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Gorilla Shows Love for Human Baby

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bidenomics saved America from the disaster that was 2020 and before. His worst economic numbers were better than the last guys best. He kept unemployment at a record low for most of his term, and it’s still lower than under the felon who lost almost 3 million jobs and near a million small businesses. 4.2% is pretty much the Goldilocks number, btw. A healthy unemployment is between 3%-5% with around 4% being preferred. 😂
The trade deficit he insisted would be his crown jewel and would turn to below zero instead went UP by 36.3% from 2016 to 2020 despite his trade wars and hundreds of billions paid by American consumers in tariffs and more in subsidies to American producers.
“Illegal immigration” increased 15% under the felon.
Economic growth was a NEGATIVE 2.2% under the felon.
The crime and murder rates rose faster than ever in history under the felon, and are down over 25% under Biden.

And don’t forget Biden just got his 70th political prisoner released including 2 taken by Russia during the last administration without paying a dime or removing sanctions or handing over Ukraine and got 2 prisoners for each criminal we released, unlike the last administration that only got 50 something released, paid cash, removed sanctions, and always got the short end of the deal, once releasing 5000 Taliban for nothing but an agreement they wouldn’t attack us if we left fast. The contrast is stark.

You are such a delusional tool, constantly regurgitating the lies you ate hook line and sinker…like your last post of an adult only closed event you claimed was happening right in front of children.
No surprise you won’t admit it….again. You never can, you have no spine, zero testicular fortitude, zero honor, zero honesty….you are an infant whining in his full diaper screaming that he didn’t poop in them. I’m done listening. I bet your family is too.
The felon has lost, his racism and sexism are on full display, his complete lack of self control is too. His vp is the biggest loser ever, worse than Palin and that’s not an exaggeration (his favorability rating started at -6 and has plunged to a disastrous -15%! The average favorability rating is +19%. The campaign is now at around -9%), and his project 2025 that he supported and praised since 2022 is an anchor he cannot escape. Even Fox polls have her up by as much as 10% and she hasn’t chosen her vp…she’s at a 50%favorable 46%unfavorable (+4%) now, Butigieg could get her to 75% favorability. Good job morons, you couldn’t keep your fascist dictatorial plans to yourselves and now no one believes you about anything but your fascism.
The felon won’t get to use the presidency to escape his vast array of crimes like he planned, and will end his days in Ryker’s Island.

“Sofaking” JD Vance - I F#@ked A Couch

newtboy says...

As usual, an infantile “nu-uh” with zero substance. Always projection. If you take your head out of there, everything will look less crappy.
Every word, every figure I wrote is verifiable and correct. JD SofaKing 2025 is an unmitigated disaster in every way and is energizing the left far more than the right. Kamala Harris is one of if not the most popular (and accomplished) candidates in living memory with more support than any in history by far.
Enjoy your fantasy world crumbling around you. Zero percent of the black vote in Michigan! ZERO!!!

Chicken Little Hands VS Electric Shark!

bobknight33 said:

Newt, you got more crap in you than a bull.

Stormy Daniels Identifies Trump

newtboy says...


Didn’t watch this stupid little propaganda video because we all know Trump never threatened the Taliban so it’s clearly a lie, he kneeled down to them like a sniveling coward and released their entire army from prison then agreed to just leave Afghanistan in a matter of months with absolutely zero conditions (just don’t shoot us on the way out…and they still did) but made absolutely zero actions to facilitate that withdrawal, leading to the disaster in 21 that he set up and a resurgence of the Taliban that had been all but crushed, and the end of democracy in Afghanistan, because he handed over the country over to the Taliban as a whole.

Did you know that for 18 months American soldiers sat back and watched the Taliban destroy the coalition government and its military, murder our allies and interpreters, and watched as they took the entire country back because we did absolutely nothing, ran away from conflicts, stood and watched our allies be murdered in the streets, and first we actually released the Taliban from prison where they were no threat.

What utter nonsense sold to morons with no memory. Those of us who can recall what was happening 3-4 years ago know better.

