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Best Things About Being Blind

spawnflagger says...

I think it's for when a sighted driver (family, friend, etc) drives them somewhere, they can park closer to the door. Probably they don't issue handicapped license plates to blind people, but rather just the hang-tags you put on rearview mirror.

newtboy said:

Um….can anyone explain why they issue blind people handicapped parking stickers?

America's economy- failing

newtboy says...

Oh no….is a red hurricane coming?
We still haven’t recovered from the red tsunamis in 2020 and 2022….say it ain’t so!

Republicans have already FAILED to raise the ceiling on time and are now playing chicken with the economy while also wrestling over who gets to drive the party…and not one has any idea of where you want to go yet or even how to drive (there’s absolutely no plan for what they want, just “spending cuts” which they think is SECRET code for “end social security and Medicare”)

Republicans printed 1/4 of every dollar circulating today under Trump out of thin air…actually worse, printed money as the economy was contracting as never seen before. Make more dollars without something of value to back them/you make each dollar worth less. Simple enough for even you to grasp….that’s called inflation.

Republicans totally failed at anything related to the pandemic, public health, economic, transportation, shortages, fighting against gouging, by every measure an “F-“.
Republicans pumped money in through their unregulated PPP loans and other unregulated easily defrauded programs they then defrauded by making up fake companies, taking millions, getting repayment amnesty, and buying Lamborghinis and mansions with the cash in many cases. MTG took huge sums she didn’t repay for one, then bemoaned student debt amnesty as a giveaway.

Rep(uglicans) ARE the fault of this mess as you so elegantly put it.

bobknight33 said:

Unemployment low. : For now
Gdp high. lowing down
Inflation falling. : Because lack of $ in pockets
Markets rising. : Nope Going sideways last few months
Sounds good to me. : Calm before the storm.

Republicans will raise the ceiling. Rep not the fault of this mess.
Covid lock downs and too much Gov $ dumped in the system too quickly

Justin Jones To Be Reinstated

newtboy says...

He’s BACK! Sworn back in hours ago.

The indefensible expulsion was incredibly short lived.

Republicans really shot themselves in the foot this time. Even Republicans mostly want democracy, not totalitarianism. This action will definitely drive the vote for years to come in Tennessee, and will be a rallying call to remind everyone else how important it is to vote against totalitarianism and for democracy.

Is this Cop on Drugs? You Decide! Cop Gets Owned & Dismissed

newtboy says...

If someone showed up to an office job acting like that, grinding your teeth, fidgeting uncontrollably, they would be sent for a drug test immediately…but this officer who drives around town armed for a living almost certainly won’t even be talked to about this disturbing public behavior.
If he’s not on drugs, he has a serious mental disorder or injury and needs to get professional help while on unpaid leave.

Tesla Cam captures INSANE crash

newtboy says...

Logically no matter what it should be truck owner. He/she is responsible first and foremost because proper maintenance is the owner’s responsibility and your wheel coming off is proof of improper maintenance.

If they could prove a shop mounted the wheel wrong….forgot lug nuts, used broken studs, put the nuts on finger tight…they could likely sue, but proving that would be impossible without close up video at the shop of the faulty parts/installation.

#3 is possible, but only after proof of a known design flaw that makes the wheel come off is established. Good luck. This is what Tesla is up against with their self driving software, but only after multiple deaths and many crashes.

Most aftermarket parts have limited liability clauses limiting their liability to replacement of the defective part, not even labor. I know my lift kits had multiple warnings and liability releases in the instructions/warranties. Not total immunity if they intentionally sell dangerously defective parts, but definitely a difficult thing to prove.

I’m not a lawyer, but I have them in the immediate family (grandpa), so I have a little bit of an idea how this usually works in court.

visionep said:

I hope everyone escaped without long term injuries.

I wonder how liability works in a case like this.

Possible scenarios:
1. Freak accident, no one is liable.
2. Truck owner is liable, but only because they modified their car from manufacturer spec?
3. Truck manufacturer is liable, faulty construction?
4. State or federal government is liable because of something in the road that make the truck's tire fall off.
5. After market kit provider or after market kit installer is liable because their modification lead to the failure that caused the tire to come off.

I wonder how it all worked out.

CHP Officer not happy when you go 90 mph

newtboy says...

