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Fox News' Fair and Balanced Coverage of Obama's Nuclear Deal

Kevlar says...

>> ^Kevlar:

Hold on, now, let's earnestly consider Fox News' point before calling them out. We may only be able to blow up the entire goddamned earth 3 times over instead of 5 by the time this deal is done.

Oh, just to make sure I'm not exaggerating: let's take a look at our old friend, nuclear winter. Turns out you only need 50 bombs to destroy the earth.

"A minor nuclear war with each country using 50 Hiroshima-sized atom bombs as airbursts on urban areas, could produce climate change unprecedented in recorded human history. A nuclear war between the United States and Russia today could produce nuclear winter, with temperatures plunging below freezing in the summer in major agricultural regions, threatening the food supply for most of the planet. The climatic effects of the smoke from burning cities and industrial areas would last for several years, much longer than previously thought. New climate model simulations, that are said to have the capability of including the entire atmosphere and oceans, show that the smoke would be lofted by solar heating to the upper stratosphere, where it would remain for years.

Compared to climate change for the past millennium, even the smallest exchange modeled would plunge the planet into temperatures colder than the Little Ice Age (approximately 1600-1850). This would take effect instantly, and agriculture would be severely threatened. Larger amounts of smoke would produce larger climate changes, and for the 150 Tg case produce a true nuclear winter, making agriculture impossible for years. In both cases, new climate model simulations show that the effects would last for more than a decade."

NetRunner (Member Profile)

Shepard Smith strikes again! (Re:Bipartisan HC Summit)

US kills 63 civilians, 28 children in yemen airstrikes

Smugglarn says...

This "fair and balanced" report suggest that the US didn't even target Al'Qaeda but rather just wanted to kill civilians.

Revolting - and what is even more so is that leftist fucknuts like peggedbea post this while the government responsible for this broadcast kill students fighting for freedom. Way to go, asshole.

So people die in bomb raids - hmm, that's going to go on until they develop the coveted bomb of hugs and kisses.

How many has died because of inter-muslim violence the last few years?

Misinformer of the Year 2009: Glenn Beck

Mashiki says...

Always good to start out with the belief in someones political philosophy. Stay classy. Just a FYI, I'm conservative-libertarian which means I'm still further to the left then most of you in the US. The fact that they have a more annoying bias then fox's opinion shows is what should be getting to people. Not only that, but they when they attack fox for something yet pull the same tricks they're called to account by no one yet receive glowing praise for it? I'm not sure how much more hypocrisy one could take on that.

But common sense which isn't so common is an amazing thing to dissect. That people have such an unmitigated hate on they can't see they're being mislead by another group in the same clothing, is what I find very interesting. Well that and they can't figure out the difference between News and Opinion. >> ^Psychologic:
^ Unfortunately not every group can be "fair and balanced".
Maybe if they put "unbiased" in their name then more conservatives would trust them.

Laura Ingraham vs. Devout Atheist

ForgedReality says...

80% of the country is Chrstian? Where the fuck did she get those made up stats? Christ. Fuck you Fox.

Just look how aggravated and agitated that stupid bitch on the left kept getting further into the attack "interview." Way to be "fair and balanced." Isn't a news organization supposed to be unbiased? Guess things change when the whole basis for your existence is challenged and you have nothing to fight back with other than insults and insinuation, huh?

Laura Ingraham vs. Devout Atheist

Misinformer of the Year 2009: Glenn Beck

Olbermann: O'Reilly, Beck, Fox News and Law & Order

Olbermann: O'Reilly, Beck, Fox News and Law & Order

Olbermann: O'Reilly, Beck, Fox News and Law & Order

Olbermann: Fair and Balanced - Special Victims Unit

Rotty says...

>> ^rougy:
>> ^Rotty:
Oppps...seems like I walked in on a circle-jerk...pardon me and continue.

But you're the guest of honor, hence the name.

I'm kinda flattered that you are gay for me, but I can't reciprocate. So, just keep sucking jizz-breathe.

Olbermann: Fair and Balanced - Special Victims Unit

Olbermann Challenges O'Reilly And Beck - Shut Up Or Sue!

Olbermann Challenges O'Reilly And Beck - Shut Up Or Sue!

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