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Extremely badass gymnastic ball routine

Extremely badass gymnastic ball routine

iaui (Member Profile)

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loki999 (Member Profile)

loki999 (Member Profile)

loki999 (Member Profile)

Poll, Sanders Is Beating Everyone, Clinton Loses To Everyone

VoodooV says...

The bullshit that people imagine up to turn candidates into mustache twirling villains is so hilarious. The mental gymnastics alone is so impressive.

Are our politicians stellar examples of humanity? Nope, but at least I can keep my complaints against them grounded in reality.

It just gets more and more imaginative every reality sh-er I mean election cycle.

coolhund said:

Hillary is worse than Bush and Obama combined. I have no idea how anyone could vote for her, unless they are as corrupt or stupid enough to still believe her lies.

I really wish Sanders would win, but I highly doubt it. It reminds me of the Ron Paul hype that suddenly got so much air time and was mentioned so many times on the Internet, polls actually looked good for him. Yet we all know how that ended. Plus hes very old and we all know what happens to presidents who go against the establishment, the real people in power.

Rude Guy Gets Pepper Sprayed

enoch says...

satire my man.satire.
tongue planted firmly in cheek.

this video was reminding me of the subway video where a woman was verbally assaulting this dude,and then she made it physical,and got popped in the mouth for her troubles.

and the sift verdict?
it was the mans responsibility.he should have walked away.even though everyone agrees that the woman was in the wrong..still the mans responsibility.

so in both that case and this one,BOTH were being juvenile and antagonistic and BOTH should bear responsibility for the end results.

and that is the only fair and just metric we should use to judge situations such as these.

but there are those who engage in a mental gymnastics as to twist reality to fit their perpetually offended and morally outraged narrative.

i.e:that this woman is the victim.

nope.this is just two assholes engaging in assholery.

Bernie's New Ad. This is powerful stuff for the Heartland

enoch says...

*citation needed

and did you just conflate sanders ideas with ISLAM?
now THAT,my friend,is some seriously impressive mental gymnastics.

you do realize,or at least tacitly aware that america has MANY socialist policies and even institutions?

or have you been so thoroughly indoctrinated into the false belief that capitalism=democracy?

do i REALLY need to remind you that one:socialism.
is an economic system.
and the other:democracy.
is a political system.

that you could actually have a socialist democracy?
oh wait.
doesn't bernie sanders identify as a *gasp* DEMOCRATIC socialist?

come on bob,read a book once in awhile would ya please?
pretty please?

bobknight33 said:

Most of the audience looks like young kids who have yet to really know what life is really about - and it is not Socialism.

Bernie's ideas, like ISLAM are not compatible with the Constitution.

Palin Blaming Obama For Her Son Beating His Girlfriend

newtboy jokingly says...

It's astonishing to me that 'conservatives' chose as their mouthpiece someone who can't form a complete sentence or thought, and who does any mental gymnastic necessary to shirk any and all responsibilities.

one of the many faces of racism in america

enoch says...

did you hear that???
that was the point whooshing over your head.

so you reply to a comment about your semantics,
by using even more semantics and then engage in some impressive mental gymnastics.

ok man..i can accept when a horse is dead,and i am not interested in beating it any further.

voodoo was attempting to make an over-arcing point in regards to civil liberties and possible abuses.which is very similar to the point i was trying to make,but you are either unwilling or unable to acknowledge those possibilities.

while newt may disagree with mine and voodoos premise,at least he acknowledges the possibilities for abuse.

ah well,probably my failure.
i can muddy the waters of my own argument by my own ramblomatic self-destructive prose.

peace brother.

Bill Maher: Richard Dawkins – Regressive Leftists

enoch says...

i do not know if you are aware,but you actually made my point in regards to justification.specifically your third paragraph.

as for the disagreement in regards to religious texts being inert and neutral.this should not really be an issue and should be plain for all to see.religious texts are amalgamations,musings,stories,philosophies all jammed into a canonized text.they are often hypocritical and is the reader that interprets and injects their own subjective understandings based on their own proclivities.

which then makes religious text a subjective if you are violent,then your interpretations will be violence,which would lead to justifications based on those interpretations.

unless you are using fundamentalism as a fulcrum.which sees religious text as the unerring word of god,which brings a whole new conundrum into focus:contradictory philosophies which are in diametric opposition.which is an impossibility to reconcile,but again brings us to my main point:justification.(by way of mental gymnastics).

and harris does not just smell like apologist BS,he IS an this is understandable when seen through the lens of nationalism,but it engages in the same wishful thinking harris accuses many religious people of engaging in.

we WANT to feel we are the good guys.
we WANT to think that what we are doing is for a higher,and more morale purpose.
we WANT to think all this violence and bloodshed is ultimately for a better and more prosperous future for everybody involved.
we WANT to believe that our government is not just destroying and destabilizing whole communities with wanton destruction just so our corporations can have a new market to exploit,or to control the oil fields for BP and chevron to control.

but thats not the reality.
our wants are just wishful thinking and an inability to accept that we cling to these wants to justify horror,destruction and death.

so what is OUR justification?
so just like the more moderate and secular muslims who look the other way when faced with horror.we too,look away at the truth of things,because to recognize the reality means to accept responsibility.
we have blood on our hands....all of us.
as do those muslims who also look away.

but the allure of justifications....
to have the ability to turn horror into righteousness.
it is extremely powerful,and we ALL participate.
even sam harris.