I sure am. Spent between 83 and 96 in the bay. So glad to be out of that now.

73 Charger….nice. A good friend spent all high school and then some building one of those, massive motor with blower, spool in back, etc. It was gorgeous and mean. I think he wanted to street race it, but the first day he ever drove it the rear end went around the front on an off ramp and he stuffed it into a freeway column totaling it. Tragedy.

I followed suit with my legend, fishtailing head on into a K rail at 60 in the rain….but I drove it for almost a decade first. Now I drive my mom’s old Acura TSX much more responsibly too.

Getting old REALLY sucks when you break yourself while you’re young! Oof!

StukaFox said:

It looks like we're all Bay Area refugees!

My Camaro was a shark-nose '97.

For classics, I owned a '73 Charger SE and I loved me the hell out of that car, too. It was the size of an aircraft carrier and the engine compartment was bigger than my condo. The scariest thing about that car was how easily the back end would come around in a sharp turn. The first rains of the year were a horror show when the pavement was like oiled glass. "Am I gonna beat that red? Gun it! ... uh-oh."

Now I drive a Mazda 3 and responsibly. Getting old sucks.

CHP Officer not happy when you go 90 mph

StukaFox says...

It looks like we're all Bay Area refugees!

My Camaro was a shark-nose '97.

For classics, I owned a '73 Charger SE and I loved me the hell out of that car, too. It was the size of an aircraft carrier and the engine compartment was bigger than my condo. The scariest thing about that car was how easily the back end would come around in a sharp turn. The first rains of the year were a horror show when the pavement was like oiled glass. "Am I gonna beat that red? Gun it! ... uh-oh."

Now I drive a Mazda 3 and responsibly. Getting old sucks.

eric3579 said:

The fastest I've ever traveled in a car was when I rode in my friend's '68 Firebird on the straightaway near Scotts Valley on Highway 17, where we hit just shy of 140mph. The car felt like it was going to shake itself apart. Never felt the need or want to go anywhere close to that speed again.

What year was your Z-28? Got pics? I absolutely LOVED me some late 60s Firebirds and Camaros when i was younger.

CHP Officer not happy when you go 90 mph

CHP Officer not happy when you go 90 mph

eric3579 says...

Since we're telling CHP speeding stories...

Many decades ago, on prom night, I found myself driving to a party on an empty stretch of Highway 1 between Santa Cruz and Aptos, travelling at a speed of approximately 90-100 mph. I noticed headlights steadily approaching from far behind and slowly pass me before accelerating away. Of course it was CHP.

CHP Officer not happy when you go 90 mph

newtboy says...


I got pulled over after passing a CHP on highway 84 doing 110 on the flat artichoke fields section near the coast…he got to my window and asked “don’t you think 80 is a bit fast for this road?” I said “yes sir, it is.” I was also sincere, I was driving stupid fast the entire way over the hill. No ticket. I think CHP gets much different training than city cops.

That was 35 years ago in my civic. Not so fast, but handled like a go cart.

StukaFox said:

I got pulled over by the CHP for doing 110 outside King City in California.

The cop didn't even ask how fast I was going. He just said "110" and then he said "I'm going to write you up for 80 and save your license."

"Thank you, Officer." -- and I was sincere as fuck when I said it, too.

That was the last speeding ticket I got and it was over 20 years ago. Luckily, there was no cop around when I hit 140 on highway 237 outside Mountain View a week later. I miss the hell out of my Z-28!

Girl Demands To Be Arrested When Her Best Friend Gets an OWI

newtboy says...

While I agree about not trusting police, I posted many of those videos btw, she wasn’t concerned that something untoward would happen to her friend that she was somehow going to prevent, imo. Those police were being quite professional. She wasn’t going to even see her after their arrest, so they said.
She was drunk and got a crazy idea she wouldn’t let go of is what I saw. She’s definitely not used to hearing “no”.

My argument is people should get the same response male or female, black, white, or green, and that any non white female acting like she was wouldn’t be likely to get off so easily and near consequence free.
Do I think she needed prison for this behavior, no, but do I think she needs 20 hours of community service or probation instead of a small fine daddy will pay, yes. I knew kids that got much much worse than that for just simple alcohol possession/drunkenness as a minor. In Cali when I was a teen they took your license until you were at least 21 for any underage drinking, even if you weren’t driving.
I think in a fair world she would be made to understand she has to live by the same laws we all do by having some consequence, not to expect to get special treatment because she’s (apparently) rich, white, and cute….but I understand that’s unrealistic to expect.

