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best anarchist speech i have ever heard

newtboy jokingly says...

Nice click-bait thumbnail! LOL.
I couldn't really get behind this guy though. I admit I gave up after 8 min., so I won't vote. I think he needs to take it down a notch or two.
But really? Drug dealing prostituting hippies are better than upstanding voters because (he assumes) they don't vote, and therefore don't want to tell anyone else what to do? That's a lot of leaps of logic there. It assumes any voter is voting for more laws, but that's simply not the case at all. The teabaggers certainly want fewer laws, but he says they're evil for voting or being part of the system? It also assumes non-voters are anti-law and anti-control, but most are just lazy or undereducated.
Anyone who votes fawns over politicians, and religious leaders? What?
Taxes aren't theft, using public services while not paying your taxes is theft.

newtboy (Member Profile)

enoch says...

ha ha..thanks man.
i lived closer to the coast.
off oakland and andrews.worked at yesterdays on the intracoastal and marks in los olas,i also dj'd (and bounced) at the crazy horse off A1A.met motley crue there a couple of times.

the concentrated wealth was a tad further north from where i lived, boca and west palm.

you may have been a bit west in places like davie...fairly rural and yes..conservative..but money talks and davie does not have that kind of clout.
i saw the same practices when i lived on miami beach.though the criminalizing is a new thing,before they just shuttled the homeless and undesirables away.

icky homeless people are bad for tourism

i think we pretty much agree across the board.when a hard line conservative talks about "pulling yourself up by your boot straps" we know that is bullshit speak for 'fuck you poor person,i got mine" but i have a problem with a supposed "liberal" who talks the language of compassion and humanity but dont actually practice it in a hands on way.

the hardliner shows disdain for the poor,and while repugnant,at least it is honest.
but when a liberal,who wrings their hands over the plight of the homeless,yet pushes through ordinances that criminalize the very thing they are saying that is heart-wrenching for them..i find hypocritical.

i remember i was an event co-ordinator for the hilton fountain blue and did a bee-gees ( read that right) birthday party on their west palm home.i dorve a beat up toyota tercel( i have always lived simply,like a hippy) and i was asked to park it 4 blocks away at a u-store it facility.

no valet for me!

do you know what its like to walk 4 blocks in august?in florida? in 300% humidity?
i was a wet rag by the time i got to their mansion.
i literally had to sneak a shower while my clothes were drying!

but..i did get 10% of everything,and that party cost a cool 250.000.



i live just north of tampa port richey.the number ONE place for painkiller/xanax deaths in the country!

we are so proud.

Colbert interviews Anita Sarkeesian

gwiz665 says...

Yo damn right.

But seriously folks,
I care plenty about the 3-4 separate issues that GamerGate supposedly are, but I haven't been wanting to engage in it, because it just seems like a big pile of crap that all gets lumped together

Issues I've seen in it so far:
1) Girl developer sleeps with game journalist - ex boyfriend angry
2) Journalistic Ethics about being a "good ol boys club" but with hippie feminists instead.
3) Women being portrayed as weak in games; male dominated development world/market/gamer culture
4) Abuse against outspoken feminists within the gaming community - death, rape, violence threats etc for various reasons

1 lead into 2, but it doesn't seem to be any meat on that bone, it was just the ramblings of the ex boyfriend, so while we should be vigilant about any journalistic improprieties, it seems like what was revealed was all just personal; and the boyfriend seems to be a bit of a cunt on top of it, so that doesn't help.
3 is probably true, but I wouldn't say it's a general direction. There are certainly games with women being weak, but it's the same with movies. There's room for that kind of games too - they don't all have to be empowering or vice versa - the market can decide.
4 is obviously not alright and the people participating in this should be neutered asap.

gorillaman said:

Up for new title.

I guess you're just too cool for the rest of us gwiz.

This is Life with Lisa Ling: Jungle Fix, Ayahuasca


Payback jokingly says...

Ya know, if I was the guy who played the sniper, I'd be kinda pissed a dog got better billing than me.

...and who the Hell would name their dog "Murdock Timmons" anyway? Freaking hippie.

Should drug-sniffing dogs be discredited

Why People REALLY Hate Nickleback

Payback says...

Why the fuck does anyone give a shit about what music other people enjoy?

You don't like Nickelback? Don't listen to them, buy their music, or go to their concerts.

What the fuck does your taste in music have anything to do with anything other than your own navel-gazing fucktardedness? Get over yourself. Some people don't give a crap about meaning in their music.

If you need music to learn something, your life is devoid of intelligence.

Fucking hippies.

