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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today’s Republican major vote fraud case….

“A Michigan poll worker for the Republicans has been arrested recently for tampering with the voting system following the August, 2022 Republican primary up there in the state of Michigan. The man's named James Hoor, and what happened was that he used a personal USB drive, inserted it into an electronic poll book after polls closed the night of the August 2nd primary in Gaines Township precinct. Eight poll workers used the book to administer the election, which contains voter registration data, including confidential personal identifying information about all voters in the precinct, and Mr. Hoor put his personal USB drive into that machine to, I guess, copy data before any of that information could be sent to the state or change it. So he is taking the raw data. This has not been approved by anyone. Nobody told him he was allowed to do this. He took the data from that machine before anybody could verify what was on it. Now, these machines, by the way, are not connected to the internet, so he could not access it remotely. He had to do it with the flash drive. It's also unclear whether or not he was taking data or putting data in the machine. So we don't know that. And this was again, the raw data. This had not been certified. Nobody else knew what all was in this system. And this Republican came along and compromised all of it. This completely invalidates all votes on that electronic poll book.”

More fraud, 100% Republican frauds. Every single one. Most by officials, campaigns, or the RNC themselves. Videos of training poll watchers to break laws, bring electronic devices, go where you aren’t allowed to go, intimidate workers, etc. any Republican win in November is tainted and invalidated, none should be sworn in but instead held in legal limbo until 24, because they intentionally invalidated the elections. There’s no Republican that can win without cheating, so there’s not one valid Republican representative in government.

Also a PS- Bohbert has yet to file any claims against the group that said they have evidence that she had two abortions, was an unregistered escort (hooker), and a DUI accident with injuries she covered up like she claimed she would be doing in June when th stories broke. That amounts to an admission they are true, and she’s now being sued by the reporters for claiming the reports were lies.

This as Mengele Oz campaigned with Hitler’s car right after his mass puppy killing scandal came to light.


newtboy (Member Profile)

BSR (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Delivery robot drives through crime scene, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

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BSR (Member Profile)

the danger of abstinence

noims says...

Very well put. I'd far rather the cost of essential services be inflated by bureaucratic inefficiancies than by someone trying to squeeze as much profit as possible out of them. Especially in the west, the former is far less likely to drive corruption.

The video puts across the case so well it definitely deserves a*promote, even though I think the quote and especially the graphic that the French pay "just a little bit more" in taxes is misleading. In Ireland I pay very roughly 40% on all income over 40k (20% on the first 40k), and I think France is about the same. As I understand it, American taxes are more like 20-30% (not than anyone understands American taxes).

cloudballoon said:

True, any government-run programs have a certain waste. But letting Big Corps profiteering run rampant instread proves, time-and-again, that doesn't improve the quality of living for the vast majority of the population a single bit.

Midterm uphill battle for Democcrats

newtboy says...

Thanks to far right extremist billionaire, Trumpist, and allegedly 1/3 owner of Fox News corp John Malone exerting control from his board seat, CNN has gone far right…no longer allowed to discuss “the big lie”, no longer to have any biased opinion shows (like all of Fox). He claims he wants CNN to be centrist (his actions belie that claim) and become the network preferred by Democrats and Republicans….as if that were possible, reasonable, or profitable. CNN will never be the preferred source for Republicans, ever, and it’s blatantly obvious all his actions are doing is driving away Democrats and independents.

It is now becoming a “water boy” news outlet, carrying water for far right extremists with water on the brain.

That “uphill battle” sure has turned, hasn’t it? Guaranteed Republican wins are falling like flies. ROEVEMBER is coming for the treasonous right. Hide and watch.

Trump’s Maralago Home Raided By FBI

newtboy says...

Backfired, eh? How’s that working out now? How many early races Republicans thought were locks have already been lost? How many Trumpian candidates are behind in polls by double digits?

What backfired by poking a hornets nest was the political activist judges reversing 50 years of precedent and settled law based on pure politics…erasing civil rights and threatening to go insanely farther (like making interracial marriage illegal, erasing voting rights, etc) that is driving people to the polls in unprecedented numbers already, and they aren’t voting red.

What also backfired was years of harping on about a few mislabeled low level classified but not secret documents ending up on a server is treason then trying to say over 700 pages of highest level top secret clearly labeled classified paper documents (with no way to trace who has seen it) kept unsecured unlocked unguarded in closets and basements of a home often open to the “public” and repeatedly penetrated by foreign spies after two subpoenas requesting them and multiple false affidavits claiming they didn’t exist is nothing. That’s too much even for some cultists, and WAY too much for non cultists. Sure didn’t drive right wing New Yorkers to the polls. 😂 😂 😂

Going to be even better if someone sues to remove all Republicans from the ballot in Texas since they’re all legally communists now and ineligible for public office in Texas. ROTFLMFAHS!!!

bobknight33 said:

Yet more BS fuckery by deep state to keep Trump from running 2024.

But that did poke the stick at the hornet nest of the republican party.

Boy did this BS back fire

Lock Him Up Yesterday! - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

newtboy says...

Answer this, Bob. Is this what the FBI should have done to Hillary?

Secondly-Can you tell me why the shallow state is so terrified of that old woman?

