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Stephen Colbert: Super Reagan

cosmovitelli says...

Reagan was just the first stooge hired by the remnants of the Nixon administration. (By Bush Snr {his head of the CIA}, Donald Rumsfeld {2nd in command of the CIA} & Dick Cheney {3rd in command of the CIA}).

Literally an actor. And a 3rd rate cowboy actor at that (only for domestic & retarded audiences).

BTW Dubya was next & a gift to these fellas, none of them dumb enough to be the man out front making excuses.

They decided that a few million dead kids was fine if it swelled the family pile by 20%. Vietnam, East Timor, Iran Chile etc etc etc etc
.....Does anyone really know how much bank Cheney made from the slaughter/'rebuilding' in Iraq? A billion? 10 billion? 100 Billion? Will any American ever ask? Guess not.

In the future analysis of this time, these men will be held up worse that than Hitler, Stalin & Genghis Khan for sure. Their crimes are comparable in every way (especially the massive piles of dead kids) but without the personal trauma to explain psychosis. The US government of the last 50 years consists of the richest, fattest, most privileged men ever to live in millions of years of humanity, and yet they've committed the worst crimes of all time. Millions dead, crippled, traumatized, orphaned.
Is it their fault or the fault of those around them who do nothing or worse; cheer?

Ron Paul's CNN interview on U.S. Interventionism in Syria

enoch says...

i like ron paul.
we dated for a bit because we had so much in common in regards to civil liberties and a non-intervention foreign policy.
i had to dump him due to his free-market corporation obsession.
it had just turned creepy...
he still calls on my birthday though,very sweet.

the american people are against any military action.up to 80% of the population kind of against,but what have we learned over the past 10 yrs?
the american government ignores the population and relies on bobbleheads like blitzer and this other cunt to promote the propaganda.

"so let me just say,that after being briefed the gas attacks took place" listening,please continue.
"and that the assad administration is responsible"
the assad situation is responsible?
really? are you sure? because as far as i can tell there is not one shred of evidence.
well,thats not quite true.isreali intelligence says the assad regime is responsible.
and if the isreali intelligence says its assad then it MUST be true right? they wouldnt,,you know..lie.

whoa whoa whoa mr quigley.
am i correct in assuming that your entire argument is basically "trust us"?

you sir,are a whore who would sell his integrity to the highest have lost any right to speak on this situation or for any of your constituents to show you any form of respect.
i revoke your right to participate in human affairs and i bid you good day.

i said good day!

and look at our little slut blitzer trying to snipe from the bleachers.
oh blitz...
you sold your soul a looong time ago.
nobody listens to you anymore.
they are just transfixed by the beard.

to imply that military force is a righteous and just course of action due to 100,000 people dying ignores the fact that america has used chemical weapons.

so when THEY use chemical weapons it is a crime against humanity but when WE use them it is justified?
nice logic captain propaganda.

and if we are to take your argument to have any validity.then i am forced to ask this question:
"if the united states has the right to invade another country for crimes against humanity.that the invasion is for humanitarian reasons (as if bombing and killing is humanitarian),then explain to me why so many countries were NEVER invaded by the united states,even when THEIR crimes against humanity were far more egregious?"
see:east timor
the list is NOT short.

cant answer?
then i submit that your argument is no argument at all.
because if you were a true journalist you would have asked "where is the diplomatic solution?"
"why are we we going in to drop a limited sorte of bombs?"
"in what reality could that produce positive results for the region?"
"where is the international political pressure to bring these factions to the negotiation table?"
"where is the evidence that assad's regime is responsible?"
"why is the obama administration ignoring the military commanders advice of non-intervention?"

i could do this all day.

there is a bright spot in this otherwise dreary and dystopian picture.
the american people are not as politically gullible as they were 10 yrs ago.
we SEE whats going on.
the world SEES whats going on.

welcome citizen to the united states of empire.
please have a seat.
be quiet and obey.
your government is in control.

Trailer for "The Act of Killing"

bcglorf says...

upvote as important. Also current because one of Al Qaeda's top listed reasons for hating America is it's policy on East Timor...

Al Qaeda was angry that America reversed it's stance from supporting this genocide and instead supporting a free and independent East Timor...

Trailer for "The Act of Killing"

rasch187 says...

*quality *promote

Yogi, the movie is not about the genocide in East Timor but rather the mass murder of communists and others in the mid 60s. Indonesia is a big fan of genocides so it's easy to mix them up.

Glenn Greenwald - Why do they hate us?

bcglorf says...

