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GOP Freak Out About DC Statehood and the Green New Deal

noims says...

To be fair, if the republicans were trying to add a very red 51st state there'd be outrage from the democrats. There are arguments for and against, but this is being done now as a power grab.

However, this is hardly the first low blow to be struck. Dirty tricks like this have been escalating fast - mostly from the right, from what I've seen - and in this arena if only one side is fighting dirty they're going to win. On top of that, the two-party system means neither side has a vested interest in getting a referee in to make things fair since that could open the door to other competitors.

This is just another sign that American politics could really do with a reboot, or at least (as we say over here) a boot up the arse.

Nationalist Geographic

cloudballoon says...

Isn't it ironic that the greatest country of FREEDOM!!!!!! in the world essentially got a binary system? Either the GOP or the Dem (the rest are more of a protest parties). That's just a tiny bit better than the Chinese's one party system.

The relatively painless solution is to create conditions to make 3-4 mainstream parties a reality. With kingmakers in the mostly centrist positions adapting populists policies that fit the IRL problems of the day instead of ideological lines of the hardline left/right.

Simply put: coalition government.

vil said:

Look for better ways to pick a leader? Find ways to adapt their party policies to suit the day and age? Find actual goals for society to promote instead of just being conservative or ayn rand for the sake of it (or rather for the sake of their own pockets)? Make the rest of the party admit that old, sick, poor and/or non-white people are not expendable. America can be great if you pick the right things to be great at. Not just gloating and bad golf.

Its not impossible. There has to be a liberal, small government movement to counter all those "letter people" who only have demands. It has to come from the bottom and will take a long time.

Bill Maher - Dan Savage

criticalthud says...

to be fair, every president finds out change is a lot harder than they think it will be, given the stranglehold of a 2 party system.

here's a thought:
Rename the Green Party the "Conservative Party"
#1 it's true, and it disarms the opposition while empowering a 3rd party, which is something that would be quite helpful to push change through.
#2 Politics is basically a war of semanitcs. Win the war on semantics, win the war.

Plenty o' folk will vote Conservative, just cause of the word.
Once there is a viable 3rd party, then change will be a reality.

Mordhaus said:

True, it seems it is pretty hard to get someone who talks change but still walks the walk once they get in office.

Aftermath November 2016

Stormsinger says...

No...I do not accept that voting for overtly racist bigot was an acceptable thing to do, no matter how disillusioned you are. I fully understand being totally pissed off at our system, I -am- one of those. But shitting in your bed is still an asinine thing to do, and I'll call a spade a fucking shovel every time.

I feel for liberals, we don't -have- a liberal party any more. We have a corporate right-wing party, and a corporate whack-job party. Those of us who understand how the world works have nowhere to go in the establishment parties. So leave the establishment parties. Throwing a tantrum and voting for one of them only proves they were right in thinking they could get away with it.

In truth, the establishment felt Trump was a lesser threat to the rich than Sanders was, that's why we had the choice we had forced upon us. Had more folks had the courage of their convictions, we -could- have seen the first third-party president, or at least enough support that there was some hope to see a change in one of the two parties. we'll see the same thing next time, and the time after that, and over and over.

Sanders was an outstanding chance to break the two-party system. No other candidate out there has the decades of reputation he has built, and there won't be another for at least 15-20 years. And power will continue to accrue to the corporate world for those two decades, it'll never be this possible again in my lifetime.

enoch said:


i can agree with the intent of your comment but i think it ignores a far greater,and possibly more dangerous facet of this current election cycle.

when the DNC began it's political play to nudge sanders out,and was changing the rules of application to keep laurence lessig off the became obvious (to me anyways) that clinton was tagged for the run,and the DNC was attempting to steal sanders thunder,which was shockingly impressive,and redirect it to boost clinton.

but the DNC had failed to successfully execute this plan because they didn't understand the true nature of those sanders their plan backfired.

the RNC did almost the EXACT same thing with trump.they hated the man,wanted nothing to do with him,but they saw how powerful his campaign was picking up steam and they attempted to play the long con.for a year they allowed trump to do and say whatever he wanted,with little rebuttal or regard.they watched as trump got bigger,and bolder,and more brash.they watched his numbers climb consistently..and they waited.and after a year,they attempted to step in and steal trumps thunder by offering a more "reasonable" candidate.

ok ok...enough with the trump.
you want cruz?...nope.
how about ben carson? he is a sweet guy and BLACK....nope.
marco rubio?he is spanish with immigrant parents...nope
john kasich?...nope

because the RNC didn't get it either.they too,attempted to steal trumps thunder and their plan backfired.

liberals didnt get it.
conservatives didnt get it.
corporate media didnt get it.
political pundits,who get PAID to get it,didnt get it.
pollsters didnt get it.
suzy mcprettyface who reads the teleprompter didnt get it.

but the americans who lived in those dead midwestern towns got it.they may not understand neoliberalism,but they could see the effects by the boarded up stores,closed banks and the only jobs to have were the night shift at the one fast food joint left in the entire town.