The driver needs some jail time if I understand correctly and she was driving recklessly at what ended up being a .20% bac. That’s sloshed.

Hef said:

Um... what!?
Best I can tell, this young person was just concerned for the wellbeing of her friend, and given the number of videos that we see on the Sift of cops showing that they absolutely cannot be trusted, I think that's fair enough.

If your argument is that it's wrong that her boyfriend would probably get much worse treatment for the same behaviour, then you've phrased it really strangely, but I agree; we need fewer people caught up in the justice system for minor stuff, not more, regardless of gender or race.

Good on the cops in this case for getting the balance right and only charging the idiot who got drunk and endangered others by getting behind the wheel.

All the ways TESLA has fumbled

newtboy says...

They left out the Tesla Semi truck that has a minimal (300 mile) range, <2/3 the load capacity, and costs >3 times what a similarly equipped semi tractor costs. Then add in the inconvenience of having to find a proprietary Tesla fast charging station that fits a semi truck instead of a gas station/truck stop.

They also didn’t know the self driving feature was recently recalled and Elon fired the department that codes the software because they considered unionizing when they made this video….horrific timing Elon.

None of this is worse that Elon turning on his customer base at the same time better options are coming on the market that don’t put money in an extremist racist Trumpist nightmare’s pocket. That, more than anything, is a danger to Tesla’s viability. Never tell your customers you absolutely hate them. I don’t think that strategy has ever worked out.

Tesla is Crushing GM & Ford Financially

newtboy says...

So, they’re only $6 billion in the hole and are just getting competition from the big 3.
Where’s that Tesla truck?
Stock/corporate value dropped by over half in the last year.

Tesla is under multiple criminal investigations for self driving autopilot failures causing deaths….a main selling point that may be outlawed soon.

Tesla made more profit because they reinvested much less….multiple billions less. Not a good sign in an industry based on engineering advancements. Sounds like they know a hammer is coming and are going for maximizing short term profit at the expense of long term viability.
Their massive capitol expenditures were largely losses at their plants they can’t get to profitable production levels yet, like China, not building more gigafactories. If the highly automated factories (explaining the higher profit per employee despite fewer vehicles produced per employee) you have can’t get parts to make cars, making more factories would be stupid. GM and Ford are building newer highly automated factories, and have cut in line at Chinese chip manufacturers because they order more chips. Supply shortages continue to plague Tesla.

Sorry, Bob, your track record of investment advice is horrendous. You said go all in on Tesla at $400! You said buy more and hold onto it for the long term as it plunged to 135 and as you were selling yours. Now you claim Tesla is crushing GM and Ford while it’s still DEEP in debt and losing customers and not reinvesting in itself. Couldn’t be you’re lying for personal gain….could it?

Santos & Romney have words during State of the Union Address

newtboy says...

Afterwards in the hall Romney called Santos a “sick puppy”….reminding us all of his fraudulent charity that stole donations from a homeless veteran’s sick dog who then died because he couldn’t afford the treatment the donations were raised for.
Inadvertently reminded us of what a sick puppy Romney is himself because he took a family vacation 600 miles to frigid Canada with the family dog strapped to the roof, and when the terrified dog had diarrhea that blew everywhere he simply hosed off the traumatized sick puppy and put the poor wet scared hypothermic dog back on the roof for the rest of the freezing 12 hour freeway drive.

He’s their best, most moral and ethical representative today, a horrific animal abuser with magic underwear.

Professor breaks down why Earth's inner core may have stoppe

newtboy says...

Wait….did he actually explain ANYTHING?
Did he “break down” why this happens? Absolutely not.

I heard no explanation why this happens, especially why at 70 year intervals, nor what this might make happen (increase/decrease in magnetic fields, increased/decreased tectonic activity, etc).

The reporter says “I now understand it much better”….why? Did she not know the earth has layers? Did she not know the earth’s interior drives volcanoes? He said little else.

Just because you have a scientist on your program doesn’t mean he’s going to teach you anything. Very disappointed.

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