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Hulk Hogan Messes up His Lines

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'wwf wwe SmackDown Vince McMahon Hulk Hogan funny' to 'wwf, wwe, SmackDown, Vince McMahon, Hulk Hogan, funny' - edited by deedub81

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant - Wrestlemania III 1987

Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant - Wrestlemania III 1987

Kevlar says...

Bravo, MH. One of the best/funniest articles I ever read about Andre the Giant was actually from Modern Drunkard Magazine:

"For proof of his drawing power, look no further than Wrestlemania III in 1987. The main event was Andre vs. Hulk Hogan. The show drew the first million-dollar gate in wrestling history, set a pay-per-view record that lasted a decade, and set the all-time indoor attendance record for any live event ever—78,000+ butts in seats at the Pontiac Silver Dome in Detroit—destroying the previous record set by some rock band called the Rolling Stones. His rematch with Hogan two months later, broadcast live on NBC, attracted 33 million viewers, making it the most watched wrestling match ever."

And another comment from the article...

"You won’t find it in the Guinness Book of World Records, but Andre the Giant holds the world record for the largest number of beers consumed in a single sitting. These were standard 12-ounce bottles of beer, nothing fancy, but during a six-hour period Andre drank 119 of them. It was one of the few times Andre got drunk enough to pass out, which he did in a hallway at his hotel. His companions, quite drunk themselves, couldn’t move the big man. Fearing trouble with cops, they stole a piano cover from the lounge and draped it over Andre’s inert form. He slept peacefully until morning, unmolested by anyone. Perhaps the hotel people thought he was a piece of furniture."

Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant - Wrestlemania III 1987

MycroftHomlz says...

*promote... IT IS ANDRE THE FUCKING GIANT PEOPLE. Fezzik, Hello!

Holy Dag on a stick! You have got to be kidding me. How can you not vote for this? Is this a joke? Are you trying to mess with my reality by conspiring to not vote for possibly one of the single greatest scenes in television history. Cause it is working and I would like you to stop.

The man weighed over 400lbs and Hulk Hogan lifted him up in the air and body slammed him.

Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant - Wrestlemania III 1987

Kevlar says...

I enjoyed this as well, but looking at it today... Should we give it a Bravo for the acting?

I keep thinking every time Hogan hits the mat, he's going to pull up, throw that arm out and sing a freaking operatic song of sorrow to the crowd.

Racist German Army Clip Targets N.Y. Blacks

Henry Kissinger talks about The New World Order

Pep Talk for Americans

qualm says...

The Marshall plan was entirely in self-interest. Here's historian Howard Zinn on the Marshall Plan:

The motives for the Marshall Plan were both economic and political. Just to point to one aspect of the economic motive: George Marshall was quoted in an early 1948 State Department bulletin: "It is idle to think that a Europe left to its own efforts...would remain open to American business in the same way that we have known it in the past." Most of the money went to American businesses exporting to Europe. At least 10% of the aid money went for European purchases of oil, moving them away from coal-dependency (which involved dealing with troublesome trade unions) to oil dependency, with the U.S. dominant in the world oil market. The political motive was to shore up anti-Communist governments in France and Italy. Truman's Secretary of State Dean Acheson said at the time: "These measures of relief and reconstruction have been only n part suggested by humanitarianism. Your Congress has authorized and your Government is carrying out, a policy of relief and reconstruction today chiefly as a matter of national self-interest". You can read much more about the Marshall Plan, that is, realistic evaluations, in Michael Hogan's book "The Marshall Plan" (Cambridge Univ. Press 1987) and in Melvyn Leffler's excellent book "A Preponderance ofPower" (Stanford Univ. Press, 1992)

The Apollo Program was indeed a large project of the cold war - and it was arguably also a massive waste of money that was greatly needed elsewhere. I should have made it clear that by "great" I mean great in both the ethical sense as well as scale.

