Surreal sift
Updated: 1 decade 5 years 7 months 3 weeks ago
Views: 1,849
OK, some videos are strange, others are beyond strange. Videos that go beyond the point of just being interesting, to where you ask yourself WHY?
Inspired by the Sand Castle Explosions in Reverse video. That video and "Mannequins on Skateboards" are some kind of pinnacle of the internet.

It's this one, here it is... the Supermodel Meat Song (WTF?) Gorgeous girls in swimsuits + Lyrics: hamburgers x 9, Potato salad x 7, Watermelon, hamburgers x 10, Potato salad x 7, Watermelon, then... continue reading
posted by doogle
food pr0n? or maybe just food tease?
posted by smibbo
You don't get an explanation. You only get to watch the video and wonder.
posted by blankfist
I didn't know choggie made movies.
posted by blankfist
Nokia claims that this is the weirdest clip ever made. It's pretty weird.
posted by therealblankman
Whatever you do, don't let this guy hear Devo.
posted by dystopianfuturetoday
posted by Norsuelefantti
No. It cannot.
posted by lesserfool