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McCain defending Obama 2008

bobknight33 says...

I agree there has been a F load of change in personnel. The real question is does this turnover occur in in business life?

If so then one could consider Trump as some kind of dickhead to work for .

If not then what is the reason for the difference?

I think there is much more going on behind the scenes. Why would one have a military General as your chief of staff?

With Obama's top level FBI as example --
Comey -- fired
McCabe- Fired
James Baker, general counsel -- Fired
James Rybicki Chief of staff -- Fired
Perter Strozk -- Fired
Lisa Page -- ???

If Hillary was elected not of their wrong doings would have come to light. All gunning to get Trump. Still that is just the FBI.

No wonder Trump is cleaning house so much. Some bad guys found? Some paranoia?
There isn't a day goes by without something big occurring.

There is still 3 big reports to come out.
Mullers findings.
The 2nd OIG report and Huber's findings

AG Jeff Sessions appointed John Huber will be the ‘top federal prosecutor’ who will be investigating FISA abuses . Huber's staff is over 400.

Also Guantanamo Bay, Cuba-- Expanding like mad...

$14 million to expand the prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. This is a "strategically critical time-sensitive expansion project". DOD justification states the "current trial support facilities are incapable of handling the large number of personnel .

The place can hold some 2300 prisoners, currently Gitmo is currently holding 41 prisoners.. Also the 137th, 428th, and 514th was deployed this month to Gitmo for a year . Rotating people out - possible, but some 500 troops for 41 prisoners?

What is so time sensitive for to handle trial support facilities are incapable of handling the large number of personnel .-- Where are these people coming from? What is coming down the pike?

Like I said above:
I think there is much more going on behind the scenes. Why would one have a military General as your chief of staff?

MilkmanDan said:

I appreciate your response to my question earlier, @bobknight33.

I don't mean to try to drag you back into the thread here if you're trying to disengage -- I dunno what you mean by #walkaway. Anyway, this doesn't require a response.

The Mueller Investigation Is Not A Witch Hunt

Trevor Noah EVISCERATES the Civility Argument

ChaosEngine says...

"That we're equating that with something like gay people being refused service because of who they are says a lot about how skewed our perception of balance is."

This is the fundamental point. I DON'T equate the two at all.

But as soon as we open this door, we have to deal with the permutations of it.

Let's say that for the sake of argument, gender identity and sexual orientation are now protected classes (legally, they're not, but let's assume they are).

Ok, you can't discriminate against someone for being LGBTQ. Great, that is obviously correct.

But we're making the argument here that you CAN discriminate against someone based on their political affiliation. Would you be ok with someone refusing service to Obama? Hillary? Bernie? What about an employer in a Republican town who finds out their employee is a prominent local democrat?

I get the argument and honestly, I agree with most of what you've said. If any of Trump's cronies had shown up in my (completely imaginary) restaurant, I'd probably have turfed them out with a lot less civility than SHS was shown.

But I'm just not sure that the world following my example is a good idea....

Trump Holds Rally Amid Aftermath of Family Separation Policy

bobknight33 says...

What part is confusing? Nothing.
Everyone hated Hillary and know she would be shit for POTUS

Did they meet and get any information? If so still not collusion Still no crime Still ZERO ZIP NADA.

I might be drinking Koolaid but your and you kind are drinking fake news piss water.

JiggaJonson said:

@bobknight33 you and my dad must be drinkin the same kool aid.

The stuff from OAN is straight Russian propaganda & Idk how much more proof one needs than this, striaght from the horse's mouth:

"This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - helped along by Aras and Emin."

"Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump"
"Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump"
"Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump"
"Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump"
"Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump"

What part of that is confusing?


The IG report is perhaps damning of the FBI to an extent, but it seems like it's a story of a failure to follow protocol. They may have been apprehensive about it given the agency's usual staying-out of politics amid an election, or considering they didn't find anything on the first go-round, they suspected there wasn't anything else to find in subsequent emails (which their wasn't).

It IS worth pointing out in the IG report that Comey and other FBI used a private email server to conduct gov business. But it seems there are people doing that on both the left and the right anyway:

The emails story seems like a lot of hot air, the undermining of our Democracy through hyper partisan Russian propaganda networks is, on the other hand, very real.

Power Up and Attack

A Closer Look: Trump Meets Kim Jong-un

Spacedog79 says...

He's a mixed bag to be sure, but I still think he's less likely to start a war than Hillary.

