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C-note (Member Profile)

Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas (Sift Talk Post)

ant says...

mintbbb: I missed you! Aw, you are leaving VS? :~( I am a maniac too!

Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you (Mia -- never knew your real name too) and everyone else!

Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas (Sift Talk Post)

Ashenkase (Member Profile)

Lumm (Member Profile)

What do you get a heroin addict for Christmas? Easy!

spawnflagger (Member Profile)

bjornenlinda (Member Profile)

BSR (Member Profile)

The Christmas Card Scam

Halloween 'Cats'ume

BSR says...

Not only that, my mother, on Christmas. Go figure. I truly am the only hell she ever raised.

You know, they don't make Happy July 9th birthday cards but they do make Halloween birthday cards.

Mordhaus said:

Your birthday is Halloween?

Tsunami following 7.7 Earthquake in Indonesia

Best Spiderman with a bit of help from dad


Of Course I'm Trying To Indoctrinate You In My Beliefs

newtboy says...

Bullshit. Christians can and do wear religious iconography in jewelry, tattoos, clothing, and display stupid slogans, posters, statues, etc at workplaces.
They can't hold prayer services in some workplaces, and can in others. But why would you want that anyway? To be fair and legal, we would have to allow anyone and everyone to do the same. Do you want Satanists, minions of Mot, Soldiers for Shiva, Pagans, Norse, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindu, Pastafarians, Rastafarians, Wikans, Jedi, etc to all spend the day praying with a legal right to ignore work to do so?
This is about as rational as claiming there's a "war on Christmas" because some people don't say Merry Christmas reflexively two dozen times a day all December.

Really? Trumpeteers get beaten up for hat wearing? I seriously doubt it, please post the video.

Insulted, well, calling people in MAGA hats (not MEGA, can't even get your own slogan's acronym right) idiots, ignorant, or just brain dead morons isn't pure insult when it's so often just statement of fact. I've never met one willing to wear the hat in public with an IQ greater than 100 (paid talking heads don't count, since they so often turn on Trump as soon as he stops paying them), and I know plenty with an IQ seemingly well below 80 that won't leave the house without it.

Compared to those wearing an Obama or Clinton hat/shirt in the south over the last 9 years, MAGA morons are treated like princes and princesses.

bobknight33 said:

Liberals have been marching loudly past 30 years not tip towing.
So much so a Christian can not show faith at work, they are shamed in public. One could argue the opposite, Its time for Christian to stand up.

Also same to politics. Trump supporters get beaten up, insulted in public. One can't wear MEGA hat to events ( except Trumps) , or Starbucks.. That's not Liberals tip toeing around its full on frontal assault.

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