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Ron Paul Booed For Endorsing The Golden Rule

cosmovitelli says...

>> ^StukaFox:

There's only two kinds of Republicans: Corporate tools and complete psychopaths.

You forgot the VAST majority: turkeys voting for christmas.

>> ^quantumushroom:

That's the problem with the Blame America First mindset, believing the rest of the world is made up of innocent countries populated by angels who NEVER fight, but then mean old USA comes along and look: WARS!
What will you do when red china and iran ignore the Golden Rule?

Well that's the point. The USA won't be able to do or say SHIT without being laughed at. Economic bullying, kidnapping, torture, murder, aggressive regime change, invasion of Taiwan, S Korea, anywhere with oil, use of nuclear weapons, mass obfuscation and propaganda, strongarming UN votes in its favor (no statehood for enemies of China's friends! WE WILL NOT ALLOW IT!!)

Trust me, even the most dull witted US reactionary will finally get the picture after a century or two of forlornly begging China not to be such an asshole.
And the answer they'll get from the uneducated, untravelled and increasingly obese 2 BILLION murdoch-viewing consumers? CHINESE EXCEPTIONALISM FTW!!!

Ron Paul Booed For Endorsing The Golden Rule

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

That's the problem with the Blame America First mindset, believing the rest of the world is made up of innocent countries populated by angels who NEVER fight, but then mean old USA comes along and look: WARS!
What will you do when red china and iran ignore the Golden Rule?

No-one believes that. Even you don't believe that there are people that believe that so you're just being a disingenuous troll as usual.

Reality, as usual, tends to be a bit more complex.

Ron Paul Booed For Endorsing The Golden Rule

Grimm says...

That's the problem with the America Can Do No Wrong mindset, believing that "pre-emptive" attacks will prevent attacks in the future instead of most likely guaranteeing them.>> ^quantumushroom:

That's the problem with the Blame America First mindset, believing the rest of the world is made up of innocent countries populated by angels who NEVER fight, but then mean old USA comes along and look: WARS!
What will you do when red china and iran ignore the Golden Rule?

Ron Paul Booed For Endorsing The Golden Rule

quantumushroom says...

That's the problem with the Blame America First mindset, believing the rest of the world is made up of innocent countries populated by angels who NEVER fight, but then mean old USA comes along and look: WARS!

What will you do when red china and iran ignore the Golden Rule?

Muslim school of love and tolerance

quantumushroom says...

OK I'm looking in the mirror. Fking perfection.

Moving on...what am I to make of your post? You've twisted a Wake-TFU vid about the dangers of unchecked radical vermin in a fading, overly-tolerant society to blaming America first? Newsflash: every country's history is written in blood.

Left-wingies are a hell of a lot closer to their cousins the communists (100 million murdered worldwide) than I am to being a turbaned vermin promoting violence in the name of God.

>> ^Yogi:

Up until just after the 1960's children in our schools were taught that it's a wonderful thing that we massacre'd the Native Population. There was even a little boy in a cartoon telling everyone how he wishes he was there killing them when they would wait to the men went out hunting and massacre the women and children.
Also in the 60's there was an exhibit in a museum where children could play on a Blackhawk helicopter and fire on a Vietnamese village.
I'm not saying this isn't a good video I upvoted it...I'm just pointing out that we should look in the fucking mirror. QM I'm looking at you.

Why We Fight (BBC Storyville: US war machine documentary)

Yogi says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Didn't care for the "Blame America First" tone. These ambitious crockumentarians all turn a blind eye to the evils of communism and downplay the evil in the world in their attempts to pin the entire war-drenched history of humanity on America. Puh-leeze.

Of course, it's always easier to fault civilized Americans than islamofascist scum, since the savages attempt to murder anyone who speaks out against them in any media.

Because it's an American documentary. The point being is that we should be harder on ourselves and apply more rigid standards to ourselves more than anyone else in order to be better and constantly improve. Pointing at other peoples crimes doesn't really help anything because it's the people in those countries who can change the direction their country is headed. In America we have a democracy and we can change a whole hell of a lot the direction of this country that is why we should be critical of ourselves more than anything.

