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The Daily Show: Donald Rumsfeld Interview

JestJokin says...

I thought that Rumsfeld's portrayal of an innocent old man was Oscar-worthy. He kept in character for almost the whole interview. I think his witty comeback "why'd you say 'at least' twice" flattered his own ego too much and he broke character for 4-5 seconds. Watch his body language,(12.45-12.50, last clip). That's Donald Rumsfeld. Then he slipped back into 'sweet old man', with a sweet little laugh.

The Daily Show: Donald Rumsfeld Interview

Yogi says...

>> ^shagen454:

Man, I still remember it. Sept 11th happened and two weeks later I was on a plane from the East Coast to move to San Francisco. It was a frightful plane ride but once I got here I exhaled deeply. Little did I know that the next seven or eight years would be like the dark ages for America (not in San Francisco though -heh, heh, heh).
The media were the Bush Administrations little lap dogs for nearly the entire time. I remember all the huge protests that happened around the world in the build up to the War in Iraq and how the media treated them. They either did not report on them or made them all seem like a bunch of window smashing anarchists like the ones seem during the WTO protests in Seattle. I remember the day we dropped bombs in Iraq on March 21st 2002. I remember being let out of classes at college to help shut San Francisco down.
We shut it down for five days. Media did not report on it.

I was in San Francisco for that protest.

The World According to Monsanto - A documentary...

notarobot says...

"The reason why GM crops are here is based on a deception that occured in the FDA." (25:00)

"From a corporate standpoint it was a brilliantly orchestarted takeover [of the FDA]" (30:00)

"Donald Rumsfeld was the CEO of Serle which was a Monsanto subsidiary. The former US trade ambassador Mikey Canter ended up on Mansanto's Board. Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas used to work for Monsanto. (44:00)

"Biotechnology is so important that we can't let a few little questions about cow safety or human safety get in the way." (43:20)

"Round-Up ready [genetically modified] soybeans account for ninety percent of the soybeans grown in the U.S.. In fact seventy percent of the food in American stores contains bio-engineered elements." (58:00)

This film is so incredibly quotable in it's detail about how Monsanto is a danger to the health of the food of the world, but I'll stop here.

Robert McNamara on the Cuban Missile Crisis - Fog of War

bobknight33 says...

I agree this is a very good documentary.
He was the Donald Rumsfeld of the Vietnam war and the Veterans of that day had a deep hatred of this man. He also had a part in the bombing JAPAN during WWII and Cuban Missile crisis.

Truly a must watch documentary.
The full title is "The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara"

Here is the IMDB link

Bill Maher Gets Schooled On Vaccines By Bill Frist

vaporlock says...

I still have some sympathy for Maher point of view, but as my kid's Doctor said, "this is a LUXURY question. Most of the world can't afford to debate this issue."

Anyway, my trust issue isn't really 'trust of the Government', It's trust that the Government couldn't be manipulated by corporate interests (eg. Donald Rumsfeld). That being said, science is science so I'll side with the verified facts if you give them to me.

Pentagon Investigation Evidence Contradicts Official Story

bmacs27 says...

I didn't say I believe it. I said I would entertain it. There is a major difference.

If you honestly believe that Dick Cheney, as vice-president, was completely innocent of all wrong doing, I can't have a conversation with you.

The man's actions for the last eight years need to be carefully scrutinized. He ought to be investigated for all sorts of things. No, I don't think you could ever pin something like "he knew about flight 77 in advance" on him. I think you could get him for having assassination squads (i.e. Blackwater/Xe services), I think you can get him for authorizing illegal torture, I think you can get him for lying to the american people about justification for war (and the manufacturing of evidence to support his case), I think you might even be able to get him for profiteering if you look closely enough.

The man is a criminal, and has been since he was riding Tricky's Dick. This is, of course, not to mention the other people I think should be investigated carefully, i.e. Richard Perle, Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and of course the baby Bush.

The real danger of conspiracy theories is the bias their prevalence puts against skepticism of official stories. Fear of association with crazies prevents the rational questioning of our public servants' activities. Therein lies the real danger.

Senator imitates Ricky Ricardo in front of Sotomayor.

