed the fed-
he giveth bread, n' feeds the head-
stout bong-rips fuel his natty dread!!!

(praying mantis' in yer boxers if yer not careful)

Metal Gear Awesome - Part Dos

9058 says...

My proud nerd moment is that I defeated Mantis without switching controller ports. I swear to all that is holy that they never told me what to do on the radio so I just slowly tore away at him for 50 minutes straight until victory was mine.

Metal Gear Awesome

9058 says...

Am I the only one that the had the problem with Cambell not saying how to defeat Psycho Mantis? No matter who i radioed while fighting him no one told me the whole switch port bullshit. Am I the only one who defeated him without switching controller ports?

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