I don't understand your's like a child telling their mother "but but jimmy did this and that" it's irrelevant.

Democrats use Bush rhetoric, paint supporters as patriots!

NetRunner says...

Sherrod Brown is so awesome. I'm hoping we get another one like him to replace Voinovich.

I didn't hear him call anyone unpatriotic.

The Bush rhetoric sounds a bit more like "You're either with us or against us" or "I think they should support the troops." Maybe just something about the blame-America first, or surrendermonkeys.

It's a bit closer to Palin's "real Americans", but I think any fair person would realize that was very, very different.

If Westy Gets Hobbled for a however long for making a Joke (Terrible Talk Post)

quantumushroom says...

I heard "Fuck QM"... but it was me saying it.

Why do you hate the letter M so much! Fk you, M!"

I also heard that Budzos is worth 1000000000 QM's.

Is this more Ca$h for Clunker$ propaganda?

I also heard QM called someone a spook but managed to explain it away, yet Westy was hobbled for making a tongue in cheek comment.

QM cut-n-pasted a quote from a popular movie, in response to an individual who was going out of his way to act like a butthole. End of story.

I also heard that you'll find QM never makes a real suggestion as to a solution, but runs around downvoting things which aren't even anything but news reports, like Obama's public address statements.

Well, while we're all here, I'm curious as to why you have nothing better to do but downvote my comments, VL--not sifts, but comments--on my own little nook that I force no one to read. I'm just kidding, I know why. You're on a crusade.

I gots plenty of 'open-ended' solutions tailored for anyone, and no one to listen. I admit it gets rather tedious, even to type it: 99 out of 100 times, don't trust the government to solve your problems, take responsibility, read history, let the peeps who make the $$$ keep most of it, read, America First. But they'll be none of that, eh? Because the world is an UNJUST place and someone's gotta DO something! As the Africans say, 'A fool tests the water with both feet'. Maybe you shouldn't pour that gasoline on the fire, even though it qualifies as TAKING IMMEDIATE ACTION.

I also heard "Fuck QM" somewhere. Oh yea, earlier.

Take that, M! And no, I don't hate you, VL. Never have. You go on doing what you feel is right, even if it's left.

Don't know budzos. Had nothing to do with hobbling him. He got angry, which happens. Or he's one of these paid shills for the insurance companies, sent to disrupt VS town meetings.

Jigga J. is one of my most loyal...opponents. He doesn't like what I have to say, yet here he is. If you can't respect me or my foolishness, don't diss him for being tolerant. The only mistake he made in opening the door to this inquiry is now everyone has to suffer more blankfist comments.

FOX News Host Not Happy With GI Joe Movie's Internationalism

bareboards2 says...

Um, excuse me, but I think that given the current environment in the world RIGHT NOW , I think having US soldiers doing military missions around the world would indeed be a bad business decision.

Rambo and all those American heroes he mentions were are decades old -- and also, took place within the context of American wars. They had historical context.

Deploying American soldiers, rather than international soldiers, into the heart of other sovereign nations would not sit well, I suspect.

That is vintage Fox News, though. America first and take no time to understand who you are dealing with. Like it would kill them to have some empathy.

Conservatives Outraged Over Release Of Torture Photos

Farhad2000 says...

The amount of spin in 2:53 of video is astounding.

"Hurting America First" - Didn't it hurt America to start using torture in the first place? One of the key states to fight against the policies of Nazi Germany, the Stasi, the KGB and Khmer Rouge. One of the main founders and signatories of the Geneva convention?

"Showing military men and women in bad light" - Torture policy was top down not bottom up, we are to hold those who put these policies forward not those made to carry them out as orders. John Yoo, David Addington, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney. It was not a few bad apples.

