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This Is Our Reality

ghark says...

>> ^criticalthud:

we're not special. that's part of the legacy of lies of religion. (we're all god's flowers, lamb of god, god is with you, god's chosen, god looks like us, the planet is OUR domain). self-entitled bullshit. that is not reality.
consumerism also sells to the "specialness".
one of the major problems with the psyche of our species is that we're so focused on pursuing our own special self interests to the detriment of the planet and everyone else. consumerism or religion to the individual isn't a big deal. for the collective it is destroying the planet.
shit i'm starting to sound like a broken record.
but evolution of the species means evolution of the consciousness.
bolivia gets it right:
we are just another species.
i would even go so far to argue that on the whole, we are not an intelligent species. we possess intelligence, and there are those in our species who could be considered intelligent, but most of us just repeat patterns and emotion rules our decisions rather than cognition. Around 80% of humans are virtual automatons.
we celebrate competition and division and feed that to our young, while it is without question that cooperation is how an intelligent species flourishes.
before guilt and shame and expectations that you cannot possibly meet fuck up your life, religion has to first establish that you are something more than a primate, another piece in the collective. it has to first prey upon your ego, your fears, and your self interests. it is an element of control.
Consumerism, before selling you piles of crap, must first convince you that you need to buy that shit, that you deserve it, that you are entitled to it, and that by accumulating more shit to the self, you will fulfill your dreams and your happiness.

Very well said, also the information on Bolivia is really great news, lets hope America doesn't send in troops/arrange assassinations to reverse this fantastic effort.

This Is Our Reality

criticalthud says...

we're not special. that's part of the legacy of lies of religion. (we're all god's flowers, lamb of god, god is with you, god's chosen, god looks like us, the planet is OUR domain). self-entitled bullshit. that is not reality.
consumerism also sells to the "specialness".

one of the major problems with the psyche of our species is that we're so focused on pursuing our own special self interests to the detriment of the planet and everyone else. consumerism or religion to the individual isn't a big deal. for the collective it is destroying the planet.
shit i'm starting to sound like a broken record.
but evolution of the species means evolution of the consciousness.

bolivia gets it right:

we are just another species.
i would even go so far to argue that on the whole, we are not an intelligent species. we possess intelligence, and there are those in our species who could be considered intelligent, but most of us just repeat patterns and emotion rules our decisions rather than cognition. Around 80% of humans are virtual automatons.
we celebrate competition and division and feed that to our young, while it is without question that cooperation is how an intelligent species flourishes.

before guilt and shame and expectations that you cannot possibly meet fuck up your life, religion has to first establish that you are something more than a primate, another piece in the collective. it has to first prey upon your ego, your fears, and your self interests. it is an element of control.
Consumerism, before selling you piles of crap, must first convince you that you need to buy that shit, that you deserve it, that you are entitled to it, and that by accumulating more shit to the self, you will fulfill your dreams and your happiness.

Christian Refuses A Sticker Reading 666, Now Can't Get A Job

marinara says...

IMHO Revelations is easily the least spiritual book of the bible, but here's the passage for those who can't stand the bible:

Re 14:9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

1 more thing. I always think of wikileaks when I read this passage. Some of you may not know that wikileaks was killed when banks like mastercard and paypal siezed wikileaks funds, and starved wikileaks out of the donations intended for it.

Re 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

eric3579 says...

My cat is afraid of the vacuum cleaner
The way it goes, "Vroom, vroom, vroom"
Vroom, vroom, vroom
Vroom, vroom, vroom