Fairbs said:

trump has asked for more money for the military; it was one of his campaign promises; he's conceded to the wants of China concerning NK and has gotten nothing in return

he also blew up a denuclearization agreement with Iran that was working and had defined goals and milestones

GOP's Trump "Cult"; Trump Foundation Lawsuit; Comey Report

Trump and Kim - The Movie

bobknight33 says...

Sorry your upset that someone is trying to make a deal. Maybe if he was democrat you would be happier. Do you think Hillary could / would pull this off?

You fail to give this a chance. It might fail like before but some good might come about.

Haters hate, this sounds like you.

oblio70 said:

Had the chance at what exactly, Bob? Why don't you count the number of times DPKR signed previous promises only to break them as Trump excused all their infractions for them by repeating Kim's line of "it was the Wests' fault". Who exactly is he the President of, seriously? He literally apologized for defending our Allies, "like a Bitch", to use his own phrase. He excused the regime and the individual of truly horrific crimes by saying "it's tough" to lead a country (giving himself ideas to run with).

I fail to see how even you, Bob, could be optimistic about the so-called "Summit".

Besides a Photo Op, this was just another opportunity for our President to do more under-the-table deals, because only the deeply corrupt play that game. Mr Real Estate just gushed about the incredible beachfront condo opportunities just waiting...for him to get at.

A Closer Look: Trump Meets Kim Jong-un

Spacedog79 says...

All I can hear is the sound of straws being grasped at trying to find a way that this doesn't look good for Trump. I'm hearing the same thing everywhere, what is wrong with people?

Look I'm no Trump fan (I despise Hillary but then people who start wars generally piss me off), but can't we all just admit he did a good thing? I for one hope he does more of it.

newtboy said:

Quite a stretch. In what way is it off the table?
There might have been a tiny baby step in that direction, or not, but to claim it's a done deal is ludicrous. We don't even know how many or what kinds of nukes they have, and no plan at all on disarmament.
You give credit for unlikely future possibilities as if they're past accomplishments.

A Closer Look: Trump Meets Kim Jong-un

Spacedog79 says...

Hillary is a hawk, and a spineless one at that. I don't believe for a second that Hillary would have defied the military industrial complex like Trump did to go and make peace with NK. As I said in my original post she wouldn't have the balls.

mentality said:

Because Libya and Syria are the same situation as North Korea, and put us on the brink of nuclear war. Fantastic logic there. While we're on it, why not bring up Iraq and Afghanistan? Clearly Bush also wanted to nuke NK.

A Closer Look: Trump Meets Kim Jong-un

Spacedog79 says...

Hillary was the one cheerleading for both Libya and Syria... that went well.

mentality said:

Yeah that's complete bullshit. Hillary was no more aggressive than any past presidents on NK and advocated for sanctions. Trump was the one actively taunting Kim and comparing missile sizes.

A Closer Look: Trump Meets Kim Jong-un

mentality says...

It's because Trump knows the republicans are a bunch of spineless sycophants who will let him get away with anything. If Hillary did this you can bet that the republicans would have a total meltdown about how Hillary was selling out America.

Spacedog79 said:

Fair play to Trump, there is no way Hillary would have had the balls to do this.

A Closer Look: Trump Meets Kim Jong-un

mentality says...

Yeah that's complete bullshit. Hillary was no more aggressive than any past presidents on NK and advocated for sanctions. Trump was the one actively taunting Kim and comparing missile sizes.

Spacedog79 said:

Her 'brains' would have left her listening to the hawks as she always does and taking us ever closer to the brink of nuclear war.

A Closer Look: Trump Meets Kim Jong-un

Bill Maher - Sen. Bernie Sanders

ChaosEngine says...

Well, first, I’m not really a big Hillary fan. Politically, I’m far closer to Bernie (and I live in a country where he’s not considered a total radical).

But it wasn’t just the loss, it was the reaction to the loss. First of all, losing presidential candidates almost always disappear (at least for a while). Second, everyone (and not without reason, TBF) immediately decided that SHE was the reason Trump won, not the people who didn’t vote. It’s one thing to lose, it’s another to have your base turn on you.

Look at Romney, McCain or even Kerry. They never faced the kind of backlash Hillary did.

notarobot said:

Do you see how these two sentences of yours are at odds?

If she was the kind of person to turn her back on the millions of people who supported her and voted for her because someone else got more electoral college votes, what does that imply about her character?

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