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buffalo NY-drone footage storm day 3

Blackbird Serenade to Dying Son

WKB says...

Maybe his family, like mine, is spread out across the globe and can't all get together for a moment like this. Maybe YouTube/Facebook is the perfect medium for this guy to convey this moment to extremely interested family members and friends far and wide. And maybe he did intend for strangers to see this if they so choose. Maybe he thought sharing a moment like this, a moment we all hope and pray will never come, would be something that could maybe be valuable to total strangers. Maybe he felt sharing something like that could give his child's brief life more meaning. Maybe it might cause total strangers to put their life in perspective, even if just for a moment. (It sure did for me.)

ChaosEngine said:

I can't imagine the pain of losing your wife and newborn child within days of each other.

I understand taking photos or videos of the kid. I don't understand posting them on youtube.

I actually clicked through to the youtube page to get more info:

"For more information please visit:
To donate to a Memorial Fund to help with medical bills and associated expenses, please visit:

© Chris Picco 2014

Brett Walls • • 909-647-7167"

The whole thing feels horribly cynical to me.

Maybe it's just a cultural difference, but to me grieving is a time not to intrude on the family.

Christchurch From The Streets - trailer

newtboy says...

How did the wizard fair? Was he still out there doing his thing when the quake hit? I had a great time with him in the late 80's. He was a fixture of the town at that time, I hope he's still there trying to sell his 'inside out universe' and 'upside down globe' theories, along with all the other insanity he spouted so gleefully.
It's so sad to see the damage still so bad 4 years later. Hints of New Orleans in that. It was such a beautiful place (and still is, but obviously in recovery).
One good thing though, this gives Christchurch the opportunity to become the most technologically advanced city in NZ, or even the entire southern hemisphere. Since the infrastructure needs to be rebuilt anyway, youall can do it right instead of just plastering over rust and broken concrete (like we do here in the US). Fingers crossed that it gets done the right way, and not just bandaged over with last century tech.
I SOOOO want to come back there and visit again. Most beautiful country and people (on the inside anyway) anywhere on earth. I miss it badly.

ChaosEngine said:

*promote rebuilding my home town

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Student Debt

newtboy says...