Just like Trump and Afghanistan, Ted Cruz and Greg Abbot have abandoned Texas, again, after it was hit by a hurricane. The Biden administration has spent days trying to get Abbot to officially request federal assistance which he must do for Texas to receive it, but he’s MIA so Texans can just suffer more while he vacations in Asia. Certainly they don’t expect him to cut a vacation short for his constituents health and safety, would you?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Reminding you that your guy partied in private with Epstein and unchaperoned prepubescent girls from at least 1991-2007 (2 years after he was finally indicted for running a child prostitution ring for years) without pause and didn’t hide or deny it, indeed he bragged about it often. No one travelled to child rape island for naked prepubescent girl massages more than your hero.

Every accusation you make is an admission…Don’t pretend you care about child rape and make baseless blatantly false accusations about your rivals then go silent when evidence proves it’s your guy who has been raping children for decades, or you’re going to have your nose rubbed in it like this.

PS- Hilarious comparison…Biden spoke at a black church where he was invited by the congregation, which attended and worshipped as normal before Biden gave a speech about the promise of America and the advancements we’ve made…compare to Trump who rented a black church embroiled in scandal with a felon pastor willing to rent it out, filled it with white Qanon/2025 believers who worshipped Trump, chanting his name and praising him while he described an apocalyptic America crumbling and devolving in criminal debauchery and bankruptcy (he aught to know!) when he wasn’t talking about himself.

Uh-oh. Pro-life activists and evangelicals are splitting from Trump because the campaign has been clear that he does not support a national abortion ban, and they insist on one. The rift is bad enough that the RNC has banned cameras from meetings of the party platform committee to hide the rift and infighting… which has never been done.
It’s a catch 22…oppose a national ban, lose the evangelicals which are your base now. Support a national ban, lose 75%+ of women and a majority of men. 😂

French MAGA lost bigly…3rd place. Their candidate was proud that her policies are the same policies as Trump, which are the same policies of Putin…yes, she admits that without flinching…that loser French woman has far more spine than little Donny.

Same results in the UK, but that was expected after the unmitigated disaster that has been far right rule there.

Just to remind you,
Trump needs a new VP because he tried to murder his first one.
Trump needs a new cabinet because his old cabinet thinks he’s a criminal fascist psychopath.
He needs a new First Lady because Melania refuses to be seen with him or to be First Lady again (not that she fulfilled the position the first time, but she won’t even live in DC this time…wanna bet that some young blond Ivanka clones will?).
Trump needs a new legal team because his old one has all been disbarred for criminality they did for Trump.
He even needs a new strategist because Bannon is busy in prison despite his pardons. 😂

But you think Joe stuttering is worse.

BTW- since you love to use the “even CNN says” and “liberal media says” nonsense…
CNN - CEO = Trump donor
ABC - CEO = Trump donor
NBC - CEO = Trump donor
CBS - CEO = Trump donor
MSNBC - CEO = Trump donor
NYT - CEO = Trump donor
Wall Street Journal - OWNER = Rupert Murdoch
FOX - OAN - Blaze - Newsmax - Infowars - do I need to say a word?
Where is this liberal media bias again? I can’t find it.

Biden Brings Felon On Stage

newtboy says...

Um…Biden wasn’t in the 2016 debate. Derp. I see, your mental state also is in direct line with the felon, just like your morals. Reminder…in 2016 Trump debated Clinton. Another reminder, Trump was president in 2020, but he blamed most of it’s disasters on Biden last night. Huh?

The laptop was real, its contents were unverifiable at best, total fabrications planted by Giuliani and his cohorts at worst. Maybe handing it to the Russian intelligence community before turning it over to the FBI was dumb? Maybe taking possession at all was dumb? I ask you, would you ever accept evidence of Trump crimes that had gone through Biden’s hands, been sent to Ukraine and tampered with, exposed in the media, and only then turned over to authorities?
I’ll answer for you…no you wouldn’t…proven because you don’t even accept evidence directly collected by the authorities with video.

