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Rape Joke Debate

Shepppard says...

What's the difference between a pile of dead babies and a porche? I don't have a porche in my garage.

Who was the greatest jewish cook? Hitler.

How do you make a chicken roll? Kick it down a hill.

Why couldn't Helen Keller drive a car? Because she was a woman.

4 jokes, each with a punchline of violence or sexism in some way, shape or form. A Holocaust joke, a sexist joke, a dead baby joke, and an animal cruelty joke. All 4 of those are still things that exist "Now". There's still victims of the Holocaust, miscarriages and murdered children happen all the time, and people still kick chickens, and women driving jokes have been around since, well, women started driving.

It's NOT because of the joke that people do these things, it doesn't perpetuate it, it doesn't do anything to alleviate the levity of the issue, and yet we still consider these okay. However, there's apparently ONE thing that is not okay, only because it could possibly make light of the situation. Everything is okay, or nothing is. Dead Children is bad, Animal Cruelty is bad, Sexism is bad, Rape, just as bad as any of those.

Barrier 1-------Woman 0 - (Barrier Fail)

Can you find what is wrong with this video ?

The Vines-Get Out

Toyota Terror

Go On...............You Can Do It!!

aimpoint says...

Well, down vote is not an option for non bronze star members.

I wouldn't presume any deficiency as all we have is a long range video in a foreign language. Who knows, maybe this was the first time she pulled into a garage and she wanted to be absolutely sure to make it in. I know the one time I was this meticulous was when I got boxed in a parking spot with about a combined clearance of around 16 inches with me driving a chevy tahoe. If anything the one psychological lesson this would be perfect for would be "Attribution Error"

chingalera said:

The gyst was, I whole-heartedly support more people down-voting as much as they up-vote any offering here, and that last part speaks to my personal distaste for watching people with mental problems for enjoyment through derision-This video is a good case-study for some abnormal psychology class, otherwise it's great fodder for sophomoric banter so popular among the "in" crowd of losers....

Only God Forgives - red band trailer

teebeenz says...

I watched drive last night for the first time.

Imagine a decent movie about the mafia, a guy who screws up and him trying to make good for hsi wife and kids. Theres all sorts of interesting charaters, a garage operator who got in trouble with the mafia in the 80s, and now runs a stunt car company, a jewish ganster who wants to be italian. Sounds good... interesting. Well they took that movie, and for some reason slapped in an additional bad guy, cept hes mute, has no expression, and then kills all the actual characters that were interesting.... oh wait, no... hes the good guy... apparently...

Its as if at the last minute they had an executive come in and say, what this movie needs is a mute psycopath... what could go wrong.

Possible *invocations pop-up window should show ALL of them. (Internet Talk Post)

kulpims jokingly says...

yeah, what's with you two lately, @dag, @lucky760? shit's breaking apart, anarchy on the rise, decadence and leaking infrastructure all over the place ... if I hadn't pulled those files on you two out of NSA servers, I'd might even believe you characters lead this web enterprise out of your uncle Bob's garage somewhere in Nebraska. now, get your shit together. and stop smoking ganja

How to clean the snow off your car when you have OCD.

Print a Fully Functional Gun from Your Own Computer!

shang says...

I've downloaded the 3d model files on or

went over to my dad's workshop and printed up a sweet extended magazine for a russian sks I own. It's illegal I guess since it's unregistered, I bought it from a guy's garage sale about 20 years ago but it had a 5 ammo clip, I printed a magazine that holds 20 ammo. So I printed 2 and epoxied them together so I can put the mag in, shoot 20, flip the mag upside down and fire off another 20.

nice little system

OREO Separator Machine

Young man shot after GPS error

Jerykk says...

Sure. Alcohol, for example, clearly does more harm than it does good if alcohol-related death statistics are accurate. The question is whether or not guns actually do more harm than good and that's a difficult question to answer. There are certainly other countries with strict gun laws but those are different countries with different populations, different economies and different cultures. In an ideal world, banning guns would solve all our problems. Crime rates would decrease and nobody would have anything to fear. Unfortunately, I don't think that would happen in reality. Criminals would still get guns (because they don't care about laws) and there would still be gun-related deaths (albeit fewer), in addition to all the unrelated violent crimes. I'd be surprised if overall crime didn't increase to compensate for the lack of guns and the inability for civilians to protect themselves.

It just seems to me that the recent uproar about gun laws is a reactionary response to the occasional shooting spree. The vast majority of gun-related crimes are committed using pistols (such as the one used in this story), yet everyone is focused on assault rifles which are almost never used. Then everyone is ignoring the fact that smoking and alcohol cause significantly more deaths than guns do. Why is no one trying to ban those? Oh, right, we've tried that already and it failed. Banning liquor during the prohibition only resulted in criminals getting the upper hand, just as banning guns would do today.

A good way to judge the effectiveness of gun laws is by comparing Florida to Washington D.C. Floria basically has no gun laws. You can buy assault rifles in garage sales. No licenses or registrations required. It's essentially the Wild West. Conversely, D.C. has strict gun laws. No assault rifles, no automatic weapons, no concealed carry, no open carry, an extensive registration and permit process, etc. However, despite all this, D.C. had more than double the violent crime rate of Florida in 2011 and more than triple the murder rate.


grinter said:

is it possible for something to do more harm than it does good?

Small, efficient NY apartment

chingalera says...

Coolas hell...efficient. A home with that always-on-holiday feel. Grew up in apartments in the south and despise them then moved to San Francisco where apartments are more tastefully designed and in more comely,stimulating surroundings. Soon grew to love our cozy 720 sq ft single room flat, loft bedroom-So much so the floor plan that I incorporated aspects in a small garage apartment designed for myself years later. No Murphy bed those things!

Molotov Cocktail in Slow Motion - The Slow Mo Guys

CreamK says...

That stain might never come off.. I did similar "experiment" in our open garage and spent the next three hours scraping it clean before my parents came back... Ended up scraping the surface layer completely off before it was clean again. They never found out, so shh... It was only 22 years ago, maybe i get grounded.. again..

Why I Hate School, But Love Education

L0cky says...

He does have a point. As @braindonut said there isn't an exclusive relationship between having a degree and being educated.

Out of the graduates I've worked with most of their experiences are described in this video. Students follow the orders of the curriculum and end up burnt out and disinterested.

I think a lot of the problem is in school guidance and social attitudes towards what education actually is. Most see and communicate it as a necessary tool to gain employment opportunities. Because of this, students choose their higher education subjects based on job outcomes, so a hell of a lot of students aren't actually interested in their classes.

Then numbers led government set targets for education institutions. When measurements are made into goals they stop being measurements. This leads to curriculums that focus on test outcomes rather than knowledge and skill.

All of the people mentioned in this video that were successful had something else in common apart from the fact that they didn't complete higher education. They pursued their dreams despite their formal education, not because of it, and they all pursued their own education.

Jobs, Wozniak and Gates taught themselves everything about computers. They didn't wait around for anyone to plan out their education.

Beckham trained in football since he could walk.

Richard Branson didn't wait around for a degree, he started selling mail order records from his garage and started learning the business by doing rather than reading.

I could go on.

One thing I find very common with graduates is that when I ask them what projects they've worked on during their education; what projects they started themselves; what they've created and put out there out of their own passion for their industry... 95% have nothing.

I would hire someone who has done their own thing and does not have a degree rather than someone who has 5 masters to their name and has done diddly squat outside of the requirements of their education.

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