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You Must Obey!

Bruti79 says...

>> ^longde:

I agree with legacy, this guy got his white privilege card revoked big time, whether or not he realized he was carrying one.
A minority would have never raised such a fuss, but may have been detained anyway. Isn't that ironic?

How do you know he was white?

You Must Obey!

longde says...

I agree with legacy, this guy got his white privilege card revoked big time, whether or not he realized he was carrying one.

A minority would have never raised such a fuss, but may have been detained anyway. Isn't that ironic?

Two Canadians discover the US is now a police state.

Sagemind says...

All due respect but I take offense to you bringing race into this.

1). You don't know this guy's race, so to start, you are off base.
2). I don't understand how you think white people don't understand authority. I've never seen a get out of jail free card. That assumption is a generalization and is therefor again off base.
3). I know and respect border officials and know how to respond when they ask their questions. It has NOTHING to do with race. It has to do with respect of authority. Something this guy let slip and boom, he's detained. As expected as anyone of any ethnicity would be detained.

I (as a white guy) have never expected a free ride because of race and as such always respond or act in the required manner expected of myself as needed. Respect gets respect.

You are right - "He doesn't understand this situation at all"
But this is NOT a Minorities Game. This is an Authority Game. plain and simple.
Throwing derogatory race comments around isn't necessary.

Thank you for your consideration.
(Again,all due respect, I'm not trying to start something - just pointing out that calling out race is off-base and may be called racist in itself)

>> ^legacy0100:

WHITE PEOPLE ARE SOOOOOOOOOO FUNNY!!!! LOL He doesn't understand this situation at all!! LOL!
Authority figures don't want back talk or any type of attitude from you. Why? Because they are being fair. I know that sounds fucked up but hear me out. The ironic part about being fair is that in order to treat everyone equally, including illegal immigrants and smugglers, they have to be tough to EVERYONE so that they wouldn't be accused of being bias or be accused of racial profiling. So more crimes & illegal activities going on around the border, the tougher they have to treat regular innocent citizens. So look at it from a socio-economic perspective rather than just one isolated encounter. And be happy that everyone is now being treated equally. Yay.
The bottom line is that the officer is being fair, and the man IS resisting the officer. The funny part is that he thinks he's totally clean, and expects a special 'White Canadian' treatment, which he is denied. And he's raising a fuss over it because he just found out that he isn't SPECIAL anymore.
Minorities know all too well how this game goes, and I just find it fascinating how this Canadian couple (assumed Caucasian) just can't grasp the concept that he was defying the officer's orders just now, and has no fear of resisting an authority figure. This is such a fundamental difference in culture because every minority in North America would have been familiar with this drill before. Ready your papers, yes sir, no sir, show that you cooperate with the authorities, and be on your way. Also, most minorities are familiar with the repercussions of disobeying an authority figure, and would like more than anything to avoid that situation as the laws aren't so gentle and understanding when it comes to minorities. So minorities know exactly what to do in this situation.
However,(assumed non-minority) Canadian man thinks such treatment unto him is unfair and protests, demanding that the officer answer HIS questions instead of he answering the officer's questions. He sees the officer as his equal, and has no problem challenging him incessantly. I assume that he has never been treated this way before in his life, being treated just like the rest of the minorities have been for centuries. I just find this HILARIOUS. This just goes to show how divided our country really is, and how ironic to see that what is considered as normal practice to minorities, is deemed absolutely unacceptable to a white guy. Welcome to the life of minorities, friend!
Well perhaps he could take solace in the fact that everyone else being treated equally the same way in no regards to their race or ethnic country of origin. He should be happy this has happened to him (sarcasm!) Equality Achieved!

Two Canadians discover the US is now a police state.

legacy0100 says...

WHITE PEOPLE ARE SOOOOOOOOOO FUNNY!!!! LOL He doesn't understand this situation at all!! LOL!

Authority figures don't want back talk or any type of attitude from you. Why? Because being angry or having an attitude can incite to violence. This man obviously cannot control his temper. That's why they pulled him off the side in the first place. But secondly and most importantly, because the cops are being fair. I know that sounds fucked up but hear me out. The ironic part about being fair is that in order to treat everyone equally, including illegal immigrants and smugglers, they have to be tough to EVERYONE so that they wouldn't be accused of being bias or be accused of racial profiling. So more crimes & illegal activities going on around the border, the tougher they have to treat regular innocent citizens. So look at it from a socio-economic perspective rather than just one isolated encounter. And be happy that everyone is now being treated equally. Yay.

