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Mordhaus (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Thanks, and thanks for the points too!
Not the best of birthdays for dog paralyzed herself somehow on Tuesday morning about 4am (no idea how), and I've been on constant dog watch since we got back from the vet, keeping her from moving and feeding her by hand. Happy birthday to me, huh. At least she had slight improvement this morning, she peed for the first time in 3 days. I'll probably be scarce on the sift for a bit while I watch her 24/7. There's still hope she'll recuperate...fingers crossed.

Mordhaus said:

happy belated bday

Watching A Horror Film As A Young Boy

SDGundamX says...

Huh, guess I was one of the few that saw a porno before I ever saw a horror movie. Guess I was about 9 or 10, older friend's dad was out of town, and said friend had found his Betamax porn stash so he invited all the kids in the neighborhood (boys and girls both) ranging in age from 8-17 to watch. The teens laughed their assess off when all us kids were completely grossed out by the first moneyshot we saw. Seriously, it may as well have been a horror movie for all the kids screaming "What the hell IS that?!?"

Learned a lot that day from the older kids, but mostly learned that 70s porn is cheesy beyond belief. Baum-chika-baum-baum!

Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers With Real Chipmunks

artician says...

Disney really had some pretty cool serials for a while, huh.
Never watched Gooftroop or Tailspin, but I sure miss Ducktales.

Judge Nap: Leaks Could Trigger 'Saturday Night Massacre'

newtboy says...

So wait...she's in trouble for not turning over an email and instead deleting it, but somehow Faux News and no one else has this email? Uh huh.....

I'll believe it when the DOJ says publicly that's what they're charging her with, not when Napolitano claims it...remember, he's the one that said he was CERTAIN that Alito was assassinated with a pillow.

IF, and it's a HUGE "if", this is true, it's terrible for her, but judging the story based on the source, it's highly likely (>95%) that this is in no way true and is nothing more than more Fox manufactured conspiracy fodder.

This needs a *lies , because it's more than likely that it's all Fox lies, but if not, then it's about her lies, so either way.

Dwayne Johnson (THE ROCK) Launches a YouTube Channel

It's Always Sunny in Europe

Bill Maher: Who Needs Guns?

newtboy says...

OK, one last reply.... They didn't do commentary pieces in the constitution. If it's in there, it's because it's important to understanding the law/right it's attached to.
OK, it's meaningless huh?...."[Because our countrymen having farmers tans and wearing wife beaters is an inalienable right, the] right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Not so meaningless now, is it? ;-)

Bi yearly training/testing was Hamilton's FAR LESS invasive and LESS time wasting idea to counter the idea of a "well regulated militia" which he saw as far too time consuming for the entire populace to live up to. HIS way of seeing it was that twice yearly proficiency and equipment testing was far LESS restrictive than what "well regulated militia" meant...because to live up to "well regulated militia" would require extensive training, and re-training constantly.

scheherazade said:

That, or they simply wanted to be clear about why the rule is of utmost importance - to preserve a public capacity.

In any case, in the end it made it into the constitution - most supreme law we have. "[Because reasons ...] right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

They could have put in the bi-yearly training requirements right there. But they decided not to. They just left it at that. That description given by Hamilton is close to what eventually got to paper. Whether he was for or against it, ok (I searched for a quote that was along those lines, I could be thinking of a different guy). My understanding was that he didn't like any ideas. Military can be abused to impose tyranny, militia can be unmotivated and misbehaved (unless hyperbole).

I thought it was that paper, but I can't find it as I scan through, I thought he (or someone else?) wanted a subset of individuals trained in military arts, that could organize and direct militias should conflict arise, to take the burden of military-level training off of citizens.


I'm on a boat, motherf... no wait, I'm in a Tesla

SDGundamX says...

Huh, I would have thought electric cars and water would mix a lot worse than that. Did they engineer it just for the possibility of flooded roads or is it a fluke of the car's design?

Dangerous People, Rape and Donald Trump

newtboy says...

"A crowdfunded poem"?!?!?
REALLY?!? People crowd fund POEMS?!? And awful poems about ignoring her gullibility and lack of self protection that paint any helpful person as an evil attacker? Huh?

OK, it's true that SOME people wishing to hurt you try to trick you by saying they want to help you somehow, but to say that anyone trying to help protect you is really trying to harm you is just paranoid to the extreme.

Most people who ask if you need/want help are simply trying to help.
If someone INSISTS on giving you 'help' that you didn't ask for or don't obviously need....beware.
If you're walking down the freeway with a can of gas and someone stops to offer a ride, that doesn't mean they're trying to kidnap you.

Bill Maher: Who Needs Guns?

Zawash (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Sorry, but ... huh?

I thought British people pronounced it "left-tenant." Never heard it pronounced any other way.

Then again, having been to Baw-th, I felt terribly pretentious saying Baw-th and not Baa-th, like a true provincial American.

Who is Gruber?

Zawash said:

Naw - this is no "Gruber".

How Much Of A Scam Was Trump University w/ bonus racism

Trumps Crazy CNN Interview about Mexican Judge

newtboy says...

