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newtboy says...

Great news...the Japanese Giant Hornet has recently established itself in Washington state.

Giant hornets are bee predators. They can decimate a hive in hours. Japanese honey bees have a defense against them...they can vibrate their bodies generating enough heat to kill the hornets but not enough to kill themselves. Italian and other European bee species don't have that defense. If giant hornets spread, they could be a death nail in the already struggling American bee/honey industries.
Also worth noting, they kill up to 50 people a year in Japan, but far more in China. They could be worse than killer bees in multiple ways. For instance, they can sting through a bee suit, each one can sting multiple times, and they can thrive in cold that killer bees can't survive.

*quality masochism

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Yep, obama was responsible for those responses, and trump is responsible for these.

Oh i remember SARS and Swine Flu - they were just like this right?

Oh yeah and when they happened, there was a giant block of ever faithful republicans supporting everything Obama was doing.

Hmmm wait...

And saying "don't be racist against chinese americans, you can still eat in chinatown" isn't stonewalling on a travel ban.

bobknight33 said:

What BS are up pushing?

Blaming Trump for begin at the for front and Democrats railing against his measures.

Personal responsibility and sensibility are foremost not government.. Protect yourself and your loved ones..

Your spin is like blaming Obama for SARS or EBOLA. Grow up.

Trump is the right man for this job.

newtboy (Member Profile)

oritteropo (Member Profile)

Ice Age is Coming 1978 Science Facts

newtboy says...

Yep. Who you gonna believe? A super smart scientifically minded VP or an actor who played a fictitious 60's sci fi character who "found evidence" of esp, human/plant communication, Ogopogo, aliens landing at Nazca, mummy curses, ghosts, and Stonehenge as a giant magnetic force field that covers Britain....all in season one.
The question itself exposes your irrationality.

bobknight33 said:

Who are you going to believe: Al Gore or Mr. Spock? I think we all know the answer to that question.

Capitalism Didn’t Make the iPhone, You iMbecile

bcglorf says...

your contention that ONLY personal profit drives invention or innovation.

I'm afraid I've never argued that, I can lead by agreeing whole heartedly that such a contention is false.

I merely pointed out that in a video about how 'capitalism didn't create the iphone', the authors own examples of innovations that lead to the iphone are all 100% from within an economy based on capitalism. My very first post stated clearly that it's not a purely capitalist system, but that it is noteworthy that not a one of the examples chosen by the author making his point came from a socialist country.

Can you offer a comparative American/Russian timeline of computer innovations
Well, I could actually. If you want to deny the fact that Russia basically halted their computer R&D multiple times in the 70s, 80s and 90s in place of just stealing American advances because they were so far behind I can cite examples for you...

And for some unknown to you reason China is beating the ever loving pants off America lately.
1. Factually, no they are not. The fastest network gear, CPU and GPU tech are all base on American research and innovation. America is still hands down leading the field in all categories but manufacturing cost, but that isn't for reasons of technological advancement but instead a 'different approach' to environmental and labour regulations.
2. Within the 5G space you alluded to earlier, there is an additional answer. Their 5G isn't 'better' but rather 'cheaper' for reasons stated in 1. The existence of their 'own' 5G tech though isnt' because Huawei's own R&D was caught up so fast through their own innovation. Instead if you look into the history of network companies, Canadian giant Nortel was giving Cisco a solid run for it's money for a time, until they utterly collapsed because of massive corporate espionage stealing almost all of their tech and under cutting them on price. China's just using the same playbook as Russia to catch up.

Russia beat America into space

Well, if you want to go down that road the conclusion is that fascism is the key to technological advancement, as America and Russia were largely just pitting the scientists they each captured from the Nazis against one another.

Once again though, my point has never been that only capitalism can result in innovation. Instead, I made the vastly more modest proposal that personal profit from inventions is beneficial to innovation. I further observed that the video author's own examples support that observation, and in that contradict his own conclusion.

newtboy said:

Really? Can you offer a comparative American/Russian timeline of computer innovations, or are you just assuming? Be sure to focus on pre '68 era, before American socialism was applied in large part (public funding/monopoly busting).

And for some unknown to you reason China is beating the ever loving pants off America what's your point? Certainly not that Capitalism always beats socialism, I hope you aren't that deluded. Both have strengths and weaknesses, both ebb and flow. Neither are the sole determining factor for inventiveness, neither has a monopoly on invention.

Russia beat America into space even with their near poverty level economy at the time, and despite the fact that their scientists definitely didn't personally profit from their myriad of inventions required to make it happen.
I'm not arguing which is better, that's like arguing over which color is better....better in what way? I'm arguing against your contention that ONLY personal profit drives invention or innovation. That's clearly a mistaken assumption.

Capitalism Didn’t Make the iPhone, You iMbecile

bcglorf says...

From the start of the video: iPhone, Android, macbook, pc, kindle, netflix, facebook, instagram...