The bottom line is that the officer is being fair, and the man IS resisting the officer. The funny part is that he thinks he's totally clean, and expects a special 'White Canadian' treatment, which he is denied. And he's raising a fuss over it because he just found out that he isn't SPECIAL anymore.

Minorities know all too well how this game goes, and I just find it fascinating how this Canadian couple (assumed Caucasian) just can't grasp the concept that he was defying the officer's orders just now, and has no fear of resisting an authority figure. This is such a fundamental difference in culture because every minority in North America would have been familiar with this drill before. Ready your papers, yes sir, no sir, show that you cooperate with the authorities, and be on your way. Also, most minorities are familiar with the repercussions of disobeying an authority figure, and would like more than anything to avoid that situation as the laws aren't so gentle and understanding when it comes to minorities. So minorities know exactly what to do in this situation.

However,(assumed non-minority) Canadian man thinks such treatment unto him is unfair and protests, demanding that the officer answer HIS questions instead of he answering the officer's questions. He sees the officer as his equal, and has no problem challenging him incessantly. I assume that he has never been treated this way before in his life, being treated just like the rest of the minorities have been for centuries. I just find this HILARIOUS. This just goes to show how divided our country really is, and how ironic to see that what is considered as normal practice to minorities, is deemed absolutely unacceptable to a white guy. Welcome to the life of minorities, friend!

In Conclusion, this is Irony to the HIGHEST degree. The Canadian man in the video is being a hardcore ethnocentric asshole without him realizing it. The Officer is treating the Canadian couple the same way he/she would with any suspicious person or a minority. The Canadian man thinks he shouldn't be seen as a suspicious person. He is demanding a special treatment because he's not from Iraq and that being Canadian should allow him Special Privilege. He also admits he's not going to obey orders he doesn't agree? Huh? How is that his choice? Well perhaps he could take solace in the fact that everyone else being treated equally the same way in no regards to their race or ethnic country of origin. He should be happy this has happened to him (sarcasm!) Equality Achieved!

"Fading Thoughts" Incredible 3D Paintings

Jinx says...

Ok, I'm going to be a dick.

a) I don't really understand the fuss over a painting made of nails b) I think it would have been better without the fan. It's ugly clutter and unnecessary.


Police Video: No Blood, Bruises On George Zimmerman

NetRunner says...

I know right? All that happened was a guy shot and killed an unarmed black kid, said it was self-defense, and the cops just sent him home with his loaded gun. Case closed, obviously. I can't understand why anyone's making a fuss over it.

Actually, I don't understand why anyone thinks there's some other "side" to the tragedy.
>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

I hope that people start refusing to get sucked into the conflicting narratives that are being desperately peddled on both sides of this tragedy.

The coming war on general computation

Jinx says...

Decided to watch the first 5 minutes. 50 minutes later and I've watched the whole thing :3

Maybe we don't need to go as far as creating our own cpus, but it would be nice if the general population at least had a passing understand of the tecnology that we use on a day to day basis. We are so dependant upon the net and computers, and yet most know next to nothing about either. I'm not saying everybody has to be able to build their own PC from scratch, but perhaps these bullshit laws would keep coming up if it was more than some fringe geeks making a fuss about it.

My Fees are Hella High

yellowc says...

I liked most of it, except the "increase fees for the freshmen, leave it for me". Kind of selfish and not really addressing the issues, this just means they can increase the fees every year and it willy only ever annoy the new guys, who are probably to green to cause a fuss till later.

I know for me going in to uni, I had no idea it used to be absolutely free for the parent generation above me, I paid (took a loan) in the region of 23k AUD, which I'm supposed to still feel appreciative for since people in the US have it tougher. The point is though, this just seemed like the hurdle to pass, nobody tells you to fight against it and when they do, you're already enrolled.

Lab research dogs see the sun and grass for first time

TDS - Penn State Riots

draak13 says...

When the 1% Fuck little children, the 99% cover it up.

What people haven't been talking about is that there was yet another person who witnessed the guy having sex in the shower with a kid; a janitor saw him having oral sex with victim number 8. He went back and told the entire janitorial staff what he saw. The guy was so hysterical that the entire staff thought he was going to have a heart attack. He reported the incident to his superior, and the guy told him to contact the police he chose to report it. However, there was a lot of pressure to not report the incident, because they were all afraid that they would lose their jobs if they reported the incident. Thus, it never got reported.