The laptop again. Like Barron’s birth certificate that shows Ivanka as mother?

bobknight33 said:

The Laptop was real the the 50 intelligence officials who signed off as Russian hoax was a hoax on the American people to help Joe win. This hoax was for Joe to have a talking point to refute for the 2016 debate.

Biden Brings Felon On Stage

bcglorf says...


Did you watch the debate? Biden lost. Trump is a lying, criminal traitor and by far the worst possible choice for president. Within this debate though, Biden came out weak, incoherent, reactive and worst of all seemed lost and couldn't even finish his first response because he forget what the point he was trying to make. Biden looked like a man who's memory or capacity has been taken from him by age in a terrible way, while Trump was comparatively articulate, on point and focused. That's how badly Biden flubbed this.

Biden's performance was a disaster. Trump is still without doubt the worst possible choice for President, but Biden's campaign did Trump a huge favour with this debate performance.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 😂 😂 The convicted felon, business fraud, and rapist is now saying he plans to lose the debate so when he loses “bigly” you will believe it’s intentional and not full blown dementia….but it’s demented to try to lose so six of one, half a dozen of the other. Can’t wait! Only two more weeks of excuses. What will you do when he literally shits his diaper and goes full blown sundown dementia on live TV? 😂 😂 😂
The batshit insanity, constant criminality, and brainless infantilism of MAGA is driving away not only independents but even Republicans (now labeled RINOS for sticking to their ideals and not abandoning reason and morality for a felon). Another red tsunami incoming.

The convict had a meeting with 80 Maga supporting “business leaders” yesterday and it was another disaster…the Trump backing business owners came out of the meeting saying he couldn’t stay on topic at all, couldn’t form one complete sentence, couldn’t explain his own plans beyond basic prepared talking points, was rambling and “meandering” worse than they claim Biden does (they say it, but without any unedited evidence), and one short meeting has changed their minds about supporting him. Doesn’t bode well for the debate.

On flag day, President Biden paid homage to the American flag and pledged his allegiance to the American flag. The convicted felon desecrated tens of thousands of (Chinese made) American flags by pasting his face and name and mugshot on them, had his people desecrate more by wearing them as clothing, had his people sing the Jan 6 anthem by the prison choir while pledged allegiance to them. WTF!?

Oh…BTW…Ukraine and the US just signed the bilateral agreement, guaranteeing Ukraine the arms they need to win the war against Russia, and to hit them back just as hard and put them in the Stone Age if necessary. Sorry Charlie, Democracy wins again over fascism and despotism.
This replaces the ignored trilateral agreement of 94 and supplies them with hundreds of millions in weaponry including multiple squadrons of F-16s. Russia cannot defend against that, and is going to lose everything it stole and then some. Expect a free Crimea.

PS- Larry Hogan in Maryland, who was ostracized by the RNC and told no one should vote for him by the RNC and Trump because he said Americans should respect the rule of law just REJECTED the Trump endorsement he just received.
Yes, in order to have even a slim chance of winning right wing candidates must now REJECT Trump. Enjoy.

It’s ok, you can cry….I know you want to.

Michael Cohen LIED AGAIN in TRUMP TRIAL says Ex-Lawyer

newtboy says...

What a total fucking disaster he was on the stand. So combative, rude, and over the top, mad doging the judge, yelling, going off topic, rambling, eventually the judge cleared the courtroom and had it out with him and the defense. Cross starts tomorrow. It’s going to be another shit show.
The jury was reportedly rolling their eyes and laughing at him, not with him.
Anonymous sources say Trump insisted he be called, his legal team was dead set against putting him on the stand, for good reason.
This guy wants to be Trumps AG? He can’t even testify in a courtroom.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It’s only gotten worse….the bond application wasn’t even completely filled out…missing was a Trump financial statement, a basic requirement already specified as necessary by the court, a company financial statement, no power of attorney so no legal right to submit them and, no attorney of record listed and no signature.
The bond company also has only 8% of the cash required to make a bond of this size.
Trump can’t pay even the drastically lowered amount despite claiming he has $500 million in cash…he can’t even get a bond for it.
The “bond” has already been rejected. Good luck finding a real one!

