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Exercise is NOT the Key to Weight Loss

newtboy says...

That's insane. That sounds like a pretty blatantly self serving (and ridiculous) statement for a vegetarian cook to say.
Good meat takes way more proper prep work, you don't just slap it on the grill. I usually marinate meat for hours-days before grilling it, or coat it with dry rub and let it sit for an hour+.
Just read my above post for a totally simple and easy recipe for green beans that works for just about any vegetable you might cook.
Another good one is just pan fry in butter, olive oil, or sesame oil then splash in some soy sauce at the end. Soy/ginger salad dressing can be substituted for soy sauce for more flavor.
For a third simple recipe, lightly pan fry in butter, then add brown sugar and peppers (white, black, cayenne) to candy them. YUM.

eoe said:

As one of my favourite chefs says on her NY vegetarian restaurant webpage:

Anyone can cook a hamburger, leave the vegetables to the professionals.

It's just easier to make meat taste good, but vegetables can be amazing. The rub is that it's just not as easy as throwing meat onto the BBQ.

Exercise is NOT the Key to Weight Loss

newtboy says...

Get a few hanging pots and grow some blue lake stringless pole beans and sugar snap or snow peas. Also a small rosemary plant. Pan fry those beans and/or peas in butter and rosemary until slightly browned. Yum, and easy.

Payback said:

I'd eat better if "good" food didn't taste like a rabbit shit on it, at best, and utterly tasteless for the most part.

Arby's to Jon Stewart: Thank You for Being a Friend

00Scud00 says...

I still eat there semi regularly and I would still call it average to slightly above average. I mostly stick to the regular roast beef sandwiches and the chicken bacon and swiss. For the life of me though I don't understand why people love the curly fries.

ChaosEngine said:

The Arby's CEO actually sent a video message on the last show.

Not living in the US, I've never eaten there. Is the food really that awful?

Wood burning with electricity

AeroMechanical says...

I was unfortunately surprised to learn that my butcher block home workbench, or more likely the varnish (looks like polyurethane to me) in many spots has a very low resistance (<0.5 ohm/in as I measure). Fried a PCB I was working on, which I took a lot of shit for, everyone assuming I'd just done something stupid. Anyways, the moral is don't assume your wooden bench is actually an insulator.

Oh, and I also don't recommend playing with a a transformer out of a microwave unless you really know what you're doing. Though it's probably safe enough, 2kV will arc pretty far through air, so you don't even have to actually touch it to have a bad day.

newtboy (Member Profile)

toferyu jokingly says...

I hope you choke on your freedom-fries....

newtboy said:

Yeah, I considered saying 'surrender 1/2 their legs to the state', but 1. I don't really know how bad France is with taxes, so wasn't sure it would make sense and 2. I didn't want to sound like an anti-socialist teabagger.

Oh, and also I'm a provocative douchebag with an irrational prejudice against the French. ;-)

You Suck at Cooking - Roasted Brussels Sprouts

newtboy jokingly says...

Terrible recipe. He sucks at cooking.
Far better is cut them in 1/2 and pan fry them in olive oil, butter, and fresh rosemary. Instead of 30 min of cooking, they're ready in under 5 and are great.

Epic Way to Lose Your New GoPro

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Transgender Rights

ChaosEngine says...

I really don't have a problem with it, provided all parties are consenting.

It's funny, Stephen Fry was talking about this on a QI rerun I watched last night.

If you're a man and you have a wife and family, and you lie to your wife, have a mistress and maybe even some kids with her that's perfectly legal. But if you're honest and say to both women "you're both lovely, I'd like to marry you both", if they agree, you go to jail!

The key is genuine consent:
All parties must be fully aware and capable of making the decision. Therefore, all are adults, there's no coercion, all are free to back out at any time, etc.

But yeah, if that's all good, go nuts.

Mordhaus said:

Just to stir the pot, would you all agree that polygamous marriages between consenting adults should be legal?

(Btw, my own opinion is that as long as it involves consenting adults, have at it. Whatever it is.)

Mickey Avalon-My Dick

eric3579 says...

My dick cost a late night fee
Your dick got the HIV
My dick plays on the double feature screen
Your dick went straight to DVD

My dick - bigger than a bridge
Your dick look like a little kid's
My dick - large like the Chargers, the whole team
Your shit look like you fourteen

My dick - locked in a cage, right
Your dick suffer from stage fright
My dick - so hot, it's stolen
Your dick look like Gary Coleman

My dick - pink and big
Your dick stinks like shit
My dick got a Caesar do,
Your dick needs a tweezer, dude

My dick is like super size
Your dick look like two fries
My dick - more mass than the Earth
Your dick - half staff, it needs work

My dick - been there done that
Your dick sits there with dunce cap
My dick - V.I.P.
Your shit needs I.D.

