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Ku Klux Klan Member interview-Chris

wtfcaniuse says...

Same mentality and radicalism as ISIS. He even wants his own white Christian state.

"They're against drugs" while chain smoking
"The Klan ain't never lynched people"
"The Klan ain't gotta go out and kill black folks no more"

All while talking nonsense and quoting bible passages that could easily be interpreted to mean the OPPOSITE of what he claims.


newtboy says...

What non cultist believes Trump didn't participate in the child rapes?

By his own public admission he's a pedophile who leered at and groped little girls at his events, using his position to force his way into dressing rooms for underage girls to watch them undress repeatedly, we know this from his own admission, actually his own braggadocio in interviews.
He's on camera with Epstein, who's entire life was one long pedophilic abuse session, dozens of times, often alone except for the gaggle of underage girls they tricked into coming to the events.
Everyone knew about Epstein, he was prosecuted for child abuse that happened in 2005. "He was convicted of only these two crimes as part of a controversial plea deal; federal officials had identified 36 girls, some as young as 14 years old, whom Epstein had allegedly sexually abused". This was common knowledge long before he was prosecuted and plead guilty.

Now Trump publicly wishes his co-abuser and facilitator well. Could it be he fears what she might say without a pardon waiting for her, just like Roger Stone, another of Trump's partners in crime?

If you're a Christian and you support this man, know now that you are definitely going to hell.
If you're a parent and you support this man, your children should be removed from your pro-child-rapist household.

Irish Taxi Man's view of same sex marriage

WmGn says...

One of the ways in which Martin Luther broke from the Catholic church was by not seeing marriage as sacramental: he wanted to be able to acknowledge marriage between non-Christians rather than just marriage between Christians. Thus, from the perspective of Protestant theology, it's not clear that the church should have much to do with marriage. (This was most succinctly summarised for me thus: have a civil wedding, and then come back to the church for potato salad and a party.)

What about the civil arrangement, then? For me, the clearest argument for a non-paternalistic state granting some people preferable treatment (e.g. untaxed inheritance, etc.) is that those people are reducing the burden on the state somehow. In the 'traditional marriage', they do this partly by providing (on average) a more stable environment in which to raise children (thus, raising somehow more productive - on average - citizens for the state), and partly by caring for each other in their old age (thus, saving the state costs). From this point of view, whether or not they have sex, on whatever basis, with each other is irrelevant: an adult son living with and caring for his elderly mother is saving the state in the same way that an wife caring for her husband is. Thus, when France introduced its 'pacte civil', I thought that they missed the opportunity to get right out of the bedroom.

Pearl Jam - Jeremy (uncensored version)

newtboy jokingly says...

Sure...eating a pomegranate (more likely than apples, and with local historical mythological references like the story of Persephone) is what opened a Pandora's box of sin, not populating the earth by having children with their children.
Christians are so weird.

StukaFox said:

Gensis 3:6 -- " "When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it."

In Judaeo-Christian belief, this is the moment when sin entered the world.


Pearl Jam - Jeremy (uncensored version)

StukaFox says...

Gensis 3:6 -- " "When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it."

In Judaeo-Christian belief, this is the moment when sin entered the world.

Also, I remember watching this video on MTV and how quickly it was pulled. People'll watch 'Saw' by the million, but the second you refer to real suffering, they get real pissy about that.

Why The Right Wing End Game Is Armageddon

Why The Right Wing End Game Is Armageddon

shinyblurry says...

The bible was written almost exclusively by Jews, both the Old and New Testament. Jesus was a Jew and so were most of His apostles. The events of the majority of the books in the bible happened in Israel. Christianity is a Jewish religion. So, it shouldn't really surprise anyone that the bible has a lot to say about the Jews. Where they came from, how they got there, and what happens to them in the future.

Christian support for the Jews is a relatively new phenomenon. During the reign of the Catholic church, Jews were persecuted by Catholics and forced to convert to Christianity. The Jewishness of Jesus was lost to history; this is why you see much of the art during the middle ages depicting the Lord as a European man.

What changed is that the Jews returned to the land of Israel in 1948, something that many scholars of time past assumed was impossible. The general teaching was that God had broken His covenant with the Jewish people because they rejected Christ and that the church was now the new Israel. This is called replacement theology.