Well, I'm about to get down voted into oblivion, but I have to state this as bluntly as possible.

This is the most perverted kind of propaganda that can be trotted out by someone, and it sickens me to see it. Glen is absolutely correct in every fact he points out, and is in that respect, doing nothing but telling the truth and educating his audience with things they likely didn't know before, and should have. It would seem that should be an unqualified good thing then, but it's not.

What makes this offensive propagandizing to me is the absolutely deliberate omission of equally true, relevant and significant facts that Glen can't help but be aware of. His sole purpose for the omission is that it suddenly shifts things from black and white into the gray that audiences don't like as much.

I'll start from the most important point, and the very premise of the talk, why do they hate us? There is a bigger question though that is even more illuminating, and it is why to they(jihadist terrorists) hate and kill their fellow Islamic countrymen and neighbours? The fact here is that jihadi terrorists before 9/11 and even more so since, have killed tens and hundreds of times as many middle eastern muslims than they have white western infidels. Glen points out plenty of reasons people can have to be upset with America over it's past actions, which is legit in itself, but NONE of those reasons explain why these jihadists target there own fellow middle eastern muslims for the exact same violence and retribution America faced on 9/11. The fact this makes plain is that the jihadi terrorists will hate not only us, but everyone who is not willing to join them unconditionally. They are not the misunderstood, historically slighted and unjustly maligned people Glen's talk might lead people to think of them as. They(jihadi terrorists) do not deserve our sympathy or apologies, their countrymen and neighbours that are their biggest victims do.

Glen also goes on to list the deaths from sanctions on Iraq as an American crime. Apparently Saddam's horrific(then American approved) war on Iran, his genocide of the Kurds, his extensive use of chemical weapons in both, his complete seizure of Kuwait and his genocide of Iraqi Shiites are not relevant to the discussion of placing sanctions on his country. In Glen's discussion, despite this laundry list of crimes against humanity, Saddam is entirely innocent and not in anyway to blame for the children starving in his country while he continued to build himself new palaces and kept his personal guard and secret police forces well equipped and well fed. How is one to take this seriously?

Finally, Glen omits a terrifically important American crime in East Timor that Bin Laden listed. No, sadly it's not our tacit support for the pro Islamic genocide of the people there in the past, but it was America's support for an end to that genocidal repression and support for a free and independent East Timor. This was listed near the very top of American crimes. When Zarqawi blew up the Canal Hotel in Baghdad, he was very clear that it wasn't for Iraqi children dead at the hands of American sanctions. It was because Sérgio Vieira de Mello(killed in the blast) helped over see the transition to a free East Timor.

I'm afraid I am beyond disappointed by talks like this, I find them offensive and contemptible.

Obama's reasonable response to the NSA controversy

Yogi says...

He just isn't educated enough on history to understand what he's talking about. He's very intelligent and he makes very good arguments, but he relates all those arguments to his experiences working around Law Enforcement and what hog ties them.

Now if he saw Law Enforcement wiping out and destroying city blocks or paying gunman to drag women out of houses and murder and rape children than maybe he'd have a different idea of what this NSA thing means.

The fact is that he hasn't seen jack shit, because he hasn't stood in front of an Israeli bulldozer, he hasn't looked into a mass grave in East Timor. He's just not informed.

dystopianfuturetoday said:


What specifically do you object to in Simon's article?

What specifically do you object to in this NSA controversy?

I know you are angry, but you're arguments have been a little on the vague side.

Change my mind. No need to hold back, brother. There is no quicker way to my heart than drag-out bareknuckled debate.

13-Year-Old Girl With Amazing Shooting Skills.

chingalera says...

Anyones' a pro with a shotgun after a couple boxes of shells. One of the simplest firearms to use and damn near the most effective thing for crowd control, opening doors, and rendering automobiles un-drivable. Where is this, Cypress, China, Brazil or East Timor?

President Carter on US Violating Human Rights & Gaza

Yogi says...

I have no idea what you're talking about. If you wanna slam this guy why not talk about the Genocide in East Timor in which he was instrumental at increasing aid and weapons to the aggressors.

quantumushroom said:

The only guy in the world who really benefited from the election of Hussein: now Peanut is the SECOND Worst President Ever.

Bill Clinton's Full DNC Speech 2012

bobknight33 says...

I must be delusional. I find myself agreeing with you. Sifters make strange bedfellows.>> ^Yogi:

>> ^PostalBlowfish:
It's hilarious to me that people can say something like that without mentioning George W. Bush.

