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Amy Schumer On Late Night With Stephen Colbert

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Love Amy but I'm going to check back into Colbert in a month after the super-hype is gone and his improv genius reasserts itself.

Arizona Rattlers Football-Dancing Player

bareboards2 says...


I don't see the word fat as anything other than descriptive. That dancer was fat. I am fat. It is just a word. No "calling out" was intended.

What I meant by I wouldn't complain "as much" if men's bodies started being as constrained in the media was my inarticulate attempt to bring a sense of equality to my rant. I agree with you that there are more average looking women on TV. But "more" isn't many. What I was trying to say was -- right now, average looking men are everywhere in the media, way out of proportion to average looking women. That pisses me off. When there comes a time when average looking men start disappearing, my anger over the gender inequality of numbers will fade.

My anger over the under-representation of average-looking won't fade, though. I'll be equally as pissed on behalf of both genders.

I'm glad that you are engaging with me, and much more respectfully than I have engaged with you. I knew I shouldn't use the term "willfully blind." I was peeved and that wasn't fair nor kind. I apologize.

I will stick to "blind," though. The studies are there. Any casual watching of movies and TVs supports my position. So why are you blind, then? The facts don't support your position. Your claim to research is a puzzle to me. What research, when all the research supports my points? I concede your point that it is better than it used to be, but "by far"? No, my friend. Not "by far." Not even close to "by far."

Every little bit helps, though. Thank god for Gabourey and Melissa and Amy Schumer who proudly weighs a stupendous 160 pounds and makes fun of Comedy Central for trying to make her starve herself into stickness.

I remember weighing 160 pounds, when I was in my late 20s. I thought I was fat. Hell, I thought I was fat when I weighed 140 pounds. Now I weigh 240 pounds, and I really am fat. I wish I had Amy back then. Of course, she is a product of the latest wave of feminists who are calling bullshit on... well, the list is long. I'm so proud of her.

And I'm proud of my contribution that made it possible for her to do what she is doing. Yippee for us!

Thanks for such a respectful exchange. My apologies again for my ill-chosen, ill-mannered words.

Arizona Rattlers Football-Dancing Player

newtboy says...

So, you would have been OK if someone talked about the ugly, fat woman dancing with (or without) the over sexualized male cheerleaders? ;-)
Like her....
I don't think that's right.

On a more serious note, if you are only seeing perfect, thin, over sexualized women in the media, I think that's on you for only choosing those types of programs. There are certainly a wide range of body types and beauty on TV and in the movies these days, both male and female. True enough, it's not a true reflection of reality (meaning they put a higher percentage of 'beautiful people' on screen than there are in real life), but us normals are getting air time more and more. 20 years ago, I think Amy Schumer would not have gotten a show (and just think what we would have missed out on).

EDIT: Oh, and the movie you want is Magic Mike.

bareboards2 said:

Turns out the big guy wasn't a football player. He was the choreographer.

Explains his own sexualization.

I get your point, @artician, about women being able to claim their own sexuality -- and their own bodies. I have become a huge fan of Amy Schumer for that very reason.

This kind of crap though -- they aren't claiming their sexuality for themselves, it feels to me. It's some weird "selling" thing where they are the commodity. Besides -- if we are going for equality -- when men sell their sexuality like this, when the only thing we get to see in the media are perfect beautiful men wearing tight clothing and makeup that extenuates their manliness, I won't complain as much.

I think it will be a horribly sad state of affairs that plain men, and fat men, and downright ugly men will no longer be seen on TV. My preference would be that we see plain, and fat, and ugly women in equal proportion to men's roles, and that women have more roles than men's children, wives, mothers, girlfriends.

When the fat guy came out, I sure enjoyed him. And at one point thought -- dang, I'm looking forward to the day a fat woman dancing gets whoops and hollers. (Bless you Melissa McCarthy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Arizona Rattlers Football-Dancing Player

bareboards2 says...

Turns out the big guy wasn't a football player. He was the choreographer.

Explains his own sexualization.

I get your point, @artician, about women being able to claim their own sexuality -- and their own bodies. I have become a huge fan of Amy Schumer for that very reason.