It's time that we let the world know
Dude, you gotta let your girl go
D.S. is the best in the business
P.S. we got dicks like Jesus

It's time that we let the world know
Dude, you gotta let your girl go
D.S. is the best in the business
P.S. we got dicks like Jesus

My dick need no introduction
Your dick don't even function
My dick served a whole lunch -in
Your dick - it look like a munchkin

My dick - size of a pumpkin
Your dick look like Macaulay Culkin
My dick - good good lovin'
Your dick - good for nothin'

My dick bench pressed 350
Your dick couldn't shoplift at Thrifty
My dick - pretty damn skippy
Your dick - hungry as a hippie

My dick don't fit down the chimney
Your dick is like a kid from the Philippines
My dick is like an M16
Your dick - broken vending machine

My dick parts the seas
Your dick farts and queefs
My dick - rumble in the jungle
Your dick got touched by your uncle

My dick goes to yoga
Your dick - fruit roll -up
My dick - grade -A beef
Your dick - Mayday geek

My dick - sick and dangerous
Your dick - quick and painless
My dick - 'nuff said.
Your dick loves Fred

It's time that we let the world know
Dude, you gotta let your girl go
D.S. is the best in the business
P.S. we got dicks like Jesus

It's time that we let the world know
Dude, you gotta let your girl go
D.S. is the best in the business
P.S. we got dicks like Jesus

Chinese Couples vs. Western Couples

lucky760 says...

That's patently false. It's not racist to depict true personality traits that are popular or common in a culture.

I've witnessed many American couples on many occasions discuss and demonstrate their disapproval about sharing their food. The best example that my wife and I often laugh about was an older couple where the wife was reaching over to pick at something small (maybe a french fry) and the husband with a scowl completely seriously and angrily slapped the back of her hand to stop her.

No, not all westerners or Americans would do such a thing, nor do all have a problem with their partner picking at their food, but that's because there isn't ANYTHING that EVERYONE of ANY race does, except breathe and poop, but it is a common thing in this culture.

Magicpants said:

It's blatantly racist, incorporating the straw-man logical fallacy to effect propaganda . From the second the Caucasian called his wife a "B*tch" it message was "Chinese people are better at loving one another." Frankly, I was surprised the western wife didn't end up a women's shelter with a black eye, or worse.

Homeless Guy Knowledge

dannym3141 says...

This kind of attitude is depressing. It's none of your business what someone does in their spare time when no one else is affected by it. There are functioning alcoholics turning up for work pissed, flying planes, driving buses, teaching children. But no, let's go after the guy who sits in his bedroom playing music with a joint. Let's prevent him from having a life, even if he is self medicating a mental illness. It serves him right - if he's got an illness, he shouldn't be using naturally occurring medicine like our ancestors have for thousands upon thousands of years, no! He should be paying hundreds of pounds to a big pharma company for a pill that they invented a few years ago.

The premise behind drugs testing people is based on many things i disagree with:
1) the spectacular failure of the war of drugs - not only has drug use increased in the timeframe, but it has ruined probably millions of lives, needlessly turning ordinary, hard working people into criminals for no good reason other than "we like this plant, but we don't like this plant, and now neither may you"
2) the origin of the war on drugs - which iirc from a well sourced and produced video on here recently was instigated by a vindictive racist who wanted to go criminalise things that were seen as "black people" pastimes
3) the bias of the war on drugs - where drugs associated with the poor and underprivileged are relentlessly pursued to the detriment of functioning happy families across the world, but drugs associated with rich white folk such as those boardroom jockeys who snort coke in the office bathroom, nah, give them an easy time
4) the american prison business - which demands a steady supply of low cost, low maintenance, low rights workers who have no choice in the matter
5) the spreading of disinformation through formal education/popular media, and lack of actual knowledge or experience of drugs - which has led to a generation of people who now firmly believe that the moment you inhale a particle of THC (or "inject 1 marijuana" to the uninitiated), your brain turns into a fried egg, and you immediately begin stealing, cheating, and peddling dangerous items to children

Some of the brightest and best humans were influenced and inspired by drugs. If i wrote a list of people that i had the greatest respect for and who i considered to have made a positive influence on the world, half of them would almost certainly be drugs users; and i mean scientists, writers and artists. Your philosophy is a detriment to society, but thankfully as the decades pass, there are less and less with that philosophy. I loathe being blunt, but there is nothing worse than someone who feels the need to dictate to others what they should and shouldn't do on the basis of what they personally do or don't approve of.

We might get about 90 years on this planet with a bit of luck - why the hell do the minority spend so much time trying to dictate to the majority what they do with that time? And why do the majority let them? What sort of control fetish is it that inclines people to want to do that?

This guy's life has been fucking ruined by your adopted philosophy towards drugs, and you offer to help him as long as he bends to your will? How magnanimous of you to stoop to gutter level to help a mere drug-addled cretin... I think he'd tell you to stick your job, he's overqualified to work under you.

KrazyKat42 said:

I would give this guy a job in a heartbeat. If he could pass a drug test.....................

Indian scrambled eggs with a surprise

artician says...

I don't know that this is fake. It happens all the time with eggs and hens that don't benefit from modern production methods of sorting.
(I never would have guessed I'd say something in favor of modern food production, but there you go?)
Anyway, I've had to do this myself when I was a kid, growing up on my families ranch. I doubt this was fake because of the reaction of the guys cooking, too, but if it were I'd hold all their faces to that frying pan for throwing three baby chicks onto a hot plate.

Explosive Oil Fire at 2500fps - The Slow Mo Guys

SFOGuy says...

Scary if you understand the image of a person pouring a pot full of water onto a flaming stove top oil fire (french fries, fried chicken, etc).

Snuff the fire out by throwing a lid on the pan.
Use an aerosol extinguisher.
Use a "K" class grease extinguisher, or Halon.

Don't throw water.
Burn units are sad, sad places.


A Brief Visual History Of Weapons

Chomsky & Krauss: An Origins Project Dialogue

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