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Motorcyclist was Lucky

oOPonyOo says...

Organ donors - true. A friend's grandma was in the hospital and the doctor said that she required a cornea implant(s). He said that they didn't have any donors at the moment, but that it had just started raining....

Low Cost Solution To Landmine Clearance.

aaronfr says...

A lot of misconceptions here:
>> ^Drachen_Jager:

and people may think of zones where these have been operating as 'clear' instead of as potential landmine areas. I think this invention has a great potential to increase the number of accidental landmine detonations, lost limbs and deaths.
Generally, people don't whimsically choose to walk through an area that is covered in land mines. Most Westerners tend to discount the power of local knowledge, and to assume that everyone else in the world is just running around from unknown place to unknown place like we do. Fact is, in places like Afghanistan, the people are hyper-aware of the local situation, particularly when it relates to their personal security and they tend to stay in a small geographical area (no weekend trips to the lake or across country to see Grandma). Landmine deaths occur most often in places that are not marked as dangerous and alongside roads (which tend to be the only path between one location and another.
>> ^Drachen_Jager:

Maybe it will explode a few, but when some of it's 'legs' get blown off it stops moving. Does someone go out there, risking his life and limbs in what is now a known minefield to fix it, or do you just leave it there?

Ummm.... how do you think landmines are removed now? With hi-tech robots and a smartphone? Plenty of lives and limbs at risk in this world cleaning up the messes of violent conflict.
>> ^Drachen_Jager:

Because they may seem cheap, but 1 whirlydoohickey blown up per 1 landmine disarmed is hardly 'cheap', when some landmines cost under a dollar, and they may be spread out in the thousands in a given area.

IF the current cost is §1200 per landmine removal, then, yes, §40 per landmine is cheap.

Best Cosplay of All Time

MonkeySpank says...

Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man!
Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man!
Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man!

"Hi, I’m Al Harrington, President and CEO of Al Harrington’s Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man emporium and warehouse. Thanks to a shipping error, I am now currently overstocked on Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Men, and I am passing the savings on to you!!
Attract customers to your business. Make a splash at your next presentation. Keep grandma company. Protect your crops. Confuse your neighbors. African American? Hail a cab. Testify in church. Or just raise the roof.

Whatever your Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man needs are. So come on down to Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man emporium and warehouse. Route 2 in Weekapaug."

RWBY Red trailer

ant (Member Profile)

Registering voters at Safeway -- IF you support Romney

VoodooV says...

the girl may not have realized what she was getting into. But that's a far cry from being innocent. My guess is that she knew exactly what she was doing, just either wasn't expecting to be caught or maybe thought the other side did it too (very probably true, in either case, it's no excuse)

I'm sorry, kids can be dumb, but not quite that dumb. not understanding the consequences isn't the same thing as knowing you're deliberately trying to include one group and exclude the other.

and Kofi, making a few funny posts doesn't excuse deliberate troll posts. That's like saying it's ok to be a dick as long as I help grandma across the street a few times.

You Forgot To Hit Pause...

oritteropo says...

I heard that it occasionally caused confusion in Spanish speaking countries... like saying Dan is playing with his Amiga in his room (Grandma faints).

They changed the name of the vic-20 to vc-20 in German speaking countries because the original is rude in German, but kept Amiga as-is.
>> ^ReverendTed:

>> ^renatojj:
A Random Thought Occurs!

If "amigo" is friend, is "Amiga" girlfriend? Did our generation get trolled on that one?

Best Dancing Grandma

Grandma Dances like Usher

Getting Dressed Without Arms

BoneRemake says...

>> ^braschlosan:

My upvote was for the funny description "Typical girl...taking FOREVER to get ready in the morning!!"
That makes ten upvotes


Grandma Dances like Usher

Grandma Dances like Usher

Grandma Dances like Usher

Senior Citizens React to Mars Landing

Thrift Shop Shopping FTW (That's one funky beat!)

eric3579 says...

I'm gonna pop some tags
only got twenty dollars in my pocket
I'm I'm hunttin, looking for a come up
this is fucking awesome

Now, walk up to the club like what up I got a big cock
I'm so pumped i bought some shit from the thrift shop
Ice in the brandies so damn frosty the people like
damn, that's a cold ass hunky
rollin and hella deep had it to me
dressed in all pink cept' my gator shoes those are green
drapped in a leopard mink girls standing next to me
probably shoulda washed this smells like R. Kelly sheets

But shit he was 99 cents, bug it copin and washin it
bout to go and get some compliments
passin upon those mochassins someone else is been walking
and bout me and grudgie fuckin man I'm stuck in a closet
and say but my money in the ..I'm happy thats a bargain
bitch I'ma take you grandpa style, I'ma take you grandpa style
no for real ask your grandpa can i have his hand-me-downs
thank you my Lord jump suit as house slippers
doukie brown leather jacket that i found diggin
They had a broken keyboard, I bought a broken keyboard
I bought a ski blanket then I bought a knee board
hello hello my ace man my mellow
John Wayne ain't got nothing now my friends game hello
I could take some pro wings make em' cool sell those
this sneaker head will be like, awww he got the velcro

I'm gonna pop some tags
only got twenty dollars in my pocket
I'm I'm hunttin, looking for a come up
this is fucking awesome

Whatcha know bout rockin the wolf on your noggin
whatcha knowin about wearin a fur fox skin
I'm diggin, I'm diggin I'm searching right through that luggage
one man's trash that's another's man's come up
make your grand dad were donatein that plaid button
up shirt 'cause right now I'm up and looking her stuntin
I'm at the GoodWill you can find me in that
I'm not I'm not searchin in that section
your Grammy your auntie, your mommy your mammy
I'll take those flanel zebra jammies seconhand I'll rock that mother fucker
they built the oneesie with the socks on mother fucker
I hit the party and they stop in that mother fucker
they be like oh that Gucci that..tight
I'm like y'all that's fifty dollars for a T-shirt
limited edition lets to do some simple addition
fifty dollars for a T-shirt that's just some ignorant bitch she
I call that getting swindled and perished
I call that getting tricked by business
that shirts hella dope and i bliss im one
in six other people in this club a hella dome
eat game come take a look through my telescope
tryin to get girls from my brand man you hella wont
man you hella wont

I'm gonna pop some tags
only got twenty dollars in my pocket
I'm I'm hunttin, looking for a come up
this is fucking awesome

I wear your grandest clothes
I look incredible
I'm in this big ass coat
from that thrift shop down the road
(Little Girl)
Is that your grandmas coat?

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Beggar's Canyon