Bombing Iran: The Real Cut and Run
Updated: 1 decade 2 years 9 months 2 weeks ago
Views: 11,388
USA is building up to bombing Iran. This terrible policy should be understood by the public. Set us up the bomb.

The US intelligence community has taken a u-turn with it's new NIE report on Iran, cloncluding with “high confidence” that “in fall 2003,Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program.” "The report... continue reading
posted by Farhad2000
A new National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) concludes with "high confidence" that in "fall 2003, Tehran halted it's nuclear weapons program". Bush's response to the NIE http://www.videosift.com/video/Bush-tries-to-rec... continue reading
posted by Farhad2000
From YouTube video description: "Are you an Iran war hawk dismayed by the recent National Intelligence Estimate revealing that Iran shut down its nuclear weapons program in 2003? Don't be sad. Now you... continue reading
posted by kronosposeidon
The collection was supposed to be a gift to the Iranian people. It was assembled by the Shah of Iran and his wife using public funds during the oil boom of the 1970s. Tehran's Museum of Contemporary Art... continue reading
posted by critttter
George Galloway blasts a caller about 'strategic strikes' on Iran. The best part is at the end...
posted by 8727 1 decade 7 years 3 months 1 week ago • 3,725 viewsWhile in Iraq with Sen. Lieberman, McCain told reporters that it was "common knowledge" that Iran (a Shi'ite nation) is training al-Qaeda (fundamentalist Sunnis that have no love for Shi'ites). Lieberman... continue reading
posted by CaptWillard

I get the chills when I hear that laugh. Makes me shudder.
posted by deedub81

Aijaz Ahmad: U.S. may become further isolated in the Arab region. http://www.therealnews.com/ http://youtube.com/profile_videos?user=TheRealNews
posted by cybrbeast

Another one of those 'Robert Greenwald's Brave New Films' video shorts. This one features the musical stylings of Senator John McCain and some fun foreign policy highlights.
posted by LeadingZero 1 decade 7 years 2 weeks ago • 3,024 viewsHillary Clinton at Democratic debate April 16, 2008, MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann April 21, 2008 and ABC's Good Morning America, April 22, 2008. source: milkandcookies.com
posted by Kulpims T'dna

From the British comedy series 'Not the Nine O'Clock News' (1980). With Rowan Atkinson, Pamela Stephenson, Mel Smith and Griff Rhys Jones.
posted by mintbbb

During this segment on world affairs Rosie O'Donnell speaks out about how the U.S. Mainstream Media(ABC,NBC,CBS,FOX) is propaganda, hiding the truth from the American people, and that people need to go... continue reading
posted by LadyBug
FEMA plans on suspension of the US constitution exposed during Iran contra hearings. Oliver North is questioned by Jack Brooks.
posted by Constitutional_Patriot