Edit: the new attempt made today is also completely deficient, still no financials attached, still no proof where the money is coming from, still not enough assets to cover the bond. It’s getting rejected right now.

Trump’s lawyers can’t even law, bro. 😂

Bonus - the attempt to call the planning of the coup and asking governors to falsify vote tallies “free speech” has failed…planning crimes isn’t covered. The treason case continues…maybe Sept 1!

The business fraud/porn star hush money trial starts real soon. Enjoy the disgusting details about trumps sex life, the constant philandering, the YOUNG girls, pressuring his “friend’s” wives for sex, rapes, Epstein, payoffs for his secret children out of wedlock, unbelievable misogyny, incest, etc. …what a trial that’s going to be. You’re going to have a truckload of facts and evidence about serial rapist Don to ignore.

Meanwhile MAGGOT representatives in Maine are confused and angrily publicly asking “What did the Nazis do that was illegal?” on their senate floor. I guess genocide, murder, kidnapping, rape, displacement, interment, invasion, dehumanization, etc aren’t crimes to MAGA anymore…so why do they keep harping about crime in big cities (which has fallen to levels well below the best year under Trump, 2019, and reversed the explosion in crime from 2020)?
Yes, MAGA is defending NAZIS in congress. Their “good people”. Try to hide from being the fascist now.

The hits keep coming, 2 early investors/creators of Trump media have plead guilty to insider trading with the company and stealing $22 million from investors, and the 2021-22 secret emergency loan from a Russian under criminal investigation/sanctions in America that kept Trump media alive was also revealed.

And- a petition is circulating demanding an investigation into stock fraud with 13000 Trump Media investors’ signatures already, claiming the financial statements were withheld until after the IPO in order to inflate the stock price before investors found out what a disaster it is financially.

Oops - Trump was caught telling rich donors when he thought the cameras were off that his main plan is more tax cuts for the ultra rich and big cuts for social security and Medicare. Not what he tells his idiot cultists.

newtboy said:

It’s only gotten worse…the company doesn’t even meet the minimum requirements to do business in New York much less have a license to do so, and claims around $138 million in liquid assets but wrote a bond for $175 million, but New York statute only allows them to write a bond for up to 10% of their liquidity, not 130%!
The insufficient bond has been challenged and will be refused…do you really believe he can find another REAL bond?
It’s sure sounding like New York is going to start seizing properties next week. The hits just keep coming!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Idiot Don Poorleon is stupidly wasting more money by sueing ABC/Disney for saying he raped Carroll in an attempt to distract from his criminal cases.

He’s already tried this once in NY and it was tossed immediately.

Not only will it not go to trial, he’ll be sanctioned because he has already been adjudicated to have been a rapist by a judge in a courtroom. Rape doesn’t require his penis enter her vagina, forcible penetration is rape, and he forcible penetrated her against her will with something near finger size, could be his penis or tiny finger, either way that’s rape, he’s a rapist.

Disney is going to get a few million more from him, maybe MarALago if NY doesn’t get it first, and his legal team will be sanctioned too.

Holy fuck! Day 1 of the criminal trial was an unmitigated disaster for broke Pervert Hoover. The judge saw through the delay tactics like they weren’t there and has set a trial date for April 15, and excoriated diaper don’s attorney for making charges of prosecutorial misconduct against the DA and the judge himself publicly but having no citation of any instances of misconduct by anyone on the prosecution side or the judge. How stupid can you be to accuse the judge of misconduct before the case starts? The judge has shitloads of leeway, and can ruin don’s case and convict him easily just because the defense can’t control themselves in or out of the court and just let them appeal after the election. Criminal court is a completely different animal, but MAGA lawyers are too incompetent to even understand that. 😂

Donny’s going to jail….donny’s going to jail!