Actually it was rhetorical, I knew where I was going to start, I was not asking you in a real way or expecting you to answer...that's what rhetorical means.
Because the video was limited to American schools and systems does not mean the comments will be, we have a diverse bunch of sifters from all over the globe that might want to comment, and might not stick to America as the only place that counts. It is logical to ASSUME you might have meant only American schools, but some of us don't assume we know another's meaning and just go with what you wrote. If you wanted to limit your comment to American schools, you could easily have written exactly that. There's not a character limit on posts!
Or, perhaps Bareboards2 knows some Americans that would be insulted by your painting them as lowest common denominators at their basest. I would be one. I admitted those you describe exist, and may even be a majority, but Americans are not homogenous by far, and there are many that do exactly what you claimed they don't.
It's not hard to CARE, it's hard to retain, it's hard to focus, it's hard to attend at times, it's hard to come up with supplies, it's not hard at all to CARE about education, and I've never met a person of lesser means that didn't wish they could get more education. Saying they don't care is insulting, saying they don't achieve (as well as rich counterparts) is fact, sad tragic fact.
Yes, I agree, we need to help the poor a LOT more, their plight is getting worse daily while those not in need are the only ones succeeding.
I'm right there with you on free higher education, for the betterment of the nation AND it's citizens. College grads are far less likely to commit violent crimes or otherwise be drains on society, so are a boon for all.
It sounds like you may be confusing a lack of time, money, ability, and energy with a lack of caring, or perhaps not. As I said, those you describe do exist, in large numbers, they are simply not the ONLY variety of American student.
What?!? If this woman is in class working and paying for a degree while trying to raise 3 kids, one disabled, it sure sounds to me like she CARES about education, and that she's not lacking in educational pursuance or lack of drive, she's possibly failing for lack of energy and time would be my guess, or maybe from lack of educational preparation, or innate ability. If she didn't care, she shouldn't be spending money and time being in class working for a degree that no longer guarantees more money, she should be in welding class, or making bank cleaning up the school. There's nothing wrong with that, I've done both. People who only want to get more money and don't care about knowledge should go that route, they'll have a much better chance of success and not be in crippling debt for a chance they'll use their diploma for financial gain.
WTF?!? When they stopped the abuse, did you care then? The poor have tribulations, but are not constantly working to the bone unable to even contemplate a better future because they're outrageously accosted by life every second of the day. Be real. When there's time to think, many people of all social strata think how they would like to lean something new. You obviously cared enough to be in classes now even with this abuse you speak of, just like I did when and after all those things happened to me (but with only one brother. For me it was actually incentive to learn more and be 'better' than my brother whenever possible, in order to have a better life, I know I'm a freak though ), so what's your point? The poor don't think about furthering their education 100% of the waking day because they're too busy being poor, so they don't care about it at all? That's just silly. I think many if not most don't think about it much because they've determined there's no reasonable opportunity for them to achieve it, so why dwell on what you can't have. It' s not an issue of not careing.
I think we should help them have the opportunity to gain higher education and ability to make use of that opportunity because we know most of them DO CARE about education, but could certainly use help to achieve it. Those that don't care (I again admit they exist, but not only among the poor) should be helped to care, because it's important for them and us to have everyone educated.
Jon Stewart was generalizing, not making a statement about each and every American. I only take issue with the broad brush strokes painting all Americans in the same ugly color, I think we're a quite varied and interesting group, and I don't resemble your generalization in the least...and I'm American. I did admit that I think many, if not most Americans do fit your description, but you seem to still take exception to that viewpoint.

Lawdeedaw said:

You ask where to start? It is obvious that was not rhetorical in any way shape or form because your argument was poorly put together from the beginning.

"The total bill due in AMERICA tops 1 trillion." Then, "That's right, student debt in AMERICA..." There is even a reference to an AMERICAN President, and everything else about this video was about America. We see a reoccurring theme here newt?

So follows the logic that since this discourse is focused solely on American schools, then we are all talking about American schools. No other assumption is logical. My comment, with that prefacing in mind, is obviously intended for American schools. Yeah, take it out of context and I look like an idiot, but with the context I am not the one that looks stupid.

Let me give you another example. Say we are talking about gay rights in America and I just generalize the concept of gay rights after an intense discussion about just that. You could argue that since gay rights in tribal, African countries are different then I am stupid, but don’t be such a stickler for pathetic red herrings.

Second, the problems facing the poor are tragic. It is WELL DOCUMENTED; however, that poor children have lower grades. Why? Because it's hard to think on an empty stomach. In other words, it's hard to care about what the fuck is on the chalkboard when you have to worry about where you are going to get food at or hell, if you will have a roof over your head. This fact is not insulting, as you clearly say it is, this is reality. A sad, tragic reality that few in America have the balls to have a real discourse on. We trivialize it behind a false veneer. We make it seem like the poor try so hard and care so much but that if only we helped them a little more they could succeed. No, we have to help them a LOT more.

I think all colleges should be paid for by the government. I think books and research materials should be free. I think we can do a lot more than what we currently do.

Lastly, one student in my current class is obviously lacking in education and more so obvious does not care. She is a mother of three children, one of which is disabled. I can see why she just wants the degree and I don't judge her. You, on the other hand, do unintentionally judge this woman, newt. You insult her by suggesting her lack of educational pursuance is rare to the poor and that she must be failing that pursuit because of a lack of drive. She cannot care about bettering her leisurely time newt, period.

