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Trump best speech in his campaign for POTUS

JiggaJonson says...

If I have to hear about crooked hillary one more time... hey, why do you think all the investigations, testimony under oath, and revisiting of various aspects of Hillary Clinton's supposed crimes never go anywhere?

Hmm? what happened to "Lock her up" ???

Meanwhile, the Mueller investigation keeps mounting evidence...hmmmm

You ought to educate yourself about how the people who supported Nixon acted right up until the moment he resigned @bobknight33

Full Frontal - We Need to Talk About Stephen Miller

newtboy says...

Bob, I must congratulate you. Your caricature of gullible republicans is spot on.

I guess Obama is going down for being an illegal immigrant from Kenya, right? Hillary for Benghazi, and all federal law enforcement for......having some agents who don't like or respect orange Kanye, just like every Republican senator and representative just months earlier. I guess you're just lucky that wasn't Obama's move, or they would have released all their damming info about Trump and not implicated Clinton last minute, but somehow now that they're investigating Trump they're all deep state democrats (that threw an election to elect Trump).
You cannot be that dumb, the fact you remember to breathe is proof you have too much intelligence to believe such flipflopping theories that require amnesia of yesterday to believe today's new utter bullshit story.

It's hilariously transparent that, according to Trump, the FBI, CIA, and NSA are suddenly republican enemies (so much for being the law and order party, huh?) and Putin is your friend. Reagan would be so proud.

bobknight33 said:

Not me.
I have a much broader scope than immigrants.

Obama, Hillary, and top FBI, CIA all going down.

Muller got nothing,

Trump holding all the cards.

Full Frontal - We Need to Talk About Stephen Miller

bobknight33 says...

Not me.
I have a much broader scope than immigrants.

Obama, Hillary, and top FBI, CIA all going down.

Muller got nothing,

Trump holding all the cards.

Mystic95Z said:

I bet Miller is actually bobknight.... Thats how I picture him anyway .

Healthy As a Horse

newtboy says...

Bob-Trump is perfection personified and a near God
Sifters- undeniable evidence that he's worse than the average person
Bob- stop whining losers, he's kicking ass and better than Hillary, and you just love CNN.

Don't you ever get tired of that stupidity?

bobknight33 said:


For a 71 year old he is healthy and you sifters still can't admit it.

Your bias is so bad.

Guess you can still pray to the the CNN GOD of Gupta for a heart attack.

John Cleese On Trump's Base

bobknight33 says...

Well lets just look at 1 of you girl Hillary at a town square meetings . -- For old time sake. Lets remissness how how her moral fiber and honesty is.

Lets see how fair and honest Hillary , the Media and the audience with questions are.

Please tell me that this Liar is a better choice.. how she represents something different politics, that she is not of the establishment that she will clean house if she got into office.

Remember the Poll: ‘Liar’ Tops List of 50 Words Americans Used to Describe Hillary Clinton.

In the latest Quinnipiac poll, the pollsters asked a simple question of Americans: “What is the first word that comes to mind when you think of Hillary Clinton?”
The survey included responses from 1,563 registered voters nationwide including 666 Republicans and 647 Democrats.

here are the top terms for our girl from this poll

liar 178
dishonest 123
untrustworthy 93
experience 82
strong 59
Bill 56
woman 47
smart 31
crook 21
untruthful 19
criminal 18
deceitful 18
Democrat 16
intelligent 15
email 14
politician 13
Benghazi 12
corrupt 12
crooked 11

And you still choose her?

newtboy said:

Trump IS doing a great job....for other Trumps and our enemies, but not America.

Instead of (proudly)fake/(repeatedly convicted and admitted) fraud/fuming/cheating/thieving/lying/ racist/misogynist/ repeatedly bankrupting/whining/textbook narcissist/ idiot/ignorant/incestuous/infantile/ indignant/ school yard bully/sociopathic/ trust fund baby Trump? a heartbeat, and I thoroughly hate her.

John Cleese On Trump's Base

Oprah For America! Really?

bobknight33 says...

Hillary won popular vote by 2.2% .

Trump won Electoral College Victory by 24% victory over Hillary.

And you thing Hillary should have won POTUS.
Hillary has a better chance of going to jail than the White House. Both slim to none.

newtboy said:

48.2% to 46.1%...landslide....for the one with 46.1%?
Keep dreaming. That's winning by technicality at best.
In 10 months, Trump becomes a lame duck president and we can all contain and ignore him. In 2 years and 10 months, we'll tear up his tax scam.
I, like you, hope that's not under president Winfrey.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

That means he LOST the election by a landslide, but won the electoral college by a landslide.
It's really wishful thinking to believe he could do it again...even against Hillary. At this point, most of those independents and many republicans have voter's remorse.
Only one person agrees with your assessment of his performance, him.

