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We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

ChaosEngine says...

Thanks bob. I thought you might come back with an actual argument, but instead you went out of your way to not only prove my point, but to demonstrate
a) how bad you are at debating
b) exactly why this ad is needed and
c) how utterly warped your worldview is.

As for the rest of your rambling screed, it’s so full of nonsense, inaccuracies and fear that there really isn’t any value in addressing it.

bobknight33 said:

You prove my point a fellow sifter is in the Soyboy camp.

Turning boys into weak men is NOT a good thing. Not anywhere in the world.

When the average woman can change a tire or brakes on the car, then maybe then Ill teach my son to be less of a man.

You desire men to be weak and woman to be strong. This thinking just weakens the society.

Vegan Diet or Mediterranean Diet: Which Is Healthier?

transmorpher says...

Both of your examples are demonstrably false.

Masaai have a life expectancy of what 44?

Who eats the most fish in the world? (factory farm cows actually) but in the human population, it's the Inuits. And they have the worst health of any people on earth. So clearly fish aren't the thing bringing the health. Their health actually gets better when they go to a standard american diet. that's how bad eating fresh wild caught fish is.....

Okinawans have the opposite diet of the Inuits - mostly plants, and little amounts of fish, and they have the opposite health of the Inuits too.

Less fish and more plants = better health. Therefore fish cannot be a health food.

It's also VERY easy to meet all of your nutritional needs as a vegan, yeah those hippie dippy idiots that eat all raw foods are asking for trouble, but anyone who eats regular food with grains, beans, fruit, nuts and vegetables will get everything they need. A few fortifided foods here and there and no supplements are required. (and please don't pretend like vegans are the only ones eating fortified foods- salt is fortified with iodine, and dairy is fortified with vitamin D by US law). Anyway, point is the cheapest and easiest foods to cook are the healthiest ones - the same foods that everyone in the bluezones eats, and nobody is saying those bluezone foods are expensive or hard to make.

That's what this whole video is about, identifying the foods that are health promoting, and in vegans and in Mediterranean diets (and other bluezones diets) it's the exact same foods that are providing the health. The plants, the cheap, easy to cook and readily available plants.

I'll even level with you, there's a lot of stupid people out there who happen to be vegan and they say a lot of stupid crap, but everything I post is backed up by science. I went vegan because of the health science, the ethics to me came later (perhaps I'm a bit slow, because I didn't want to see the ethics, while I was part of the system, but that's a story for another time )

newtboy said:

No sir....we KNOW vegans are lying.
What I can't understand is why.
There's plenty of evidence that plant based (not vegetarian or vegan) diets are the healthiest choice.
There's plenty of evidence that vegan diets are almost always lacking in nutrition....they can be healthy but it's a full time and expensive proposition.
You are wrong, studies on cultures that eat large amounts of fish show it's good, and most weren't funded by the fishing industries. The Massai are pretty healthy too, and they eat and drink beef, blood, and milk almost exclusively. They have been studied extensively. You seem to always feel compelled to exaggerate enough to be wrong.

Prosecutors Say Donald Trump Committed a Crime

newtboy jokingly says...

Nice try, but that demonstrates Twain had a lack of mathematical knowledge, not intelligence.

Also...I believe you mean 50% falls below the median....mean and average are synonyms. For some reason the phrase "people who live in glass houses" keeps running through my head now....I can't explain why. ;-)

nanrod said:

When I hear this quote I like to respond that actually 50% of the population falls below the mean not the average and if you don't know the difference then we know which side of the curve you are on.

Robbery Stopped With Swords

bcglorf says...

Also demonstrates that even with handguns effectively banned in Canada, bad guys still seem to get their hands on 'em,

Drachen_Jager said:

I was just going to say that. Looks like it's the father about to take his son's face off actually.

Also, see, Americans? If you don't have guns everywhere, you don't NEED a "good guy with a gun". (also the "good guy with a gun" doesn't end up getting shot by the f-ing police when they show up as has happened twice recently now)

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

Briguy1960 says...

They will admit to the economy at times seeing as they are well paid folks with many plans that are now thriving with Trumps measures.
You can see it in their eyes lol.
The Whitehouse is NOT just any old place it deserves a measure of respect.
I am well aware of how a democracy works and how people opposed to Trump are committing criminal acts in it's name far worse than the crooks Trump so stupidly employed in order to at first keep him out of office and then to remove him once he got in.
I'm telling you folks this stupidity by the media is only turning more and more folks on the fence over to Trumps camp.
I know... it's Fox News but sometimes they are the only ones who will look for this sort of thing.
It certainly isn't in CNN's interest to tell the truth when they claim anything Trump does is racist to address the issue of the caravans.
Some see him as a breath of fresh air (despite his shameful baiting of bigots) when he refuses to be a victim of the all powerful media.
Myself included but I wouldn't have voted for him.
I never watched one episode of his show and never will but I think he has demonstrated that people are becoming tired of all the daily outrage at things we haven't yet fixed even though it may be something vague and we haven't even had time to try to adapt.
Maybe I'm just getting old and not as easily manipulated...

