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ant (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your dedication to keeping VideoSift clear of dead videos has earned you your "Grim Reaper" Level 83 Badge!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

In just days after it was posted 91 mental health professionals have already signed the petition declaring that Trump is showing multiple signs of full blown advanced dementia, not just misstatements, not just the slurring, not just forgetting who is who and mixing up names and actions, but real, clinical, FULL BLOWN ADVANCED DEMENTIA.
This is not a “diagnosis”, but educated observations by trained professionals that would insist on full cognitive testing if he was their patient.
Trump claims he passed a cognitive test 4+ years ago but never proved it, let him take one on tv. Won’t happen.
Watch, he won’t debate Joe either, because he can’t and his full blown dementia would be in stark contrast to Joe being not just lucid but also knowledgeable.

Bonus- Habba and Robert are in HUGE trouble for not disclosing the perjury they suborned by using Wiesselberg’s false testimony and refused to respond to Engoron when he directly asked them about it. Weisselberg has now pleaded guilty to committing more perjury for Don Trump in this case, perjury which would have increased the award/fine had it been disclosed before the judgement was handed down. They are likely to be disbarred, possibly prosecuted, possibly even fined for the full amount they just stole from NY state by lying in court….hundreds of millions MORE. 😂

Now the prosecutors have every person in the Trump org who was involved in the illegal payoff of the pornstar Trump humped while Melania gave birth either itching to testify like Cohen or terrified they will die in Rikers island if they lie again like Wiesselberg (facing another 10 months already with more to come). Also David Pecker of the National Inquirer who will testify to the catch and kill program he ran of paying accusers for exclusive rights to their stories of being sexually abused by Trump then never running them (sounds a lot like that Hunter’s laptop story that you say was Biden cheating his way into the whitehouse, doesn’t it, except this isn’t a fraudulent bit of “evidence “ produced by Russians, it’s numerous American citizens with evidence…every accusation you make is an admission.). And multiple VPs and lower with knowledge of the illegal schemes. (All of these no longer have a job with Trump since he’s barred from his businesses now and the Trump org is defunked). He has until Thursday to post $83.5 million + interest (or Carroll starts selling buildings), and about 3 weeks for another $450 million+-. That criminal case starts in 3 weeks, right around the time Trump will default on his judgement to New York and what’s left of his properties will be seized. He can’t weasel his way out of all of them, no matter how many complicit judges he packed the courts with. His record in the courts has been abysmal so far.

Bonus - NEW perjury charges for felon Chesebro in Nevada after his secret Twitter and other accounts he claimed under oath didn’t exist and that completely contradict his self serving testimony in multiple criminal cases, and prove he was directly involved in what he knew was an illegal attempt to subvert democracy and use fake documents and electors to falsely install the election loser as the president were discovered.

Lemme guess…every single MAGGOT in the inner circle getting convicted of (usually pleading guilty) perjury (and many other felonies) for telling the same lies you believe in court doesn’t give you a single pause about Trump’s “best people”.

Wow…the abject failure of the “blacks for Trump” frauds this week are hilarious, from a “blacks for Trump” event where the only black people attending were the two on stage with Trump to the hilarious AI generated images of Trump hanging with black folks who have 3 arms and gibberish on their hats/shirts showing exactly how comfortable he is with real black people. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh no! Trump has filed a motion 25 days after judgement asking for a stay of execution because he doesn’t have the $83 million for Carrol, actually asking to be allowed to appeal without posting bond…due in 10 days +- or she can start seizing and selling his properties. It will be rejected, she’s going to get a building or two (remember, Trump said everyone is leaving NY, it’s a total shit show there just so crime ridden and businesses leaving in droves so the value of his properties there is near nothing, she might need three! 😂).
Only a few weeks later his >$460 million judgement to NY comes due. If he doesn’t have $83 million (and can’t get a bond because his assets are forfeited) where do you think he’ll get $460 million +? The Saudis? MAGA? Not daddy Putin, he’s broke. Rest assured the source of his bond, if he can get one, will be publicized and when it turns out to be a foreign nation he will have to register as a foreign agent.

PS- Mr “nobody can ramble like this” killed CPAC. 😂

This is you guy, this you’re pick?

OH SNAP! Chesebro was caught with a secret Twitter account he used to promote the fake elector strategy far more aggressively than he has admitted previously, it has back and forth text conversations and recordings explaining the scheme, clear that it wasn’t about Trump having won but about falsely calling Biden’s victory into question and having Republican legislatures overturn the election and install Trump despite his election loss. He specifically told investigators he had no such accounts…his plea deal likely just evaporated and he’s going away for decades…unless he makes a deal to be a fully cooperative witness. UH-OH! Wanna bet he ends up just like Epstein, the last Trump guy facing the rest of his life in prison who knows where the bodies are buried and is about to spill Trump’s dirty beans?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

W-W-W-W-Wrong again.

And again, Trump was found in a court of law to be a rapist, he was found to be guilty of raping Carrol, he beat the statute of limitations for criminal charges so wasn’t “convicted”, but he was found to have forcibly penetrated his victims vagina knowingly against her will, which in English is a rape…you can parse words to your heart’s content and it won’t change that fact….then there’s his wife who said he violently raped her until he bought her silence, or the 26 other women he raped who came forward at great cost and risk to themselves and their families…and those who didn’t because he paid or threatened them.