It's truly amazing to think of the number of people that knew about it...and how nothing ever happened. This went on for almost 20 years. Jon Stewart and so many other people say how it's inconceivable that 'they wouldn't stop it from happening and/or call the police immediately.' Really, most people aren't like that. You learn in first semester psychology that most people aren't like that. Most people are embarassed that they would be making a huge fuss on something that they don't know a lot about...even if they make a huge fuss about it through unofficial channels.

The biggest pisser is that the *university police* even knew about it, and they likely had a lot of internal pressure to keep it hush because they as well felt that their job security might be at risk if they pursue it. They even knew about a currently unofficial victim number 9 who is currently overseas in the military & can't return to be on trial.

Again, they were all afraid of losing their jobs because this asshole was so high ranking that they were afraid to do anything about it. THE 99% ARE THEMSELVES MAKING A LARGER DISPARITY AGAINST THE 1%. If you treat the 1% as untouchable in their position of power, they will be. If you demand equal treatment, then own up to it...especially right now.

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

kymbos says...

Saturday's going to be 23 and a possible shower, with fine days either side - come on, that's prime rooftop material for 4pm.

I'm obviously not fussed as I can't make it till later, but I reckon with your combo of tweets and updates to this page, you can swing the flexibility of rooftop with Meyers Place as a backup.

Do it. Do it.

Who owns the police? OWS CITI BANK ARRESTS

bmacs27 says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

@laura and @Sagemind, I'm not sure you understand what the word "protest" means.
"to give manifest expression to objection or disapproval; remonstrate."
If you do it silently and without causing a fuss, you're doing it wrong.

What you are describing is called civil disobedience. That can be good too, but it has a time and place. Most importantly, everyone involved should know that arrest is among the risks they are taking on, and be prepared for that eventuality. I've argued other places that this action would have been fine if the headline read "two dozen willing to be arrested to voice discontent over Citi's handling of student loans." Instead the headline read "mean old cops wouldn't let us shut down a business." Do you see how one can garner support and the other makes you look either clueless or manipulative.

Who owns the police? OWS CITI BANK ARRESTS

Sagemind says...

Absolutely, but sometimes there is more than one way to go about it - The method they tried just got shut down and had no effectual change. Sometimes the chanting works against you.

Sometimes planning and stealth works better than blunt force or being pushy. In this case a slow but steady stream of people withdrawing their money and closing accounts would start getting the bank's attention - and they would change to compensate.

>> ^ChaosEngine:

@laura and @Sagemind, I'm not sure you understand what the word "protest" means.
"to give manifest expression to objection or disapproval; remonstrate."
If you do it silently and without causing a fuss, you're doing it wrong.

Who owns the police? OWS CITI BANK ARRESTS

Jesse LaGreca (the guy who schooled Fox News)

westy says...

"1) How is picketing Wall Street helping Jobs."

The point is there are a small group of people that have a large amount of welth and are using that wealth to control the political and legal system and have basicly hijacked the democracy. That is what the 99% ers are protesting.

until You remove control from people who have a compleat conflict of interest then you cannot address the core aspect of job creation.
If these protests have the desired effect , the knock on result would be that government and industry can rationally approach things in a way that might work and would in the end result in a better quality of life for more people and most likely more jobs.

"2) They keep blaming Fox News / Republicans. But a republican isn't president, "

They blame fox news because it is a media outlet owned by the small % of super rich people and a part of there method of using wealth to control the nation. fox news is also entirely disingenuous and presents its self as a news station and fair and balanced when in fact it solely exists to push the agenda of the very rich in society.

They blame republicans more so than democrats because republican policy benefits the super rich more so than the democrats policy , having said that I think most people don't even see this as a republican or democrats issue the fact is both governments are largely as bad as each other. Fact is if you have enough money you can simply lobby things into existence evan if they are a detriment to the society at large.

"3) I can't get behind these people because they have no Game Plan"

there game plan and what they want is ridiculously clear and simple they want wealth to be more evenly spread and for policy and laws to be made based on what is good for the majority of people in the country not a select few that happen to be super wealthy.

The reason why they are having to protest and kick up a fuss how they are is because democracy is so fundimentaly broken and tilted towards wealth deciding things that unless you are rich or in a high up cooperate position you cannot have any influence to gain traction.

