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Genuine psychopath caught on camera

Guy plays in the traffic and gets hit by a van.

ForgedReality says...

>> ^residue:

What if I have diarrhea real bad and I'm struggling to get across the road to the bathroom emporium and I'm moving kind of slow. Here comes ole ForgedReality in his Mazda Miata on an ego trip thinking everyone is out to get him so you clip me with a mirror. How's that responsible? If you're driving a car, you have a personal responsibiliy to not hit people with it regardless of what you THINK their intentions are.
And for the record, I've been clipped twice by a mirror while walking on the side of the road and hit with a bumper since I was apparently crossing too slow for some retard who thinks his car is a toy

haha.. Mazda Miata. I drive a sport pickup.

But if you've been hit that many times, it tells me that maybe you shouldn't be playing in traffic, pretending you're a vroom-vroom-car. I'm considerate of drivers when I'm walking. I get the fuck out of their way as quickly as I can, say if I'm walking by a shopping center driveway, or thru a parking lot, or even a crosswalk or something.

I know how annoying it is to have some thug wigger gangster punk bitch taking his sweet time because he thinks he's "all that," and doesn't take other people into consideration. It's the same kind of person who doesn't wave to the person who politely let them merge in a line of traffic, or the guy who doesn't even make a "thank you" gesture when someone stops to let you walk by.

It's all about a general deficit of respect that stupid people have grown up with the last couple generations. Everybody's out for themselves, and it's just "me, me, me" as if nobody else even matters.

So yes, if someone hits you with their car, they're either homicidal, mentally disturbed, or, much more likely, you're just a prick.

Also, I guess to more directly answer your question: If it appears you're struggling to cross the road, limping and grasping at your buttcheeks, yeah, I'll be like, "damn that motherfucker really has to take a shit!" I might even stop to help you across, so long as you promise not to spray rectal treasure all over me in the process.

I'm talking about the pieces of shit (usually black, for some reason) that walk DOWN the street, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD, not even really making an effort to get to one side or the other. They look back at you, like, "wutchoo gon' do, honkey?" and keep slowly walking down the street, like they aren't gunna move for you, so you better go AROUND them. Okay, so now you're forcing me into the oncoming lane because you're a dick? Fuck you. You're not endangering MY safety; you're risking me blowing a fuse and endangering YOURS.

Guy plays in the traffic and gets hit by a van.

residue says...

What if I have diarrhea real bad and I'm struggling to get across the road to the bathroom emporium and I'm moving kind of slow. Here comes ole ForgedReality in his Mazda Miata on an ego trip thinking everyone is out to get him so you clip me with a mirror. How's that responsible? If you're driving a car, you have a personal responsibiliy to not hit people with it regardless of what you THINK their intentions are.

And for the record, I've been clipped twice by a mirror while walking on the side of the road and hit with a bumper since I was apparently crossing too slow for some retard who thinks his car is a toy

>> ^ForgedReality:

Haha! I would, if the stupid pedestrians in the street had some respect for the vehicles on the road, and the people trying to get somewhere. If you're literally walking down the middle of the road, taking your sweet time to get off to the side, you deserve whatever happens, because you're purposely doing it just to fuck with people.

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gorillaman (Member Profile)

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raverman says...

"Look at this proud pelican! His slicked back feathers are all the rage this season! Look out lady pelicans, here comes a real looker! We can expect pelican breeding to be off the charts in future seasons.

Bill O'Reilly To Guest: You Kinda Look Like A Cocaine Dealer

dannym3141 says...

>> ^ShakyJake:

Danny, the trouble I had with the clip is that if I imagine something like this coming from someone like Jon Stewart, I imagine the joke to have a certain structure. There would be a setup, a twist, and then a punchline, and it would certainly have no similarity to the "joke" told here. Coming from Bill, it just sounds like the kind of mean-spirited quip you'd hear on an elementary playground, where the goal is less focused on being funny and more so on getting a cheap shot in on someone just for the sake of it.
I don't even know if he does this stuff consciously, anymore. Take any interview he's ever had with someone with a potentially opposing stance from his and he comes across as extremely demeaning almost as part of a natural reflex. Pinheads!

2 things:

1) I don't know where you've imagined this formal joke structure from. Humour comes in so many different shapes and sizes, i've heard (on tv, in public) and said almost identical comments that were intended in jest and recieved in jest. If i said this to a black person and they told me i was racist, not only would they be absolutely wrong, but i'd be racist if i DIDN'T say it just because they were black.

2) Ok, he may have a reputation, but if you judge everything he ever says based on that reputation, when is there ever a chance for redemption? I'd rather chastise him for every wrong thing he's ever said than accidentally chastise him for something he says that isn't wrong. Because then we're punishing good behaviour and the puppy is less likely to behave well in the future.

And geo321 - so there ...weren't any races before the british empire, or..? And is "race" a bad thing? It's surely an identifying characteristic, but i don't know why you feel opposed to the idea of people having a race. Should we stop referring to hair colour, eye colour, native language too?

Bill O'Reilly To Guest: You Kinda Look Like A Cocaine Dealer

ShakyJake says...

Danny, the trouble I had with the clip is that if I imagine something like this coming from someone like Jon Stewart, I imagine the joke to have a certain structure. There would be a setup, a twist, and then a punchline, and it would certainly have no similarity to the "joke" told here. Coming from Bill, it just sounds like the kind of mean-spirited quip you'd hear on an elementary playground, where the goal is less focused on being funny and more so on getting a cheap shot in on someone just for the sake of it.

I don't even know if he does this stuff consciously, anymore. Take any interview he's ever had with someone with a potentially opposing stance from his and he comes across as extremely demeaning almost as part of a natural reflex. Pinheads!

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