Surreal sift
Updated: 1 decade 5 years 7 months 3 weeks ago
Views: 1,849
OK, some videos are strange, others are beyond strange. Videos that go beyond the point of just being interesting, to where you ask yourself WHY?
Inspired by the Sand Castle Explosions in Reverse video. That video and "Mannequins on Skateboards" are some kind of pinnacle of the internet.

Must be a fake. Very convincing though!
posted by eskimoboi 1 decade 7 years 10 months 1 week ago • 2,580 viewsI have no idea what this is about, I had mute on and went by the still frame!
posted by joedirt
I honestly can't think of a description that does this even a modicum of justice. What did I just see...????
posted by djsunkid
First there was "Snakes on a plane", now there is "Chicken on a Slide"
posted by sometimes
Judo could be anything, including guns.
posted by plastiquemonkey

go ahead and get your downvote ready ant. :P
posted by grspec
"Michael Ottosson from Sweden managed to snap a total of 70 bananas cleanly in half with his hands in one minute on the set of Guinness World Records in Stockholm, Sweden on 24 November 2001." --http://www.neatorama.com/... continue reading
posted by ant
Remember, poison sockets are full of poison. from the Peter Serafinowicz show.
posted by plastiquemonkey

I have no explanation for this. It scares me, but like an auto-wreck, I can't look away. Enjoy. dancing peacocks with boobs, busty octopus girl squeezing oranges, bear-with-loincloth, pole-dancing deer,... continue reading
posted by sometimes
Yep. 11 seconds of a dog humping a cat. And then there's this dog mouth raping a cat: http://www.break.com/index/dog_humps_cats_head.html.
posted by blankfist
Many of these are brilliant and hilarious.
posted by arvana
During a 4X race a rider takes a fall but his bike decides to finish without him. Talk about ghost riding the whip.
posted by eric3579
Out in Morocco between Marrakech and Esouria, goats eating in a Argan tree. It seems goats are attracted to the berries of Argan trees in Morocco. Argan tree branches are generally a bit of reach for... continue reading
posted by michie
Charlie's friends return to bring him on another magical adventure!
posted by fissionchips