This kind of crap though -- they aren't claiming their sexuality for themselves, it feels to me. It's some weird "selling" thing where they are the commodity. Besides -- if we are going for equality -- when men sell their sexuality like this, when the only thing we get to see in the media are perfect beautiful men wearing tight clothing and makeup that extenuates their manliness, I won't complain as much.

I think it will be a horribly sad state of affairs that plain men, and fat men, and downright ugly men will no longer be seen on TV. My preference would be that we see plain, and fat, and ugly women in equal proportion to men's roles, and that women have more roles than men's children, wives, mothers, girlfriends.

When the fat guy came out, I sure enjoyed him. And at one point thought -- dang, I'm looking forward to the day a fat woman dancing gets whoops and hollers. (Bless you Melissa McCarthy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Amy Schumer Visits the Daily Show

Amy Schumer Visits the Daily Show

"Some of the guys aren't even remotely smiling" Amy rocks it

Hipnotic (Member Profile)

True Confessions with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler

True Confessions with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler

"Some of the guys aren't even remotely smiling" Amy rocks it

Asmo says...

You seem to be offended that Ulysses spoke up that he didn't find her funny, and have taken it to the nth degree (really, analogies re: anal fisting?), but a big part of Amy's speech/performance was the idea that she has always been a bit unique and saw no reason to change herself to conform to others ideas of what she should do or be.

So why do people who do not find her funny suddenly owe you an explanation as to why? Why is it even a point of analysis? If the hypothesis is that if you're not a feminist, you're more likely to not find her funny, is it not also possible that feminists are more likely to find her funny because they subjectively want her to be funny? Aka confirmation bias.

Amy doesn't seem to mind that some people don't find her funny, so I don't see why it seems to irk you so much.

ps. Tina Fey is hilarious in ways Schumer has never managed imo, as is Amy Poehler. Similarly, I find Eddie Murphy funny but never really got much of a laugh out of Richard Prior or Bill Cosby. That doesn't say anything about my values or attitudes towards women and black men, it's just a subjective opinion based on what they say or do.

bareboards2 said:

My question really is -- IF YOU ARE A FEMINIST, are you more likely to find Amy funny? IF YOU ARE AWARE OF THE BODY AND SEXUALITY ISSUES OF WOMEN, are you more likely to find Amy funny?


I'm just curious who "you" is and if it might have a bearing on whether or not Amy is funny to you.

Tina Fey thinks she is funny. Tina Fey is a feminist. All the people I know who like her are feminists.

"Some of the guys aren't even remotely smiling" Amy rocks it

Mordhaus says...

I can't speak to the feminist portion of your question. I am not a feminist; more of a humanist, really. I could assume that having a related ideology might make her jokes more palatable, but it would be only a base assumption.

I asked my wife to view this clip on youtube, without reading the comments on this link. She is not a feminist either, so I simply asked her as a woman, did she find this funny? She said that clip was "mildly amusing" but she did not believe me when I told her that Amy was one of the top female comedians right now. Bear in mind that we don't watch cable, only Netflix and Prime, so she has not had exposure to her comedy skits on Inside Amy Schumer.

I do think Tina Fey is funny for the most part. I love Iliza Shlesinger. Kathleen Madigan puts me in stitches. I would say that this clip is hilarious and meets your aforementioned criteria. The thing is, I personally find that clip hilarious, and I can't really say that about most of Ms. Schumer's work.

bareboards2 said:

@Mordhaus I don't know if your comment was quasi-directed at me. I'm going to pretend it was.

I was awkward in my phrasing, but I was actually doing a tiny little survey.

My question really is -- IF YOU ARE A FEMINIST, are you more likely to find Amy funny? IF YOU ARE AWARE OF THE BODY AND SEXUALITY ISSUES OF WOMEN, are you more likely to find Amy funny?

I don't know if Ulysses is male or female for sure. It is just a guess that that avatar and that name makes that person male.

I have a gender neutral name and my avatar is a tribute to my father who died two months ago. So you can't tell my gender from the information presented here.

And you are absolutely right. Funny is what is funny to you.

I'm just curious who "you" is and if it might have a bearing on whether or not Amy is funny to you.

Tina Fey thinks she is funny. Tina Fey is a feminist. All the people I know who like her are feminists.

I was just asking.

"Some of the guys aren't even remotely smiling" Amy rocks it

bareboards2 says...

