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Stephen Calls Bruce Willis A Liar... MISTAKE

cloudballoon says...

Old videos like this getting frontpaged ALWAYS comes with dread. Followed by frantically googling the latest health news of the celebrity and then knowing if he/she's OK or not, then coming back and react accordingly.

We've known Willis battling with debilitating dementia in 2022. Alarm bells goes off mentally just seeing the video thumbnail.

Little Big - Uno

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

What a comeback to the continuing reporting of Republicans selling influence for participation in lemon party orgies for years and years! You remember, the thing your representative Cawthorn complained about being pressured to attend back when he was an elected official. Your facts have destroyed mine. 🤦‍♂️

I’m sure you can provide examples to back you up, plural examples, not just one outlier immediately ostracized by the party, but multiple offenders protected by the party. I have. Waiting with bells on.

More proof you have never been a serious person or someone to be taken seriously. This is exactly the level of argument you produce regularly when presented with facts and logic.

bobknight33 said:

debauchery The party of Democrats.

The case to rename this famous Christmas plant

drradon says...

Not so inconsistent with how Christianity has been practiced in the past (Spanish Inquisition ring a bell, anyone?) and the looting of resources of native cultures by "Missionaries"... even to the extent of hijacking a pre-Christian "pagan" celebration (winter solstice) in order to draw adherents... Why pick at historical nits when there are much more impactful transgressions related to the holiday celebration???


luxintenebris says...

Most conservatives just don't have the chops for comedy.

This humor genre is somewhere in the late '80s - early '90s. Dated. Like watching 'Friends'.

Putting that aside (like a used tissue) would have been helpful to know when (the date) these comments were taken. Hard to respond to it. It'd be like Bob saying 'landslide' before the election, and him claiming 'landslide' afterward (granted wrong both times, but the context could be scarier in the second).

There is evidence that the hearings are being heard by members of Dumb Quixote's* herd. So at least they'll have some idea why liar, liar, pants on fire is being prosecuted.

Overall, it's being five full days of powerful testimony. If anyone else's trial was preceding like this, their attorney would be spending hours upon hours trying to get a plea deal &/or getting the defendant to plea.

If this was a murder trial, their lawyer would be saying "plead guilty! throw yourself on the mercy of the court! at this point the best we can hope for is to have your body buried in secrecy - so your grave doesn't get violated!"**

may not get the deluded to become undeluded but the bells of truth are ringing and bringing a lot to church. while the rest are whistling through the graveyard.

JUDGEMENT: use crazy don's 🚽 file system for this vid.

*windmills, ya' see
**cited line from

World's First Floating City

eoe says...

1. Never trust anyone who says "basically" too much about things that aren't basic at all.

2. I don't see Taco Bells, Walmarts, and other terrible elements of suburban life. I don't know how that'll float (ho ho!) in South Korea, but it'd never hold water (ho ho!) in the US.

3. I agree with newtboy. I'd like to know what sort of people are on their payroll or board of directors. Do they have all the sorts of scientists ad engineers you'd want for a project like this or just a handful of pie-in-the-sky Silicon Valley-ish types?

🤯">Opening a dam's gate after being closed for years is WOW

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Just incase you're afraid of- you know- facing reality


IQ testing and the eugenics movement in the United States

Eugenics, a set of beliefs and practices aimed at improving the genetic quality of the human population by excluding people and groups judged to be inferior and promoting those judged to be superior,[39][40][41] played a significant role in the history and culture of the United States during the Progressive Era, from the late 19th century until US involvement in World War II.[42][43]

The American eugenics movement was rooted in the biological determinist ideas of the British Scientist Sir Francis Galton. In 1883, Galton first used the word eugenics to describe the biological improvement of human genes and the concept of being "well-born".[44][45] He believed that differences in a person's ability were acquired primarily through genetics and that eugenics could be implemented through selective breeding in order for the human race to improve in its overall quality, therefore allowing for humans to direct their own evolution.[46]