Just hours away from defaulting on the judgement and proving he’s really completely broke and has been bought and in the pocket of foreign countries for decades. Got your popcorn?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Don is losing it, knowing his entire net worth isn’t as much as he owes. Even using all his assets as collateral he can’t get a loan, maybe stiffing and cheating all those banks for decades wasn’t the best idea. Maybe inflating his net worth by 100-1000 times wasn’t the best idea. Maybe refusing to admit the frauds and settle despite the summary judgement wasn’t the best idea. Maybe hiring the worst lawyers in American history wasn’t the best idea. He has 4 days.

It begs the question…who actually owns his properties? We don’t know, but it’s not him. Who, exactly, is he beholding to, and what sway did they have while he was president? We know the Saudis own properties with and do business with him, and Russians. Almost certainly the Chinese too. Who else? Does who’s paying a politician and for what only matter for Biden but not Don?
Hilariously, when asked the total softball question “Is Don was looking to foreign countries like Saudi Arabia or China for help paying his judgement” instead of just saying “no, obviously not, he’s running for president and couldn’t do that owing a foreign country 1/2 billion dollars.” she instead declined to answer. HORRIFIC for the campaign.

Edit: Huzzah! The brand new this hour expanded powers of the financial monitor cover this eventuality, she must be informed 30 days before the execution of any transfers, purchases, sales, loan applications, bonds, basically any movement of money by the trumps (all of them)…for 3 years. This means he can’t get a foreign power or billionaire to pay his debt without disclosing it publicly. Any attempt by any Trump to circumvent the order is a violation and means prison.

Note, if he was correct that his properties were really worth 100 to 1000 times what he claims for tax purposes he would have no problem at all selling just one for way more cash than he needs, but he can’t. Why can’t he? Because 1) they are not worth more than the tax evaluations and 2) all his properties are already mortgaged to the hilt…he doesn’t own them the banks/business partners/foreign governments do. Most famously Trump tower that he only owns his apartment, a few offices, and the public lobby bathrooms, not the entire building by far….and that’s not an outlier it’s the norm.
So satisfying to watch a vitriolic con man get caught and taken down…don’t you think?

The failed sham impeachment hearings are a total unmitigated disaster and everyone can see it. 😂

It’s hilarious that they trapped themselves with this. They’ve done absolutely nothing else this term but accuse Biden, so they can’t abandon the fraud now…but it’s so embarrassing that the sham itself is turning their own voters away because it’s painfully obvious there will be no impeachment, there never was going to be one and now it’s not only proven to be a sham based on Russian misinformation but it’s also become numerically impossible, it’s all 100% for show and always was, and even conservatives want the government to do more than put on divisive political plays based on Russian propaganda at taxpayer expense. 😂

Q: are you still buying the bullshit lie that Don is saying Obama instead of Biden because Obama is pulling the strings even after he said “Biden beat Obama…beat Obabba”? Please, explain that bit of dementia for me. Is he now calling HIMSELF Obama/Obabba? 😂 (don’t worry, nobody expects you to be capable of explaining or even attempting to.)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh….the Matt Gaetz child sex trafficking, drugging, and raping investigations have ramped up, requesting the sealed DOJ records from the Bill Bar investigation that ended without explanation despite his cohort being prosecuted.
Enjoy his sexual history being publicized and used to show what child mollesters and protectors of known child molesters MAGA all are. No surprise since you are led by a serial rapist and well known incestuous pederast.

