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campionidelmondo (Member Profile)

westy (Member Profile)

Steve's Grammar: Is it "Twenty ten" or "Two thousand ten"?

Steve's Grammar: Is it "Twenty ten" or "Two thousand ten"?

Steve's Grammar: Is it "Twenty ten" or "Two thousand ten"?

Steve's Grammar: Is it "Twenty ten" or "Two thousand ten"?

Pink Floyd 2001: A Floyd Odyssey Full Ending Scene

Pink Floyd 2001: A Floyd Odyssey Full Ending Scene

maatc (Member Profile)

Top 30 Failed Technology Predictions (Science Talk Post)

ponceleon says...

A pretty good one can be made of watching (or reading) 2001: A Space Odyssey.

The implications about HAL in this movie/book are that as computers get more and more advanced, their realiability will get astronomical. While the book/movie do hinge on what could be called a malfunction, the plot point implies that it is so astronomically unlikely that a computer can fail in that scenario that it is endlessly amusing to think about what a clusterfuck computers are in this day and age.

I mean, when you think computer, it is pretty synonymous with bug, hack, locked up, error, and ultimately unreliability.

Pissin' off some HUGE Yellow Jackets with Rubber Band

Ray Kurzweil on the future of technology

Truth says...

>> ^doogle:
What a kook.
If I wanted a zany view of the future, I will rent Back to the Future 2, 2010 Space Odyssey and the Jetsons.
If I wanted to hear a kook's view of the future, I'll get my uncle a bottle of JD. He is still shopping for a hard drive to download the whole Internet before he has enough space on his calculator-watch to store it all. Did I mention he wants to cyrogenically-freeze his head until they can cure whatever'll cut his life short from eternity?

You know, if I were you, I wouldn't bash a patenter of ~23 inventions, multi millionaire, successful futurologist, etc, etc...yes, he might sound a bit crazy, but if you really take time to think about what he says it really sounds very possible and the guy is super intelligent.

Alex North's unused title theme for "2001: A Space Odyssey"

2001: A Space Odyssey intro, The Dawn of Man

blankfist (Member Profile)

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