My cat is afraid of the vacuum cleaner
The way it goes "Vroom, vroom, vroom".
And the way it makes calls in the middle of the night
To shadowy men with underworld connections
It's conversations sound innocent enough,
But then, why is it whispering
And saying things that are obviously codes
Like, "Go to the laundry and pick up my shorts"?
It's a vacuum cleaner, it doesn't wear shorts.
But it does have a secret hidden room
Full of instruments of torture from ancient times
That were stolen from a little-known Idaho museum.
And on the wall in the secret room
Is a picture of actor Anthony Hopkins
Taken from the movie "Silence of the Lambs",
The one where he wears the scary mask.
And next to the picture of Anthony Hopkins
Is a picture of the vacuum cleaner
In the same scary mask, but a smaller version.
It's cute in a way, but in other ways no.
And also on the walls are some scribbled words.
Incoherent paranoid rants
Written in a language called Vacuumese
Derived from French and the operating manual
Of a 1972 Electrolux.
And what is written on those walls
In the language known as Vacuumese
Sends icy chills up my little cat's spine
And makes it toss and turn at night.
But the thing about the vacuum cleaner
That scares my cat the very most,
That makes it wake in a cold, cold sweat
And haunts its days and haunts its nights
And makes it jump at the slightest noise...

Is the way it goes, "Vroom, vroom, vroom".
Vroom, vroom, vroom
Vroom, vroom, vroom
Vroom, vroom, vroom

Class Warfare? Andrew Breitbart says, "Bring It On"

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^criticalthud:

totally, the puritan ethos is insidious
i like to think the linchpin in the puritan ethos is "specialness" - endow everyone as god's chosen, or god's little lamb and you can start demanding through expectation and guilt. We end up with a bunch of selfish, self-centered, self-absorbed jerks who are out to prove and maintain their own egocentricity, to the exclusion of everyone and everything around them. it's what consumerism sells to. on an individual basis it ain't a big deal, but on a collective basis it's eating the planet.

Hey @DerHasisttot, criticalthud is trying to communicate with you ^

Class Warfare? Andrew Breitbart says, "Bring It On"

criticalthud says...

totally, the puritan ethos is insidious

i like to think the linchpin in the puritan ethos is "specialness" - endow everyone as god's chosen, or god's little lamb and you can start demanding through expectation and guilt. We end up with a bunch of selfish, self-centered, self-absorbed jerks who are out to prove and maintain their own egocentricity, to the exclusion of everyone and everything around them. it's what consumerism sells to. on an individual basis it ain't a big deal, but on a collective basis it's eating the planet.

Gordon Ramsay Eats Shark Fin Soup for the First Time

spoco2 says...

It can be very easy to judge this as horrific and brutal and wasteful and so alien.

However I am a Westerner who eats meat... who knows that the beef and lamb and pork and salmon etc. etc. that I eat also comes from animals. I know that the meat I eat comes from animals who may not have had the best life and were killed so I could eat them.


We strive in the west to be humane to animals, to let them have a reasonable quality of life, to kill them quickly and as painlessly as possible.

And we try not to be wasteful.

Those last two things are the horrific parts of this, in particular the last. Animals being killed and their carcasses thrown away (still living, that's just horrible) just to cut off fins that taste like nothing.

It's not getting highly nutritious food, it's not getting something with amazing flavour, it's purely eating something because it's rare.

And that's pretty fucking sick.

I'm sure there's a lot more work to be done with fishing for western tables too, I'm sure plenty of the fish that are caught are not quickly killed. I know that fish are being over fished to the point of extinction.

But the thing that stands out for this, and something that makes it an achievable thing to stop is that it is ONE DISH. ONE SINGLE DISH that is causing this much carnage, and this much wastage and killing. So stop ONE dish and you can save entire species of animal.

How to Make Henry's Famous Spicy Shepherd's Pie

Seric says...

>> ^oritteropo:

According to an unreliable source I found while googling, prior to 1877 it was always called cottage pie no matter what leftover meat was used to make it.
If I make cottage pie though, I use beef mince and make sure it's got some carrot and peas
>> ^Seric:
Shepard's Pie - traditionally British.
Also, something I don't get with other countries, Shepard's pie is LAMB. Not beef, that's a Cottage pie. Not damn TURKEY, that's some other kind of damn pie...
Shepard - sheep.
Think about it.

....I would accept "Turkey Shepard's Pie"

Hear hear! Carrots and peas are a must :>

Interesting fact regarding historical pie nomenclature, I'd no idea. Still, people should update their culinary cognomen to post 1877 to make me happier :B

How to Make Henry's Famous Spicy Shepherd's Pie

oritteropo says...

According to an unreliable source I found while googling, prior to 1877 it was always called cottage pie no matter what leftover meat was used to make it.