Trump’s last day in his rape trial was another disaster…showing up late, Habba arguing with the judge and being threatened with prison for contempt, trying and failing to introduce evidence in closing, Trump walking out during closing (all of which show disrespect to the jury and of the system). The best argument given in closing was that Carrol benifits by having her reputation destroyed and receiving multiple death and rape threats daily for years and should be thanking her rapist and abuser because she got a few followers online (so it’s a wash?)…I don’t think that went over well.
Trump was incredibly stupid to post that he will not stop defaming her ever while on trial for defaming her…of course that was shown to the jury right before they went to decide how much to find him to make him stop.
She has asked for $24 million in actual damages and severe punative damages, don’t be surprised if they’re 10x actual damages. Remember, Trump claims to be worth near 10 billion…so it wouldn’t be outrageous if they award a few billion, 50% of his claimed net worth. Fun fact, he will have to post a cash bond in that amount just to file an appeal ! 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Still waiting coward. 😂

Waiting for you to grow a pair big enough to admit just once that you were 100% wrong. Pretty certain you are 100% incapable of admitting it, but I’m not letting you walk away from it.
Contrary to your lies, Trump is named repeatedly in the recent Epstein document release, listed as a person who raped a 13 year old girl…you claimed he’s not listed at all. He’s also on the Lolita Express passenger list going to Child Rape Island 7 times in a 4 year period, despite having his own plane.
Trump also slept with his daughter, raped 27 women and 13 year old girls, sexually assaulted nearly every attractive woman he’s ever met, and was recorded bragging about ALL of it. Not to mention being a thief, fraud, tax cheat, terrorist, treasonous insurrectionist, pederast, and dementia ridden constant liar. He doesn’t know where he is most days, and proves it by saying the wrong place on stage, can’t remember who is president (he thinks it’s Obama), can’t remember who was president 2017-20 (often blames Biden for things in 2020 or earlier), fears that we might get into WW2, and calls for ending the constitution and presidential elections because he deserves it. 🤦‍♂️

You’ve been saying that about Ukraine for years, Vlad. Sucker. They have proven you wrong every time you tried to predict the war’s future….not that you would ever admit it.
They are having issues because Republicans blocked much needed aid for months clearly trying to help Trump’s friend, Putin, and hurt democracy.

Why don’t you ever even admit to yourself that you are always wrong? Why is it you are also always on the side of evil, fascism, draconian dictators, and against Democracy. It’s consistent Bobby.
You listen to the stupidest random ignorami with nothing to lose and everything to gain from lying to you…and you love it, you are never one bit upset that every word is dishonest propaganda. You just go looking for the next lie.

Still waiting little baby. I’ll bring up your cowardly infantilism every time you try to spout more nonsensical lies, waiting for you to grow up and admit you just lie constantly because truth is for liberals. 😂

Side note-Please oh please, Don, keep Habba as your lead council in your criminal trials. She is so unqualified, incompetent, inexperienced, and abrasive that she guarantees not only conviction but the higher end of sentencing guidelines. Day 2 of his second EG Carrol rape case was another utter disaster. There may be no choice, 3 of his lawyers quit last week…Tacopino, and his subordinates Seagal, and Diorio. He no longer has a real criminal legal team, and the team that has spent a year preparing for his criminal trials that start in under 2 months just quit him. 😂 that’s gotta hurt. Habba’s going to get him the firing squad!
Lost another appeal today because they forgot to claim executive privilege over Trumps Twitter records until it was too late.



OOOPS…Those were 4000 votes for Biden that were incorrectly counted for Trump just discovered. More MAGA “cheating” (intentional or not, 4000 more votes that were counted for Trump but belonged to Biden).

bobknight33 said:

The Ukraine war is all but over. A total loss all because of Biden desire to expand NATO nations.

"Hunter Biden Spent $872K on Hookers" - Facing 9 Indictment

newtboy says...

😂 Tantrum much!? 😂

I know reading and comprehension are weak points for you, it’s sad and shocking to see how weak.
Another reason to not believe you could earn the lowest of tech degrees…I can’t imagine you passed middle school when you can read my very short clear statement and come up with that. I spelled it out simply and clearly, and you 100% got it 100% wrong and continue to argue against something never said….typical for you because you can never back up your claims so you must pretend the topic is something else.

I never said there’s no tax fraud case, I said your title is a total lie and is debunked in the video itself. That’s a fact. You’re a constant liar. No amount of your intentionally misstating facts or what I said will change that, it reinforces it.