Citrohan says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

No gay marriage advocates have proved there's "no difference" between the sexes. It is odd that despite never providing any proof of this claim, you still repeat it.
There is no proof that President Obama was born in Kenya, and certainly no proof he is a communist.
Only in Lunatic Fringeland does graduating from Princeton summa cum laude mean you’re a dumbass. I guess then notable conservative Princeton graduates like Samuel Alito, Donald Rumsfeld, David Petraeus, James Baker, Frank Carlucci, George Shultz, John Foster Dulles, Meg Whitman, Malcolm and Steve Forbes, George F. Will and John Stossel must be even bigger dumbasses. Yet Sarah Palin, who needed six years and four different schools just to earn a bachelor's degree and John McCain was fifth from the bottom in his class rank, they are brilliant. NOT!
It is interesting how you so often whine about the lies told by the “liberal MSM”, yet when the rightwingnuts and regressive media tell lies, you gobble it up like they are serving you filet mignon.

Doesn’t it bother you that you are being played for a chump?

Irksome Things And Stuff (Fail Talk Post)

MrFisk says...

I hate the current U.S. incarceration rate; too many people in prison.
I hate Donald Rumsfeld.
I hate college math prerequisites.
I hate mass ignorance.
I hate Osama Bin Laden.
I hate $60 eighths.
I hate processed food.
I hate sucka emcees.
I hate most people named 'Jason'; unless they go by a nickname or last name.
I hate STDs.
I hate Go-Bots.
I hate this scarf craze women are wearing these days.
I hate celebrity magazines.
I hate PG13.

Conservatives Outraged Over Release Of Torture Photos

Farhad2000 says...

The amount of spin in 2:53 of video is astounding.

"Hurting America First" - Didn't it hurt America to start using torture in the first place? One of the key states to fight against the policies of Nazi Germany, the Stasi, the KGB and Khmer Rouge. One of the main founders and signatories of the Geneva convention?

"Showing military men and women in bad light" - Torture policy was top down not bottom up, we are to hold those who put these policies forward not those made to carry them out as orders. John Yoo, David Addington, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney. It was not a few bad apples.

"Voyeurism" - Was it voyeurism to cite 9/11 in almost every campaign speech during the elections? Was it voyeurism to acknowledge the victims of the holocaust? More diversionary spin. Such steps would assure these events will never occur again. One must see the mistakes of before to learn from them lest we repeat this again.

"Acts that have ended" - The acts were supposed to have ended with the Abu Ghraib scandal, but they didn't. It was a policy that was implemented and carried out before and after the scandal broke and would have kept going had the information not been leaked out.

"Hurting our National defense/Reason for suicide bombers" - The reasons for suicide bombing and attacks on America are plentiful for those who choose to do so. The way the statement is framed doesn't acknowledge that actually carrying out torture has been a great boon to creating more terrorists, or that its continual oppression and denial only furthers the case that America has a hypocritical stance. "It's bad when others do it, but its okay for us to do it."

"Replayed in the Arab world" - This is a lie. I live in the Arab world, we have enough of our own issues, the accusations of torture coming out were not surprising as the Arabs already know that Americans do not really care about the plight of the Arab people given the long history of political meddling in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Palestine, Iraq and Iran.

"Hurt the military" - Again an example of attacking the grunts instead of attacking those who created and put this forward these policies.

"Reveal intelligence gather techniques" - There has not been a single document published by the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, the US military nor any other intelligence gathering component of the US government that has showed unequivocally that torture had prevented attacks and or has made America safer in anyway. What it has do is cost America the moral standing, the support of the international world and created strained relations across the world providing fuel for terrorist organizations to attack the US more then ever.

Family Guy: Osama Bin Laden at the Airport (Actually Banned)

Irishman says...

That'd be funny if Donald Rumsfeld actually went to a European airport and did this, because, like, he did war crime stuff and the airport people would probably want to ask him questions about his intents.

Sean Penn's Acceptance Speech - Oscars 2009

10677 says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Baghdad Spicoli completed the superfecta of shame, visiting Saddam in Iraq as well as Iran, Cuba and the jackass in Venezuela.

Sean Penn never met Saddam; If he did, then he'd have to follow Donald Rumsfeld's footsteps and become the next Republican secretary of Defense. Good thing Penn is not that shameful.