You Bet Your Sweet Hippie

Red Bull F1 vs V8 Supercar vs C63 AMG (Melbourne, 2014)

ChaosEngine says...

Note that the F1 car here still had a proper V8 engine instead of whatever tree-hugging eco hippy V6 lawnmower engines they have these days

Steven Tyler's 'Crazy' Lithuania Jam Session

Common Core U.S.A. ~ Re-Education & Indoctrination Learning

Yogi says...

I'll watch this in a bit but I just wanted to get some snippets off the Freedom Project Education site.

"Rooted firmly in Judeo-Christian values..." Completely made up after WW2 in order to establish that we were against the Holocaust even though we did little to help the Jews during WW2.

"At FPE we proudly refuse all government funding..." Yes we're all very proud of you.

"Public-school apologists have spent decades convincing parents that their children belong to the government schools. The results have been disastrous to education and undermine the primacy of parents." Because of de-funding pushed by Republicans which these people voted for.

"FPE is in no way influenced by teachers’ unions or answerable to the Department of Education, or state Departments of Public Instruction. We don’t indoctrinate students or promote a liberal agenda. And we don’t advocate for the removal of God from contemporary culture. We teach truth, rigor, and Christian values."

I can't wait to watch this, I'm sure it's a barrel of fun. Going through the courses I noticed there don't seem to be any art classes or theater. I guess that stuff is for hippies and faggots right?

Colonel Sanders Explains Our Dire Overpopulation Problem

ChaosEngine says...

From reading some of the comments, it would appear that many people still do not understand basic math.

Over population is a problem. It is real and it will self correct one way or another. Science can't save us (short of moving us all to a digital existence), and we will hit critical population density long before we achieve the kind of technological sophistication to allow us to colonise other planets (singularity notwithstanding).

Basically, there are three possible outcomes:
1. We voluntarily stop having so many kids and we certainly stop celebrating ridiculously huge families like those fucking morons on "18 and counting" or whatever the fuck it's called. This is the best case scenario, and IMHO, the most unlikely

2. Wide scale population control. One child policies, etc. unpleasant but still less unpleasant than...

3. We do nothing and the problem corrects itself. And when I say corrects itself, I mean global hunger on a scale not seen since the last ice age; massive pandemics or just plain ol' killing the fuck out of each other.

This is isn't some airy fairy, mother Gaia, hippy nonsense, it's simple math.

On the plus side, we'll almost certainly have made the planet nigh uninhabitable for ourselves by then anyway.

Cadillac - Douchebag Ad

chingalera says...

Sure. Words have meaning and power. Hardly ever is the word used in it's proper context in recent vernacular or history though. People are being programmed to be stupider with each passing generation in their use and abuse of language. 'Just' is used nowadays as a filler word or as an excuse in defense of someone's inability or unwillingness to express honestly, anything at all. In it's adverb form ("Exactly, that's it!' or, 'the meaning being quite clear') or the adjective ('based upon or behaving according to what is morally right and fair'), the meaning is 'quite clear.'

Here for example, in Dag's comment (resounding best in one's mind when imagined in the voice of a 14-year-old teenaged girl from Beverly Hills), the word takes on a relatively banal and pointless connotation as well as reflecting in this case of a pompous air as well as a laziness of thought with little or no meaning, whatsoever.

Only folks that understand already and know Dag to lean towards the unrealistic, romantic, idealist camp with regard to the condition of the planet's coveted and rampantly abused resources and air-quality relative to climate, would 'get the jyst' as it were.

Love ya Dagmar, I simply can't stand the word 'just' being thrown about to satisfy one's ego or unbridled emotionalism. Stop buying plastic bullshit and driving, etc. etc., and don't cast a vote for empirical cunts and lovers of empire and their own if you're that passionate, or shut the fuck up about it already, hippie-boy

By the way, if you haven't guessed already, I own a POS used Cadillac, running great, lotta power, sexy-ish, plush and roomy inside, chicks and brothers dig my roll, but hard as fuck by design ("Fuck You, General Motors!") to find new parts for.

coolhund said:

Arent there more meanings to it than just the one you are referring to and I just used? And again.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson In Slow Motion sounds high as a kite!

1.5M Balloons Released At Once Looks Like Alien Ship Attack

poolcleaner says...

Come on, hippy, God's got yer back on this one. Besides, it's all going down on judgement day anyway.

grinter said:

I wonder if the fundraiser was considered a success after they paid the bill for clean up, the fines for littering, and served their time in purgatory for obscene disrespect shown towards the natural world? was really neat looking though.

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