T.I. has Melania Trump...

newtboy says...

I guess she's also the most elegantly proper, and most American FLOTUS too?
Ignoring she's a clear gold digger and soft core porn model, it's an astonishing lack of self awareness to announce her anti bullying movement isn't about kids being bullied, it's about herself, the biggest victim of bullying ever! She's not even the biggest bullying victim of her husband, who's a professional bully.

Compared to the hyper racist, constant, even institutionalized bullying Michelle endured with calm and grace, Melania is treated like a Disney princess constantly. Michelle got everything Melania gets X5, but got (still gets) all the racial attacks as well. You just didn't hear her whine about it or start a national movement backed by the Whitehouse to try to stop her personal issues with trolls.

Consider, "people" like you insist a foreign nude model with little education, no degree like she lied and claimed to have from various universities (now proven false, she left after 1 year) and horrible English skills (almost as bad as her husband) who married the internet troll in Chief for money is a better spokeswoman/speaker than a well educated lawyer who's public speaking prowess is above reproach, head and shoulders above any person on the right, elected or not. Recall, Melania thought Michelle spoke so well, she plagiarized Michelle's speech.

Consider, you could not mention Michelle without calling her names, bullying her is so ingrained in the right's psyche it doesn't even register to you. I'm impressed you thought and changed "gorilla" to "dog". That's actually an improvement, which is an incredibly sad demonstration of how low the right has sunk, completely lacking civility while whining they aren't coddled enough.

bobknight33 said:

Most bullied FLOTUS.

If this was Michael Obama the media would be losing its mind and blowing its stack. The outrage of outrage.

Then again Michael Obama is a dog and could not pull this off.

Woman Tries To Block access to Apartment

newtboy says...

As I thought, one more instance of a white woman following the rules by asking a black man to follow the fucking rules, and so she's labeled a racist.....who's married to an African American. *facepalm

The man pushed his way into the secure building as she opened the door for her dog and refused to tell her which apartment he lived in or demonstrate that he had a key to the building. He knew that was the procedure requested by the building owners/managers, he got the same emails requesting no one allow any stranger into the secure building that she did, but he refused to follow procedure.
What's more, he decided to publicly shame her over attempting to follow posted safety procedures and building rules because he's racist. Guaranteed he would not have recorded and publicized this if she were black doing exactly the same thing, and news outlets wouldn't air it if he did, but because she's white, game on.

Now, for properly following the building rules, she's fired, ostracized, and getting multiple death threats daily. That's outrageous. He should have the same consequences, as the actual racist in this situation.

Bbq where it's not allowed and rudely refuse to move to where it is allowed, I'll call the cops. Loudly hawk water under my window all day without a permit and rudely refuse to move, I'll call the cops. Push into my secure building and act like a rude intruder instead of my new neighbor, I'll call the cops. I don't give one single fuck what color your skin is.....this bullshit that a white person"snitching" on a black person (who is violating the posted rules/law and being a rude asshole about it) is reason to call them racists is just that, bullshit.
Call me a racist now, because dark skin won't protect you from having to follow the rules and law or be stopped/ reported around me any more or less than pink, yellow, tan, red, or any other color skin would.
Downvote spreading this narrative that whites must ignore the rude illegal actions of non whites or be labeled racist. Fuck that, homie don't play dat.

Hypersonic Missile Nonproliferation

newtboy says...

The fact that the current state of the technology is not public knowledge, and the fact that it's development is a secret military program, likely without a publicly available budget in all 3 countries, makes me think it's secret. Just tests on models require a supersonic or hypersonic wind don't pick those up at home depot.
Nobody has seen one fly, so if it was even in the early testing phase, no one noticed. Since we're watching, I'm dubious it's past models and simulations anywhere.
I don't doubt they, like us, are working on it. I have doubts any nation has made exponentially more progress than we have, and I wouldn't trust China or Russia if they claimed to have them without seeing them demonstrated successfully, just as they shouldn't trust us if we make more unsubstantiated claims, we're proven liars.

scheherazade said:

Why do you think it was secret?
Why do you think nobody noticed?
Do you think they just began on it since sanctions?

Every major power has had back-burner development of this stuff since the cold war.
The only "secret" was how much progress they made. That it existed, you can freely take for granted.

Just how you can take for granted that everyone is working on genetic weapons, everyone is working on directed energy weapons, everyone is working on infrastructure hacking weapons, everyone is working on automated robotic weapons, etc.

Do you think there is a better / more-cost-efficient place for Russia to spend defense dollars, than on a system which can trade the price of a missile for the price of an aircraft carrier?
I would be more surprised if they hadn't put their money into a program such as this.

Look at what progress China has made :
Which country is fielding a rail gun today? China.
Which country is fielding a man portable laser rifle? China
Which country has demonstrated quantum entanglement encrypted communication? China.

The world is moving on, while we stand around confidently patting ourselves on the back.


Hypersonic Missile Nonproliferation

scheherazade says...

Why do you think it was secret?
Why do you think nobody noticed?
Do you think they just began on it since sanctions?

