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Florsheim - One Of The Most Expensive Restorations

BSR says...

Thanks eric,

My father had shoes like these but I didn't know anything about them other than I had to shine them once in a while if I wanted to eat and sleep in his house. Always liked the scent of the polish.

eric3579 said:

From yt comment thread..

I'm the owner of these shoes and wanted to add to the overwhelming positive response to the video and...

This Week

luxintenebris says...

good one, bob. always good for dark humor.

i won't insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said. (borrowed that from bill buckley)

tho' bk, will match your morbid bit with this...

...the candles, dad's hat, dim lighting? gives off a memorial vibe. like the big screen will be used to show the father's life in pictures. he's talking from a funeral home, then saying the other party is politicizing the 90K deaths?


bobknight33 said:

We were told that there will be 1 to 2 million deaths over next few months if we dong flatten the curve. Steps taken by POTUS admin and and states and now we are looking at 90,000 deaths.

Sounds like a God Damn success.

MEGA 2020

C-note (Member Profile)

C-note (Member Profile)

I Hear You're A Racist Now, Father! - Father Ted

The Ad Trump has Threatened TV Stations Over

newtboy says...

*promote since this ad bothers Trump so much he's now suing stations that air it.
As ridiculous as that is, it's a win win for us....either he loses in court and looks like a thin skinned baby throwing another tantrum or he wins and a new standard is set for political ads where saying something bad about a political rival isn't allowed even if it's a 100% accurate statement.
Also, it keeps the ad in the public's mind for months...maybe until the election, for free.

Now, if only someone would go looking for Barron's long form birth certificate to prove he's actually Ivanka's love child with her father and announce the "big announcement" coming on election day, you won't believe the amazing information their investigators found.

C-note (Member Profile)

Trump Gives Mitt Romney A Cool New Nickname

JiggaJonson says...

@bobknight33 You are an asshole. Like others have said, Mitt isn't someone I agree with but he seems to be an honest person when it counts.

John McCain was someone who I loathed mostly for picking that religious-nut-writhing-on-the-ground-chanting Sarah Palin. Genuine policy disagreements and VP pick aside though, he was a patriotic American and highlights just what a traitor this president and his supporters are to this country in comparison.

That said, he spent 5 years being tortured in Vietnam rather than leaving immediately because he refused to leave without his fellow American captors.

John McCain was and remains an honorable person and a patriotic American who cared about his own.

Here's a detailed account

"What they wanted, of course, was to send me home at the same time that my father took over as commander in the Pacific. This would have made them look very humane in releasing the injured son of a top U. S. officer. It would also have given them a great lever against my fellow prisoners, because the North Vietnamese were always putting this "class" business on us. They could have said to the others "Look, you poor devils, the son of the man who is running the war has gone home and left you here. No one cares about you ordinary fellows." I was determined at all times to prevent any exploitation of my father and my family.

There was another consideration for me. Even though I was told I would not have to sign any statements or confessions before I went home, I didn't believe them. They would have got me right up to that airplane and said, "Now just sign this little statement." At that point, I doubt that I could have resisted, even though I felt very strong at the time.

But the primary thing I considered was that I had no right to go ahead of men like Alvarez, who had been there three years before I "got killed"—that's what we say instead of "before I got shot down," because in a way becoming a prisoner in North Vietnam was like being killed."

Don't ever talk about him again you fucking traitor.

bobknight33 said:

I prefer the nick name Mitt McCain

Fastest, Easiest Way To Understand The Impeachment Report

newtboy says...

100% Russian propaganda from the Kremlin tied propaganda network.

So much for the excuse that the investigation didn't happen so there's no bribery, right? Apparently it's been ongoing since Giuliani started pushing them in 2016, but the prosecutor investigating was just fired, having found no Biden crimes, so a new investigation can start with a focus on Biden, who's not accused of anything criminal, his boss is.