Do you think I gave a fuck about learning, just for education’s sake when my brothers beat me, threw me down the stairs, choked me, humiliated me, and shoved a pillow over my face at night? Or when they punched my skull into concrete and beat my dog? You insult the hell out of me—as though I SHOULD have cared when I just tried to survive. As though I failed to care and that made me a failure. The poor should not care—they should survive. We should all help them care.

Spider-Woman's Big Ass Is A Big Deal - Maddox

Spider-Woman's Big Ass Is A Big Deal - Maddox

SDGundamX says...

Just to play devil's advocate here, the poses of the male and female covers are actually quite different, in my opinion.

Spiderman is lying flat against the surface of a globe with his body pressed against it. I haven't seen any gay porn that depicts models (admittedly I'm not one to peruse much gay porn) in this way in order to evoke sexual feelings.

Spiderwoman on the other hand is simply kneeling on a rooftop and has her ass thrust into the air, with back arched and head raised. As a hetero male, that's imagery I see used to evoke sexual feelings in Sports Illustrated, Playboy, etc. It does totally looks like she's presenting her ass to me specifically because there's no reason for her ass to be up in the air higher than her head (in Spiderman's case he's upside down so of course his ass is going to be over his head).

As far as the rest of his argument goes, I'll simply say this--people are not upset about the sexualization so much as people are upset that when men get sexualized in media it is often in a manner that is idealized by men themselves (i.e. muscular, ripped body) and when women get sexualized... it is often in a manner that is idealized by men themselves (i.e. big boobs, unrealistic body figure, etc.) because it is the men who often control authorship in the media. Of course you're going to alienate potential women readers if you don't present them with an idealized version of themselves but instead give them an idealized version of who men want them to be.

Bill Nye: You Can’t Ignore Facts Forever

Digitalfiend says...

Yeah and when emissions from volcanoes (among other things) got out of control:

The oceans aren't going to save us and, if anything, might be affected the most by increased CO2 in the atmosphere:

I really don't see why it is such a bad idea to attempt to reduce harmful emissions around the globe - it can only benefit us in the long run and we have the technology to do so. But it will cost big dollars that citizens and, in particular, corporations are unwilling to part with. If we continue the way we are though, in another 100-200 years it might be too late.

Japan Tech Rope Rescue Competition

Reefie says...

Okay this is pretty freakin' awesome and needs to be copied by search, rescue and fire service departments around the globe, culminating in a world event where countries go head to head proving their worth!

BIll Maher Unleashes Against Militarized Police

chingalera says...

What's coming inevitably will be as it's always been in the 'century-of-self ': The machine keeps peeps distracted by disinformation, issues to rally-behind, toys to play with and continual mind-fucking through Bernay's-style cradle-to-grave programming then....Suddenly, like three skyscrapers dropping into their footprints on International Shit-Box Tonight with Sham Cocksworth, yet another, 'create-the-crisis-provide-the-solution' scenario will further strengthen the resolve of the assholes who want ultimately to have the world to themselves and the bulk of humanity as dutiful robot-putty-slaves.

Technology, technique, fear, and an empty promise of safety and security (please, think of the children again, break to commercial) will shape the next worldwide crisis and urgency of action...and again, watch rights and individual responsibility deteriorate into a controlled chaos.

Fake alien invasion? Orchestrated and choreographed conflicts? Some scary flesh-eating disease? Most-likely the next planetary theatrical concoction will be some superfecta once again where fascism continues to reign supreme and the entire globe continues along the path of planetary lock-down.

Oh, and pusillanimous shit-heals with Cheeto-stained fingertips will between anime-clips and chicken-choking to porn, (who think they know how police fraternities work), will continue to pop-spit from the illusory comfort of their soiled computer chairs....

'Right...'Left' ?? Again, for the ChaosEngines of the world...a concocted and programmed, fucking illusion.

Neil deGrasse Tyson vs. Conservative Media

gwiz665 says...

This seems to be a semantic argument, much like the argument that evolution is "just a theory", you're saying it's "just a consensus".

And yes, a consensus for layman is just a majority agreement, and this does not make it reality. Lots of majorities believe really stupid shit.