Every major power has had back-burner development of this stuff since the cold war.
The only "secret" was how much progress they made. That it existed, you can freely take for granted.

Just how you can take for granted that everyone is working on genetic weapons, everyone is working on directed energy weapons, everyone is working on infrastructure hacking weapons, everyone is working on automated robotic weapons, etc.

Do you think there is a better / more-cost-efficient place for Russia to spend defense dollars, than on a system which can trade the price of a missile for the price of an aircraft carrier?
I would be more surprised if they hadn't put their money into a program such as this.

Look at what progress China has made :
Which country is fielding a rail gun today? China.
Which country is fielding a man portable laser rifle? China
Which country has demonstrated quantum entanglement encrypted communication? China.

The world is moving on, while we stand around confidently patting ourselves on the back.


newtboy said:

The idea that near bankrupted Russia has made a hypersonic missile just because they say they did strains credulity.
Are they possibly technically capable? Sure. Is that all it takes to bring a multi billion dollar ultra secret project to completion with no one noticing? Hardly.

Ecuador The Equator - Water Demonstration - Coriolis Effect

Ecuador The Equator - Water Demonstration - Coriolis Effect

drradon says...

completely bogus demonstration: if you look carefully, you will see that the water in the basin for the first demonstration was completely still - and drained straight down. But for the north and south demonstrations, she poured the water into the basin at one side of the basin - setting up circulation in the basin - and immediately pulled the plug. What she was demonstrating was conservation of angular momentum, not the coriolis effect.

Rick Wiles Says 'Every Christian Should Disavow Alex Jones'

newtboy says...

Absolutely not.
Jones Jones is a lunatic who spouts pure insanity, and your chosen president believes the nonsense is news. Your ridiculous equivocation is absolutely insane.

You aren't the only conservative voice here, but you are a minority.

Your admitted fraud, pedophile (miss teen America), pedophile supporting (Roy Brown), incestuous (daughter lusting), adulterous (with his friend's wives), consummate liar, political flip flopping (see any interviews before 2000), Russian stooge, ally debasing, repeatedly failed businessman has debased American values, and your ilk have gone along hand in hand, erasing those values from your mind as he violated them.

Open borders exist only in Trump's deluded lies he sells you to get you riled up and unthinking. No one in power advocates open borders, that's just a bold faced lie. Your willingness to repeat it only demonstrates your gullibility and naivete.

bobknight33 said:

CNN is unhinged just like MSNBC. Each wacked. Like Jones Jones is just more theatrical.

You bet. I use You people. Since there is no conservative voice here. It’s me against you people. The lost degenerate soles who desires are to debace America values and dilute its citizenship with open borders.

Trump wants all to be proud.

Black Panther — Creating an Empathetic Villain

But Intelligent People Believe in God...

heretic says...

The chart is quite informative thanks. If you put aside your focus on believers in God (as that's a separate topic to my first post) and try and see the difference between atheism and agnosticism in relation to scientists, you'll see what I mean.

There is a great difference between one who "doesn't claim to know no god exists" and one who "claims to know no god exists". Exactly as described on the chart, on the definition of athiest from Merriam-Webster (one who advocates athiesm) and dictionary coms definitions and synonym study. Or Merriam Websters own distinction between the 2 "The difference is quite simple: atheist refers to someone who believes that there is no god (or gods), and agnostic refers to someone who doesn’t know whether there is a god, or even if such a thing is knowable."

Richard Dawkins would fall into the category of gnostic athiest I suppose. He is adamant that no God exists and he is fully at odds and advocates, actively, against such a belief. Whereas Thomas Huxley however, who may have coined the word 'agnostic' according to various dictionaries and other sources, is more someone who doesn't claim to know.

"Agnosticism, in fact, is not a creed, but a method, the essence of which lies in the rigorus application of a single principle. That principle is of great antiquity; it is as old as Socrates; as old as the writer who said, * Try all things, hold fast by that which is good"

Here he is actually describing a Biblical passage from 1 Thessalonians 5:21 "Test all things; hold fast to that which is good" which is the scientific method in a nutshell, regardless of what you think of the rest of the book.

He goes on "Positively the principle may be expressed: In matters of the intellect, follow your reason as far as it will take you, without regard to any other consideration. And negatively: In matters of the intellect, do not pretend that conclusions are certain which are not demonstrated or demonstrable. That I take to be the agnostic faith, which if a man keep whole and undefiled, he shall not be ashamed to look the universe in the face, whatever the future may have in store for him.

The results of the working out of the agnostic principle will vary
according to individual knowledge and capacity, and according to the general condition of science. That which is unproved to-day may be proved, by the help of new discoveries, to-morrow."

A vast difference to the likes of some others in science today who boldly claim there is no God and ridicule those who might believe in one. Sorry for the long reply.

ChaosEngine said:

You're correct about gnosticism, but incorrect about (a)theism.

And is also wrong.
Merriam Webster defines it as:
a person who does not believe in the existence of a god or any gods : one who subscribes to or advocates atheism

If you ask google to define: atheist, you get:
a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.

Theism/atheism speak only to BELIEF.

This chart explains it well

newtboy (Member Profile)

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