US history is like a clogged toilet; the more you flush the shit keeps rising.

100 NES (Nintendo) games in 10 minutes!

pipp3355 says...

From YT:

I couldn't find any NES remixes I liked so I used C64 remixes instead for the music.

Here are the tunes used in this video, all by Instant Remedy -

Game On (Issue 0989)
Last Ninja - The Palace
Ghosts 'n Goblins (Trance Version)

Full list of games in the video (might be some errors) -

1. Super Mario Brothers
2. Contra
3. Dragon warrior 1
4. Dr. Mario
5. Excite Bike
6. Lola 3
7. Ice Climber
8. Gradius
9. Ice Hockey
10. Kiwi Craze
11. Little Nemo
12. Scheherazade
13. Abradox
14. Addams Family
15. Adventure Island 1
16. Basewars
17. Marble Madness
18. Kirby
19. Batman 1
20. Battle Chess
21. Mappy Land
22. Maniac Mansion
23. Kid Icarus
24. Silius
25. Duck Hunt
26. Treasure Island 2
27. Goonies 2
28. Castlevania 1
29. Bugs Bunny Birthday
30. Bomberman 1
31. Battletoads
32. Bionic Commando
33. Blades of Steel
34. Blaster Master
35. Castlevania 2
36. Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle
37. Casino Kid
38. Caveman Games
39. Crystalis
40. Deja Vu
41. Double Dribble
42. Duck Tales
43. Double Dragon 2
44. Golgo 13
45. Hogans Alley
46. Jackie Chan
47. Castlevania 3
48. Double Dragon 1
49. Ninja Gaiden 1
50. North & South
51. Prince Of Persia
52. Metroid
53. Metal Gear
54. Pirates
55. Mega Man 2
56. Micro Machines
57. Paper Boy
58. Punch Out
59. Super Mario Brothers 2
60. Ultima IV
61. The Three Stooges
62. The Guardian Legend
63. Bucky O'Hare
64. Wizards & Warriors 2
65. Zelda
66. Turtles 1
67. Tiny Toons Adventures
68. Wrath of the Black Ninja
69. Super Mario Brothers 3
70. Tecmo Super Bowl
71. Tombs & Treasures
72. Snakes Revenge
73. Super Contra
74. Snake Rattle n Roll
75. Talespin
76. Star Tropics 1
77. Spy Hunter
78. Zelda 2
79. Yo! Noid
80. Turtles 2
81. Silver Surfer
82. Robin Hood
83. R.C. Pro Am
84. River City Ransom
85. Shadowgate
86. Robocop
87. Rygar
88. Tetris
89. Supercars
90. Rampage
91. Willow
92. Final Fantasy
93. Mario Brothers
94. Ghosts & Goblins
95. Joe & Mac
96. Donkey Kong
97. Chip & Dale
98. Legendary Wings
99. Bubble Bobble
100. Faxandu

Kane does a darn fine impersonation

Kane does a darn fine impersonation

Jedi Bush

Wait 'til Your Father Gets Home (1972)

firefly says...

This show was created by Harvey Bullock, who was a principal writer for others shows such as Love American Style, The Love Boat, Andy Griffith Show, and Hogan's Heroes, to name just a few.

Hulk Hogan performs a professional move on Richard Belzer!

rembar says...

Front chin lock? That looks like a variation of what is more commonly known as a guillotine choke, one of the few submissions that can be locked in and finished from a standing position with a high degree of success. (If my memory doesn't fail me, it's also the most common finish in MMA fights. Weird that the Hulk locked it in by grabbing his forearm, it's usually done by locking hands with a Gable grip or grabbing the bicep of the other arm.

Lol, but the Hulk was right, Belzer went out in a rather effeminate way. Perhaps Hogan should have considered telling him how to tap out, or at least let the man down carefully? I pity the fool who thinks he can't get choked out. (Seagal, I'm lookin' at YOU!)

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