I'm guessing that's with no opposition he only got 62% of the black (republican) vote and 78% of the Guatemalan (republican) vote....which I'm also pretty damn sure you or they just made up because the simply don't do exit polls for Guatemalan/Americans.

Um....yeah...Democrats didn't win the next 10 elections after 68 huh? I guess Carter wasn't elected in 76 then. Also, you know that 68 wasn't 60 years ago, your " The liberals collapse every 60 years." hypothesis means they have 12 years to go before collapsing....unlike the right which has already collapsed, nominating one of the rich assholes that's proud to exclaim that he buys politicians to rig the law for his own benefit because they hate that politicians are bought by rich assholes that rig the system for their own benefit, and also the guy who LITTERALLY wrote the book on how to succeed by lying because they want someone honest?!? Yeah, brilliant strategy.

It will be hilarious to see the contest between two candidates that are tied for the least trusted, most hated candidates ever, both of which will be under indictment come election time, Trump for massive theft by frauds, Clinton for inappropriate emails (and for being a Clinton, let's be real). Hilarious, but disastrous for us, no one wins with that contest.

shang said:

Hell the exit poll in my town was awesome Trump got 62% black vote , 78% Guatemalan vote (large population)

In 1968 the time called "white riot" but whites and blacks rioted and Democrat convention shut down and Democrats lost the next 10 elections.
Proof that history has repeated itself. The liberals collapse every 60 years.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Rashida Jones coaches Stephen on how to be a Feminist

newtboy says...

"We" is those like me, that have always supported equality( for over 40 years in my case), but never liked calling that "feminism", as that word implies both separation and a bias, both of which EXCLUDE equality. There are many who think that. My mother is one, it's not just men.

You do not have to fight at all, I don't know why you seem to want to. Because someone suggests that it might be something to think about is not the same as saying 'YOU MAY NOT USE THAT TERM'! You may chose to not think about it if that is your choice, you may chose to think differently. No one is telling you how to think, I'm telling you how I think.

No one said "your wrong to use that term". I said there are reasons it's not a good name for a movement that is NOT based on a female centric, female dominant mindset. No scolding. My choice is my choice, my thoughts and reasons are mine, yours are yours, why are you so looking for me to be scolding you or telling you you're wrong? I'm not doing either.

It is only descriptive if the goals are promotion of purely female causes and rights, but not if the goals are equality....but that means they lose a LOT of people that have called themselves 'feminists' in the past, and not just men. forget equality for men then? Any time the equation is in the woman's favor, that's fine, huh? No thanks, THAT'S why we need another name. You can keep "feminism", as I think that's exactly what it describes, "equality for WOMEN, period". 'Humanist' as a concept (as I understand it) excludes that mindset of separate and pit against, it does not embrace and reinforce it.
Equality for people. Period.

Why is it that my stating my thoughts, to you, means I'm instructing you how to think, and stating you must "hew" to my definition? I certainly made no such conscious implication. May I, a man, not have an opinion without being labeled an oppressor of women?

No, clearly you don't understand my reason or goal in stating my thoughts and I feel that you have over-reacted based on that total misunderstanding.

Fine. Then I'm an equalitist. I care about equality and fairness for all people. You may separate and then choose sides, that's your right, your option, and your choice to make for yourself.
EDIT: Make that egalitarian...thank you @Babymech for pointing me to the correct term.

bareboards2 said:

Who is this "we" of whom you speak?

Because I have proudly called myself a feminist since at least 1976, if not before.

I started calling myself a Humanist also maybe in 1990? Somewhere around there? I am not giving up the term Feminist though. No matter who tries to co-opt it or suppress my use of it.

Or even "oppress" my use of it, if I might go that far. Why do I have to fight you to use a simple word to describe myself?

The scolding continues, by the way. Telling me that I am wrong to use a term I have proudly used for over 40 years. Because you and some of your friends don't like it and don't want to use it, for your own valid reasons.

Please stop telling Feminists that the word was never "descriptive of their goals" when in fact it is very descriptive.

Equality for women. Period.

I'm not telling you to stop labeling yourself only a Humanist. I was clear that I understood your point when I said that Humanist is an umbrella word that covers Feminist.

Is this going to be one of these long back-and-forths, where you try to talk me out of something? I really don't want to go there. It's exhausting.

Maybe the real question you might consider asking yourself is -- why is it so important to you that I hew to your definitions? Is it just an intellectual exercise, the fun of the argument? Well, it isn't fun to me. It feels lecturing and minimizing of my personal experience and knowledge and life lessons I have learned.

I know you don't intend that. However, I am telling you straight out, clearly, that is how it feels to me and I don't like it. I've been on the receiving end for FORTY FUCKING YEARS why it is inappropriate for some reason or other to call myself a feminist. The reasons change, but the goal always seems to be same: To stop me and others from overtly saying that we care about women and their place in society.

It's not going to happen. After 40 years, it just isn't going to happen.

I'm a feminist. I care about women and their place in society.

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