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The Problem with Civil Obedience

st0nedeye says...

What you guys seem to miss is that someone is going to use "force" on you, no matter what. You have two choices, either you have no control over the people using force over you or you have some control over those people via some democratic means.

Ya'll are like the 60's hippies chanting "give peace a chance, man" without the excuse of being a drug-burnout.

Trancecoach said:

"The politicians are real, the soldiers and police who enforce the politicians’ will are real, the buildings they inhabit are real, the weapons they wield are very real, but their supposed “authority” is not. And without that “authority,” without the right to do what they do, they are nothing but a gang of thugs. The term “government” implies legitimacy– it means the exercise of “authority” over a certain people or place. The way people speak of those in power, calling their commands “laws,” referring to disobedience to them as a “crime,” and so on, implies the right of” government” to rule, and a corresponding obligation on the part of its subjects to obey. Without the right to rule (”authority”), there is no reason to call the entity “government,” and all of the politicians and their mercenaries become utterly indistinguishable from a giant organized crime syndicate, their “laws” no more valid than the threats of muggers and carjackers. And that, in reality, is what every “government” is: an illegitimate gang of thugs, thieves and murderers, masquerading as a rightful ruling body." -Larken Rose

Jerry Garcia on The Acid Tests

chingalera says...

I'm happy to have missed the 60s and experienced the 90s there-Same good LSD, and no hippie-infestation! OH, and the Dead's last show in Oakland...lived in SF & MISSED IT!! (pats own back)

StukaFox said:

Thank you for posting this. It hurts my soul that I was born too late to experience the Bay Area in the 60's.

Intelligent cow knows how to use a hand pump to draw water

poolcleaner says...

Red queen effect: Parasitic humans feed off of the cow, steals the natural flowing water and installs human-centric water holes. In competition with the human parasite the cow is forced to learn to use the water pump. And thus the arms race between cow and human.

Who will win?

My money is that humans destroy themselves and cow survives, finally free of it's parasitic relationship with the upright mammals. They then go on to evolve into upright cow people. Only to encounter the humans again.

They then join with the radioactive green humans (nuclear fallout survivors) and zombie humans (the ones that didn't survive the fallout but were taken over by parasites of their own) to kill the humans, many of whom are dwarves and really small midgets.

Some hippies that bonded with trees are found to have survived, each with their own vision of what it is to be a tree hugger. Some of them join the humans (with their now dominant midget genes) and some of them join the green humans and cow people.

Along the way we discover that in China pandas have evolved into panda people and all along there were werewolves and shit. Including dimensions made entirely of fire with slimes that thrive off of radiation, only to become what is perceived as fire elementals and H.P. Lovecraft's things were real too. Oh and the entire pantheon of all people from all of time.

Society rebuilds itself but war never changes.

Grown man from UK reality show can't answer basic questions

aaronfr says...

Yes, of course, judge an entire generation by the babblings of a C-list reality star-tard. After all, the history books are littered with similar examples:

Pretty sure it was all those uneducated, worthless orphans and factory rats that caused World War 1

And don't forget how absynthe, ganja, and the Charleston caused the Great Depression.

Then there was that greatest generation of war-hungry, shell shocked GIs that could barely even put people on the moon.

Only to be followed by hippies and disco queens that gave us Reagan and Thatcher (think my faux-nalogy is falling apart here...)

A10anis said:

The latest generation feel no need to gain even basic facts. Technology, with it's access to information, promised to make us more intelligent and knowledgeable, but it hasn't. The current logic is; "if ever I need to know, I will look it up." Dumb, and Dumber, comes to mind.

Russell Brand talks politics and revolution on Newsnight

Terrafolk & Symbolic orchestra Reunion Quartet

27 Coffee Drinks

Cat Hates Peace Sign

Buzzing off Lann's Hair (Timelapse!)

chingalera says...

