Beware of those night creatures called invisible walls.
posted by theneb 1 decade 7 years 2 months 3 weeks ago • 2,001 viewsinvisibility is possible
Updated: 4 years 5 months 1 week ago
Views: 692
a playlist inspired by 'invisible walls ...', and the related videos that produced, at the bottom of that page.
These guys play tug of war across the street using an invisible rope to see how drivers would react. Pretty simple yet funny and creative gag!
posted by Zifnab
Classic made for TV movie based on The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien. I remember watching this as a kid with my dad. Thanks Thylan for the proper embed code!
posted by Hive13
ralph gets red super pyjamas from aliens, but lost the user manual. the part that robert culp was born to play. so, ehh, what's the scenario here, ralphyboy... :D
posted by my15minutes
Interesting little story from CBS News. This was reported in 2002. The article is still available, here. "$2.3 trillion — that's $8,000 for every man, woman and child in America. To understand... continue reading
posted by Fedquip
Clips from a BBC documentary explaining the arguments from the 1920's until now as to whether electrons are particles, waves or both. It outlines Einstein's distaste at Heisenberg's uncertainty principle... continue reading
posted by Majortomyorke

Now it's all over they are allowed to tell you about it. Normal Discovery Channel style with nice pictures and a good storyline. Title: "Steath Secrets" part 2: ... continue reading
posted by MINK
as stumbled upon:
posted by my15minutes

Cloaking devices: they’re not just for Harry Potter or Romulan warships anymore. Researchers at the University of Rochester are publicizing their construction of an invisibility-inducing array, and... continue reading
posted by newtboy
Famed physicist Dr. Michio Kaku discusses revolutionary research and experiments that could make this futuristic tech a reality.
posted by eric3579
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