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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Again, because I know you have reading comprehension problems, the maximum capacity of the rally venue was 20000. It would be physically impossible for there to have been even 30000, but it’s clear the venue was only half full at the peak, and far less once Trump started his rambling disjointed speech.
It was not ever full, it may have been 10000 at the peak, with most leaving when Trump came out.
Trump sycophants are plastering the internet with pictures of huge crowds they claim were attending the rally…crowds from other events like a Rod Stewart concert in Brazil with over 3.5 million attending and other music festivals in other countries from decades past having nothing to do with Trump. They do this because they know idiots like you will see them and without thinking “hmmm….that doesn’t look like the same place, and that’s way too many people in that photo” you think “now I have proof it was 100000, time to rub those libtards noses in it”. They are always correct, you are always too dumb and lazy to verify what you are told and too gullible to ever question those who tell you what you want to hear despite being misled by them EVERY SINGLE TIME.
You are so insecure as a cult you feel the constant need to lie about your cult leader’s victories that are always in fact and reality defeats…you know this or else you wouldn’t lie for him constantly.

Let’s also not forget at his rally he went off script to heap lavish praise on his friend, the late great Hannibal Lecter before for the thousandth time telling his favorite poem “the snake” which he twists into a racist dehumanization of immigrants, but which is actually a song written by a former Black Nationalist and member of the Communist party about people like Trump (he is the snake)…kinda like Rich Men from Richmond turned out to be about Trump but you were too dumb to see it.

These are the liars feeding you nonsense, you are the moron lapping it up and screaming for more as the fact free diarrhea squidges around your cranium to reach your anus. It washed your brain out years and years ago.

Bonus- the poster woman for Trad Wife life is now a single mother 100% denouncing the lifestyle she had promoted as horrifically abusive near slavery that doesn’t have any positive benefits for women or children at all.

bobknight33 said:

The Orange Maggot got estimated 80,000
Biden biggest event? 500?

Take you head out of you ass, wipe the shit off you eyes and ears and truly listen.

But your a lost cause. You love begin buried in shit.

Democrats RAGE As Super Bowl For Black National Anthem.

newtboy says...

100% wrong, the NFL and NASCAR think it’s great, and so do more fans than they’ve ever enjoyed before. 😂

It’s pulling in more money by the fist full.

Only racist ignorant MAGgots think this is a problem and get triggered by a 100+ year old song about making it in America (that never mentions race btw). I can only imagine what you morons would do at a Neil Diamond concert if he dared sing “coming to America”! 😂

bobknight33 said:

Only the liberal elites believe this is a good thing.

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

newtboy says...

Edit: I misunderstood …. When you flee to somewhere you aren’t welcome, you invaded. That’s not characterization, it’s definition. If my home isn’t safe so I force my way into yours, I invaded your home…even if my friend down the street said it was ok.
It’s not a legitimate motive to invade a foreign country and murder, subjugate, and ghettoize its inhabitants because you aren’t safe where you live. There is no legitimate motive for those actions.

I think you take great liberty deciding the “Arab narrative”. That may be the Hamas narrative, it’s not the Palestinian’s history, and I think few claim it is. At first they were and acted like refugees, welcomed by Arab natives, some of which were Jews themselves, then shortly after began exponentially increasing immigration to overpower the natives, coming armed. They had no right to take by force food, shelter, and safety from those who had offered it to a much smaller portion of needy Jews…they in fact had an obligation to do the exact opposite and minimize their impact on their TEMPORARY HOSTS, and ensure their benefactors didn’t suffer for their generosity. This was not even a fleeting thought for the invaders.

The violent Zionists were intentionally courted and invited then supported and encouraged by those you say were “getting along”, so your point is misguided.

That native population was displaced by a concerted effort to forcibly immigrate en masse and seize control. The natives eventually balked, but too late and the overwhelming masses of armed violent Jewish invaders took over.

I’m in a camp that doesn’t give a shit about religion, they’re all idiotic nonsense, but believes in law and order, and invading people seizing control by force and dehumanizing the natives is not a thing I’m prepared to gloss over or erase with one sided details. I don’t gloss over my own country’s inhumane origins of genocidal racism against our natives, and I support any measure that returns anything they’ve been stripped of.

I’m also in a camp that doesn’t think it’s ok to murder and rape Peter to pay Paul for Patrick’s bill. The Palestinians bear zero responsibility for Jews treatment in Europe. None.

I’m also in a camp that believes “refugee” means you are a guest until you can return home, not a new citizen with more rights than natives.

The European Jews there are invaders acting terribly unreasonably, they’re very Trumpian in their actions, any slight against them is an excuse to go full bore Hitler against those kids with rocks.