"Voyeurism" - Was it voyeurism to cite 9/11 in almost every campaign speech during the elections? Was it voyeurism to acknowledge the victims of the holocaust? More diversionary spin. Such steps would assure these events will never occur again. One must see the mistakes of before to learn from them lest we repeat this again.

"Acts that have ended" - The acts were supposed to have ended with the Abu Ghraib scandal, but they didn't. It was a policy that was implemented and carried out before and after the scandal broke and would have kept going had the information not been leaked out.

"Hurting our National defense/Reason for suicide bombers" - The reasons for suicide bombing and attacks on America are plentiful for those who choose to do so. The way the statement is framed doesn't acknowledge that actually carrying out torture has been a great boon to creating more terrorists, or that its continual oppression and denial only furthers the case that America has a hypocritical stance. "It's bad when others do it, but its okay for us to do it."

"Replayed in the Arab world" - This is a lie. I live in the Arab world, we have enough of our own issues, the accusations of torture coming out were not surprising as the Arabs already know that Americans do not really care about the plight of the Arab people given the long history of political meddling in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Palestine, Iraq and Iran.

"Hurt the military" - Again an example of attacking the grunts instead of attacking those who created and put this forward these policies.

"Reveal intelligence gather techniques" - There has not been a single document published by the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, the US military nor any other intelligence gathering component of the US government that has showed unequivocally that torture had prevented attacks and or has made America safer in anyway. What it has do is cost America the moral standing, the support of the international world and created strained relations across the world providing fuel for terrorist organizations to attack the US more then ever.

Dick Cheney: Release More Memos So You Can See Torture Works

KnivesOut says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
Blame-America-first marxist radicals hated the USA long before 9-11 and before the "torture issue" there were plenty of other lefty justifications for why islamofascists hate us.
Is it worth the effort to heed the warnings of moral relativists who hate Cheney more than Chavez, Castro, Jong-Il and bin Laden?
This whole hate-Bush rehash is to disguise the utter failures of Fraudbama's massive economic theft of the Treasury, illegal seizing of corporations and weak-kneed appeasement of thugs on his recent European "Apologize for America" Tour.
Not fooled.

I understand now that QM is trolling. No one is this fucking stupid or deluded. Go away troll.

Dick Cheney: Release More Memos So You Can See Torture Works

quantumushroom says...

Blame-America-first marxist radicals hated the USA long before 9-11 and before the "torture issue" there were plenty of other lefty justifications for why islamofascists hate us.

Is it worth the effort to heed the warnings of moral relativists who hate Cheney more than Chavez, Castro, Jong-Il and bin Laden?

This whole hate-Bush rehash is to disguise the utter failures of Fraudbama's massive economic theft of the Treasury, illegal seizing of corporations and weak-kneed appeasement of thugs on his recent European "Apologize for America" Tour.

Not fooled.

Bushvilles: The New Hoovervilles

quantumushroom says...

This is the imagery liberals love and have been trying to foist on the public long before The Kenyan's Ascension: soupline America. First exploited to blame Bush, then to sell Barry/Rahm's scamulucrisis.

The only solution is to give these people free housing and medical care. Take THAT, rich Uncle Pennybags!

GITMO Guard "I Felt Ashamed Of What I Did"

joedirt says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

It's not some alien we're dealing's people. So I don't know why you act so surprised when humans follow their own nature to feel hatred when they're mistreated.

I understand the "feelings" of Gitmo detainees and nothing they do surprises me. Go to any prison in America and you'll find plenty of the same resentment, since every one of those guys is ALSO not guilty! They'll tell you so! They were set up!
Why do liberals act surprised that there is real hatred towards jihadist animals sawing off heads, homicide bombing, beating women, honor killing, etc.
Liberals are always angry and ashamed of America first and "the oppressed" last. They just don't see this, the way a fish can't see the water. Maybe they're too fking far gone to notice, who knows. NYC could be suitcase nuked tomorrow and they'd use Gitmo to justify it.

