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Star Wars: Visions | Original Trailer | Disney+

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Matches stop motion film, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

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Mordhaus (Member Profile)

DOPESICK Official Trailer (2021)

Kurzgesagt | How The Immune System ACTUALLY Works

How robots could end animal captivity in zoos & marine parks

noims says...

This was part of the plot of the John Cleese film Fierce Creatures. Pandas are so shy the zoo replaced it with a far cheaper animatronic because no one would notice the difference.

Later in the film they show the pandas with an 'out of order' sign in front of the enclosure.

Life imitates art.

Republicans Refuse to Move On from Donald Trump

newtboy says...

There is no ongoing audit, only an ongoing political stunt by partisan liars.

Two other audit teams with experience and no ties to the big lie found no such thing….it’s not possible, every ballot has a serial number that must match before votes are accepted. If there was no record of the ballots being sent out, the voting machines automatically reject them. There is a physical paper record.

Doug Logan, conspiracy theorist featured in (producer of?) a current movie claiming the fbi and cia rigged the 2020 election, (directed by another conspiracy theorist who claims 9/11 was a space alien attack) much of which was filmed at his fake “audit” with access no other cameras or reporters had, making the unofficial and unprofessional “audit” a clear and obvious prop for his movie that began filming before cyberninjas started “auditing”?!
Doug Logan who had previously been speculated to be the voice behind “QAnon,” and in the film “The Deep Rig,” if you believe what it claims about him, that was confirmed at the Saturday premiere of the film when he was revealed to be the voice of the anonymous person mid-way through the movie. “The Deep Rig” seeks to prove that the 2020 presidential election was rigged against Donald Trump, a claim that the former president and many of his supporters have echoed despite a total lack of evidence and every claim being tossed out of court….and many lawyers being reprimanded for even trying to sell their lies in court.
Doug Logan who started the election fraud claims in 2018 but no one would listen to his bullshit back then?!
Doug Logan who’s entire professional persona is based on bat shit crazy baseless conspiracy theories, and who’s company and personal wealth rely on selling the lies!?
Doug Logan who just claimed to be Q, also selling the fantasies that magic Democrats eat babies to become younger and live forever, Jewish space lasers cause most forest fires, Italian vote changing satellites exist, and of Trump being reinstalled as president for life on half a dozen or more dates so far?!
Er mer gerd.
Oh…so I gather from the url that this “report” came from Trump claiming it’s true!? Bwaaaahahaha, And you believe it!? Aaaaaahahahahaha….ahh….ahhh…..aaaahahahaha!

They found no such thing….just one more in a long long line of false accusations and claims that have ALL turned out to be utter bullshit….like bamboo fibers proving Chinese vote fraud, the databases being erased, now the impossible 74000 untraceable mystery votes with no record….he’s probably just too inept to find them.

Lol…not on the proper paper?! Yep, I’m so sure you’re right and that proves the cowardly liar won…not in the proper printing alignment…do YOU even know what that’s supposed to mean or indicate?

Too bad Cyber Ninja, a dishonest and bat shit crazy political propaganda company run by a guy who claims to be “Q” and who is the architect of the vote fraud fraud got involved and whether by design or ineptitude contaminated everything they examined through nonexistent safeguards and oversight, I guess….it means these nonsense claims can never be verified by anyone professional or who might be trusted. No chance that was the plan all along. Nope. Who would do that?

bobknight33 said:

On Thursday &7/15/21) the Arizona Senate held a hearing on the ongoing Maricopa County forensic audit.

The audit team announced there were 74,000 ballots that were received and included in the 2020 Election in Maricopa County than were mailed out.

The Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan reported this along with other issues already identified from their investigation

They found 74,243 mail-in ballots with NO clear record of them ever being sent!

The audit team also announced that ballots were counted that WERE NOT on the proper paper stock and WERE NOT in proper printing alignment.

Other ballots were marked with Sharpie pens that bled through the paper.

According to elections expert Jovan Pulitzer what was presented today was just the appetizer before the main course to come!

Land of Mine Trailer

newtboy says...

Big assumption. Many Hitler youth made the choice to fight for Germany, and joined on their own before children were being drafted.

As for those that were conscripted, is it your position that draftees are somehow immune from responsibility for murdering their neighbors, women, children, rapes, burning towns, or planting millions of landmines on foreign soil, etc? How convenient for them. I don't believe that's a popular or legal position.

I take responsibility for my actions. If their fate was mine, I would be eternally grateful I was treated so much better than I would have treated them if the tables were turned. I would be part of an invading Nazi army, trying to undo just a tiny bit of the damage we had caused, doing so at the direction of my superiors just like when I caused the situation. I would deserve execution, not release. This assumes I wouldn't have the spine to refuse to be a Nazi and be imprisoned or executed.

If the majority of Germans weren't complicit, the Nazis would have never come to power. You give them far too much credit. From the holocaust encyclopedia- "Opposition to the Nazi regime also arose among a very small number of German youth, some of whom resented mandatory membership in the Hitler Youth." Same with adults, the opposition was a minority by far, not the majority of Germans. Who told you that?

"Survived the fighting"? "Here"? "They"? Please finish your thoughts so they have meaning. You seem to be equating Nazi soldiers with the Jews they tried to eradicate. What?!?