But the reason for this reply is to remind you…TRUMP SUED CLINTON FOR $70 MILLION OVER AN INSULT! His case had no merit so was tossed and he was sanctioned $1 million for filing frivolous lawsuits, but Trump said insulting him in 2016 was worth $70 million, that’s more than $83 million in 2024 dollars ($89,500,000 in fact).
😂 SUCKER! You just stick your head in shit every time without fail. Maybe try learning something instead of just regurgitating what some blowhard told you was true? 😂

Then there’s this….

Still waiting, little man. Did you look into testosterone injections. It might get them to finally drop.

bobknight33 said:

Trump was never convicted as a rapist.

No insult is worth 83 Million. 2 or 3 max

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Trump was never convicted as a rapist.

No insult is worth 83 Million. 2 or 3 max

newtboy said:

$83,300,000.00 MORE for Carrol…on top of the $5 million in escrow now awaiting his first appeal. LOSER!

Trump has to pay before he can appeal…you think he has it?

She could legitimately already have another case for what he’s said about her publicly during trial, let’s see if this is enough to shut him up. I doubt it, so get ready for more.

Being a douche bag rapist sure is expensive!

Edit: As a bonus, the financial monitor in his business fraud case has made her report, saying even under court monitoring his financial statements are either/or completely missing, incomplete, repeat with errors, and/or contradictory. Estimates for the judgement are topping $500,000,000.00, and complete divestment from his businesses/properties in New York. He doesn’t have it. Better make more donations.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

$83,300,000.00 MORE for Carrol…on top of the $5 million in escrow now awaiting his first appeal. LOSER!

Trump has to pay before he can appeal…you think he has it?

She could legitimately already have another case for what he’s said about her publicly during trial, let’s see if this is enough to shut him up. I doubt it, so get ready for more.

Being a douche bag rapist sure is expensive!

Edit: As a bonus, the financial monitor in his business fraud case has made her report, saying even under court monitoring his financial statements are either/or completely missing, incomplete, repeat with errors, and/or contradictory. Estimates for the judgement are topping $500,000,000.00, and complete divestment from his businesses/properties in New York. He doesn’t have it. Better make more donations.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

76 Republican staffer and long-term director of financial operations for Seattle Republicans Larry Corrigan pleaded guilty for attempted rape of a 13-year-old girl

77 Republican talk show host Scott Eller Cortelyou plead guilty on charges of using the Internet to try and lure a child into a sexual relationship with him

78 Republican constable Joshua Dickens sentenced to five years in prison for torture-related activities against a young woman.

79 Republican spokesman Brian Doyle arrested for trying to seduce a 14-year-old girl over the Internet. He was later sentenced to 5 years in prison

80 Republican campaign official and former Romney staffer Matthew Joseph Elliott convicted of sexual exploitation of a child Got a great deal, but really went astray, ending up murdering a child.

81 Republican party chair Donald Fleischman was charged with two counts of child enticement and one count of exposing himself to a child

82 Republican Michael Flory, former head of the Michigan Young American Foundation, raped a colleague at convention

83 Richard Gardner, a Nevada State Representative (R), admitted to molesting his two daughters and 34% of voters still voted for him. That 7 over the Keyes Constant!

84 George Roche III resigned as president of conservative Hillsdale College in Michigan after accusations of a quasi-incestuous relationship with his daughter-in-law, Lissa. This is an exception to my no adultery rule because yuck, his daughter-in-law. How could he do that to his son?

85 Bishop Paprocki is not a sexual predator, but he protects them. He protected and enabled pedophile priests. He engages in partisanship to order Democratic politicians be denied communion by all priests in his diocese, including Dick Durbin

86 Republican high-level Bush appointee Dr. David Hager sodomized his wife while she slept. She divorced him for it.

87 Republican sheriff Don Haidl used his office to try to smear the victim that was gang raped. The main perpetrator was Haidl’s son, who poisoned the victim. Sheriff Haidl claims that the girl deserved it because she was a "slut." The original story I linked is now 404, but here is another one.

88 Republican activist Neal Horsley admits to having had sex with a mule. Horsley also wants all homosexuals arrested and solicited murders of abortion providers on his Nuremberg files site.

89 Conservative Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston covered up thousands of instances of sexual molestation by fellow conservative members of the clergy.

90 Republican congressman Joseph McDade charged with exposing his genitalia to two women on a public beach

91 Republican delegate Robert McKee resigns after police seized two computers and videotapes from his home pertaining to child pornography

92 Republican blowhard TV personality Bill O’Reilly paid several million dollars to settle a sexual harassment suit with Andrea Mackris.