A scientific consensus, however, is not just an agreement or a majority opinion. It is what the evidence points to. If there is no conflicting evidence, you will get a scientific consensus that it means a certain thing. Evidence is largely not up for much interpretation, unlike opinions.

It used to be that the consensus was that the earth was flat, because the only evidence we had was "it looks pretty flat", but more evidence invalidates that and so that hypothesis fails the evidence.

So far the evidence seems to indicate that that globe is warming and that people are at least partially causing it. There hasn't been solid evidence presented to counter it, save for flimsy opinions ("I think the sun is doing it!" etc.)

lantern53 said:

A consensus is not reality, as I've already stated.

I don't care what people believe about global warming. My problem is that when govt's believe we can do something about it, they begin to take my private property i.e. money, to fight it, when gov'ts do little but waste huge amounts of money and increase our debt.

Do whatever you want about global whatever, just don't ask me to believe that what you do will accomplish anything.

Reverse Racism, Explained

jwray says...

It's a clever rationalization of hypocrisy. If it's going to be taboo to observe patterns in groups of people demarcated by visible characteristics they were born with, be consistent about it. But I'd argue against that taboo.

What makes racism bad is treating people as specimens of a group rather than unique individuals. Group averages may differ slightly but there's tons of overlap. Common usage of the word "racism" unfortunately conflates a moral aspect (how to treat people) with an epistemological aspect (dogma that all groups are created exactly equal in every way). Epistemology shouldn't be moralized. I could give you lots of examples of sociological and psychological research getting muddled on account of an inflexible dogma that there couldn't be any heritable differences between groups other than the obvious superficial ones. I'd rather conceive of the word racism as a verb describing harmful actions towards people due to their group membership, not a noun denoting a thoughtcrime or speechcrime. Like church and state, or science and religion, epistemology and morality don't go together.

A priori based on generation times and mutation rates you should expect there could be 1/10 as much variation between historically isolated groups of humans as there is between breeds of dogs, since the most recent common ancestor of all domestic dogs is half as far back as humans' most recent common ancestor is (or rather was before 16th and 17th century explorers spread their sperm across the globe) but dogs breed a lot faster. Breeds of dogs demonstrably vary in many behavioral and psychological traits. It's not far fetched to suppose that a variety of environments over the past 100,000 years of humanity pushed population means of behavioral traits in various directions.

Sean Garnier hustles young men in street soccer

Honest Trailers - Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones

Payback says...

He's one of those actors that need a good director and script. If his first big break was with Whedon and not Lucas, he'd have an Oscar or Golden Globe or something by now. At least an MTV award...

At least Portman got out from under the shadow. That's a good thing.

Now that I think about it, wasn't Anakin supposed to be 14 or 15 in Clones? He was what, 6 in Phantom Menace? Playing it like a mewling child just might be correct. He was just too obviously older.

AeroMechanical said:

I sometimes wonder if maybe Hayden Christensen would have turned out to be a great actor if it weren't for his first major role being directed by George Lucas.

Okay, maybe not, but I do feel for the guy because it clearly is the directing that ruined his character.

Thrones - Skyrim "Game of Thrones Style" Intro

TDS 2/24/14 - Denunciation Proclamation

newtboy says...

I have explained my reasoning for the terms I used, which are the norm for those discussing this topic.
You are welcome to your own opinion.

And you are incorrect that "everyone is against slavery in 2014". It has been often reported that there are more people being held in 'slavery' today than during the civil war around the globe, so obviously 'everyone' is not against it!
And some of us are proponents of voluntary indentured servitude, which some people might call slavery.

Trancecoach said:

They did not secede. They stayed in the union. So they were union states.
But whatever.. Don't call them "northern" if you don't like. Call them border union states or whatever you want.


(Oh, and by the way, everyone is against slavery in 2014. No one is impressed by your "hatred" of it. Please.)

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