It's hilarious to me that Democrats think George W. Bush was so bad when they Revere Clinton who is responsible for 500,000 Iraqi deaths.
Take the wool off of your eyes, our leaders are all bastards doesn't matter what stripe.
Also Clinton supported the Genocide in East Timor.
Jimmy Carter doubled funding to those committing the Genocide by the way, and he won a Nobel Peace Prize. So has Obama, who has been committing targeted assassinations in foreign countries.

Bill Clinton's Full DNC Speech 2012

Yogi says...

>> ^PostalBlowfish:

It's hilarious to me that people can say something like that without mentioning George W. Bush.

It's hilarious to me that Democrats think George W. Bush was so bad when they Revere Clinton who is responsible for 500,000 Iraqi deaths.

Take the wool off of your eyes, our leaders are all bastards doesn't matter what stripe.

Also Clinton supported the Genocide in East Timor.

Jimmy Carter doubled funding to those committing the Genocide by the way, and he won a Nobel Peace Prize. So has Obama, who has been committing targeted assassinations in foreign countries.

a message to all neocons who booed ron paul

enoch says...

and false equivalencies are all the dissenting arguments i am seeing.
and this is not due to me being a "leftist' and therefore not owning the ability to critically digest historical information and come to a conclusion.

someone spent 20 minutes to refute some of the data in this video only to find out the numbers were accurate BUT they did not reveal the specifics and hence the argument was invalid.
kinda like: "the yellow honda ran over a man today crushing his skull"
"HA! the car was GREEN"
"so it was but how does that change the fact the car crushed a mans skull?"

some have suggested that american interventionism is sometimes messy but usually a while it may be complicated,sometimes america has had to do what the rest of the world would not.
this (falsely) implies that their is a thread of moral good when america attempts to straighten out an ugly situation in a foreign country and that sometimes,sadly,this leads to unintended consequences that may lead to blowback.
this is pure propaganda and i say this not because i hate my country but because if it were a true statement then america would be where ALL human rights,oppression and suffering under the hands of despotic governments resided worldwide.

see:rwanda,east timor,bangledesh there is a massive amount of places where america had a strict non-interventionist attitude.
and the reason is simple.those countries had nothing to offer,but our government seems to REALLY like working with dictators.easier to deal with one person who is friendly to american interests than a whole population that might (gasp/horror) have the ability to vote your interests not only does america not give two shits about a country with no resources to exploit,they prefer despotic dictators and have installed them when necessary in the name of american interests.

war is always for the same things:resources,land and for thousands of years it was religion that was the driving force to get the average person to go out and slaughter but for the past 100 years it has been nationalism.

one last thing to address those who have mentioned alqaeda and what they post.
firstly:this has nothing to do with this video and is a false equivalency.
secondly:look up where alqaeda was on the FBI's most wanted list in 1999.look at who trained alqaeda,even funded them.notice anything?

so we can say vietnam was complicated.
ok..i can agree with that but lets remember it would have never even been issue if not for our government creating a false situation in which to enter vietnam in the first place.see:gulf of tonkin.
and again,has nothing to do with the premise of this video.

we can say muslims dont hate our freedom but rather they perceive us as immoral and decadent.
i would agree with that also if we were in the 1950's and the conversation was sayyid qutb and the muslim brotherhood but we are talking alqaeda which is the creation of the american intelligence CIA.
so it is america which created the complications we are speaking whatever propaganda alqaeda uses now to recruit besides just pointing to us bombing the shit out of them is still indirectly a result of american interventionism.

neo-conservative ideology has nothing to do with being conseravtive but everything to do with using the massive might of the military to secure american interests globally.
might makes right.

lets also remember traditionally republicanism tended to be isolationist and faaar less ron paul is just being a traditional republican.of course now we live in bizzarro universe where everything is opposite so we have self-proclaimed republicans admonishing ron paul for ..what exactly? being a republican?
thats just weird.

and please understand that my points are not just some rage against america.i am not,by my commentary,ignoring the vast amount of good and noble things my country has done over the past 100 years or so but i also will not shut my eyes to what my countries foreign policy has done to so many small countries who happen to coincidently all be populated by brown people.

might i suggest:
chalmers johnson "blowback"
bryzenski's "the grand chessboard"
or the stellar book by john perkins "economic hitman"

maybe you will understand ron pauls position on these things.
/rant off

a message to all neocons who booed ron paul

enoch says...

