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A New Level Of Archery Skills

bareboards2 says...

@eric3579 I never had an issue with all the details of what he is doing -- couldn't care less about bow strength and armor. I was more curious if he is ACTUALLY DOING IT, or if this was some sort of CGI.

I did find this one article about him, posted Jan 2015, with these two quotes that spoke to my issues:

"This guy is the Clint Eastwood of archery," says Tim Wells, professional bow hunter and host of the TV show, Relentless Pursuit. "Or if I was talking to someone who had never shot a bow and arrow, I'd say he is the 'Bruce Lee playing ping pong of archery.' We have all played ping-pong and none of us can play with nun chucks — that's what this guy's skillset with a bow is comparable to. He's a badass."

Experts agree that the skills demonstrated in the video are unbelievable, but also completely real. "His skillset is tremendous," says Byron Ferguson, owner of the Bare Bow Archery School and star archer on the History Channel's show, Extreme Marksmen. "These shots are legitimate, despite some video editing. His speed is almost unbelievable."

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I can't tell if they have met this guy or not, or if they, too, are just looking at the videos. That other "world record"? All I can find is more videos and nothing from Guinness or anyone else.

So at present, I am going to stay neutral as to whether this guy is for reals or not.

Why the 'Firefly' Crew Were the Bad Guys

kceaton1 says...

He totally screwed up the part were River gained or had her "powers" naturally (she was only naturally/gifted mentally, that is, she was a genius or prodigy). That came from the experimenting FROM the Alliance... Same with her fighting abilities, that was also an Alliance "gift" (to use her as a "psychic weapon"). But I think Joss already made the point IN the show that Mal was indeed a very shady person, if you didn't get that you are an idiot!

You were supposed to know that the Alliance brought a lot of great things with them, but they also stole your freedom...essentially (in exchange for a world with lots of rules).

But, what the Alliance was up to "behind the scenes" is what was really everyone's main concern--which they covered in Serenity a bit... In Serenity we found out that they had been up to a LOT more terrible things than just taking individuals like River--they were in the business of thinking they knew how to make all people "better" people...and one day they would try to institute it in force, en masse...

It seemed like the show was more a story about the civil war had the wrong side won--to some degree; I think you could make an argument for both. But it was obvious from watching that "Mal's side" was the "Confederacy", but they didn't stand for the same things, it was just that the history of things were playing out the same in many ways...and that was the point.

If The Union had been lying about a huge amount of things and started to institute policies that you went into action then they'd seem so very much like the Alliance in the show (BUT, some actions are exactly like what The Union did to Confederate "states" after the war; which DID leave them in states of welfare were citizens were left to fend for the most basic of necessities on their own--the Wild Wild West didn't just appear from comic books... Even the citizens had to fight off Indian attacks here and there and most of these attacks were born from the legacy of military campaigns and other actions via The Union (or before the States went to war--but, it's easy to see what the "Reavers" were based on, at least I assume that is what he had in mind).

Ironically, right now in our government it's doing the things that Mal was so concerned over that many that HAD lived in the Alliance regions hadn't been as worried about: slowly eroding our civil liberties, our regular freedoms are being taken away or one-by-one being hamstrung, and regulation is being destroyed allowing the corrupt to make this circle all that much worse (of course one day this cycle will just feedback on itself and create a revolution--as it always has). That is what The Alliance was doing, especially to the planets that didn't join it does have a lot in common with our history. As The Union did do some pretty annoying and considering all of the people that needed help and were not getting anything, they actually directly killed a large amount of completely innocent people...just to punish some wealthy land owners and other people that had something to do with the Civil War. They should have taken the matter directly into their hands, but there is a lot on that as well (just like the show...why the Alliance never intervenes in the outer planets...).

God how I miss that show. I can only imagine what Joss could have accomplished in 7 or 8 seasons (maybe more). He could have made a show that could easily be written about in a college setting, about the civil war and the topics related to it. How grand the adventure could have been, except for one dickhead producer at Fox...

