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Robert Downey Jr "They Don't Teach French in Jail"

shagen454 (Member Profile)

siftbot (Member Profile)

Amy Goodman: Corporate Media Is Extreme Media

in depth with amy goodman- C span interview

Amy Goodman: Corporate Media Is Extreme Media

Gotye cover by East Park Reggae Collective

Iraq War Veteran Explains Decision to End His Life

brycewi19 says...

Putting, subject matter of this video aside, I had a HUGE problem with the lack of respect both hosts Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez was showing their guests, Young and his wife by not addressing them after they spoke and cutting them off.
Gonzalez, I believe rudely, would simply address Donahue after Young would speak, without even a recognition of the words he just spoke, let alone a follow-up question.
And Goodman straight up cut off Young's wife during the interview.
Even as a liberal myself, I can start to understand the conservative's argument that liberals are agenda driven.
Compassion for Mr. Young was not very present with these two hosts, just the agenda to stop the war. That bothered me, because both could have been accomplished.

ant (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

29 years old and hearing myself for the 1st time!

Adult Woman Regains Hearing After 10 Years

8 mo old deaf baby's reaction to cochlear implant

Two Year Old Boy Hears His Mother's Voice For the First Time

Cochlear implant: simulation on speech and music

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