I don’t “just declare invasion”. It was an invasion.
Foreign people came unwanted and illegally into the country and took over by force. That’s called an invasion in English by most definitions, and an invasion it was.
The forceful invaders are ALWAYS the bad guys, the oppressors are ALWAYS the bad guys, the expansionists are ALWAYS the bad guys. That describes all the Israeli people. They are the bad guys, whether they intended to be or not.

bcglorf said:

"Who the fuck cares what the reason they wanted to invadeflee was?"

Characterization matters a little here, no?

"They had a right to refugee status there, not to take control and possession by force"

Which is at the heart of things.

The Arab narrative is that Jews arrived guns loaded and set about pillaging, killing and invading as soon as they had sufficient numbers, while the poor domestic Arab population had only been trying to assist and welcome in the refugees...

Which is ahistorical propaganda.

The reality is that for the most part, the European Jews arriving in Palestine were refugees and acting like refugees. Meaning they mostly just wanted to be able to provide food, shelter and safety for the families, just like everyone else. Most of them tried to set about doing this by legally purchasing land.

Lots of the local Arabs similarly were content to get along.

At that same time though, there were hardcore Zionists among the Jewish arrivals AND there were xenophobic elements willing to use violence within the Arab population too.

The tensions rose as the populations rose, but largely as a result of a large people being displaced, and NOT as the planned invasion you describe. The local Arab population started to band together to refuse to work, trade or sell to Jews. Violence broke out instigated separately on smallish scales by BOTH sides. Escalating violence followed, again back and forth between sides.

I'm in a camp that has a hard time blaming either the domestic Arab population for distress at the huge influx of refugees, nor for the European Jewish people having a low tolerance for discrimination and violence directed there way solely for being Jewish.

I see it as a huge mess, but with two large populations of Jewish and Arab people in Palestine acting not terribly unreasonably under circumstances of extreme pressure.

I think it's lazy and convenient to just declare 'invasion' so that you can simplify it all down to right/wrong and good guy/bad guy....

Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond

newtboy says...

Oops…did I trigger someone with my opinion? I didn’t know my opinion means so much to you. 😂
god forbid someone doesn’t love your new anti tax anti assistance “where’s my assistance?” fat people fat shaming fat people MAGA anthem.

I just looked up who he is, a drunkard and high school drop out now complaining he’s not very successful, and looked at the crowd, 99.99% white MAGgots, and read the lyrics, which are easy to read/hear as racist, pro-incel, and anti government, blaming politicians for his low wages not his boss…blaming taxes for his lack of cash, not the $7 a hour minimum wage.

If he’s so popular among minorities as you claim, why were they not present at his concert? Are just his fans racist? Possible. The line “people like me and people like you” sung to pure white crowds has a definitive racist feel, and your denials are meaningless…you said the Charlottesville rioters weren’t racists. It’s less about what he thought when he wrote it (if he in fact did, there’s accusations it was written by conservative operatives, but no evidence of that) and it’s more about what his audience hears…and I’m pretty sure what the conservative lily white crowd he’s playing to hears.

You found a few “blacks for Trump” who like it. Ok. You think that makes it less a racist anthem? 😂 that’s fine, it convinces you. You’ve never seen racism you believed existed…except racism against whites, you’ve complained that that’s a major problem. 😂 Do you honestly believe that all black people are going to love this conservative country song? You probably do, you are that delusional.

“ It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you”. Who are those people, because the people in his crowd are all just one type of people. White middle class conservative and middle aged.

Or a pedophilic anthem?
“ I wish politicians would look out for miners
And not just minors on an island somewhere”
Really, he’s complaining the government (eventually) stopped Epstein’s pedophile island but only spent $850 million on welfare programs specifically supporting coal communities since Covid!?…,%2C%20and%20re%2

An obese man complaining that fat people get food assistance while complaining about people starving in the street is the height of hypocrisy and ridiculousness. The solution isn’t to starve the obese, it’s to feed everyone…but that’s not his solution. To him, only some people deserve assistance….you can guess which ones.

Go ahead, love the song. It fits you. Understand it wouldn’t have ever charted if your political leaders like Walsh and Greene hadn’t told you to love it, made it a “conservative anthem” (their words). It’s not a great song, it’s a politically motivated whine about stupidity by an uneducated drunk. Before MTG and others started hyping him, he had barely a few hundred followers…his success is not “natural”, it’s a political move.

I hate the Bob Dylan quality it has, never liked him one bit.

The best part is, the right has forgotten… who is the richest man north of Richmond? Hint, he moved to Florida in 2021, but wants to move back north of Richmond. If this song isn’t a pure conservative whine fest, it’s definitely 100% anti Trump…so which is it @bobknight33?

GOP Pedo Ring

newtboy says...