QM, you always have been a coward. I've been telling you for years to enlist. Also, show me proof that any of the people held in Gitmo did anything more then be freedom fighters in their own country. If you mean all muslims (even in secular Iraq) should be treated as if they were some "jihadist animals".. well, that's really what you are saying.

Iraq was secular before the US invaded. In fact, it was one of the most "western" Arab states being ruled by a US trained former CIA asset. So if you now view Iraqis as animals who beat women and honor killing and sawing off heads.. You can thank Mr. Bush.

Also, what about Americans who beat women or kill in the name of their fundamentalism?

GITMO Guard "I Felt Ashamed Of What I Did"

quantumushroom says...

Ya know what QM? You will never be a highdileeho.

My karma is different from his. I respect his decision to serve and he has to live with his life decisions like everyone else. Same with Corporal Twinkie, who is doing his brothers and sisters a grave disservice, even if he is sincere. If any of you think the war against this SCUM is anywhere near over, guess again. Jihadists don't give up until they're dead. Or you're dead. Or both.

He put his life on the line for his country, and will never have the same bloodthirst that you spout here.

My "bloodthirst" is mostly limited to jihadist fktards who want to kill Americans and other civilized peoples. That's the price I gladly pay for not being a moral relativist: recognizing there is real evil in the world, and that this world has real consequences for appeasement stupidity.

I'm a non-combat, I don't know if that meets the high standards liberals set for everyone but themselves, and I've never had to shoot anyone, but the US GOV could've sent me into the fire and I would've gone. Unlike in Congress, military oaths to defend the Constitution mean something.

- Article 3 of Geneva conventions requires humane treatment of all persons held. Furthermore on June 12, 2008, the United States Supreme Court ruled in Boumediene v. Bush that the Guantanamo captives were entitled to the protection of the United States Constitution. International and American rights apply to them.

Well, guess what, the dumbshts in the legal system have been wrong plenty of times before. They tried this bullsht with captured Nazi spies, that is, attempting to give them Constitutional rights, but the country was more sane in the 1940s and instead they were dealt with properly.

"The ones that have been released quickly rejoin [...] their jihad."

National security expert and CNN analyst Peter Bergen, states that some of those "suspected" to have returned to terrorism are so categorized because they publicly made anti-American statements, "something that's not surprising if you've been locked up in a U.S. prison camp for several years." If all 18 people on the "confirmed" list have "returned" to the battlefield, that would amount to 4 percent of the detainees who have been released.

Ah, so that's acceptable to you, those "small" numbers? How many a-holes did it take to bring about 9-11? Oh, that's right, that doesn't count, because the 9-11 jihadist scum were from Country X and not Country Z. Brilliant reasoning, libs.

The US looked for legal loopholes to justify its detention program at Gitmo, nor could it trail them as it had torture testimony which is inadmissible in a court of law.

Well, given the choice of calling this a real war against a real enemy or "Bush's Game" I'll gladly err on the side of real war. Let the animals run wild and free over some "clever" legal ACLU wrangling and before long you won't have a society to defend.

Wouldn't you rejoin? I mean if this group of jihadists captured you and put you in a shitty hole with crappy accommodations, when you were released wouldn't you come running back and join military...well you wouldn't cause you're a pussy, but somebody with balls would...


It's not some alien we're dealing's people. So I don't know why you act so surprised when humans follow their own nature to feel hatred when they're mistreated.

I understand the "feelings" of Gitmo detainees and nothing they do surprises me. Go to any prison in America and you'll find plenty of the same resentment, since every one of those guys is ALSO not guilty! They'll tell you so! They were set up!

Why do liberals act surprised that there is real hatred towards jihadist animals sawing off heads, homicide bombing, beating women, honor killing, etc.

Liberals are always angry and ashamed of America first and "the oppressed" last. They just don't see this, the way a fish can't see the water. Maybe they're too fking far gone to notice, who knows. NYC could be suitcase nuked tomorrow and they'd use Gitmo to justify it.

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