@Mordhaus I don't know if your comment was quasi-directed at me. I'm going to pretend it was.

I was awkward in my phrasing, but I was actually doing a tiny little survey.

My question really is -- IF YOU ARE A FEMINIST, are you more likely to find Amy funny? IF YOU ARE AWARE OF THE BODY AND SEXUALITY ISSUES OF WOMEN, are you more likely to find Amy funny?

I don't know if Ulysses is male or female for sure. It is just a guess that that avatar and that name makes that person male.

I have a gender neutral name and my avatar is a tribute to my father who died two months ago. So you can't tell my gender from the information presented here.

And you are absolutely right. Funny is what is funny to you.

I'm just curious who "you" is and if it might have a bearing on whether or not Amy is funny to you.

Tina Fey thinks she is funny. Tina Fey is a feminist. All the people I know who like her are feminists.

I was just asking.

"Some of the guys aren't even remotely smiling" Amy rocks it

bareboards2 says...

Actually, my friend, 'tis you who is overthinking it now.

Recap of our convo:

You: I don't think she's funny.

Me: Wondering if this comedy is directed at you.

You: Nah, I don't think she is funny.

Me: I hear you. Let me tell you why I find her funny.

You: Nah, you're wrong, I don't think she is funny.

Your last response "should" have been -- Huh. So that is why you think she is funny. I still don't find her funny. Or maybe -- Huh. I don't want to think about it. Don't bother me with your opinion.

No need to bring up what anyone else said in this comment stream. I'm not them.

It's all good. You don't think she is funny and you aren't interested in knowing why someone else might.

As for "overthinking", many many column inches have been written by relatively serious people over why Amy Schumer is so wildly popular. Oddly enough, none of those articles mention you personally.

That last line? That was a joke. But you don't have to think it is funny. It makes me laugh though.

TLDR: You are absolutely entitled to your opinion. You aren't entitled to belittle me and what interests me, not without getting some blowback from me.

ulysses1904 said:

Um, you’re still overthinking it. I don’t think comedy and jokes are worth dissecting, like we’re at some seminar with Powerpoint slides showing intersecting circles and flowcharts and phylogenetic trees showing comedy lineage, trying to extract the "why".

I don’t think men are “threatened” by her comedy (as someone here wrote) any more than I’m threatened by seeing a video of Miley Cyrus shouting “eat my pu**y” into the mic and then gyrating against a blow up doll. I’m sure somebody out there must find that very shocking and sexy.

Didn’t mean to hit Pause on the laugh track, I just don’t find her funny for no other reason than she doesn't make me laugh. To each his own.

"Some of the guys aren't even remotely smiling" Amy rocks it

bareboards2 says...

Yeah, but it is complicated on my end. Hence I find her brilliant.

I love that you picked that particular "joke". I didn't like it at first -- I thought it was crude and I was instantly uncomfortable. And in the very next moment, I got it. I got what she was doing. She was taking a woman's body and the way it works AND TAKING THE SHAME OUT OF IT.

Now, if you aren't a person who is in touch with the shame that most women have about how their bodies work, that is just a crude nothing of a nothing.

But I am a woman who carries that shame. She exploded it. She made it on par with the tired old joke of men and their skid mark underwear. She turned it into NOTHING.

It isn't a very good joke. I agree with you.

And it is brilliant for what it achieves.

And that is why I love her. She does this over and over and over again. She is de-shaming women about their bodies and their sexuality and their mistakes. Guys are really good at making fun of themselves. It is one thing I really admire about men, and as I get older, even before Amy came along, I have thought we should emulate that characteristic. Amy is doing that for us. Bless her, really really bless her.

But I don't think you get the joke. Many women don't get the joke -- they are stuck in the shame and think she is just crude.

It's okay. You don't have to get the joke. You also don't have to enjoy anal fisting. Ha.

ulysses1904 said:

No, don't overthink it. It's not some deep complicated reaction to artificial gender\comedy\social issues you read about in blogs, it's just stale humor to me. I'm sure many find her deadpan delivery of facial cream-pie queef soiled panty jokes to be ground-breaking. If Eisenhower was in the White House I'm sure I would think so too but it's been done a billion times.

If you don't laugh at the "why did the chicken cross the road" joke does that make you an animal rights activist?

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