Goddard was a eugenicist. In 1908, he published his own version, The Binet and Simon Test of Intellectual Capacity, and cordially promoted the test. He quickly extended the use of the scale to the public schools (1913), to immigration (Ellis Island, 1914) and to a court of law (1914).[47]

Unlike Galton, who promoted eugenics through selective breeding for positive traits, Goddard went with the US eugenics movement to eliminate "undesirable" traits.[48] Goddard used the term "feeble-minded" to refer to people who did not perform well on the test. He argued that "feeble-mindedness" was caused by heredity, and thus feeble-minded people should be prevented from giving birth, either by institutional isolation or sterilization surgeries.[47] At first, sterilization targeted the disabled, but was later extended to poor people. Goddard's intelligence test was endorsed by the eugenicists to push for laws for forced sterilization. Different states adopted the sterilization laws at different paces. These laws, whose constitutionality was upheld by the Supreme Court in their 1927 ruling Buck v. Bell, forced over 60,000 people to go through sterilization in the United States.[49]

California's sterilization program was so effective that the Nazis turned to the government for advice on how to prevent the birth of the "unfit".[50] While the US eugenics movement lost much of its momentum in the 1940s in view of the horrors of Nazi Germany, advocates of eugenics (including Nazi geneticist Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer) continued to work and promote their ideas in the United States.[50] In later decades, some eugenic principles have made a resurgence as a voluntary means of selective reproduction, with some calling them "new eugenics".[51] As it becomes possible to test for and correlate genes with IQ (and its proxies),[52] ethicists and embryonic genetic testing companies are attempting to understand the ways in which the technology can be ethically deployed.[53]

Zawash (Member Profile)

I Changed Astronomy Forever. He Won the Nobel Prize for It.

dahauns says...

@vil: Well, it's actually Bell herself that has a similar opinion:

It has been suggested that I should have had a part in the Nobel Prize awarded to Tony Hewish for the discovery of pulsars. There are several comments that I would like to make on this: First, demarcation disputes between supervisor and student are always difficult, probably impossible to resolve. Secondly, it is the supervisor who has the final responsibility for the success or failure of the project. We hear of cases where a supervisor blames his student for a failure, but we know that it is largely the fault of the supervisor. It seems only fair to me that he should benefit from the successes, too. Thirdly, I believe it would demean Nobel Prizes if they were awarded to research students, except in very exceptional cases, and I do not believe this is one of them. Finally, I am not myself upset about it – after all, I am in good company, am I not!

And that doesn't mean she was ignorant to the issue - she *did* tear the sexist media a new one, with gleeful wit:

When the paper was published the press descended, and when they discovered a woman was involved they descended even faster. I had my photograph taken standing on a bank, sitting on a bank, standing on a bank examining bogus records, sitting on a bank examining bogus records: one of them even had me running down the bank waving my arms in the air. Look happy dear, you've just made a Discovery! (Archimedes doesn't know what he missed!) Meanwhile the journalists were asking relevant questions like was I taller than or not quite as tall as Princess Margaret (we have quaint units of measurement in Britain) and how many boyfriends did I have at a time?

When you are finally comfortable in a relationship

StukaFox says...

Mate, if those two got any closer together, that LIGO would be detecting the birth of a new black hole somewhere in the Sol system.

I used to love Church: a dinner of Taco Bell burritos, a wooden pew, and the word of Christ. Clench, lean 15 degrees to the left, relax your sphincter and PUSH! The silence that is golden will last about 10 seconds before the retching and piling out the doors brings an end to today's sermon. That's when you snatch the collection plate and bolt out the back door.

I lost a major source of income when I became an atheist.

Did you know Taco Bell delivers? At least in Seattle they do. I have to wonder what life choices lead to the terminus of hauling two dollar food between source and the customer 25 miles away. Yeah, that $5 tip will more than pay for gas, upkeep, insurance and oil changes on that riced-out K car you've been driving since The Pet Shop Boys were still popular.

