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Henry Rollins on Gay Marriage

VoodooV says...

>> ^bobknight33:

There is a difference between fear, hate and what one believes what is wrong. If one believes that being gay is wrong then it is wrong.

The 2000 U.S. Census Bureau found that homosexual couples constitute less than 1% of American households. The Family Research Report says "around 2-3% of men, and 2% of women, are homosexual or bisexual." The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force estimates three to eight percent of both sexes. So who's right -- what percentage of the population is homosexual?

I believe 2+2=5, Belief doesn't make you correct. You should be listening to evidence, not belief.

@PostalBlowfish is absolutely right, you can believe homosexuality is wrong all you want. There are still lots of people who believe blacks are of inferior genetic stock, women shouldn't vote and that the earth is really flat and that we didn't go to the moon either.

Public policy, however, has a higher standard of evidence than what makes @bobknight33 and the other bible thumpers uncomfortable. Doesn't matter if there were only two homosexuals in the entire world or 200 billion, you still treat people with basic dignity and respect and they have a right to their pursuit of happiness as you do. Civil rights is not a popularity contest.

If homosexuality is so horrible and detrimental to society as you would have us believe, you shouldn't have any problem proving it without using the bible. I eagerly await your mountains of evidence.

Run away bob, run away to your next sift-trolling

Henry Rollins on Gay Marriage

bobknight33 says...

I need to change my sexual orientation.
Thanks for helping me come out of the closet.

I'm going Alien.

Group alien sex sounds sweet. let me put that on my bucket list.

>> ^KnivesOut:

But bob, I believe that being gay is fine. So it's fine.
Can't argue with that logic, right?>> ^bobknight33:
There is a difference between fear, hate and what one believes what is wrong. If one believes that being gay is wrong then it is wrong.

The 2000 U.S. Census Bureau found that homosexual couples constitute less than 1% of American households. The Family Research Report says "around 2-3% of men, and 2% of women, are homosexual or bisexual." The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force estimates three to eight percent of both sexes. So who's right -- what percentage of the population is homosexual?

Henry Rollins on Gay Marriage

KnivesOut says...

But bob, I believe that being gay is fine. So it's fine.

Can't argue with that logic, right?>> ^bobknight33:

There is a difference between fear, hate and what one believes what is wrong. If one believes that being gay is wrong then it is wrong.

The 2000 U.S. Census Bureau found that homosexual couples constitute less than 1% of American households. The Family Research Report says "around 2-3% of men, and 2% of women, are homosexual or bisexual." The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force estimates three to eight percent of both sexes. So who's right -- what percentage of the population is homosexual?

Henry Rollins on Gay Marriage

bobknight33 says...

There is a difference between fear, hate and what one believes what is wrong. If one believes that being gay is wrong then it is wrong.

The 2000 U.S. Census Bureau found that homosexual couples constitute less than 1% of American households. The Family Research Report says "around 2-3% of men, and 2% of women, are homosexual or bisexual." The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force estimates three to eight percent of both sexes. So who's right -- what percentage of the population is homosexual?

Meet The She-Butcher Of Brookyn: Sara Bigelow

braschlosan says...

Any high school in a large American city where girls combine naivety, the desire to "fix the world" and wanting to be superior to others so they become VLUGS (vegetarians/lesbians until graduation)

>> ^Morganth:

"I was a vegetarian in high school like everybody else."
What in the world kind of high school did you go to?

Lucy Lawless Faces 3 Years In Prison -- TYT

How to handle gays? Concentration Camp

A10anis says...

>> ^TheGenk:

D'aaawww, little bigoted idiot Pastor thinks Lesbian and Homosexual are two different things.

One more thing, I would love to ask him publicly how long he's been a fan of Hitler(and his method of dealing with gays) and then see him backpedal frantically.

He is just another sick example of the lack of love and compassion shown by religion. These bronze age zealots, misogynists, and homophobes, are the one that need to die out before they drag us back to the dark ages, when religious nut-jobs dictated every facet of life. Seriously, they could learn a lot about love from my dog, he wags his tail, and gives love, without judging.

How to handle gays? Concentration Camp

TheGenk says...

D'aaawww, little bigoted idiot Pastor thinks Lesbian and Homosexual are two different things.

One more thing, I would love to ask him publicly how long he's been a fan of Hitler(and his method of dealing with gays) and then see him backpedal frantically.

Religion and Gay Marriage-A Great Logical Summation

Lawdeedaw says...

It seems you were the one that fell for the illogical Bareboards... Just because I stated an opinion against a person you assume that I take a stance counter to what the person is saying?

Let me make myself clear then. You are incorrect. I believe that marriage should be gifted to people that love and value each other. A man loving a man is no less beautiful than a man loving a woman. Who am I to judge, just because I am straight?

Likewise, I think a man or woman should be able to marry as he pleases. E.g., a man should be able to have three wives if he and they so choose. The law should not interfere such arrangements but support it.

You know what is ironic BB? Some gays and lesbians bash my point of view, that polygamy is acceptable, because they are bigoted against polygamy or because it inconvenient to their argument. For example, those against gay marriage bring up bestiality and polygamy as the "next logical step." They ask where these rights will end? Should a man be able to marry five wives or his dog, they say. And do most gays say, "WAIT THE FUCK UP. HOW CAN YOU COMPARE THE LOVE OF A MAN FOR MORE THAN ONE WOMEN TO THE LOVE OF AN ANIMAL?!!!!" No, no they do not. In fact, they ridicule my beliefs by stating something like, "No, nobody is talking about making bestiality or polygamy legal. Those are absurd lifestyles and will never be accepted."