Tripling the deficit in his first year with one law designed to benefit his own family at the expense of the indigent is not what anyone needs....anyone who's American. Only our enemies could see that as you must not be an American.

bobknight33 said:

306 VS 232 Electoral college votes . Land slide.
Keep crying for another 7 years.

Trump is doing a great job.
He is exactly what you need as POTUS.

Oprah For America! Really?

MilkmanDan says...

Bob's pretty much right, by the only numbers that matter (electoral votes). Is that a stupid system, that both sides should be clamoring to resign to the scrap heap? Yes. But they aren't, in spite of the D's getting screwed by it twice in very recent memory, and even the R "beneficiaries" have had to try to deal with some uncomfortable infighting and internal strife as a result (cue world's tiniest violin).

I don't think Trump is some sort of super genius and that he "played the game under the existing rules" better than Hillary or anything. He won by a technicality, just as you say -- but the mere fact that anyone can actually win by such a technicality ought to be an unbearable affront to our very conceptions of Democracy and Government. Instead, entirely too many of us seemed too complacent and apathetic to give a fuck, moments later. I really wish I could muster some surprise at this point.

I don't agree with Bob's other assertion that Trump stands a great chance of beating anyone that gets the D nod in 2020. On the other hand, 2016 proved the old adage about what happens when we assume.

I do completely concur with (both of) you that President Oprah isn't the answer.

newtboy said:

48.2% to 46.1%...landslide....for the one with 46.1%?
Keep dreaming. That's winning by technicality at best.
In 10 months, Trump becomes a lame duck president and we can all contain and ignore him. In 2 years and 10 months, we'll tear up his tax scam.
I, like you, hope that's not under president Winfrey.

Oprah For America! Really?

bobknight33 says...

Popular vote does not mean jack.. keep dreaming

Hillary was to win by a land slide but just the opposite happened

306 VS 232 Electoral college votes . Land slide.

StukaFox said:

He didn't "beat the heck out of her", he lost the popular vote. The majority of voters voted for Clinton. Those votes were stolen by the worthless Electoral College and an immature, pedophile-enabling, chronic liar was put in a position of power.

The first thing that needs to happen to restore America to sanity is flushing the Electoral College. It's a useless relic, and serves zero purpose in modern times.

Oprah For America! Really?

bobknight33 says...

Oprah, as good as she is is not up to the task of POTUS.

She would have to fight the Democratic field and beat all those in line. She is to nice to engage political fighting,

Who ever ends up facing Trump will get their lunch handed to them. He did it it to the 15 Republicans then faced Hillary and beat the heck out of her. One of the greatest upset victory's of out times.

Chris Hedges On F On Fascism In The Age Of Trump (Nov. 2017)

newtboy says...

Answer this....if politicians are really allowed to lie, why don't you LOVE Hillary?

As to when hasn't a president lied....when Carter was president.

bobknight33 said:

You argue that Trump lies... and your upset? Is he is the only politician to lie. When hasn't a POTUS lied? There are 2 profession that are allow to lie. Politicians and cops.

Whitehouse Admits Tax Plan Saves Trump,Tens Of Millions Year

bobknight33 says...

I have yet to see any video of Democrats saying they will benefit from the tax cuts. Democrats just say its Armageddon and its not. Lets be real. They will benefit, just like Trump.

Trump is kicking ass, making America greater this year even being dogged every day.

Hillary would not even come close.

Be thankful for you 12 / 24 k base of non taxable income. Better than keeping records all year then having to prove you are worthy of the deduction.

Stop being such a sore loser.

"and every American citizen because it bankrupts the nation" ? Where were you the last POTUS / house /senate added 10 Trillion of actual debt added.
Come on newt I know we are both biased but at least be fair.

The vase majority of Americans will benefit.

newtboy said:

Bullshit....they were asked and they answered honestly that they'll save millions per year, said repeatedly and clearly it helps the rich, and they're rich.
Trump and Republicans just flatly lied about the bill.
He just lied, blatantly, daily, about tax law that affects us all....lied about who it benefits (him) and who it hurts (anyone making under $150k, and every American citizen because it bankrupts the nation) and you ignore it? Be assured I'll bring this up the next 3 dozen times you complain about liberals being less than perfectly truthful.

Damn straight members would have voted against it....because it's a horrific swindle that will bankrupt us quickly....I know that makes you happy, Dimitri, but Americans are pretty pissed.

He wouldn't be damned if he had signed the law he claimed it was, he's damned because he's a consummate, pathological liar. You are damned because you support that no matter what the lie is.

My holiday was tarnished by a big orange baby and his cadre of anti American idiots destroying my country's finances and likely starting a class war. It will only be great again when we eat the rich (or force feed them to their families)....I don't think that will take 3 years at this point if things continue on this road to bankruptcy. $1.5 TRILLION to the DEFICIT...that's $15 TRILLION in 10 years for one person's gain (anyone else that gains is coincidental, this was written specifically to benefit Trump and his family.). You can't ever complain that liberals or democrats are financially irresponsible again....never. You support lying to the country so your guy can bankrupt the country for personal gain. No patriotic American would do that. If you aren't Russian trying to harm America, you're almost certainly a traitorous moron. I see no other possibility.