If I make cottage pie though, I use beef mince and make sure it's got some carrot and peas
>> ^Seric:

Shepard's Pie - traditionally British.
Also, something I don't get with other countries, Shepard's pie is LAMB. Not beef, that's a Cottage pie. Not damn TURKEY, that's some other kind of damn pie...
Shepard - sheep.
Think about it.

....I would accept "Turkey Shepard's Pie"

How to Make Henry's Famous Spicy Shepherd's Pie

Seric says...

Shepard's Pie - traditionally British.

Also, something I don't get with other countries, Shepard's pie is LAMB. Not beef, that's a Cottage pie. Not damn TURKEY, that's some other kind of damn pie...

Shepard - sheep.

Think about it.

....I would accept "Turkey Shepard's Pie"

How to Make Henry's Famous Spicy Shepherd's Pie

razzyl says...

>> ^oritteropo:

We might like to eat it, but it's really English cuisine.
This recipe is pretty close to how I'd make it, except I'd put in some (1 tablespoon) chopped fresh rosemary, and might use chopped leftover roast lamb instead of mince:
>> ^razzyl:
Shepherd pie is usually an Australian/NZ cuisine, no? Eh well, the video does make me hanker for a couple of frozen chicken pot pies. Either that or its the joint I just smoked. Mmmmm howdy!

Thanks for the info! Man that pie in that link looks tasty. om nom nom...

How to Make Henry's Famous Spicy Shepherd's Pie

oritteropo says...

We might like to eat it, but it's really English cuisine.

This recipe is pretty close to how I'd make it, except I'd put in some (1 tablespoon) chopped fresh rosemary, and might use chopped leftover roast lamb instead of mince:
>> ^razzyl:

Shepherd pie is usually an Australian/NZ cuisine, no? Eh well, the video does make me hanker for a couple of frozen chicken pot pies. Either that or its the joint I just smoked. Mmmmm howdy!

Christopher Hitchens on why he works against Religions

shinyblurry says...

All of the world religions will come together to worship the antichrist. There will be a one world government, a one world economy and a one world religion. The antichrist will have the power to do signs and wonders, and all of the world will be deceived by them and follow him.

Revelation 13:8

All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast--all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.

For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie
and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

Meaning, if you have decided to reject Jesus before the tribulation, you will be convinced of the deception and by no means be saved. People who had not yet rejected the Lord will still have a chance to be saved. Anyone who takes the mark of the beast will end up in hell.

>> ^luxury_pie:
So when he reigns the holy spirit out of everyone, will there be these other religions too? What is going to happen to them, when your/ our lord comes over?
I mean they will probably have a chance to accept him then right?

Bill Nye Realizes He Is Talking To A Moron

xxovercastxx says...


First off, I'm convinced the selection of your username was motivated primarily by a desire to discourage people from addressing you directly. On to the serious stuff...

Let's go right to the "Climategate" data release. Cornell has a free piece of software called Eureqa that analyzes raw data and finds trends or formulas that could generate such data. It has no bias in its analysis; it doesn't even "know" what the data it's being fed represents; it just takes numbers and finds patterns. This guy just happened to be playing with the software at the time of this data release and decided to try it out. See the results for yourself. I wouldn't want to introduce any bias by telling you what they look like.

[Charles Monnett] has been suspended, possibly over the accuracy of his observations. - From the polar bear researcher article.

The important part of that article is in that quoted sentence and it's "possibly over the accuracy of his observations". The reason that's important is because Monnett has not been charged with anything yet; that's just Fox speculating on what he might be in trouble for. If he is found to have been dishonest, I hope he gets nailed, but let's wait and see.

Citing the hockey stick controversy is interesting because you're basically just choosing the climatologist whose findings you like over those who you don't. Hubert Lamb, the guy who put out the 1965 data with the warm "hump" in the middle ages, about 13 years later, came to agree that there would be evident global warming around 2000.

Even if you insist on sticking to his graph of the medieval warm period, we exceeded those temperatures in 2006-2007 and are still on a steep incline. It's hotter now than it's been in over 1000 years, one way or another.

Cyriak - Experiments in ovine geometry.

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