I am actually shocked that they would allow the comparison, then go so far as to be derisive of other people's rights that they themselves fight tooth and nail for, and basically call those people's beliefs equal to that of pig fuckers.

You know why they do this right? For their own agenda. It's like the kid at school who is about to be picked on. That kid then turns on a weaker, more ridiculed kid and beats him up so that everyone will stop picking on him. I have only heard a few with courage enough to take the political heat and speak up for both sides...and it saddens me.

No, you won't find an argument from me against gay marriage. I am only in support of marriage equality. By pointing out to messenger that this is a rehashed argument, I merely, politely at first, was pointing out that his reason for promoting this video was a little silly. It, to me at least, was like he just woke up one day to find out that Obama won the presidency. This argument has been around for quite some time and it amused me--not at Messenger's expense.

Now, let me focus on my real discontent with the video content. Marriage for life is batshit insane. To accuse someone of having the belief that marriage is a lifelong commitment to me is a very serious accusation because marriage for life, as I have said, is batshit insane. I am equally offended when the religious nuts demean gays by accusing most of being into pedophilia. Both things I mention are batshit insane. You better have proof, at least to me, or your a bigoted asshole.

My message is clear. Don't lump people together. I would think that the persecuted, such as gays and lesbians, would understand this the most. But, in fact, it seems to be the opposite. It is okay to lump our enemies together because they do it to us...

>> ^bareboards2:

I'm guessing that you think marriage should be between "a man and a woman", @Lawdeedaw?
Because the rest of us hear this "rehash of other people's arguments" and hear someone who had done RESEARCH and APPLIED LOGIC to the topic.
Your emotional response -- and picking out one error (that I don't know is an error, I am taking your word for it) and declaiming loudly that the whole of the rest must be wrong -- smacks very strongly of an emotional, non-logical response to a series of rational statements.
Perhaps you might apply that emotional logic to your position? Maybe see that perhaps one itsy bitsy thing might be factually wrong with your position? Then you would be compelled, by your own logic, to throw out absolutely everything you believe.
Here's a proposition: Following are two statements of fact from this presentation:
1. Traditional marriage defined as "between one man and one woman" is a modern invention.
2. Denying marriage to committed gay couples is denying them the same rights and protections under the law as heterosexual couples.
Let's tack on another one -- there are plenty of Christians out there who believe that their religion is just fine with gay marriage. So why should your version of the Christian religion carry more weight in the law than their version of the Christian religion?
There is space here. Go to it. Refute those three statements with logic and facts. I'd be interested in hearing how you respond.

Obama Endorses Same Sex-Marriage

GenjiKilpatrick says...

My point exactly.

"The president does oppose same-sex marriage, but he supports equality for gay and lesbian couples, and benefits and other issues, and that has been effectuated in federal agencies under his control," White House adviser David Axelrod said today on MSNBC.

He was pro-equal rights. Then anti-equal rights.
Now all of sudden he's pro-equal rights again.

Anything to gain votes.

>> ^blahpook:

Actually, Obama was pro-same-sex-equality before his presidency.
Biden's unplanned statement ... pushed him to make this (also unplanned) statement and may actually endanger his standing with some ... constituents.

My Drunk Kitchen: Vegan Cheese Cake!

My Drunk Kitchen - Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Krupo says...

>> ^Ryjkyj:

If I had a cooking show, you would get kicked off for using "Smart Balance - Light!" while making a grilled cheese sandwich.
How unfortunate that we never get to see what light-healthy-popular-omega-3-encrusted-soy "cheese" she was going to pull out of the refrigerator.
This video should be called, "How to make a flavorless, bready block of extracted whey protein slathered in "buttery" palm fruit oil while pretending to be drunk." I believe that first you need to learn how to make a grilled cheese sandwich, then learn how to drink. That's the order I learned it in at least. Then maybe you'd know what one would taste like.

Oh, and the lack of CHEESE wouldn't be a problem if we're going to be the serious *gay cooking police?

(Tag added for her lovely lesbianism, not as a slur)

Women in Refrigerators

Sagemind says...

A Story arc needs motivation.
What better way than to motivate a hero than to have something horrible happen to someone he loves or in an unnatural and gruesome way. That's what get a guy gets angry. That's the motivator. The artist looks for the event that makes themelves the most angry, disturbed or what ever to further the story arc.

You can't have something boring and un-emotional happen and expect it to evoke emotion and cause rifts in the plot line.

The fact is, most comic book artists happen to be male, they relate to male characters the most so there are more male characters to females. Every character after the main hero is a secondary character.
Most, if not all, heroes tend to be straight-males. Therefor the damsel in question will almost always be female.

Solution: More female comic book artists. (I guess)
Or gay or whatever. (but not lesbian because her vise will still end up being another female)

Dress Becomes Transparent When Aroused

Porksandwich says...

Doesn't work very well and sounds like a terribad idea.

Just make their clothes fall off as soon as they are "good to go", that'd be one of those unmistakeable signs that it's GO TIME. Instead of, oo I see some boob I wonder if she's in pain or if she likes me. Oh oh the clothes are kind of see through, but that girl just walked she a lesbian?

Oops: Priest Shows Gay Porn In Presentation -- TYT

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