guns, guns, guns
Updated: 7 years 11 months 1 week ago
Views: 850

YT description: Bullet capture device that catches a live bullet fired from a gun. It works like an air bag for a bullet, knocking the suspect down delivering an immense amount pain while lessening the... continue reading
posted by newtboy
everything about gunshot wounds
posted by Kulpims T'dna
Ryan Duffy goes to Columbia to meet Steven Seagal's personal tailor, Miguel Caballero [also known as the Armoured Armani].
posted by PlayhousePals
Pre 68 amnesty registered breach ring. Civilian legal full auto artillery piece. 1938 manufacture red, 1960s joystick factory upgrade. Full set off factory tooling. Full set of reloading tools and components ... continue reading
posted by Chimeling 1 decade 3 years 9 months 3 weeks ago • 7,737 views • 3:27An amiable Russian dude fires at water jugs point-blank with bullets of varying caliber in order to show the level of damage each one causes.
posted by eric3579
An all-time favorite video of mine that I was surprised to not find on the Sift.
posted by tedbater
CheyTac papers state that the entire system is capable of delivering sub-MOA accuracy at ranges of up to 2500 yards (2286 m), one of the longest ranges of all modern-day sniper rifles. -YT
posted by cybrbeast
Duration 8 minutes 32 seconds. This guy's shooting is scarily accurate.
posted by Deano
Todd Jarrett, international target shooting champion, says that most military and law-enforcement trainers are 20 years out of date in the techniques they teach.
posted by arvana
Slow, slower, slowest.
posted by thegrimsleeper
Are video games ruining today's youths? Or are today's youths ruining video games? Part 2 = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZ7comwLPFY Part 3 = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLBx9XOhsm8
posted by mizila
Holy mackerel!
posted by rasch187
Dragon Skin ballistic testing with multiple impacts and multiple calibers. 120 shots, 0 penetration.
posted by Farhad2000
...and this is why I carry with hollow-tip rounds. 'Nuff said.
posted by Morganth
I want a bullet proof trapper keeper.
posted by ponceleon
I dont care if it dies in queue but I LOL at the point blank cabbage of doom. I was researching a home defense shotgun when I found this.
posted by deathcow
More cool slow-mo stuff I found on YT.
posted by Duckman33