9/11 Video Clips Dan Rather Would Rather Not Show You

NetRunner says...

I don't particularly understand the lashing out at 9/11 truthers. I don't think at this time they have evidence to back up their claims, but unlike the UFO believers, there's nothing particularly outlandish that they're suggesting.

They lied about WMD and links to Al Qaeda to get us into Iraq, why not lie about the specifics of 9/11 itself?

Given the way the Bushies lapped up the aftermath, it wouldn't surprise me if 9/11 turned out to be done with American help -- possibly even with the President or Vice President's knowledge, or on their order, or on their boss's order (call 'em whatever secret society name ya like).

Nothing in any of that seems impossible to me, and now, 7 years past that event, I find myself much more inclined to believe those outlandish claims than I did 9/12/01.

That said, nothing in this video seems particularly damning to me. The "second Pearl Harbor" comment being said by "some Senators" is no surprise, the entire Republican party gets talking points fed to them on every topic, and PNAC had people embedded in the press (William Kristol), and the White House (Donald Rumsfeld) that were eager to frame the attack in that way: a surprise attack that leads to a long, globally scoped military conflict.

Music to the Military-Industrial complex's ears.

This Is Not The Greatest Post In The World, No... (Mystery Talk Post)

MrFisk says...


1) Season - Summer
2) Place in the world - Probably ain't been yet.
3) Children's book - Aesop's Fables for Children.
4) TV Series - Simpsons
5) Word - Meatloaf
6) Film - Wild At Heart
7) Curse - All of 'em
Creature - Woman
9) Past time - Intoxicated
10)Person - Ghengis Khan

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Dog
12) Sweet or savoury - Savoury
13) Cereal or Toast - Cereal
14) Tan or pale - Tan
15) Shoes or barefoot - Barefoot
16) Desktop or laptop - Desktop
17) Drive or walk - Walk
18) Drama or comedy - Drama
19) Sex or food - Duh
20) Futurama or Simpsons - Simpsons

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission -
22) A great comment on one of your vids - *beg
23) Most off the wall member - Meh...
24) Favourite user name - MrFisk
25) Your most used channel - NSFW?
26) Personal dumbass moment - the beginning
27) Best avatar - My original
28) Partner in crime - Partners
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - Few
30) Idea for the site - Points used promoting should have a one day recharge.

About you

31) Where do you live - Nebraska
32) Smoker/non-smoker - Tobacco?
33) Left or right handed - right
34) Hair colour - black with grey
35) Relationship status - there
36) How tall - 5'12
37) Children - amazingly not yet
38) Ever had an operation - more than a few
39) Best feature - me
40) Use four words to describe yourself - curt, funny, gallant, morbid

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Julius Caesar
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - Fuck that
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - Donald Rumsfeld
44) Relive a moment in your life - the beginning
45) Have a superpower - Apocalypse
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - What happens after death?
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - Trying to get laid.
48) Be president for one hour - Blowjobs
49) Delete a period in history - George W. Bush
50) Achieve one thing - 11 wives at once

You Liberals are jealous of Sarah Palin. (Politics Talk Post)

rougy says...


Yeah, just like we're jealous of Karl Rove for being a bigger weasel. Jealous of Donald Rumsfeld for being a bigger douche. Jealous of Alberto Gonzales for kissing Bush's ass better than we ever could.

Jealous that if I blew off a subpoena I'd probably be in jail before midnight.

You cons have a hell of a ticket this year: Father Time and Miss January.

Imagine the ratings you'll get?

George Galloway on the O'Reilly factor

dead_tofu says...

are you feeling ok? did you take your meds this morning? ehhh....the u.s encouraged saddam to bother iran as much as possible, for as long as possible, and they sure did so. the u.s did not go to war in ´91 as result of iraq-iran war, so your point is? seriously, your point is?

hey, did you know donald rumsfeld was a ceo of the french company that sold saddam the gas he used on his own folks, at the time they sold him the gas. hehe, and then some years later he campaigns to invade iraq cos the might have chemical weapons....fxxkin hypocrite.... why am i saying this? cos you need to wake up and realize that the game is rigged....

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