Yet, the Jews did return to their own land, a unique event in all of history. Never before had a people group been displaced from their own country, scattered all over the world for thousands of years, and then regathered to their original land with their cultural and genetic purity intact. This is a true miracle which anyone can plainly see is evidence of the hand of God working in the Earth on behalf of His chosen people.

The video makes it seem like the idea of Israel being integral to end times prophecy is some kind of leap, yet anyone who has studied the bible seriously knows that nearly everything predicted about the end times revolves around Israel, and particularly Jerusalem. There are numerous prophecies in the Old Testament stating plainly that God will scatter His people and gather them back to Israel in the last days.

The scripture predicts that the Jews will build a third temple. At this moment the Dome of the Rock, the golden domed building you see in photographs of Jerusalem, stands in the place where the third temple must be built. You could sum up the entire tension in the middle east in two words: "Temple Mount".

Not only are the Jews ready to rebuild their temple in a moments notice, they have created all of the implements of the temple and have been training priests to serve in the temple. The scripture declares that for end times prophecy to be fulfilled there must be a third temple. I can confidently predict that this will happen sometime in the future and the Dome of the Rock most likely be destroyed.

I also wanted to mention one other thing. The name "Palestine" was given to the area by the Romans. The Palestinians are not a people group, they are Arabs who settled in the area after the Jews were dispersed around the world. The video really does you a disservice by neglecting to mention the fact that it was the Arab nations that attacked Israel unprovoked on multiple occasions and the Jews against all odds defeated them. It was their right to take that territory and they are under no obligation to return it.

In the end, there will be much more conflict in the middle east, all revolving around the Jews and Jerusalem in some way. You may doubt the scripture but you will see this unfold with your very eyes. One day a charismatic man will come on the scene who will negotiate a peace in the middle east between the Jews and the nations of the world. He will seem at first to be someone who can solve all of our problems but eventually he will establish a one world order and rule the world with an iron fist. He will go into the Jewish temple and declare himself to be God. This is who the bible calls the Antichrist.

So, if you want to know where we are at in the end times, watch Israel and Jerusalem. Jerusalem is Gods prophetic time clock. When you see the Dome of the Rock being replaced by the temple, know the Lord is near, even at the doors.

10575 (Member Profile)

richmondo says...

Hi mate, I once dissed you years ago on your video on your youtube channel for heckling Jimmy Carr. If that was you, then please accept my apology for being so rude to you. Genuinely. I'm a Christian now and regret what I said to you, so I'm sorry. Take care!

The Southern Poverty Law Center Scam

newtboy says...

But they're just speaking....criticizing it (Islam).
If they said 1/10 about Judaism or Christianity what they say about Islam, the right would be frothing at the mouth over these anti religion hatemongers. Duh.

Family Research Council...
....the vehemently anti gay, anti choice, anti anything not super Christian group that says gay marriage is the same as bestiality and should be treated the same? Duh.

I like gay people, but they can never be decent parents and shouldn't be allowed to raise children....but no, I don't hate gays.
Bullshit. If I say that about fat and frumpy brunette women, I'm a hater.

Pretty much boils down to these groups all believe 'Our targeted groups should not enjoy the same rights as the rest of us...but that doesn't make us hate groups. '
Yes, yes it does. That's what hate groups are.

More shameful right wing crybaby time over being called out for being hatemongers. "I know you are but what am I." is not an adult or rational argument, but it's all they've got.
Sad. Bigly sad.

Expo 86 - Something's Happening Here VHS (1986)

Meanwhile at a Democratic Socialists Convention...

newtboy says...

Kinda gonna disagree with YOU here.

So, you think nuttiness directly correlates with violent tendencies? But you then admit the nuttiest Christian group is Westborough, who has not been violent, just outrageously disgusting. You seem to think these democratic socialist people are nuttier than the moronic right, yet you admit they have yet to become violent, unlike many on the right. Even if it's also a function of numbers, there should be some violent acts if not murders coming from both outrageously nutty groups, right? But there just isn't.
Remember, Manson's family only had a few members, but a ton of nuttiness. They murdered many trying to start a race war.