I have said if it wasn’t a politically motivated attack on Joe, Hunter would never be prosecuted for any of the minor crimes he did commit, he would be offered a plea deal with a fine, like he originally was. I stand by that statement. Wanna try again?

Hunter was late paying his taxes…he has paid them at this point unlike Trump who is still over $250 million behind in his NY state taxes and has defrauded the federal government out of at least that much, likely 10 times that amount.
Consider, Trump pays taxes on Maralago as if it was worth $20 million (and he complained and sued because he said that was too HIGH, it was worth LESS for tax purposes). If, as he claims, it’s really worth $1.8 BILLION…he needs to pay property taxes on $1.78 BILLION he evaded for 40 years…according to Trump himself he’s evaded over $700 MILLION in property taxes on Maralago alone. That’s quite a bit worse than Hunter’s late payment, and is only one example out of thousands where Trump defrauded the country out of hundreds of millions. 😂
If Hunter’s crimes are prison worthy, the Trumps’ are execution worthy.

😂 Fake news! 😂
I know you can’t accept the truth, bob. We all know. You deny reality daily, on every front.

HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER…..The Hunter laptop is a long dead horse, just like the election fraud fraud, every attempt to legitimize it only ended up proving how much MAGA had tampered with the data, making it not evidence but propaganda. You’ve been trying to sell this nonsense for 5-6 years now. Nobody’s buying, and nobody’s listening anymore. You can only cry wolf so many times before the villagers stop listening and start hoping a wolf will eat you and shut your lying mouth permanently….you passed that point years and years ago, friendo.

No need to google anything about the laptop, it’s nothing. The FBI proved the data had been forged by Giuliani’s team. Nothing there makes any case for anything besides more MAGA frauds perpetrated on the courts, it’s a well established pattern for MAGA, and it’s a losing strategy, because you keep getting caught! Try again. 😂

Hunter is living rent free in your head, and he’s got a mansion in there with a pool, hot tub, putting green, even a driving range, and there’s still empty space for expansion. He’s not even a politician, so why would anyone care about him? It makes the lying, exageration, and hysterics hilarious self owns by you and yours. Another big “L” for your team…one you just can’t accept but everyone outside the cult has. Reminiscent of the big lie, only cultists believe, and everyone else just sees you losing your shit over your own lies not catching on. 😂

Hilarious how the mantra was “family is off limits” when it came to Trump despite the constant nepotism, but not for his enemies despite their complete lack of involvement in politics. More dishing it out but unable to stand it from your cowardly leader…he was even to scared to testify in his own defense! What a sniveling little fat cowardly baby, cowering because he has something to hide according to his spokesperson Haba.

Nothing you claim about Hunter is true, (fortunately MAGA is so untrustworthy that no one cares what stupidity you lie) and nothing Hunter has done makes one whit of difference about his father. Keep focusing on him, ignoring the same tax crimes comitted by Trump but by a factor of 250 or more…voters notice the hypocrisy and it guarantees your loss next year….meanwhile Joe has rescued the economy in every possible way from the utter disaster and guaranteed recession/depression Trump left,
IN EVERY WAY BOB, INCLUDING INFLATION THATS AT 0% while MAGA eats itself alive and gets absolutely nothing done! 😂

Of course I’m not clicking your link, if ever there was a site I would expect to host malicious viruses, it would be the Russia/MAGA hosted anti Biden pdf site you pointed people to. Why would any rational person expose their computer to attack to download and read your pure faked propaganda? A: they wouldn’t.

It’s going to be so delicious when/if Hunter beats the charges and gets Giuliani and the RNC to pay his legal bills. You morons had a guilty plea in hand and decided to go to court instead with little chance of getting more and a huge risk he might beat all charges, vindicating himself and by extension Joe…talk about snatching defeat from the mouth of victory! 😂 😂 😂

bobknight33 said:


IF you can handle the truth: Which you can't

Hunter Biden Laptop contents, with a PDF down load link

Or if you want to cry about the link Just google
marco polo hunter biden laptop pdf
and select the Link title Report on the Biden Laptop

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