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Ku Klux Klan Member interview-Chris

newtboy says...

My great great grandmother rented out houses in a small town in Louisiana in the early 1900's. One day when checking on her properties she found a chest full of KKK robes in a garage of one of her rentals. Instead of confronting her renters, she dragged the chest to the town square, pulled out the robes, and burned them all.
Her renters moved.

Holy shit is this moron deluded.

I'll never understand why they don't just buy a compound, and make it a club, admission by invitation only. Be separatist all you want, on your own property.

Wait, he thinks you can separate races by the language they speak? You've got to be kidding me, you moron.

Homosexuals are to be killed, just like people who eat shellfish or wear blended fabrics, or mow their lawn on Sunday even once. There are dozens to hundreds of rules that call for stoning, if you're Jewish. Not if you follow Christ. Those instructions come from the old testament, not the new.
If he thinks that doesn't matter, he needs to lynch himself immediately.

Ok, @bobknight33, grand wizard of N Carolina supports Trump, his chapter supports Trump, the grand Dragon supports Trump, the organization supports Trump. Not Biden. Of course, despite hearing it directly from the Klan you'll deny it and say they support Biden, that's called being delusional.

English is dumb

BSR says...

Anguish Languish
(English Language)


Ladle Rat Rotten Hut
(Little Red Riding Hood)

Wants pawn term dare worsted ladle gull hoe lift wetter murder inner ladle cordage honor itch offer lodge, dock, florist. Disk ladle gull orphan worry putty ladle rat cluck wetter ladle rat hut, an fur disk raisin pimple colder Ladle Rat Rotten Hut.

Wan moaning Ladle Rat Rotten Hut's murder colder inset.

"Ladle Rat Rotten Hut, heresy ladle basking winsome burden barter an shirker cockles. Tick disk ladle basking tutor cordage offer groin-murder hoe lifts honor udder site offer florist. Shaker lake! Dun stopper laundry wrote! Dun stopper peck floors! Dun daily-doily inner florist, an yonder nor sorghum-stenches, dun stopper torque wet strainers!"

"Hoe-cake, murder," resplendent Ladle Rat Rotten Hut, an tickle ladle basking an stuttered oft.

Honor wrote tutor cordage offer groin-murder, Ladle Rat Rotten Hut mitten anomalous woof.

"Wail, wail, wail!" set disk wicket woof, "Evanescent Ladle Rat Rotten Hut! Wares are putty ladle gull goring wizard ladle basking?"

"Armor goring tumor groin-murder's," reprisal ladle gull. "Grammar's seeking bet. Armor ticking arson burden barter an shirker cockles."

"O hoe! Heifer gnats woke," setter wicket woof, butter taught tomb shelf, "Oil tickle shirt court tutor cordage offer groin-murder. Oil ketchup wetter letter, an den—O bore!"

Soda wicket woof tucker shirt court, an whinny retched a cordage offer groin-murder, picked inner windrow, an sore debtor pore oil worming worse lion inner bet. Inner flesh, disk abdominal woof lipped honor bet, paunched honor pore oil worming, an garbled erupt. Den disk ratchet ammonol pot honor groin-murder's nut cup an gnat-gun, any curdled ope inner bet.

Inner ladle wile, Ladle Rat Rotten Hut a raft attar cordage, an ranker dough ball. "Comb ink, sweat hard," setter wicket woof, disgracing is verse.

Ladle Rat Rotten Hut entity bet rum, an stud buyer groin-murder's bet.

"O Grammar!" crater ladle gull historically, "Water bag icer gut! A nervous sausage bag ice!"

"Battered lucky chew whiff, sweat hard," setter bloat-Thursday woof, wetter wicket small honors phase.

"O, Grammar, water bag noise! A nervous sore suture anomalous prognosis!"

"Battered small your whiff, doling," whiskered dole woof, ants mouse worse waddling.

"O Grammar, water bag mouser gut! A nervous sore suture bag mouse!"

Daze worry on-forger-nut ladle gull's lest warts. Oil offer sodden, caking offer carvers an sprinkling otter bet, disk hoard-hoarded woof lipped own pore Ladle Rat Rotten Hut an garbled erupt.

MURAL: Yonder nor sorghum stenches shut ladle gulls stopper torque wet strainers.

How to Be a Woke White Person

vil says...

I am just glad the depicted abomination of a pink-orange-yellow human counts as "white", hypnotic cat t-shirt notwithstanding. Last thing I would want to get into is a colour dispute though so never you mind my overzealousness. Can un-pink/yellow/orange coloured people be either woke or unwoke, or are they woke by default, implicitly? Wokespeak is a foreign language so I have some trouble with the concept.

Only in Toledo

StukaFox says...


Here's where we agree on something.

I came from amazing wealth, like total top .01%, then lost everything and ended up in absolute poverty. I taught myself a valuable skill and kept building and building on it. It started with shit jobs, but I kept learning and doing more and never stopped believing in myself or in my ability to better my circumstance. I went to college and learned how to learn more efficiently. Even now, I'm improving my skills on a daily basis. 40 years later, now I'm in the 1%.

This is America to me, one part of it: that in America, you at least have a chance -- however small, however improbable -- to better yourself through your own skills, drive and determination. It's not a 100% guarantee, but I honestly haven't seen another country that fosters this attitude.