these are the very same people who may not fully comprehend what the bank bailouts meant,or how austerity affected them,but they understood that the biggest industry in their town was no longer coal,or steel,or fishing but production of meth.they saw small shops close and crumble under the weight of a walmart superstore,and chains of pill mills.

they watched as construction jobs dried up,and private prisons expanded.there are some towns in texas and florida that literally survive on the incarceration of other they may not have fully understood that the "war on drugs" is actually a war on people,but they certainly could see the after-effects.

and these people were being told..everyday..that the economy was doing great.
that unemployment was at an all time low.
that the american dream was still attainable.
and at the very same time they were also being told that if you were on food stamps you were a loser,and a leech.
that if you lost your home it was YOUR fault.
that if you couldnt find a job you were lazy.
and if you DID happen to find a job,but it paid minimum,well then you should have gone to college or made better choices.

and since when did it become a virtue to exploit the hopeless and the desperate? to take advantage of someones misfortune and pay them pennies to do a job,but god forbid someone actually demands what they feel they are worth,because then you are accused of being a rip off artist!

when did THIS tactic become and american ideology?

and that really is the core nugget of this tale.
the ideology of america.
the amercian dream.
it was dead,and those people finally got it.
and there is NOTHING more fanatical or zealous than a defeated idealist.

so you can judge them for voting trump,but i think we should also understand WHY they voted for trump.

chris hedges wrote a truthdig piece that is far more eloquent and illuminating than anything i could ever put to paper.

Noam Chomsky on Trump and neo fascist similarities

shagen454 says...

I find it... grotesque, that many of the "disenfranchised" men voted for Trump, even though he is only going to line the pockets of the few. That is what Trump does, he is only in this for himself and/or people like him; he is a cult of personality & a greedy businessman completely disconnected from reality. How he actually connected with such a vast ocean of morons is mind-blowing - 1) Fuck the two party system 2) Fuck the Electoral College.

I like that Chomsky points out that these people don't like being talked down to. But, if they would have opened their fucking ears - they would have heard Sanders talking about the MIDDLE CLASS, over and over and over again. Sanders actually wanted to do something for the majority ---- along with these IDIOTS --- that voted in Trump. Whom, yes, is going to get them temporary coal jobs and natural gas jobs...

Is that what they really want? Some shitty job that will ruin the environment so badly that their children will be living in a glass bubble with Amazon teleporting breakfast, lunch & dinner as they look out across black skies, thinking the images of the world they see on Google are a fantasy?

Who do you blame for the election results? (User Poll by newtboy)

Jinx says...

I dunno if it is right to blame liberals when a campaign uses fear and hate to the degree Trump did. The Dems failed to address it, but it was not they alone that set the fires, and it certainly wasn't the left fanning them. How do you address bigotry? Must we forever defend the foundations of equality from this...rot?

Trump demonstrated a complete disdain for the truth. The media failed to call him on it - fucking fallacy of the middle-ground bullshit. But then idk if that would have made a difference. Sad that really.

Two party system doesn't help. I think this increasing polarisation is partly due to that, partly due, ironically, to the internet. It was meant to connect us to everybody! In reality it only really connects us to the people we agree with. I also think it is interesting how different cities and the country votes. Its the same deal here in the UK. London is like a different country, culturally and politically, to the rest of England. I imagine the big cities in America have a similar disconnect from the country around them.

I hope this will be a lesson. But I already begin to doubt it. Clinton blaming her loss on the email revelations. Lady, maybe don't have so many skeletons hiding away eh? I know you didn't do anything illegal, but nor did your Husband and he still lost the White House because of it.


I think I'd like to change my vote to "no one - the election was fair". Toute nation a le gouvernement qu'elle merite.

We Didn't Listen

Baristan says...

It's nice that all of the 8 year old jokes are relevant again now that we have an orange president.

One side is always hurt. Another effect of having a two party system that fosters opposition and division to the point of hate. End it or Trump vs Clinton will happen again and again. Demand ranked choice voting, or plan on your side fearing 'the end of the world' every few years.

IMPORTANT - Save The Day

notarobot jokingly says...

This November, choose the flavor shit sandwich you think will be the easiest to swallow. Don't worry, they're both terrible, just differently terrible. If your shocked that someone prefers a different shit sandwich than you, don't worry, they just prefer to choke down their shit with different seasoning, and besides, they're eating shit too. It's a two party system, and shit's all that's on the menu.

But seriously, actually do go vote there's probably other things on the ballot, and you can write in Sanders, or Cthulu in the shit sandwich box... if you want to....

Lawrence Lessig: Why Are There Only Shit Sandwiches On The Menu?

I'm Not Scared of Donald Trump

Baristan says...

Perpetually being punched in the face is not a solution.

Buying into the false dilemma keeps us in a two party system.

Break my arm. Even the "worst case scenario", Trump winning due to a third party, would be good motivation for Democrats to support a new election system.