Recently proffered'n procured me a trim as well, good on yas there, bluehair! *PrOmoTe

-oh and Hippy Birthday wishes to yer jolly, round man!

The Death of Jerry Garcia as Reported on ABC's 'Nightline'

Northern Colorado ~ Secession Abuzz in State Legislature

chingalera says...

That square-state thing always bothered me, too-Idaho has a sexy shape, Kentuckys' totally bad-ass!

Fewer states through fusion-What would work well would be about 10-20 states broken up into chunks of punks, skunks, drunks, chumps, etc. A prison state, pick a shitty one where hardly anyone lives and make it for prisoners and those employed by the private concerns for profit (slave-labor).

One state for all the hippies.
One state for all the insects (experts at whatever it is they do)
something along these lines....let's try a NEW experiment-

Any change should start with a year of trials and executions for all the cunts who have flagrantly usurped the golden rule-(sorry atheists, adepts of Crowley, pagans.....even YOU folks live by "do unto" )-These other types of hu-man can't help it, they're broken and retarded and need not breed or teach their kind their ways....I'm talking about the 1%-They and their offspring are now OUR slaves!

But seriously, the criminals who control the planet need their dirt showcased on the telly, then and only then I might decide to watch TV.....

spawnflagger said:

There would be more stars on the flag (51), not fewer.
This is about Colorado splitting into 2 states, not about some counties in Colorado leaving the USA.

Although I think it would make more sense for those counties to just become part of Nebraska instead of forming their own state. Colorado is too square.

U.S. Citizens Sign Petition to Repeal U.S. Bill of Rights

noam chomsky-how climate change became a liberal hoax

hvchronic says...

Right again, Mr. Chomsky. Then after the rubes have been softened up, enter the smarmy, two-faced Barack Obama, whose plan to save us from global warming is a such a hack job that it's hardly worth the industry shills (like the ones taking up so much space commenting here) to bother with. Like his gift to the insurance industry -- America's sad excuse for "universal health care" -- Obama's environmental "program" is just another load of pretty B.S. thrown up to cover his real agenda, which in this case is to hand over the keys to America's energy industry to people like Dick Cheney, whose hands might as well be guiding the marionette strings coming out of his back. The "president" really doesn't have a choice about pushing natural gas; he sold out to the oiligarchs while still a do-nothing Senator. But that doesn't mean the few of us who are awake and aware shouldn't scream at him about it and do everything in our dwindling power to make him and the rest of the gasoholic cabal wish they'd never been born. Indeed, part of what the moribund U.S. environmental movement needs -- and in particular the fractured and chronically outclassed anti-fracking movement -- is a significantly angrier soundtrack, not bogged down with insipid musical baggage from old, hippy-dippy environmental campaigns. Pete Seeger and his sweet, smiling ilk don't cut through all the background noise any more. With that in mind, here's a new American anthem guaranteed to stir the soul of any red-blooded environmentalist, as well as lure a few emotionally sensitive people over from the dark side. Feel free to use it. Scream your anger!

How to (Properly) Eat Sushi

chingalera says...

Well fuck me gwiz, I completely missed the situational irony in your description of the hipster's writing process at the coffee haus....Got me!! (Sounded like something I would have imagined you were engaged in and ya totally bamboozled me!!)

We share then in common a disdain for so-lauded or self-appointed "experts" AND hippie-wannabees!!

How to (Properly) Eat Sushi

chingalera says...

Oh yeah, and Oregon. Lived in Portland before the mainstream Hipster-hijack, back when pretentious hippy-douchebag was in the incubation stages (1991-2).

Yeah, a lotta good sushi to be had there and the primary reason?? Pretentious kids from all over the country flocked to the land of no sunshine to escape the repression of their upbringing brokered by their disillusioned hippie parents who drank the Babylonian Kool-Aid at University (incubator for ineffectual putties), to bask in the aroma of their own farts.

You'd fit right in there gwiz

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