>> ^ptrcklgrs:

Sorry but I don't think I missed your point. Also I am not playing ignorant. I didn't think those points needed recognition.
I recognize unemployment is at an all time high.
I recognize a large percentage of those are college graduates.
I believe everything you said. I pretty much agreed with your idea, sorry if I'm misinterpreting is that, jobs are hard to get these days even for college students and there is a definite issue with over qualifications.
I don't understand what I said that would induce a statement from you encouraging a response from me in the terms "You are right, and I was wrong". I re-read what I wrote and don't think that there was any blanket statement made, let alone one that has an extreme contradiction to what you said. So sorry if I'm a little lost. If you could quote the statement I made that you clearly disagree with I would be happy to discuss.
One of my points I feel like you may of missed, is that College is graduating more people in fields then there are jobs for that field. Which isn't helpful because people end up "throwing away" their degrees and getting jobs in other fields and now have to pay off student loans making it hard to get by.
I do recognize the issue with Entry Level Jobs. In programming I see job offerings all the time that say "Entry Level Position" then on it "2-4 years experience" I already have a job so I every time I see that I've started e-mailing those companies "2-4 Years expierience" !== "Entry Level" (!== means not equal, nerd joke).
Also their is a difference between Lying and omission from a Resume. I guess I shouldn't of used "Lie". My bad. Their is nothing wrong with not putting in PHD and rather just putting in BA. You don't have to put everything on a resume, I mean I've seen some with people with Dog Watching on their resume. A lot of job consultants will tell you not to make one generic and use it for everyone. Tweak it to what's important to the company you are applying for. Not lying.
My issue with this whole "99%":
1) How is picketing Wall Street helping Jobs. These people don't have a game plan, they are just screaming. Wall Street guys are huge douche bags, but at the same time I still have money in the market and my portfolio is still doing well. It's growth has definitely slowed over the past few years but it is still more then 3 years ago. Mainly I diversified. All these people who lost all their money had all their eggs in one basket. Which there is a saying for that.
2) They keep blaming Fox News / Republicans. But a republican isn't president, and for a period Democrats held House and Senate and President. During these times They still blamed Fox News / Republicans for everything. Dems had all the power at a time and didn't do shit with it. I just want to know when they are going to start holding Obama accountable. Obama is a terrible president. The problem is when I say that people think I'm defending Bush or some crap. Fuck Bush. Fuck Obama. Give me another Option. I though Clinton did a fine job. So did Bush Sr.
3) I can't get behind these people because they have no Game Plan. If they had Action Items Examples "Fire This Person", "Pass This Bill", "something" I could possibly get behind their ideas and message. But they don't so I don't even know what they want. They just go "I don't like the economy and the job situation". Nobody does. Hell even Rich do, the higher employment is, the more money Ford, Chevy, Coca Cola, other big companies make. So they are not against jobs.
To quote Lewis Black "Republicans have Bad Ideas, Democrats have No Ideas".
>> ^MycroftHomlz:
I am slightly frustrated (annoyed) that you missed my point, given that I think I made it very clear.
Not everyone who is having trouble finding a job is undereducated, not willing to explore labor jobs, educated in something that is not useful, or self-entitled.
In fact, quite the opposite. Most people I know who are having trouble finding work are unemployed because they lack industry experience, which they can't get because no one is hiring entry level positions. Thus, your reductive and simplistic rant is an naive interpretation of the current economic situation. As such, your blanket statements about people who can't find a job are simply false.
I gave a specific example that demonstrated empirically (a concrete example of) my point. To reiterate (repeat), highly educated people are unable to obtain labor jobs due to their credentials, because companies like Safeway, Wholes Foods, Walmart, etc fear these employees will not stay long enough to recoup any investment in training.
The fact that you persist in clinging on to your beliefs and cant say simply "You are right, and I was wrong. Good point, I should not have made a blanket statement" indicates to me that you are willfully ignorant (intentionally making an effort to not understand).
I look forward to your reply.
Here are the specific answers to your questions:
1) I am an experimental physicist and my wife is a biologist.
2) At research universities (Harvard, Stanford, etc), Professors hired based on research. Typically they are pioneers in their field and have numerous high profile publications.
3) My position is based on merit. As I said, I received numerous awards based on my academic and research performance.
4 & 5) non sequiturs (off topic).
6) You advice is to LIE! What is she supposed to say she has done for employment in the last 6 years? Are you kidding me?
>> ^ptrcklgrs:
1) My first question is what is your PHD in.
2) College sadly has gotten to be a for profit education system.
3) IV league schools probably only 10% of the people who go there, got in on merit.
4) I had a teacher in college who made us Buy his book... I had great teachers and I had shitty teachers.
5) I just want to be able to get rid of the shitty teachers to bring in more great teachers.
6) I undestand your issue with being over qualified and it sucks. If I were you or your wife, I would leave it off my resume and lie. If your dealing with Safeway or a big company, no one is getting hurt. I wouldn't do that to a Mom and Pop Shop.

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