Also, "...blahblah whining and such..." -- look, if I want unfair criticism of a job well-done, I'll ask my clients to pay up. That's primo Gonzo humor you're tut-tutting and you paid exactly nothing to enjoy it. Y'know who else was a cheap ingrate? HITLER! Why ya gotta by like Hitler, Moonsammy -- IF THAT IS YOUR REAL NAME. I have my doubts on this topic, by the way.

Hey, what's Bob up to? I always enjoy a cheap laugh at the expense of the less fortunate.

(seriously dude -- I can hold 1:1 with a Clydesdale for an hour and have enough left in the tank to draw a standing ovation at Centurylink Field.)

moonsammy said:

I don't know why you felt the fart would be the prominent feature of the video. To me, the title only promised the sort of interaction which might feel mortifying in the early passions of young love, but seen within the context of a mature, stable relationship. It may not play well in Hollywood, or apparently Videosift (AHEM SIR), but it's the kind of deep, strong relationship to which we should all aspire.

(having said that, I too have tooted)

I Changed Astronomy Forever. He Won the Nobel Prize for It.

I Changed Astronomy Forever. He Won the Nobel Prize for It.

vil says...

It would have been a rare occurence indeed for the head of a science project to share the accolades with a student. She was second on the original paper.

Also remember this is a Nobel prize for physics, so it is very much to be had for the scientist who starts the project, creates the equipment, sets goals, is reserved when the student finds something new but then listens to her, the hypothesis and confirmation part is important and was not ms. Bells work...

So yes, the astronomical observation and discovery of the first two pulsars is hers.

The Nobel prize for physics for the discovery of pulsars went to the two scientists that contributed the most to the confirmation of the rotating neutron star hypothesis. IMHO rightfully.

Could a student have been included, man or woman? Unlikely.

newtboy said:

Kind of..

I Changed Astronomy Forever. He Won the Nobel Prize for It.

vil says...

OK I will take a risk on this one. Every scientific breakthrough is supported by scientific personnel who run experiments and collect data. The head of the laboratory or institution gets to interpret the data and get the Nobel Prize. That is how teams work in science.

Its even in the video, getting the discovery discovered is a lot of tedious work, someone has to find the anomalous signal, that is great, someone else then gets to state a hypothesis about what it means, which when it proves to be right gives them the prize. Seems fair. Even if its just one on one student and professor, unless the student comes up with a fundamental concept, just noticing an anomaly does not make a Nobel Prize laureate of the student. Even if his line of search is originally against the opinion of the professor.

Now arguably in this case Ms. Bell made a bigger contribution than just collecting data and if you juxtapose that with how women were treated back then, its a nice story. But if she were a man in the same position there would be no Nobel Prize either. And possibly no compensating prize years later.

And yes she deserves her prize, I believe.

Fox & GOP Freak Out About Door to Door Vaccination Campaign

newtboy says...

Holy shit, you’re a moron….an incredibly dangerous, deadly, irresponsible, pro death moron.

600000+ is more dead Americans than were killed in every war back to the Civil war combined. We should never have gone to war then, even when we were attacked. No enemy has ever come anywhere near 600000. By your logic, Pearl Harbor didn’t matter, protecting Korea didn’t matter, the war on terror didn’t matter, no war mattered…why should another nation or people be punished for under a 2% American death rate?

Islamic terrorists too….they only killed 3000 on American soil…why on earth would you punish them, that’s only .5% of COVID deaths, a nothing burger, but your ilk loses their minds over Arabs and Muslims, so much you tried to ban them, remove their civil rights, and murder them at random because you can’t tell the difference between a Shiek and a Daesh warrior. Why, Bob, if 600000 dead is a nothing burger, would you care a thing about 3000? Must be a different skin color/different belief prejudice thing.

You still want to investigate again and prosecute Clinton over 4 deaths in a hostile foreign country she wasn’t responsible for….but 600000 on American soil on the Cowardly Liar’s watch…. nothing to see here.

BLM was responsible for approximately 6 deaths at protests last year (right wing attackers were responsible for around 13 including the police they murdered to blame on BLM), and you want to ban and prosecute BLM members but not proud or boogaloo boys….but 600000 deaths, >90% of which were easily avoidable with just minimal leadership instead of the denial and blame shifting we got…fugehtabowdit!