Today, the left has more members than the right. Why, then, is the right so much more violent and terroristic? Simply because the far right has more members than the far left? That still doesn't jibe.

Granted, the lunacy on display here is over the top, but less so than the disgusting and divisive dehumanizing rhetoric coming from the right's leaders, spokespeople, and splinter groups. Indeed, this groups nuttiness is based on not upsetting others, antithetical to mass murdering.

There's FAR more crazy anger on the right. For every triggered democratic socialist or ANTIFA there's a dozen seething right wing white supremacists itching for a race war. Look at the numbers here, 500-1000 active democratic socialists? many right wing neo Nazis were in Charlottesville?

It follows to me that group murder rates come from not just the level but the type of nuttiness, number of members, uncontrolled anger/rage/hatred, group acceptance of violence, and access to weapons capable of murder. The right is miles ahead on every count besides membership. That's why, imo, there's got to be more to the equation than just nuttiness times membership.

bcglorf said:

Kinda gonna disagree with you here.

I like sorting nuts by nuttiness. I expect murder rates to follow from the combination of nuttiness and number of members. I'm not aware of murders out of the Westboro Baptists(yet at least). Plenty of murderers though have claimed generic christianity though. I still class Westboro as less tolerable than generic christianity.

Going back to the video, this crowd is pretty far over on the nutcase scale.

Meanwhile at a Democratic Socialists Convention...

bcglorf says...

Kinda gonna disagree with you here.

I like sorting nuts by nuttiness. I expect murder rates to follow from the combination of nuttiness and number of members. I'm not aware of murders out of the Westboro Baptists(yet at least). Plenty of murderers though have claimed generic christianity though. I still class Westboro as less tolerable than generic christianity.

Going back to the video, this crowd is pretty far over on the nutcase scale.

TheFreak said:

Nutty as a squirrels shit...
...and yet, curiously, not out mass-murdering anyone. Bob's camp can't make that claim.

So I'll tolerate the nutcases on the extreme left over the nutcases on the extreme right any day.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

What is the Second Civil War

shinyblurry says...

Please don't count my lack of condemnation in this instance as an endorsement. I am sure there is plenty to call Jim Bakker on. I know he did some very despicable (and illegal) things in the 80s and 90s. He supposedly repented of them but I haven't investigated to see whether that is true or not. I definitely wouldn't trust his theology after watching this video.

The disturbing nature of the video is a phenomenon we in the church call "Charismania". It comes from the charismatic church, which has largely become apostate from biblical Christianity by embracing experience over truth. Many of them do nothing else but follow around people like Rick Joyner to hear tell of some new vision or to have a supernatural experience in one of his meetings. I know you don't believe in the supernatural, but they are having a supernatural experience when you see them flop all over the place and jerk spasmodically. It's a real experience but it isn't from God.

I would never recommend anyone listen to anything like this. Instead, people need to systematically learn the bible for themselves so they can evaluate these sorts of claims and recognize them for what they are.

newtboy said:

You're going to have to explain how you think Christian teachers should be evaluated by scripture, yet you don't condemn Jim Baker. He has been a charlatan his entire career, swindling mostly the elderly to make his fortune and live the high life.

What is the Second Civil War

newtboy says...

You're going to have to explain how you think Christian teachers should be evaluated by scripture, yet you don't condemn Jim Baker. He has been a charlatan his entire career, swindling mostly the elderly to make his fortune and live the high life.

shinyblurry said:

Rick Joyner is a false prophet. Unfortunately, people from his circle, which is the most abhorrent wing of the Charismatic church, have become the public face of Christianity.

Christian teachers should be evaluated by the scripture. The scripture will expose their wrong teachings and motives, and what they really are will be proved out over time. If someone is pushing an abhorrent form of Christianity, they should be called out and condemned.

This session that we watched is extremely unfortunate. The participants failed to discern that Rick is a false prophet, and like the false prophets described in the bible, he comes with dreams and visions he claims are from God but are actually against the purposes of God.

I do not condemn Jim Baker, or David Barton or the others..I think they are sincerely deceived. They need to be corrected and discern the true spirit behind the false prophet Rick Joyner.

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