I'd award him a 10

Lawdeedaw says...

@Sheppard He failed because he hit the side of the wall on the way down. Like a gymnast who flubs at the end still gets bad reviews regardless of the triple spinning air suspending act he or she just did. However, I kind of agree this is not a fail since it was just for fun...unfortunately, I don't think blind luck is "skillful" either. Maybe if his video showed him constantly doing tricks like these rather than just a one time dumb-luck type of deal...

*nochannel *Sports *Wheels *Ftw

Cops doing good deeds

enoch says...

the common misconception by our lantern is that because we become outraged and incensed over the actions of bad cops being..well..bad,we do not have the capacity to understand that there are far more GOOD cops performing their duties with honor and conviction.

this is not only insulting and is dishonest.

while i can understand lanterns desire to defend his chosen profession,being motivated by his own,personal understandings.i cannot understand his almost knee-jerk reactions to criticisms when they are warranted and that somehow all of us harbor this incredibly small and narrow view of police officers.that we do not have the capacity to realize that not all cops are bad,violent,thuggish brutes.

what lantern fails to realize,possibly because he is so close to the situation,is WHY we become so outraged.
police wield immense power over ordinary citizens.they hold in their pocket the power and authority of the state.most cops are aware of this and act accordingly,with honor and integrity,the statistics bear this out.

so when a cop over-reaches said authority,or performs acts of violence against an unarmed citizen,or lies about his actions to avoid the consequences (be they malicious or accidental).

it really pisses us off.

the argument is still:power vs powerlessness.
or in many cases with police over-reach:power vs the vulnerable.

think about it this way lantern:
if a grown man abuses or molests a child,that man is vilified and condemned by society.hell,they KILL men like that in prison!


because it is a total abuse of power and authority,perpetrated upon the innocent and vulnerable.this act is viewed by society as to be so venal and grotesque as to warrant the most harshest of punishments.

that young child trusted the adult to protect keep them from harm.that adult betrayed that trust.

we even,in this society,blame the other adults in the situation for not interceding,because we view the protection of the vulnerable as everyones duty,and to abdicate that duty makes you complicit and henceforth....guilty.

now i am not saying that police are child molesters.
what i AM saying is that to abuse the power and authority of your station upon the innocent and vulnerable is the exact same betrayal of trust.

which is why we become outraged.

you also seem to miss why we become outraged at the supposed good cops looking the other way when bad cops break the law.basically you are the complicit housewife who allowed her baby to be share in the guilt,even though you did not perpetrate the offense,you allowed it to go unpunished.

choices have consequences and standing up and taking responsibility for those choices is the cornerstone of not only being a man but a decent human being.yet time and time again we see bad cops lying,creating false evidence,even having other cops as co-conspirators in their fabrications,all to avoid the consequences of their actions.

this is NOT what men do.
this is what children do and it is up to the parent to correct this devious,weak and irresponsible behavior.a parents job is to teach their offspring accountability.that their actions will have consequences...sometimes dire..and to accept those consequences like a man.

so when we see bad cops being irresponsible and suffering zero consequences..

it pisses us off.

and when we see you defend these bad cops.trying to perform mental gymnastics to abdicate bad policing,we take you to task.

yes yes...
we all know good cops can make a mistake.
that there are mitigating circumstances and that we were not there.some cops become so distraught over a single mistake that they may leave the force,or tragically,take their own life.

we all understand this and it is not we take issue with.
we take issue with the coward who will not take responsibility.
we take issue with the lying.
we take issue with the systematic refusal of a "justice" system which allows these bad cops to abuse their authority with impunity.
we take issue with the brutish and thuggish behavior.
we take issue with the unnecessary violence.

we are full aware that there are some fantastic cops out there,but we call out the bad cops for being bad.

and you should as well.
because they besmirch the very profession you are employed in and their behavior tarnishes the reputation of the job you perform with honor and integrity.

all good cops should be calling to the carpet every cop that over-steps his authority,abuses his power,perpetrates violence for no other reason than to be violent.if you guys did that we would have far less youtube videos revealing the subtle rot in your institution.(not so subtle anymore,thank you camera phones!).

we realize that these bad cops do not represent you lantern,so do not feel the urge to defend every single cop video.those bad cops can own their actions...if they had any balls,which they do not.

stop defending these pussies.
they are performing their duties poorly.they are making your job not only harder but less safe and they leave a stain on the job you love (at least i think you love it).

just stop.
and realize we totally understand and that we wont stop calling bad cops out for being bad.

/end rant


Man Choked And Arrested For Filming Baton Rouge Police

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