so a man makes a video pertaining to the republican debates in where ron paul tells the audience the real reason certain middle eastern countries have a problem with american foreign policy and your criticism is that it was too "over-generalized"?
the video is four minutes long!
should he have made it a documentary?
i guess i dont understand your position my friend because you dont seem to have a problem with the information just that it was over-generalized leading to distorted facts.which i am assuming you mean context.
that would be a mighty long video.
which leads me to @quantumushroom and his comment.
what bullshit?
were you aware that there are some estimates reaching as high as 5 million? and some as low as 700,000?
should this man have included the gulf of tonkin?
cambodia? east timor?
and what does fundamentalist islam have to do with what ron paul is stating?
i am not denying the horrors of radical islam and neither is this video and has nothing to do with the conversation.that is a wholly different are free to be afraid of brown people and their mysterious "allah" character but you are NOT free to ignore historical do so is the epitome of 'willful ignorance".

the main reason i dont understand either of your positions is that ron pauls premise is quite simple:
they dont hate us for our freedom or because we are just chock full of awesome.
they hate us because we have been fucking with their shit for over 50 years.
bin laden was pretty upfront the reasons why and the defense department agrees.
this is where ron paul got his information.
he didnt just pull it out of his ass.
this video highlights some of the dire effects of american foreign policy over the last 50 years.
we may not like that information nor be proud of what our government did in our name but not liking something does not make it less true.

could either of you explain your position a bit further please?
maybe i am just misunderstanding.

From 1999 - Banks will say "We're gonna stick it to you"

Yogi says...

>> ^NetRunner:

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^NetRunner:
@Yogi way to not respond to the point being made.

I don't care enough to argue with someone who wouldn't even understand what I'm arguing about until he actually has some information.

I couldn't agree more!

Now I understand why you butt heads with almost everyone on this site. You're a fucking cunt. Obama is killing people with Drones is he not? Clinton instituted Sanctions on Iraq and those sanctions killed 500,000 Iraqi children and that comes from Noam Fucking Chomsky and Hans vonFucking Sponeck UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq!

Who the fuck are you? OH NOBODY Who doesn't know Fucking ANYTHING. Who wasn't on the ground, who didn't do the research who didn't write a fucking book about the subject and who isn't considered a World Fucking Expert ON ANYTHING.

Just a Lazy, Stupid Cunt who can't fucking admit that Clinton was a Fucking horrible mother fucker and Obama ain't much better.

Here's one...Clinton SUPPORTED the Genocide of East Timor that by the end of it had killed over 600,000 people. Nice about that fucking shit. You wanna know who Doubled the Arms and funding to Indonesia so they could continue killing the people of East Timor? Fucking Noble Peace Prize winner Fucking Jimmy Fucking Carter.

Don't FUCK with me man I know more about this shit THAN ANYONE You've EVER FUCKING KNOWN.


Last nail in Carter's Presidential coffin-he told truth

Yogi says...

This shouldn't have been his last nail...his upping the weapons to Indonesia for their Genocide against the people of East Timor should've been. People say Democrats aren't as evil as republicans sometimes. Guess what Liberals, in war they are, they're fucking awful.

800 Die in Ivory Coast Violence

kronosposeidon says...

Economy of Ivory Coast:

The Ivorian economy is largely market based and depends heavily on the agricultural sector. Almost 70% of the Ivorian people are engaged in some form of agricultural activity. Côte d'Ivoire is among the world's largest producers and exporters of coffee, cocoa beans, and palm oil.

This is serious. A chocolate shock could shake our slowly recovering economy, and it makes me shudder to think of how this could impact Starbuck's. *shudder*

Now before someone mentions it: Yes, Ivory Coast produces oil. But they are #59 in oil production volume, producing about 60,000 barrels a day. (Libya produces over 25 times that volume.) Hell, even Italy, Trinidad and Tobago, and East Timor produce more oil than Ivory Coast. So oil is a negligible factor in the equation, thus making Ivory Coast itself a negligible factor.

Ivory Coast has over 20 million people. (Libya, by comparison, has roughly 6.5 million people.) Its civil war has been going off and on for almost 9 years. Thousands and thousands of people have died; millions have become refugees. It was hoped that the 2010 presidential election would bring peace to their country, but obviously it has not. This isn't a new problem; it's been going on for years. Yet silence. Yet no intervention.

But on the first day of NATO operations in Libya, the US fired 118 Tomahawk missiles. (Britain, for its part, fired 6.) You want intervention? You got it, motherfucker.

Fuck this.

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