A new report from the Maryland AG on the Baltimore arch diocese shows over 600 cases of child sex abuse by Catholic clergy in an 80 year span, including hundreds of cases of abuses of children recovering in hospitals from serious injuries.
These crimes were actively hidden by the church and police that worked in concert with the church to identify and discredit accusers and protect clergy and the church’s reputation.
Multiple other similar investigations are ongoing in numerous other congregations, and every single past investigations into church sponsored child sex abuse (Boston for example) has found massive corruption of entire diocese, actively protecting pedophilic priests and making pariahs of any victim that dares speak.

I don’t think the right could find 600 molestation cases involving trans people in the entire history of America, yet they continue to target one population based on hyperbolic lies and ignoring the obvious well documented crimes of another, proving once again that the right doesn’t have morals or ethics and doesn’t care one whit about child sex abuse, but tries to use morality and ethics and false sex abuse allegations as weapons against those who do care.

If they wanted to protect children from grooming, sex abuse, and horrifically abusive and damaging ideas and ideals, they would ban Christianity (really religion in general) for anyone under 21, not drag shows.

A Definitely True Message From George Santos

newtboy says...

Hold on there nutjob….

I 100% agree the ball was completely dropped by Dems who should have made an issue of this in Oct, knowing the right wouldn’t because they say facts and honesty are only for liberals. Had they discovered this immoral scam directly from the RNC before the election, Dems would have kept the house.

But it’s not the job of the opposition to discover the lies their opponent tells, nor their fault for not uncovering lies told by candidates and backed by their party. It’s the person who lies and those that knowingly corroborate their lies that are to blame, they are in the wrong, not the Democrats. You would blame the victim for not discovering the unbelievable crime beforehand, and accept no blame as the willing accomplice. Do you blame home invasion victims for not having security doors and bullet proof windows, armed security, and panic rooms? Oh wait….you actually do (Pelosi)

It took more than a scratch of the surface because Republican representatives and RNC officials totally knowingly supported and corroborated the lies with big grins, never saying a word despite knowing he was completely full of shit and not caring one bit they were lying to their constituents because honesty is not a righty feature, they didn’t just lie to the left, they did this to you, lying to you and making you their sucker intentionally for power. You don’t care, because it gains your team power and you like being lied to, and no amount of criminality and dishonesty is a deal breaker for you….absolutely nothing could make you upset that you belong to a terrorist anti American party of crooks and frauds, not even when they call to repeal the constitution and eliminate voting.
If Democrats perpetrated this kind of fraud you would be apoplectic, totally enraged and calling for another insurrection, but they never have and never would because their constituents care about honesty, facts, and ethics unlike the right.

You love to “both sides” every time your side gets caught pulling fraud after fraud after fraud after fraud after fraud after fraud after fraud after fraud after fraud, but you NEVER come up with examples of anything close to the scope and immorality of the Republicans. I show you a dozen concerted efforts by campaigns and elected officials to defraud elections on massive, 10000 votes and more scale, you come back with one woman who cast a single provisional ballot in Texas after officials cleared her to vote and say “both sides”.

Democrats aren’t perfect, but 98% of corruption, fraud, outright lies, self dealing, etc is on the Republican side, and 100% of yes to big money in politics, 100% of domestic terrorism, 100% of anti democracy sentiment, 100% of child sex abuse, 100% of calls to rescind the constitution is on the right. Or as you say….both sides.

bobknight33 said:

Hold on there nutboy

Where were the Dems opo research?
A mild scratch of the surface and all this would come out.

That being said he should be kicked out. But Rep's will not do such a thing because they need him to hold the majority.

Sad to see that our government is so corrupt and standards so low. This is on both sides.

ant (Member Profile)

Biden and the June job reports

luxintenebris says...

the concept that an R has to vote R is akin to mental illness. a serious disfunction in preception.

when Mitch the Turtle was up for re-election, he polled at 13% for how well KY citizens thought he did his job but 26% said they would vote for him (at the time of the poll).

that translates to 1/4 of KYians unable to conceive having a choice. Cult over civilization.

that's f'n stupid¹⁰.

how could a Blue be WORST than 3/4 awful? seems real, really, really pessimistic. In many Red states, it is still 40% Blue. wouldn't that mean 40% failure rates across the communities? sincerely doubt most people could pick 40/100 Blues out a crowd, even at a RATM concert.

It's fodder from the bull shute.

mram said:

[edited for brevity]

What he said.

