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Canadian Protestors Swarm Toronto Police Department

Yogi says...

Guns over Non-Lethal? You think you're going to win with that? Sorry but shooting someone because they're a danger to themselves, No doesn't fly. Shooting someone because they're a danger to others flies, if they're actually showing an intent to harm other people.

Shooting someone because they're endangering a cops life? Nope Nuh uh that's not how it works. Cops swear an oath to serve and protect, that means they put themselves UNDER everyone elses life in their district. So they risk being shot and stabbed and exhaust every option in order to stop someone without murdering them out of fear that they'll be hurt. They don't like it they don't have to take the job.

You don't just get to shoot people ever, not when they're not an immediate threat and not when you have options to take them down in non-lethal ways.

As far as the sifts opinion, we wouldn't give a fuck if they tazed a guy to the ground who had a knife in his hand. We get pissed when the people who get tazed are helpless, like that old grandma in a wheel chair.

The cop fucked up, and that crowd fucked up by not storming that building and killing all who stood in front of them. Only Murder will fix this situation now!

Shepppard said:

What's the better solution here? The guy was obviously pacing and holding a knife in a severely confined space. The non-lethal option, Tazing, has been a controversy on the sift since I started coming to the site.

Two options remain, allow him to hurt himself or others by allowing him to just stay with the knife, or charge him and risk a wound and or fatality of one or more officers.

It's a shitty fucking situation, I don't know why the kid was brandishing a knife in the first place, but he had it drawn for a reason, and it likely wasn't to get the gunk out from under his fingernails.

10 Life Hacks You Need To Know For Summer!

100 Year Old Great-Grandmother talks dicks with reporter

A Pop Culture Nostalgia Trip to the Year 1986

deathcow says...

This is like comfort food. Like fried chicken... it clogs your arteries and kills you but takes you back to grandma cooking dinner in Georgia in the 1970s. This stuff was what was playing when I got my first car, was mobile for the first time, out of school for the first time, freedom. So I associate a powerful good with all this stuff. Tripe.... yes.... but good times around it. In my own car, would have been YES, Pink Floyd and Rush around this time.

chingalera said:

...wait a minute, DC?? I thought you said you liked the mid-eighties pop?

Tornado Survivor Finds Dog Buried In Rubble While Interviewe

90 year old grandmother tries the Oculus Rift

WTF Japanese Bikini Waxing Commercial - (Wait for it)

Grandma Dances Her Way to the Car - Life Is Good

mintbbb (Member Profile)

How It's Made ~ Rally Cars

84 year old Grandpa playing Video games!

NRA: The Untold Story of Gun Confiscation After Katrina

VoodooV says...

I don't care if you're pro or anti gun regulation. I don't care if you have hundreds of guns

I welcome ANY honest discussion over the roles of firearms in America, Which is precisely why you cannot invite the NRA to the discussion. They're obviously biased. They are a lobby organization. They profit when guns profit. You can't be objective when your livelihood is determined by gun sales.

It's another case where effective government is hampered by private money.

In any case, the problem with what happened during Katrina depicted in this video has nothing to do with gun confiscation, it has everything to do with shitty cops making bad decisions. The video conflates these idiot cops beating up grandma with gun confiscation. two completely separate issues.

I am pro gun regulation, but yeah unless someone can explain to me a really good reason WHY they were confiscated (which I'm obviously not going to get from THIS biased video), I would be against gun confiscation in this situation as well.

The problem isn't gun regulation, the problem is appropriate enforcement of said regulation. This was a failure of New Orleans Police Superintendent Eddie Compass for giving that order to confiscate weapons. This was a failure of enforcement, not of regulation.

Are we going to hear about that from this video? nah, it goes against the NRA's profit motive. The only message of this video is play off your fears, not to inform.

It's really funny that part of the title of this video is "The Untold Story" because it seems they're not telling the rest of the story.

Chuck Norris' Grandmother.

This cow is phenomenal at lip syncing.

Jay-Z adorably explains who he is to old woman on subway

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