Save America..
Updated: 1 decade 6 years 5 months ago
Views: 1,843
America hijacked, Ron Paul 2008
i set the order on this list, recommended to start at end and work back

Apologize to the World Mr. Wallace and Return that Emmy President Ahmadinejad Calls for Democracy, Free and Fair Elections and a Durable Peace.
posted by dead_tofu
"There's no question John McCain is getting a free ride from the mainstream press. But with the power of YouTube and the blogosphere, we can provide an accurate portrayal of the so-called Maverick. We... continue reading
posted by uhohzombies
The only thing that really matters is Corporate Profit. This drug price is very high at around $1000. I suppose Bayer needs to collect as much cash as they can before the patient dies. It would be nice... continue reading
posted by CaveBear
posted by Constitutional_Patriot
Oh, those bad soldiers were an exception? Most of the soldiers are very caring and thoughtful? Well: YOUR NATION elected your president, YOUR NATION decided to keep and follow him, YOUR NATION sent the... continue reading
posted by Trancecoach
A video recording of a US border patrol "inspection." Our camera man knows his rights, you should probably take notes.
posted by James Roe
May 08, 2008 C-SPAN Congress Morning Speeches
posted by Constitutional_Patriot
i´m not american, but this almost brings out tears. it´s sad to see how the only candidate left that speaks the truth is being treated.
posted by dead_tofu

Congressman Ron Paul in the GOP presidential debate held in South Carolina (May '07).
posted by eric3579
This is a recent video that comes from a FOX affiliate in Omaha, NE, and they report on how Ron Paul supporters are rightfully outraged by how FOX News and the New Hampshire GOP have excluded Ron Paul... continue reading
posted by kronosposeidon

I get the chills when I hear that laugh. Makes me shudder.
posted by deedub81
Hit piece by Neil Cavuto of Fox News against Ron Paul. Ron Paul completely dominates the conversation and owns Cavuto.[youtube desc]
posted by Grimm
Dr. Ron Paul has raised $6 Million Dollars in campaign contributions in a single day. Over 25,000 first-time contributors donated their money to support Dr. Paul. It's refreshing that he is getting so... continue reading
posted by CaveBear
This is impressive. Europe is joining the Tea Party! Awesome! From Y/T: "On December 16th, international Ron Paul Supporters gathered together to celebrate a Teaparty in front of the Parliament of Europe. ... continue reading
posted by blankfist
Lou Dobbs shows how easy it is to steal an election.
posted by Zifnab
I thought he had scratched his plans on doing this but I guess I was wrong. Part one of a series
posted by theaceofclubz