Wet Leg - Chaise Longue (Live on Later... with Jools Hollan)

Wet Leg - Chaise Longue (Live on Later... with Jools Hollan)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

$2.5 million so far on Jan 6. Not $40-60 million, but that would still be worth it. Safeguarding democracy is cheap at that price. Plenty of importance has come to light, but I wouldn’t expect you to know or acknowledge that, you are certainly remaining willfully ignorant of what’s come to light just like mr mushroom tip told you to do, and no one knows what the closed door testimony was yet besides the DOJ.
It cost near $500000000 to safeguard DC in the months after Jan 6…$2.5 million is literally 1/2 of 1% of one cost of Jan 6.

So let’s talk Benghazi, just one report of 13 cost taxpayers $7 million. So far, the Republicans have wasted $22 million on Benghazi, and $100 million total on investigating Clinton with no charges and no revelations of import, and no infractions Trump didn’t repeat.

Right. A concerted effort to perform a violent coup coupled with a second concerted effort to defraud the election using fake electors with forged documentation and a lie about election fraud is, to you, nothing of importance.
Sorry, I find democracy important.
Sorry, I find the constitution to be important.
Sorry, I find treasonous sedition against the union to be important.
I think prosecuting 874 seditious traitors to America and the constitution is important, and i think uncovering who the other appropriately 1100 more are is important.
I think knowing Trump knew his fraudulent voter fraud scheme was illegal before it started is important (since he was declared too stupid to know working with Russia to discredit Clinton was illegal in the past).
I think knowing the voter fraud theory came from something a drunken Giuliani found on Facebook or Twitter with no evidence, before the votes were counted, was important.
I think uncovering the begging for pardons by senators and representatives that planned the coup is important (it’s an admission of guilt and of knowledge of a crime).
I think a Supreme Court judge’s involvement in the coup is important.
That’s barely scratching the surface of important evidence that’s come to light so far.

This….this is why we say you are probably a Russian. You act like defending democracy and the American government are nothing important and nobody cares. No American would think that, but it is true that you SAYING something doesn’t mean you actually think it’s true.

bobknight33 said:

how much has been spent on investigation Trump ? 40 ---- 60 Million and still nothing of importance has come to light.

Wake up from you delusional dream and accept reality.

Wet Leg - Chaise Longue

Wet Leg - Chaise Longue

When you're the only person in band that practices ;)

Not today motherfucker

StukaFox says...

I'm pretty sure the dude's just having a good time because he's at a concert and he's all young and shit. He's probably high, too. Look at that glorious blue sky! Who wouldn't be joyous on such a perfect day when they're all young and high and shit? Dude, I'm old, it's dark and I'm not even at a concert (full disclosure: I am listening to Lord Huron's new album and it's fucking amazing. There's some stuff that's not up to their other work, and a weird 14-minute filler piece at the end, but Drops In The Lake might become the most beloved Lord Huron song ever) and I'm totally joyous right now. I'm also stoned out of my mind, so take that as a plus, a minus or a none-of-the-above. Look, all I'm saying is there's a cute video video of a sheep standing down a Border Collie. Props to the sheep for having the kinda balls it doesn't have anymore, but fucking with a Border Collie is asking for that dog to fuck up your tax return later. So yeah, y'know, cute dog and cute sheep and some Welshman who knows he's getting some pussy tonight and if that dog screws this up, it ain't gonna be the sheep getting fucked. That's life in Wales, man. Those dudes will fuck anything. I mean, if I was stuck in Wales with nothing else to do, I'd be looked at our four-legged friends in a far more than friendly way, too. Also, they don't have vowel mines there so they're stuck spelling words with all contestants and chunks of coal for punctuation. NO idea how that little linguistic hiccup got passed the Proto-Germanic language tree, but people in Quebec speak a language that's completely similar to French, only without the word order, the grammar and any words that are actually in French. The French hate that shit because they're French and no one in Europe is being all shirty these day. Except that dude in Belarus who apparently doens't know what an utter fucking legend the guy who runs Ryanair is. Fucking hell this shit's good. Anyway, the whole point of this was that a dog, a sheep and a Welshman walk into a bar and the bartender asks the man what he wants. And the Welshman tells, in exceedingly graphic detail, what he wants while the sheep and the collie listen in horror, straining against their leads and praying Pop-Up Darwin will suddenly appear and gift them opposable thumbs, a cellphone, and a SIM card that actually works in fucking Wales, because those vowel-less cocksuckers have a totally different cell system than the rest of the UK. Shit, you try to make a call to anywhere in Gwfjhsrmflsslll, the first thing you notice is that numbers have apparently joined the vowels in being MIA, and you're trying to explain that you just want to make a call to London and the operator is speaking some language that'd scare the shit outta C'htulu and finally you just give up and hop back on the Ryanair flight to JFK while scanning constantly for Mig-29s.

Anyway, be happy.

cloudballoon said:

So is the far-right/left, idiocy & non-sense.

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