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Do You Regret All Your Lying?

newtboy says...

More like glass of weak tea calling the kettle black, buddy. Democrats and the mainstream media at it's worst aren't 1/10 the liars their far right extremist counterparts are.

Whataboutism based on pure lies and exaggerations by a repeatedly convicted con man and liar, the man you said has carte Blanche to lie whenever he pleases because only a moron tells the truth if it might hurt him, especially under oath.

Even if that were true, which it is absolutely not, the media is comprised of tens of millions of people worldwide.
Giving you the benefit of pretending to accept your lie, that makes Trump, all on his little lonesome, as big a liar as tens of millions of people you call monstrous liars combined.

Still unbelievably full of shit and incapable of honesty.

Lol....nationalreview, as a source?!? Too funny, Bob. About as biased as they come. If they applied the same standards to any trump speech it wouldn't say he lies repeatedly, it would say he lies constantly when he's even coherent....but they don't apply the same standards, do they. I bet they repeat Trump's new brother lie, another blatantly false and undeniably racist attack on a politician of color. He can't help himself. What a turd you gleefully follow into the sewer.

Harry Potter Gets An American Makeover

Dad Embarrasses Daughter At Car Wash

O.C.- The Florida Of California

newtboy says...

They don't deserve denied care unless they're in crowds unmasked, then yes, but I also support prosecuting them, since the organized people caught doing damage and sparking riots so far are right wing extremists, actually right wing terrorists with all the accompanying bombs and plans to destroy America, that sounds great. Anyone actually doing damage (beyond simple reversible vandalism like paint on glass), lighting fires, beating peaceful people, driving/shooting into crowds, or instigating others to do so aren't protesters....nor are they cops, identify them too, first actually. Round them all up and lock them up together.

Of course, you agree we should also use them at any white power/other hate group rally and make the lists public, right? They have a right to hate, we have every right to identify and hate them back, and shun them, refuse them service, employment, or housing, right? Being prejudiced is not a protected class.

bobknight33 said:

What about the Rioters and Protesters of last 2 weeks? Do you support using facial recognition to identify these irresponsible inconsiderate ignoramuses and create a database any hospital can use to deny them Covid care?

Max Cooper - Repetition (video by Kevin McGloughlin)

BSR says...



newtboy said:


Max Cooper - Repetition (video by Kevin McGloughlin)

oblio70 says...

Admission: Brainfart.

Inner-3yo blurred out ill-considered “puns” of the director, cinematographer, & composer of said film [confusing Eno for see Music for Airports].

newtboy said:

Totally getting a Koyaanisqatsi vibe from the Philip Glass-esque score and the hypnotic visuals.

Max Cooper - Repetition (video by Kevin McGloughlin)

Max Cooper - Repetition (video by Kevin McGloughlin)

Voting by Mail: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Cases on the rise in many southern states like Alabama, South Carolina and Virginia weeks after protests to reopen. We've now hit 110000 dead Americans, nearing 2000000 infected, worst of ANY country by far....almost 10000 since you wrote this a week ago and on the rise again.
It's not going away, it's resurfacing. Just wait until two weeks after George Floyd protests started.

Edit: It certainly doesn't help that Bunker Boy wants to do photo ops at manufacturing facilities making desperately needed medical items (that he claims weren't needed, btw) like sterile swabs but refuses to take any precautions whatsoever so every time he goes on a little trip to take pictures for his campaign the manufacturers have to throw out whatever they made that day and decontamination the entire facility before resuming production.

Sorry, Twitler won't be distracting or deflecting enough from his bunker to make Americans forget his enormous failures, and more are taking off their orange colored glasses and becoming ex republicans daily. Bet you wish you hadn't hoped for a huge walk away movement this election, because you've got one now.

Today's approval rating, 37-38% Disapproval 57% (for black Americans his approval rating is 10%)
Biden 55% vs Trump 41% well outside the margin of error unlike the polls showing Clinton ahead (hint, Clinton never broke 50% from this point in the election on)

Red tsunami! Look out!

bobknight33 said:

In another month this may be a distant fear that never occurred.

How did they broadcast live TV from the Moon?

Astartes - Part Five

00Scud00 says...

Awesome, I didn't know about this. But I'm wondering why Games Workshop hasn't sued then into a smoking glass crater yet. GW has a reputation for being very protective of it's IP, they once tried to claim that the term "Space Marine" belonged exclusively to them.

Diversity and inclusion meeting ... at Michigan school

newtboy says...

Did I say HE is a MAGA moron?
No, I did not, you inferred it, although it would be a relatively safe assumption based on his ignorant racist interruption and self centered disrespect paired with the inane irrationality of his question and blatantly racist comments.
Now who's making slanderous assumptions?

Your messiah slanders without (it's one word, Bob, not two) knowing daily. A bit hypocritical to denounce that when you so often applaud it, don't you think?

And my what is no better than the guy?
Your: possessive- belonging to you- "Your assumption is based in ignorance."
You're: conjunction- You are- "You're in desperate need of a better education because your English would fail a 3rd grade English class."

I might just WHAT another douchebag? You forgot the verb. You get an F for the day, Bobski. Nigerian princes have better English skills, and terrible English is an intentional part of their scam. (Or were you channeling Yoda but forgot the punctuation? As in "Look in the mirror, you might. Just another douchebag looking back.")

You need to watch some more school house rock and learn English better, then you might understand complex statements better and not jump to mistaken conclusions so often. Might I suggest starting with conjunction junction?

Also, I wrote MAGA, not MEGA, aside from MEGA making zero sense, I wouldn't ever insult MegaMan by conflating him with idiots like this guy. Besides an education, you seem to need glasses. Maybe that's why you can't see any of Trump's infinite character flaws?

bobknight33 said:

So he is a MEGA man?

How can anyone slander with out knowing?
You made an assumption just like the guy did.

Your no better than the guy.

Look in the mirror you might just another douchebag looking back.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Cuttlefish given 3D glasses to determine distance

newtboy says...

Next time we take the subjects to sci-fi night at the drive in.
I'm not sure I approve of super glueing 3d glasses to cuttlefish, even though reports I've seen claimed it's harmless and wears off fairly quickly.
*promote weird science

Why can i not go to the pub!?

bareboards2 says...

I must admit to being shocked 20 years ago or so when going to a pub and seeing all the little pub tables covered in various states of pint glass levels -- and baby bottles. Baby bottles next to beer covered tables. She has a point -- her friend got to go to the pub! For her daddy's party!

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