For the nb, did I have a leg up? Definitely. I was born with an extraordinary mind into a hyper-affluent family. As a child I went to the best public schools in America during a time when education was valued above all else. By the time my mom and I were basically on the street, I had enough base knowledge to build on what I'd already learned. I also took advantage of community college when it was all but free ($50 a semester) and was able to take pretty much any class that interested me. I was also able to afford a computer when they were very expensive and complicated.

Finally, I was born a white male and caught innumerable breaks because of that. I have zero doubt that I am where I am in part to this accident of birth, because I was told by cops, teachers and employers, sometimes quite openly and sometimes in coded language, that I was preferred over non-white people.

For all America's sin -- and many be thy score -- the nucleus of true capitalism is still alive.

bobknight33 said:

See an opportunity that uses you skills and go for it.

How it Starts

newtboy says...

The armed anarchists causing trouble are the same right wing gun toters you claim are anti tyranny not the Black Lives Matter protesters, and they're fighting/killing police, children, and peaceful protesters, lighting fires, and building bombs...all while carrying their manifesto which explains in language plain enough even you can understand it that their violent criminality is designed to get BLM and Antifa blamed for their acts and trigger tyrannical government response and race wars.

It worked....but only on ignoramuses so moronic they get their misinformation from Trump and OAN and ignore what police and federal agencies have all agreed is fact. Antifa is NOT the instigator of violence and damage, right wing groups are, consistently.

65% of Americans support BLM, <35% support the response.
You are correct that this isn't tyranny being stopped....because no one's stopping it.

This isn't anarchy being stopped, it's making blatantly fake excuses for why peaceful protests are being attacked by the right and police, and excuses for sliding into tyranny quick before the election. You support armed anarchy when it's right wingers doing it....Bundys.

bobknight33 said:

Where are the gun toting Americans who always claim they're the only thing between citizens and tyranny?

This is not Tyranny being stopped this is Anarchy being stopped .

Counting to 100 in French with a NYC Cabbie

vil says...

Neighbors exist as a fuck you to neighbors.

I deeply enjoy butchering German.

Many Germans believe Czech was created to mock them.

My son has a theory that Polish is a made-up language that they only pretend to use when we can hear them. At home they speak like normal people (us).

Austrian is like Canadian, virtually non-existent, but you know it when they speak it.

Slovakian was basically made up by czech schoolteachers in early 20th century. Joke.

Hungarian, like Finnish, is from another galaxy altogether. Also we last had a border with Hungary 27 years ago, I should get used to that.

Counting to 100 in French with a NYC Cabbie

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Guy Pokes Fun At French Language, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 452 Badge!

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Max Cooper - Repetition (video by Kevin McGloughlin)

What Was Happening Before the Big Bang?

ChaosEngine says...

Yes, and marriage meant "man selling his daughter to another bloke" and decimate meant "to kill 10% of a roman century (which meant unit of 100 soldiers as opposed to unit of time)".

Definitions change, language evolves .... move on.

robdot said:

There is no observational evidence for any multiverse. The universe is the totality of existence. The universe,contains all that exists. That is actually the definition of the universe.

Feet To The Fire!

Jesusismypilot says...

It's hard to get past her tone and aggressive language to points that the healthcare bureaucrats likely already agree with.

BSR said:

What is it about her you think is terrible if her points are good? Makeup? Hair? Penmanship?

Stay In School, Kids...

newtboy says...

Only delusional cultists would say they failed to prove his motive was personal and against the national interest. Deal with it.
His "transcript", a heavily edited summary that put the best possible spin on his call proved it handily by itself, and not one word, action, or piece of evidence contradicts that conclusion.
His defence was "as president, I'm essentially king and can do no wrong, and everything is permitted. My party is in control and are too scared of me to convict." So much for faithfully preserving, protecting and defending the constitution, he can't even read one sentence from it, said it was a foreign language. (That's fact, not opinion, btw) It's obvious he has no idea whatever it says.
There was no amount of indisputable proof that would have convinced the cowardly sycophantic"republicans" to turn on Trump, they ignored all evidence provided and refused to look at any, much less investigate because they know he now owns what's left of their party and therefore their futures, and they also know the slightest step out of line makes them his target, which means losing their job, power, and family's safety because his cultists include thousands of potential domestic terrorists just itching for him to set their target.
Edit:"The strength and power of despotism consists wholly in the fear of resistance." Thomas Paine

Edit: my theory is they reserved the dozen indisputable criminal acts they can prove until the Democrats run the Senate next year just in case he wins by hook or crook, knowing there is nothing, including cold blooded public murder, that the Republicans would convict him of.

Jesusismypilot said:

That's a lot of TDS in one post. I wish there was video to go with the frothy typing.

It was a big show that hinged on one exceptionally weak plank... motive. Dems failed to prove the motive of President Trump's quid pro quo was to meddle with the 2020 election. The Dem running of the impeachment was as poor as their running of the Iowa caucus. Deal with it.

Squidworm - Deepsea Oddities

shinyblurry says...

Psalm 19

The heavens declare the glory of God;
And the firmament shows His handiwork.
2Day unto day utters speech,
And night unto night reveals knowledge.
3There is no speech nor language
Where their voice is not heard.

BSR said:

Beautiful work of art.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

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