Chris Hedges On F On Fascism In The Age Of Trump (Nov. 2017)

bobknight33 says...

I did not "blindly support the bankrupting idiot baby"
I supported the best candidate. Did Hillary really bring to the table a clear agenda superior to Trumps? She really did not have a platform. So was there really a choice?

I do not say nor believe we are in dire straits as yo say. Slipping morality for sure .

I never admitted that he is unqualified. He is doing a good job considering such division of both parties and animosity for Republican since he is not a party insider.

Hollywood agenda-- most Americans don't really want nor desire the stuff that is being pushed out.
Americans want quality story lines not slutting whoring worshiping shows just to fill time slots.

Do you have kids?
I do, 11 and 13 I can not watch some 60% of shows because they are inappropriate -- I'm not saying go back to Leave it to Beaver shit but do we really need sexualized content of some form on darn near every show?

Most shows incorporate some kind of violence, sexual innuendo, murder etc. Do we as a society need this day in day out?

You argue that Trump lies... and your upset? Is he is the only politician to lie. When hasn't a POTUS lied? There are 2 profession that are allow to lie. Politicians and cops.

As for the rest of biased commentary I just leave it for what is
and are entitled to.

newtboy said:

Bob, I wholeheartedly disagree with your assessments, but it begs the question....if you thought the nation was in such dire straits, why did you so blindly support the bankrupting idiot baby that's made it exponentially worse while creating and reinforcing so many divisions, making it nearly impossible for Americans to work together while also obliterating our international leadership positions?

You now admit he's not qualified to lead (never was), but you put him in the most important position of responsibility and leadership you want to blame his utter failings on previous administrations, not his constant lies and total ineptitude that you zealously defended and excused!? No sir, blame yourself.

As to the "agenda", those Hollywood values (you know, honesty, inclusion, diversity, freedom to be who you are, personal liberties, anti corporate personhood,...) are shared by a VAST majority of Americans....they are American values.
Why am I not surprised you don't get that?

As to their debasement, that starts with lies...lies like the ones you defend and applaud, like Trump lying about the tax plan because, as you privately said, if he told the truth he couldn't have passed a tax plan that benefits the wealthy like himself immensely and hurts the people who can least afford it while bankrupting the treasury as a set up to kill programs for the poor. You defended that lie privately....are you too ashamed to do so publicly?

Jane Sanders will be advising Bernie Sanders in2020 campaign

notarobot jokingly says...

Election 2020.

Title: A New Hope.

Slogan: “Hindsight is 2020.”

The rich will choose between voting for tax breaks for themselves, and tax increases and net neutrality. Unless they are rich because of NN, they will be able to afford the new high-prices for the internet to be open to them. They won’t care about NN.*

The poor will likely prefer the guy they can relate to the easiest.

Big words don’t draw a crowd of people who couldn’t afford university. The… undereducated voters will remember a lifetime of corporate media telling them “socialism is bad,” perhaps un-American. It will be difficult to convince this group otherwise. Indeed, “les deplorables” might (again) vote against their own best interests.

The middle class will be divided. Some will have been licking boots as hard as they can for a long time. These “senior boot-lickers” have been entrenched in the ideas of “capitalism” and are looking forward to their next promotion where they will finally get to have their own boots licked by the next chump below them. This sub-group will vote for tax cuts. There will be no promotion. Just a ribbon and thank-you card upon retirement.

The lower part of the middle class will fall for the trap that socialism is for commies. And “they’re not commies! They’re American!” They will vote for their own social security to be cut.

Finally, there is the group that remembers Debbie Wasserman Schultz—senior bootlicker, and professional lapdog—for her actions during the last election. They remember the emails. They remember how the Clinton Cash Club sowed corruption from within the party to stop the rise of a ‘so-called socialist’ outsider. This group will remember how Trump was handed the keys to the Oval Office after the party was fractured. They will fight hard to convince their neighbours not to vote against their own interests. They will be on guard for further corruption.

*Footnote: Among the ‘rich’ will be the ‘old establishment’ of the democratic party. Former Hillary supporters. This group will feel that their position of ‘corporate lapdog’ could be threatened by the prospect of a ‘socialist’ at the helm of their party. There will be an attempt to sabotage anyone who might upset that status quo from WITHIN the party. it has happened before. It will be attempted again. (DWS has not retired from her position on the bootlicker pyramid, and she has friends...)

Bonus: The Disney Princesses.

Now that the House of Mouse has 40% of all American media within it’s walls, you can bet that anyone who refuses to play ball wearing mouse-ears will have a harder time scoring. Just sayin’.

(And if NN is truly undone--you'll only ever see what 'they' want you to.)

2020 will be an interesting race.

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