Created: 1 decade 4 years 6 months 1 week ago
Updated: 9 years 4 months ago
Views: 1,428

The Economy isn't going to recover. The government knows this and is getting ready, but in ways that are very disturbing. One of the massive purchase orders for hollow points and buckshot: continue reading

posted by enoch 1 decade 1 year 8 months 3 weeks ago • 662 views • 9:02

What does it mean, to awaken? A short movie narrated by Alan Watts... "So then, here's the drama. My metaphysics, let me be perfectly frank with you, are that there is the central Self, you could call... continue reading

posted by Trancecoach 1 decade 3 years 5 months 3 weeks ago • 2,972 views • 7:51

from y/t: Planet X Nibiru and the Fallen angels, Nephilim (those who came down from the sky), anunnaky royal blood lines, Atlantis, Mayan calander 2012, Ancient sumer sumerian tablet text bible biblical... continue reading

posted by enoch 1 decade 3 years 9 months 1 week ago • 1,947 views • 9:03

from y/t: There are many amazing mystical and mythological mysteries connected to Ancient Mystery Schools, the Illumaniti, the New World Order and the US Founding Fathers chose these symbols to represent... continue reading

posted by enoch 1 decade 3 years 9 months 2 weeks ago • 2,470 views • 49:25

Terence McKenna was an amazing storyteller. He infused comedy, stark realizations, romanticized psychedelic drug use, was very zany but always spoke with urgency, a certain degree of truth and amazing... continue reading

posted by shagen454 1 decade 4 years 1 month ago • 1,679 views

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