And immigrants, they now have 600000 empty slots to fill before adding a single person to our population….open those borders and ring the dinner bell.

Only 2% of people tossed off fourth story roofs die, another way of saying that is 98% survive. I’ll be right over to throw you and your children off a fourth story roof….you won’t press charges because only a 2% chance of death each shouldn’t be punished, right?

Yes, absolutely, if there’s a 2% death rate (I’m pretty certain it’s rising), and one unvaccinated idiot gives it to 50 more because you morons also won’t mask up or social distance, you just murdered someone and wasted around $4000000 to try to treat them. Like an arsonist that kills and maims people, you should go to prison for life.
Now consider you dumbshits are creating an epsilon variant that’s not effected by vaccination and is FAR more transmissible and deadly….you ARE the Wuhan lab creating another pandemic. You and yours are guilty of what you accuse China of doing, intentionally creating and releasing a deadly pandemic….because you’re fucking idiots. You think the Chinese involved should be executed….so logically so should anyone that refuses vaccination and gets COVID. That’s 99% of all COVID cases now.

Should you or someone else be punished for just one murder? If so, you get it and you are just trolling stupidly…if not, I’m going to need your address and to have that in writing with your signature, notarized and signed by a judge….then I’ll be right over to save you from a tiny shot with a much larger shot.

How many trillions did 18 months of COVID cost America alone? >$16 trillion IF it ends this fall….And you’re advocating another round or two. Are you and the other anti science dummies willing to put your entire net worth in escrow to pay for the damage your ignorant obstinance causes? I’m certain not, republicans NEVER accept responsibility for their actions….never….so stop the insanity and man up, or be a pariah, ostracized from society in a cell.

*************Trump said it’s not only safe, it’s smart and patriotic. Are you saying he’s lying to you, or that you aren’t smart or patriotic? If you only answer one question, make it this one.*************

There’s an over 10% hospitalization rate at an average of $80000 (some cost millions and still don’t make it) and of those hospitalized, 80+% had neurological symptoms, 50% had encephalopathy, and far more than twice as many had permanent brain damage as died…plus heart, lung, muscular, etc. disabilities, plus many losing one of their 5 senses permanently….why should the government pay for your choice to be irresponsible? Waive your rights to assistance now, it’s socialism anyway.

Then there’s the Petri dish angle….every non vaccinated asshole is a place for the virus to mutate enough that vaccination is made moot….and we are right back to April 2020 with another 600000 likely to die before any help, another year of businesses closed and social distancing at a minimum. Absolutely anyone making that possible, endangering hundreds of thousands of lives, permanently disabling at least twice that many Americans, killing another 1000 + children (the Delta variant already effects children much worse than the original) and severely disabling tens of thousands more, and orphaning hundreds of thousands, deserves life in prison or firing squad. Then let’s talk about the unintended abortions….getting COVID while pregnant is a near guaranteed death of the fetus….since when are you uneducated idiots pro abortion? Make no mistake, refusing to vaccinate causes unwanted abortions.

So again, absolutely you should be forced to vaccinate or be forcibly quarantined, and forced to pay the full cost of treatment for anyone you infect through willful negligence, and prosecuted for cases leading to death and permanent brain damage, and pay for lifetime care for the disabled, and not have your care paid for because it was 100% your choice….in fact no care at all, your ilk should never take up a bed needed by a child that couldn’t vaccinate, children are over 20% of cases, and while they don’t die as often, they still get permanent brain, heart, lung, and other damage at high rates.

What are you so afraid of, little baby? Republican women have much bigger balls than Republican men….they aren’t afraid of a tiny prick, they see them all the time.

bobknight33 said:

600000 dead is only a 2% Death rate.
Another way of saying it 98% survival rate.

And if you are younger than 60 it more like 99% survival rate.

So should you be forced or else be punish in some for or fashion for a 2% death rate?

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