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Grand Theft Auto V - First Gameplay Trailer

SDGundamX says...

Yeah, I'm with you on that although I found SA to be too "heavy" at times too. The last GTA I played all the way to the end was Vice City. I thought it struck the perfect balance between satirical/comical and "serious" story.

Asmo said:

They mentioned satirical, so it might be that they are going back to the more kitsch end of the scale like SA. 4 was fucking annoying.

Grand Theft Auto V - First Gameplay Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

@artician How is it not a gameplay trailer? We saw plenty of gameplay.

I just hope they remember to make this one fun. GTA IV was boring.

Parts of it were excellent, both I got bored really early of playing darts or whatever. The fact that they have golf and bike riding in this doesn't fill me with hope.

If I wanted to play golf or ride a bike, I would go outside and ya know, play golf or ride a bike.

Grand Theft Auto V - First Gameplay Trailer

EMPIRE says...

This looks amazing. I had thought that The Last of Us was this console generation's swan song, but I may have been very wrong.

GTA V, looks incredibly promising.

Xbox One unveil highlights

00Scud00 says...

They pretty much always play coy when it comes to announcing whether or not there will be a PC version of major AAA title like GTA. It's all about seeing how many people they can sucker into buying a new system just to play that one game. Honestly I don't really care what you play your games on, Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, PC, an abacus, I really don't give a fuck. I think people are just tired of being jerked around by manipulative assholes and being treated like chumps, that's where a lot of the anger comes from.
There are also certain games I don't find fun on a console, like FPS games, you can make the worlds most awesome FPS ever and if it can only be played with a control pad then I will not touch it, ever.

Yogi said:

There's certain games I don't find fun on the PC. Also yeah I think they announced it's only gonna be on consoles, that could change.

Xbox One unveil highlights

ant says...

Uh, previous GTA existed for PCs IIRC. No GTA5 for PC?

Yogi said:

I build tons of gaming PCs, that's my prime way of gaming. I want to play GTA and MGS and Destiny so I'll have to buy me a console. I don't hate on consoles like most PC players, they have their place.

Xbox One unveil highlights

Yogi says...

I build tons of gaming PCs, that's my prime way of gaming. I want to play GTA and MGS and Destiny so I'll have to buy me a console. I don't hate on consoles like most PC players, they have their place.

ant said:

Guess? Why need a new console?

I will stick with my compuiters. I haven't owned a video game console since Atari 2600.

Russian Police Car Stolen And Crashed By Drug Addict.

People are Soft, Cars are Hard. A new type of airbag

How To Hot-Wire a Car

Grand Theft Auto V - Trailer #2

Next generation Sim City -World trailer

SevenFingers says...

I will be buying the special edition. I hated 2000 and 3000. But the first sim city on SNES and sim city 4 were badass. I'm pretty sure my social life died from these games... and Civiliazation... and counter strike... and Battlefield... and Ceaser III... and GTA... and Roller Coaster Tycoon... and Railroad Tycoon... Can't forget SW X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Rebellion, Jedi outcast, Jedi Academy, Battlefront...

Modder Combines Portal 2 And GTA IV

This car wash is a bit too abrasive in GTA 4/IV.

Ocean Jump - GTA: San Andreas (cheats)

Skate 3: Hilariously Great & Awful Physics

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