(*I take no responsibility for the parts of my comment I messed up on...* )

*nerd rant*

Quboid (Member Profile)

Multiple Incarnations of the Simpsons

newtboy jokingly says...

I bow to your superior knowledge.

I never watched Adventure I never would have gotten that....I also don't watch Bob's burgers, which is likely why I could make that mistake.
I can't believe that's supposed to be South Park!
I also have never watched Archer, but good eye.
And excellent memory, remembering the French animator's name.

ChaosEngine said:

I think @newtboy is close, but a few changes:
Ghosts are Tracy Ullman

First at the door is Pixar (clue is John Ratzenbergers voice)

Then anime (anime Marge looks awesome!)

I don't think the next are Bobs Burgers. There's some kids cartoon with a boy with a white hood and a girl with bunny ears but I don't know the name.

South Park

Archer (also awesome)

Sylvain Chomet


Despicable Me


Multiple Incarnations of the Simpsons

Left Behind - Nicolas Cage Official Trailer #1 (2014)

Babymech says...

I've never understood the reasoning behind Rapture-scenarios. Part of the world's population goes on a magical adventure to a fantastic invisible skyhouse, and the movie focuses on the people who stay behind? The ones who aren't partaking in a divine mystery beyond our dreams and expectations? It's almost like Christians don't actually care about going to heaven, and instead just care that everyone else isn't.

Tonight Show Family Feud - Fallon VS The Roots Families

Key & Peele: Office Homophobe

VoodooV says...

@ChaosEngine wins the internet. He's exactly right, it's not about the orientation, it's about the overt, explicit nature. No one wants to hear about someone's sexual adventures in mixed company, straight or gay.

Hollywood, loves to fall back to a definite gay stereotype though.

Glee was actually guilty of this in the the first few seasons. Kurt, the gay character had a crush on Finn, the straight character, and not only that, they were step brothers. Kurt practically stalked Finn and was downright harassing at times. Yet Finn was portrayed as the jerk for not being "more accepting"

It's ironic, TV and movies had a large role in making America more accepting of homosexuality, but they also perpetuate some shitty stereotypes too. News flash, not all homosexuals are flaming interior decorators.

Oh and ACTUAL homophobes? You're not that good looking. Gays are actually able to restrain themselves from raping you in broad daylight. Shocking, I know.

notarobot (Member Profile)

Cats are Dicks... watch until the end

artician says...

Ah, "Disney's 'True Life Adventures'". The series spawned by complete ass-hat documentarian James Algar.
This is the same director who lead a team to produce the complete falsity that was "White Winter", which went on to inspire culture, ignorance, and generations of individuals who believed lemmings were mindlessly suicidal.
It's not exactly the Reich, but fuck them anyway for spreading such disinformation across the world for a profit.

Dog passes out from overwhelming joy.

shagen454 says...

I lived there for 19 years. As far as I know it has only improved. I don't mind being down-voted for having wanted to and being proud of moving as far as possible away from my "home" as I possibly could. It's all about adventure and challenging concepts; getting out of your comfort zones; it paid off nicely. I doubt I would have found one of the most confounding experiences of the Universe that a human can have if I had not begun challenging everything I was taught in such a closed-off, conservative place. I grew up close to Amish country! It actually took some willpower in order to start shedding and rebuilding a lot of ideas about the way thing's actually work as opposed to the ways the media tells one how it works.

ant said:

Did PA get worse since the (19)80s or something?

D&D is wrong. Different sword types explained.

World Record LAN Party

National Geographic - Original Theme Song

Do you want to be the President of the US? - BBC News

ChaosEngine says...

Yeah, I wonder what the historical trend is on that figure.

Aside from the atheist thing, I actually thought this was pretty reasonable. I think a president who has seen military service is not undesirable; it would certainly make them think twice before engaging in further military adventures.

And equally, a college degree doesn't make you a good leader, or even smart.

Januari said:

I was actually a little shocked that being an atheist would only lose you 53%.

In a strange way i actually find that encouraging.

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