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Kid almost drowning in a public pool, nobody notices

noims says...

It's pretty hard to see, but it's even harder to watch. Scary as hell. I'm definitely not going to look up how he is, I'm just going to rely on Eric's reassurance.

*promote knowing what drowning actually looks like.

Kid almost drowning in a public pool, nobody notices

lucky760 says...

Thanks for the link, Eric. That's comforting.

And I'm very glad his monster of a mother was prosecuted.

I'm always reminded of my oldest boy when he was about 2 and we were in the 1.5-foot-deep tiny kiddie pool standing right next to him. He seemingly bent down to touch the drain by his feet, but as his face went into the water he just left it there and didn't move. There was no jumping or waving or losing control; in fact, he was still standing up on his feet, just in a bending-over position with his face in the water and his arms not moving.

I guess his body immediately went into some kind of paralysis when he was probably still breathing in as he stuck his face in the water.

I'll never forget that horror.

eric3579 said:

Kid recovered well

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Your Five Favorite YouTube Accounts (Sift Talk Post)

Bill Maher - F**k Mars

ChaosEngine says...

Yeah, I'm with Eric.

The question is not fix Earth or go to Mars. We can easily do both.

US defence budget is $580B a year. You could literally take the entire Mars budget out your defence spending for 1 year and you'd STILL BE SPENDING MORE ON DEFENCE THAN CHINA!!!

eric3579 said:

Eric - F**ck Bill Maher

Bill Maher - F**k Mars

Jeff Sessions Tells Prosecutors:Prosecute Drugs More Harshly

bobknight33 says...

The "Sessions memo" rolled back a memo issued by Attorney General Eric Holder in 2013 that encouraged prosecutors to use their discretion when filing criminal charges.

Unfortunately Eric holder memo was for low level and big time criminals.

Unfortunately Sessions memo undo Holder memo.

Sessions memo have been be light on low level criminals and hard on big time crooks.

Constituent Rips Into Congressman Over Health Care

enoch says...

beat me to it eric!
have you noticed how many congressmen are now trying to video chat their town halls now?

it is because they do not want to face americans like this face to face.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

The Friendzone As A Horror Movie

enoch says...

then we disagree,but as eric pointed out some things do not translate well on a comment thread.

maybe i just have a different idea what a friend zone actually is and you are totally correct.

to me a "friend zone' is a place the man puts himself in,and is not the women's responsibility.she was straight up and was the man who deluded himself that if he just gave enough attention,or was patient enough,she would come around.

if anyone should feel shame,it is that pathetic dude for being such a pussy.

ah well..maybe i am just an old fart and no longer get the plot.

Summer Vibes

ToTo Racer - Best 3D Racing Game

Cuztomized Iphone Cases

Jack Bauer asks WHERE IT IS.

Neil deGrasse Tyson - Science in America

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