Bobski, if receiving money from corrupt Ukrainians is a problem, it's one Trump has far worse than Biden....who won't be the nominee anyway. Trump as president directly took truckloads of Ukrainian money from Russian tied Ukrainian separatists, our enemies, (they've been forced to admit it) then did their bidding, firing an ambassador that stopped some of their corruption.

Biden worked for a company run in part by a man that had previously been accused of using his Ukrainian government position to self deal, a crime that's exactly like what the Trumps have done in China, Scotland, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Canada, and elsewhere. His father, Joe, as part of an official public bipartisan American and international policy then pushed to remove the corrupt prosecutor that man had bribed to drop the corruption case. It's asinine to pretend he pushed to remove the prosecutor to protect his son or his son's boss, to do that he just needed to sit back and let the corrupt prosecutor stay. Only morons repeat this nonsense.

Facts? You don't understand the term, obvious from your posting anything from OAN, the Kremlin's news network that hires Kremlin employed propagandists. *facepalm

bobknight33 said:

Facts??? Not quite.

On the other hand ...

Why Ben Shapiro Is Wrong About Rap

White House Chief of Staff Admits Quid Quo Pro in Ukraine

Drachen_Jager says...

I've said it before, but it bears repeating. Trump didn't care that everyone assumed he was hiding his taxes because he was committing tax fraud. That means the truth is worse.

What's worse than a felony in Trump's world?

People realizing he's bankrupt.

Why does Russia have such a hold over him?

Well, we know he's borrowed huge sums from Russian oligarchs, we don't know how much, because he won't open up his finances, but it's a pretty safe bet those loans are all that's keeping him afloat.

Everything that he's done only lends proof to the hypothesis. He bends over backwards for Russia or any tin pot dictator who can do him a 'favour' and he uses every bit of power he can muster to throw business toward his failing empire.

Trump was never a good businessman. His father cheated the tax code to gift him New York real-estate that would be worth 12 Billion today if Trump had simply held on and maintained the properties. Decades of wheeling and dealing later, he himself claimed he was worth about 2 Billion, and most realistic estimates placed his wealth well below a Billion. And that's in spite of his fraud, chicanery, stiffing contractors and investors, and general malfeasance.

He's always been an idiot. He's been blacklisted for decades by every American bank. They won't touch him, they won't look at his business plans and they won't even think of giving him any kind of loan.

How any American can look at him and think he has the slightest clue what he's doing, or think he actually cares about anyone other than himself is beyond me.

Ayden loves flags

Nobody Speak - DJ Shadow

JiggaJonson says...


It's interesting how trump having sex with his own daughter is becoming part of the culture

"Get running
Start pumping your bunions, I'm coming
I'm the dumbest, who flamethrow your function to Funyuns
Flame your crew quicker than Trump fucks his youngest
Now face the flame, fuckers, your fame and fate's done with"

“Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?” -Donald Trump

What a sicko, I'm glad pop-culture is starting to pick up on it. Prediction, Ivanka Trump will write a tell all about how her father sexually assaulted her as a child and no one will believe her and they'll say that she's just trying to ruin his reputation.

"Why is she trying to hurt a dead man's reputation? He only joked about it for decades and was close friends with Jeff Epstein, a known child sex trader."

When your daughters new shorts are shorter than you expected

Sagemind says...

Personally, I think the dad is just attention grabbing since seeing other people do it online, it's just a dumb trend.

As a father, I really don't think her shorts are too short - and definitely not shorter than every other teen girl is wearing, her shorts cover her cheeks which is pretty fair game. They look absolutely average.

If he thinks they are too short, then maybe he needs to curb his thinking.

6 HOURS Waiting To See This Historic Steam Train

BSR says...

Whether waiting 6 hours or not is true, you can't deny for at least the duration of the video that you could relate to it in some way with your own past experiences.

For instance, my father used tell people that he was the only person in the world that can reach into a box of flat toothpicks and pull out a round one.

And now you come along and tell me there is no Santa Claus!

I am truly alone.


eric3579 said:

Hilarious title/video made me lol, but i'm not buying it (waiting 6 hours).

(edit) Here is the story

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