The video really feels like a over drawn insistence that people recognize that the American economy isn't a pure capitalistic 100% free market environment. That's something that should really be obvious, and not require being said unless your audience are 12 year olds or idiots. It still stands that compared to other giants of the world in China or Russia, it is still America taking the lead on 100% of the innovations that Rob listed, and by comparison, a far more capitalist oriented economy sets America apart. Heck, even include the EU in there as a slightly more socialist economy than America's, and still low and behold it is America that came out with every single example listed...

ant (Member Profile)

World’s Largest Optical Lens

TheFreak says...

Yeah, agree with you there. Edison sucked giant dead elephant dick. Fuck that guy.

newtboy said:

Edison, on the other hand, directly claimed invention credit for inventions he did not invent and outright stole patents from their rightful owners repeatedly.....and he publicly murdered elephants for fun.

Michael Knowles Calls Greta Thunberg Mentally Ill

newtboy says...

What a disgusting piece of shit and outright liar.
Her achievements already outweigh his by miles...he's only managed to get himself kicked off Fox, impressively hard to do if you're right wing. Fox has apologized for his disgraceful ad hominem attacks against a child who he couldn't factually contradict....but Laura Ingram has also personally attacked her on her show, as has Trump on Twitter.

Being on the autism spectrum, she says she has aspergers, is a developmental disorder NOT a mental illness.
Being a pathological liar, that's a mental illness apparently now shared by an entire political party.
Being a fecal golem is a personality disorder he clearly has in spades.

The Carnegie Mellon study he sites said no such thing, and it's authors have stated that it's a total misrepresentation of their findings....repeatedly.
The study actually said certain produce at it's worst might be more ecologically harmful per calorie than some kinds of white meat eating by comparing things like bacon vs lettuce on a calorie to calorie instead of serving to serving rate, so 4 strips of bacon were compared to > 40 cups of lettuce. Get real.
To compound the confusion they chose a calorie poor produce like lettuce with high greenhouse gas emissions instead of kale, broccoli, rice, potatoes, spinach and wheat (just to name a few) which all rank lower than pork in terms of greenhouse gases.
The same argument holds for water usage...they chose lettuce, with high water requirements, instead of things like corn, peanuts, carrots and wheat which all use less water than all non-seafood meat.
It's also assumed the produce will be wasted at exponentially higher rates than meat, which can be preserved more easily. That may be true, but they don't include the preservatives or energy to refrigerate and/or freeze meat on the bacon side of the equation.

Of course the lettuce takes more resources if you eat 40+ cups instead of 4 thin bacon strips, just like when you compare a single fish stick to several giant pumpkins.

*rant over*

They're Made Out of Meat

BSR says...

Not only that. It sounds as if they are trying to figure out a way to beat the meat.

Fun Fact: We smell like steak when we burn.

Space may be a giant airless vacuum, but astronauts swear that it has an odor. Those who have sniffed the aroma liken it to burning metal, steak, and welding, among other peculiar olfactory memories. "Space has its own unique smell," NASA astronaut Scott Kelly said in PBS' Year in Space documentary.

eric3579 said:

It's hard to believe we've got this far considering....We are made out of meat.

Why were there missing rungs on the Lunar Lander’s Ladder?

BSR says...

Neil Armstrong's last words on the moon. "Good luck Mr. Gorsky"

It seems when Apollo Mission Astronaut, Neil Armstrong first walked on the moon, he not only gave his famous "One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind" statement, but followed it by several remarks - usual com traffic between him, the other astronauts and Mission Control.

Before he reentered the lander, he made the enigmatic remark, "Good luck, Mr. Gorsky." Many people at NASA thought it was a casual remark concerning some rival Soviet Cosmonaut, however, upon checking, there was no Gorsky in either the Russian nor American space programs.

Over the years many people have questioned him as to what the "Good luck, Mr. Gorsky" statement meant. A few months ago, (July 5th, 1995, Tampa Bay FL) while answering questions following a speech, a reporter brought up the 26 year old question to Armstrong. He finally responded. It seems that Mr. Gorsky had finally died and so Neil Armstrong felt he could answer the question.

When he was a kid, he was playing baseball with his brother in the backyard. His brother hit a fly ball which landed in front of his neighbors' bedroom window. His neighbors were Mr and Mrs. Gorksy. As he leaned down to pick it up, he heard Mrs. Gorsky shouting at Mr. Gorsky. "Oral sex, oral sex you want? You'll get oral sex when the kid next door walks on the moon!"

What is the Second Civil War

Drachen_Jager says...

Wow... he had a dream.

And we all know that every dream is 100% real!

Especially that one I had as a kid where a giant witch popped out of a giant jack-in-the-box and chased my family in our car. Totally 100% real.

Just because you agree, or you want it to be true doesn't mean it is. This is the exact problem so many on the right, like @bobknight33 have. If the info aligns with their perception of reality it must be accurate, no matter how bad or unreliable the source, and no matter what other evidence contradicts it.

Dog Tries to Chase Dust Devil

Blanket Octopuses

DataSchmuck says...

They cut it off too early! In the next scene, it grabs the guys hand and leads him through a psychedelic neon tunnel into it's giant spaceship.

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