The Geneva convention we know today was ratified in 1949. The accords of 1929 were found to be totally insufficient to protect POWs, civilians, infrastructure, etc. Yes, Germany did appear violate it's vague did the allies. That's why it was strengthened in 49.

What provision of the 1929 version do you claim this violates?

Articles 20, 21, 22, and 23 states that officers and persons of equivalent status who are prisoners of war shall be treated with the regard due their rank and age and provide more details on what that treatment should be.
Articles 27 to 34 covers labour by prisoners of war. Work must fit the rank and health of the prisoners. The work must not be war-related and must be safe work. ("Safe" and "war related" being intentionally vague and unenforceable).
Please explain the specific violation that makes mine removal a "war crime". It's not war related, the war was over, and it's "safe" if done properly.
Since this was done at the direction of German officers, the convention as written then doesn't apply.

Death camp!!! LOL. Now I know you aren't serious.
"The removal was part of a controversial agreement between the German Commander General Georg Lindemann, the Danish Government and the British Armed Forces, under which German soldiers with experience in defusing mines would be in charge of clearing the mine fields.
This makes it a case of German soldiers under German officers and NCOs clearing mines under the agreement of the German commander in Denmark who remained at his post for a month after the surrender - this means Germany accepted that they had responsibility to remove the mines - they just had far too few experienced mine clearance experts and far too many “drafted” mine clearers with no real experience in doing so." So, if it's a war crime, it's one the Germans committed against themselves.

I'm happy to say that anything done to a Nazi soldier is ethical, age notwithstanding. Many Nazi youth were more zealous and violent than their adult counterparts. Removing their DNA from the gene pool would have been ethical, but illegal. Taking their country to create Israel would have been ethical, but didn't happen.

At the time, there were few mechanical means of mine removal, they didn't work on wet ground, they required a tank and that the area be pre-cleared of anti tank mines, they often get stuck on beaches, and had just over a 50% clearance rate, cost $300-$1000 per mine removed, and they were in extremely short supply after the war. The Germans volunteered in this instance. Now, the Mine Ban Treaty gives each state the primary responsibility to clear its own mines, just like this agreement did.

So you know, the film is fiction, not history. Maybe read up on the real history before attacking countries over a fictional story. History isn't nearly as cut and dry as it's presented, neither are war crimes.

psycop said:

These boys neither chose the age of conscription nor to go to war. Given their age and the time in the war, they would have been forcably made to fight. If you had the misfortune to be born then and there, thier fate could be yours.

Being in the German army did not imply being a Nazi, the majority of the German population were victims as well, pointlessly lead to slaughter by monsters.

Those of them that would have survived the fighting ended up here. They didn't feed them. They worked until they died. They expected them to die. They wanted them to die.

The Geneva Conventions were signed in 1929 making this an official war crime if that's important to you. I'd say the law does not define ethics, and I'd be happy to say this is wrong regardless of the treaty.

As for alternatives for mine clearance. I'm not a military expert, but I believe there are techniques, equipment, tools or vehicles that can be used to reduce the risk to operators. Frankly it's besides the point. Just because someone cannot think of a solution they prefer over running a death camp, does not mean they are not free to do so.

If you have the time, I'd recommend watching the film. It's excellent. And as with most things, particularly in times of war, it's complicated.

Land of Mine Trailer

psycop says...

These boys neither chose the age of conscription nor to go to war. Given their age and the time in the war, they would have been forcably made to fight. If you had the misfortune to be born then and there, thier fate could be yours.

Being in the German army did not imply being a Nazi, the majority of the German population were victims as well, pointlessly lead to slaughter by monsters.

Those of them that would have survived the fighting ended up here. They didn't feed them. They worked until they died. They expected them to die. They wanted them to die.

The Geneva Conventions were signed in 1929 making this an official war crime if that's important to you. I'd say the law does not define ethics, and I'd be happy to say this is wrong regardless of the treaty.

As for alternatives for mine clearance. I'm not a military expert, but I believe there are techniques, equipment, tools or vehicles that can be used to reduce the risk to operators. Frankly it's besides the point. Just because someone cannot think of a solution they prefer over running a death camp, does not mean they are not free to do so.

If you have the time, I'd recommend watching the film. It's excellent. And as with most things, particularly in times of war, it's complicated.

newtboy said:

If you're old enough to go to war, you're old enough to clean up your mess.
Truer words were never said.
These kids should be eternally grateful they weren't treated the same way Germany treated POWs.

Rafting in Russia

Video Shows Hot Air Balloon Crashing In New Mexico

All I Do Is Dick Around... with Cats

noims says...

In light of Edgar Wright doing a film about Sparks I thought I'd *promote my favourite song of theirs (not that I know many).

Plus I'm quite the fan of dicking around (in a lazy way as per the song, not an unfaithful one).

Birthday Wishes For Trump's 75th Birthday

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

How Does Film ACTUALLY Work? - Smarter Every Day 258

BSR says...

I've never processed color film but I've had years of processing Black and White film and prints. My father and I built a darkroom in the basement of our house.

Dad was a historian and published 5 books with photographs copied from old postcards he collected.

He would go back to the same spot where a postcard was photographed to make a Then & Now tour.

Needless to say I've spent much of my life in the darkroom. B/W photography isn't sensitive to red light so it's not completely dark as it is with color film.

Also spent many years doing offset printing from small presses to large newspaper presses. The process is much the same.

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