Neither party will allow a non "first past the post" system while they have no third party competition. The first and only time I've heard politicians consider adopting an alternative voting systems was when Ross Perot polled high enough to tank the Republican candidate if he ran.

Hillary Clinton Accepts Democratic Nom to 1/2 Empty Arena

Fairbs says...

I've a number of thoughts here...
1. There's never a perfect candidate so you're always picking the least sucky at some level.
2. I voted for Bernie in the primaries and he's been able to pull Hillary far to the left in her words. Assuming she gets elected, we'll see what her actions bring.
3. I live in a state that is safely Democrat, but with trump I don't want to take any chances and he should be overwhelmingly defeated so people like him knows those ideas are rejected and also the rest of the world knows we reject those ideas.
4. If the other candidate sucks more (IMHO) and gets elected that's tolerable, but I'm pretty fearful of what would happen if trump is elected. Or in other words, he's a special case that isn't just the other person is suckier.
5. I agree with your thought in general, but picking alternative party candidates is the equivalent of voting for the person that's least like what you prefer when you have a two dominant party system. If the U.S. had say 6 or 7 parties, I think we'd be better off.

newtboy said:

'That guy over there sucks worse than I do' is in no way a reason to vote for someone, or even an endorsement, especially when you have other choices.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns, Sanders Fans React

newtboy says...

The president also has the power to sink us if his party is in control of congress and goes along with any stupid thing he does, and so does the Supreme Court (which will essentially belong to whoever is the next president).
If Clinton only worked within a broken system, she might be forgiven, but she doesn't. This latest DNC collusion fiasco is just the latest shining example of how she and her team flagrantly disregards the rules if they aren't convenient for her. She just gave Shultz a nice position in her campaign and you can bet she'll have a cabinet position if Clinton wins for blatantly rigging the primary for her, which is not the action of someone who values ethics.
Yes, the system needs to be reformed, but by someone that believes that rules and laws apply to everyone including them, not someone who's an expert at slipping through loopholes and skirting the rules if not breaking them outright then lying about it....which is either major party candidate.
IMO, Clinton is the fairly competent but corrupt one, Trump is fairly incompetent and corrupt and pathological and racist and narcissistic and just a terrible human being. I'm not certain which is more dangerous, because I can't tell what either of them will actually do in any situation beyond whatever appears to benefit them most at the time.

I, for one, am glad we don't have a two party system and I have other choices. I will only vote for someone I want to be president, and refuse to cast a vote against someone. That's what has us in this mess.

John Oliver: Primaries and Caucuses

Progressive Dems To Clinton: This Race isn't Over

Baristan says...

This is why we are it the predicament we are in today.

If people keep voting for someone who does not share their values just to stop someone who is a bit worse from getting elected this cycle will continue forever. "Spoilers" and "lesser of two evils" are tactics that keep people voting against their best interests.

If you vote for Hillary or Trump just because you think the other is worse, you are voting for a local maximum, and will be stuck with the rigged two party system forever.

Voting your conscience and losing to Trump is far better!!! Eventually a third party can form and whittle away at the two sided party. They can change their positions to stay in power or die off. Either way it gives us the ability to choose what topics being addressed, unlike the current system where year after year we are pitted against each other on the same topics which those in control have little interest in. Wallmart, Comcast et all have little interest in abortion gun control, or gay rights.

BREAK the fucking system. Do not vote for her to prevent Trump. It insures the continuation of the current system. Your voice will forever be inconsequential.

"Voting for the lesser of two evils only paves the way for the greater."

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Vote idealistically if you want– me, I'll be holding my nose trying to fend off the apocalypse.

Bernie Sanders Tells Independent: 'You Have a Right to vote"

ChaosEngine says...

Just to play devils advocate, he has a right to vote... in the general election.

If you want to participate in a parties nomination process, it seems reasonable that you're a member of that party.

Of course, this is all ignoring how completely fucked the two party system (and by extension the entire democratic process) is in the US.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren to Republicans: Do Your Job

noims says...

Unfortunately the democratic party also has a vested interest in keeping the two-party system, so I doubt they'll be getting rid of anything significant. The party itself has demonstrated this by its treatment of candidates like Lessig and Sanders.

The pendulum will always swing away from the governing party eventually, and that means it will always swing back to the republicans. The best you can hope for is that it would be a significantly changed republican party, as has happened in the past while (albeit in the 'wrong' direction, from my point of view).

newtboy said:

Yes, clearly by refusing to even consider nominees, they have stated that they won't fulfil the clearly delineated constitutional duty of giving "advice and consent".
"Fuck you darkie" is not advice or consent.
Let's just hope that if they stick to their guns and do hold the nomination process (and therefore the Supreme Court's ability to function) hostage that the end result is a democratic super majority in the house and senate on top of the presidency, and at least 2 supreme court positions to fill in the next 4 years (maybe more).
If that happens, and IF (and it's a big "if") they manage to get rid of gerrymandering, citizens united, and targeted voter blocking 'regulations', we'll never have to hear about the republicans again outside history classes, because without rigging the system they can't win anywhere.

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