Nothing came of that because, unlike Trump, Hillary had done nothing wrong. 😂

FYI- Undeniably Trump stole over 300 top secret documents
(Edit: now nearing 1000 pages of classified documents that had not been declassified)
that aren’t allowed out of secured viewing areas, many documents he did not even have the authority to declassify btw, much less any record of him doing so, actively hid them from investigators, gave back some and swore to the FBI that was every secret document he had (secretly claiming he personally owned the rest), gave back more under subpoena but secretly withheld hundreds still, including nuclear secrets, outright lied under oath to the FBI claiming everything had been returned….again…all the while keeping these insanely sensitive and secret documents unsecured and unguarded in a basement and closet where Chinese spies had already penetrated at LEAST once literally carrying bags full of electronic surveillance equipment, thumb drives loaded with spyware, and burglary tools….or to you, “nothing wrong”. You just love to show off how serious you aren’t. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

All just for show.
Just to keep the Trump war drum beating.
Just to keep Trump from running 2024.

The real question is why is the deep state so afraid of this man?

Nothing will come of this because Trump has done nothing wrong.

newtboy (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Aptera Test Drive, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 352 Badge!

newtboy (Member Profile)

DeLorean Legacy - The Blessing From The Legend.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Hide and watch. Charges come after the investigation, not instead of. It’s hard to find specifics, but if sedition has a statute of limitations it’s at least 5 years, although prosecuting before 2024 would seem mandatory considering the charges….that’s still plenty of time to build an airtight case before prosecuting. 865 charged so far, many with sedition, and been convicted.

What about those pending charges for Clinton. I’m still waiting, it’s been years and years and years and you still say they’re coming, just wait. It’s only been 18 months since the failed coup.

I wouldn’t mind $10 a gal, because I don’t drive much, 50-100 miles a week max,and I’m happy for anything that stops idiots from rolling coal as a pastime.

You should be loving it because it builds demand for electric vehicles, your one investment, but since Tesla couldn’t meet demand beforehand, it can’t take advantage of the high demand so I get why you aren’t excited.

If only Democratic policies were what you claim, they would have nationalized oil companies and oil would be Venezuela cheap or at least there would be a profit cap, which would cut gas prices instantly…but neither is even a Democratic idea.

BTW- what do you blame the high gas prices in the rest of the world on, still Biden’s fault? Even in China? Why does super far left Venezuela have gas at near free £.018 per liter?

bobknight33 said:

And what criminal charges have come forth?

Nothing because its all BS, and you and your ilk are fools drinking it up.

How that $6/gal gas working for you and yours?
Democrat policies at work.

California is Running Out of Water

newtboy says...

What do they mean “running out”? We’ve been out of water for decades.

As bad as this sounds, I think he’s under selling the problem big time.

Federal officials announced in February that California farmers will get no federal water this year, zero (that’s the Central Valley Project), while the state has allocated agriculture only 15% of normal from its distribution systems.
Meanwhile the state has also demanded agricultural water districts and cities stop diverting water from rivers and streams along the San Joaquin River. This includes 200 cities in and around the Bay Area, like San Francisco which gets up to 85% of its water from those rivers and streams.
Some rivers and streams in California have stopped flowing, all have reduced flow. The Mad River, just blocks from me, is usually 6-8’ deep bank to bank (75-100’) for at least 6 months out of each year, the last 3 years it never reached its banks and remained a shallow stream all winter, becoming a creek in summer. It is abnormal, most rivers are worse off.
Aquifers have already been depleted so much that the entire Central Valley is sinking rapidly. Reservoirs are WELL below 50%, despite what this clip said (Shasta is reporting at 40% today, but driving over it it looks like maybe 10-20% full with no inflow).
So far this year along, over 1000 residential wells have gone dry. This includes many entire communities losing their drinking water supplies completely. The number of agriculture wells that can no longer function is uncountable. It’s estimated we will lose 2700 drinking water wells this year state wide.

The California water problem isn’t a pressing future issue, it’s an ongoing unmitigated disaster we’ve ignored for far too long. At this point, it’s likely insurmountable, and a collapse of California agriculture will make today’s inflation seem like the good old days when average workers could afford to eat. Start a garden, it’s going to get weird.

Ameca and the most realistic AI robots. Beyond Atlas.

newtboy says...

Big dreams, but remember hyperloop, the amazing high speed public transportation Musk foresaw?
It was going to be autonomous pods driving hundreds of mph through multi tube vacuum tunnels, now it’s Tesla cars manually driven maybe 40mph through small one lane tunnels, with traffic jams already on the tiny test track ride in Vegas during the pandemic with riders limited to well under 1000 per hour (<1/4projected capacity) costing $52.5 million for 1.7 miles of inescapable death tube…. so underground death trap roads at only 8800 times the cost of above ground roads.
Remember the Tesla semi truck? Sounded great. Turned out it had less than 1/6 the cargo capacity of similarly size trucks because of battery weight and a 300 mile maximum range new (quickly dropping as batteries age) for the regular version, and unless you charge at Tesla with guaranteed discount electricity it’s not even cost effective against regular trucks per mile, much less per ton of freight….and still not any on the road, now estimated to start next year…maybe.

Notice the teslabot doesn’t list expected battery life, which is the big limitation on self powered robots. All the ability in the world is useless if they need to recharge every 10 minutes.

Elon’s ideas sound amazing until you look at them practically, and find that his projections are insanely unrealistic.

Edit: in his genius, Musk lobbied hard against the infrastructure bill that includes money to build the American chip manufacturing capacity…and now his plants are losing billions per year because they can’t get chips.

Tom Scott trying to deal with his phobia of roller coasters

eoe says...

The funny thing is that, assuming he drove to the park, that was far more dangerous than the rollercoaster.

If you're not afraid of driving in a car, you shouldn't be afraid of rollercoasters or planes.

But, at the same time, I know the important word is irrational fear. So, it is what it is.

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