93 Republican mega-preacher Marshal Seymour arrested on charges of having sex with underage boys. Seymour had been jailed almost a decade earlier for similar charges in a different state

94 White supremacist National Vanguard leader Kevin Alfred Strom arrested and charged with child pornography

95 Daniel Dean Thompson founded a family-values film company that removed all the "bad parts" from films to make them family-friendly front for child porn, arrested for having sex with 14-year-old

96 Wharton prof & conservative consultant on media effects on children Lawrence Scott Ward had video of himself having sex with children. Sex tourist

97 Spokane Republican homophobic mayor Jim West recalled after evidence surfaced that he molested little boys

98 Focus on the Family's Steve Wilsey - molesting an 8-year-old boy

99 Republican Southern Baptist megachurch pastor Paul Williams faces charges of molesting his son

100 Chairman of the Young Republican National Federation, Glenn Murphy Jr., from Indiana was busted for assaulting another man. Not the first time it's happened.


Matthew Reilly, Cranston City council member and chairman of the Cranston Republican Party caught passed out in the drivers seat of his car after smoking crack. He had cocaine, fentanyl, and crack all over the open car where anyone including children could grab it.

Let me guess, your answer will be some random person’s tweet having nothing to do with republicans smoking crack and fucking children.

bobknight33 said:

debauchery The party of Democrats.

Tina Turner - The Best (Official Music Video)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


Oh you little egg sucker. I got a bitter pill for ya! - paraphrased from Greater Tuna

“This is all I found”….Oof….you really got me. Far righty media isn’t talking about their sweetheart’s blatant hypocrisy (nor her constant adulterous philandering while espousing “Christian family values”, repeatedly breaking her oath to god and her husband) so there must be no story, no hypocrisy. Derp. Even you aren’t that stupid, and that’s a really low bar friendo.

Explain how that’s any different from any drag show….try without making up nonsense like “all drag shows are about sex, this wasn’t”, neither was the drag show he was hyping. Neither are most drag shows. Some are literally Tupperware parties.

People who are really against something don’t happily indulge in and promote it on TV repeatedly. Most reporters didn’t report on Greater Tuna in drag, he did, by choice.

“Theater production”…of a drag show where two men play an entire town full of women, “Greater Tuna”, a Southern staple since the 80’s…I saw it in Texas by the original cast in about 83, I would have been 12-13….and it is an undeniable 100% comedy drag show.
He was so excited and happy to promote it.

Did you watch it? How much he loved it, so full of glee, so happily advertising an old Southern drag show that Southerners actually revere, “I’m kicking the shoes off. I may keep the pantyhose on. It does feel kind of good, actually,” . He was in heaven.
What about the fact that he was so happily supporting a drag show on tv while in drag himself and cooing about how great it was? *nothing

What about the other videos of other times he was so happy being in drag. It wasn’t a one time thing. He’s a far right white Ru Paul. 😂

Hilarious brainless hypocrite. He repeatedly goes on broadcast tv into homes unannounced pushing the trans lifestyle and you see nothing….because he’s cheating with Manly Traitor Greene? I thought you hated public homosexual relationships. Not her first time cuckolding her “husband” either (but maybe the last, he filed for divorce over this one)…more “family values” from the right. Yeah….that changes everything and suddenly his multiple publicly broadcast drag performances are nothing but any other is “grooming”.

Such hypocritical insanity bob. You pretzel yourself into these impossible positions because you don’t really have a position besides “blue=bad, red=good. Period”. It’s so infantile and makes you a laughing stock.

4:09 since you need your nose rubbed in it again. Look how happy being in a dress and wig makes him every time!

There’s your confirmation, looks exceptionally proud on both videos too, beaming.

So I reiterate- Botched sex reassignment surgery victim Manly Traitor Greene and her newest adulterous tryst are now 100% pro drag show as long as it’s a Republican man in the dress and makeup. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Ok dumb dick

Show it
" boyfriend is a confirmed and proud drag queen."

This is all I found.

dressed in drag for morning news in Dallas years ago reporting on an upcoming local theatre production.

CHP Officer not happy when you go 90 mph

newtboy says...

I sure am. Spent between 83 and 96 in the bay. So glad to be out of that now.

73 Charger….nice. A good friend spent all high school and then some building one of those, massive motor with blower, spool in back, etc. It was gorgeous and mean. I think he wanted to street race it, but the first day he ever drove it the rear end went around the front on an off ramp and he stuffed it into a freeway column totaling it. Tragedy.

I followed suit with my legend, fishtailing head on into a K rail at 60 in the rain….but I drove it for almost a decade first. Now I drive my mom’s old Acura TSX much more responsibly too.

Getting old REALLY sucks when you break yourself while you’re young! Oof!

StukaFox said:

It looks like we're all Bay Area refugees!

My Camaro was a shark-nose '97.

For classics, I owned a '73 Charger SE and I loved me the hell out of that car, too. It was the size of an aircraft carrier and the engine compartment was bigger than my condo. The scariest thing about that car was how easily the back end would come around in a sharp turn. The first rains of the year were a horror show when the pavement was like oiled glass. "Am I gonna beat that red? Gun it! ... uh-oh."

Now I drive a Mazda 3 and responsibly. Getting old sucks.

w1ndex (Member Profile)

Never Gonna Let You Go

BSR (Member Profile)

C-note (Member Profile)

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C-note (Member Profile)

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