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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Secret History

nock (Member Profile)

Neil deGrasse Tyson Fact Checks 'Gravity'

Honest Trailers - The Wolf of Wall Street

VoodooV says...

Honest Trailer's point about how he doesn't have an Oscar and all those other nitwits do is a very good one.

I may think DiCaprio is overrated...but he is a HELL of a lot better than the people they listed.

Barseps (Member Profile)

Louis CK hates the movie Gravity

VoodooV says...

there are always going to be popcorn films that have huge holes in them. there are movies out there with much bigger plot holes than Gravity, yet don't garner the scrutiny Gravity gets. watch any Honest Trailer or HISHE video to see what I mean.

I don't know what movie you were watching, but Gravity was *not* about science and technology.

Louis CK hates the movie Gravity

Gravity: Neil DeGrasse Tyson agrees with me

Honest Trailers - Gravity

MilkmanDan says...

(some spoilers here, although not really anything that wasn't in the video)
I thought it was quite good. Not great, but quite good.

That being said, the one thing that I was sure that an "honest trailers" spoof/take on it would include was left out: I lost count of how many times the last propulsive jet before they ran out of thrust in whatever system/mechanism they were using was just enough to get them into "precarious grab, slip and bump off into another precarious grab".

Gorgeous George jets around as carefree as can be -- fetching bolts, unhitched and drifting Sandra ... even the corpse of "man down in the first 5 minutes". He or others talk about how he is going for the record longest spacewalk many times. But then, when they really need it, "oh, sorry, I've just got enough juice left for one more burn".

Same thing repeats for the Soyuz, the Wall-E extinguisher, and conceptually in many other instances.

That is the aspect of the flick that stood out the most for me as begging for a good send-up.

Star Trek teleportation now a reality?

Honest Trailers - Iron Man 3

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'honest trailers, iron man 3, tony stark, thor, robert downey jr' to 'honest trailers, iron man 3, tony stark, thor, robert downey jr, spoilers' - edited by doogle

Iron Man 3: the spolier

VoodooV says...

yes and no, yeah I completely agree that Iron Man's rogues gallery is dated, but as I said in Honest Trailers, Mandarin deserved better. While I understand why they did it, to avoid the obvious racial stereotype. It was just stupid. Kingsley was so annoying. The whole Mandarin thing should have been scrapped.

You really aught to read the Extremis comic, they even made a motion comic of it. At one point, it was on Netflix.(sadly looks like it was removed, boo).

It posed some serious questions about where technology (and biotechnology) is heading. But that's probably why it was bastardized in the movie. No one cares about serious shit in a summer blockbuster, they just want pew pew pew. Which again, yeah, I understand.

You're right though, @ChaosEngine my foreknowledge of Extremis and my fandom of Iron Man since I was...13?? definitely colors my opinions. Had I not known about those stories, I probably would have enjoyed it more.

Still, even despite all that, movie still was grasping hard by putting in the kid sidekick and yeah, as the Honest Trailers pointed out, for some reason, the Iron Man suits were particularly crappy this time around among other really stupid choices the movie made.

Iron Man 3: the spolier

Iron Man 3: the spolier

Zifnab (Member Profile)

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